Another Deception (13 page)

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Authors: Pamela Carron

BOOK: Another Deception
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ranford knocked on Honey’s door and Dwight said, not too loudly,

“Come in.”

     Seeing who it was, he got up and pulled a chair closer for him.

“How is she?”

“Out of it mostly, but every once in a while she opens her eyes and looks directly at me and tries to say something but her voice does not work well at all. She does not last long awake and that is a good thing for I have not the heart to tell her anything. I really do not believe she could stand any more excitement at this point.”

     Cranford nodded his head as Dwight continued.

“The doctor came in and said it is looking better for her. The internal bleeding has stopped and if they can keep infection out, she will make it fine but they had to remove the spleen and something else, I just cannot remember what, but nothing she cannot live
. This whole thing is so unreal! Have you heard anything else on the car responsible?”

     Shaking his head, Cranford replied,

“We are still investigating. I will be sure to keep you updated on that.”

     He could not divulge what he knew about his suspicions though he wished he could.

“I’m going to run now. I wanted you to know that there is a guard posted at Jacks’ door for the night. Charlie. You are on the list of people allowed in, just so you know you can go back in if you want. I will be back up here first thing in the morning, hopefully to talk to Jacks. Right now, I am going to see Anna again and if we are lucky she may shed some light on this break in at Sang-mi’s.”

“Sure hope that pans out. I will probably hang out in the waiting room and try to catch a nap. I want to be where I can get to either of the two quickly if needed through the night.”

     They both stood and shook hands. Cranford left and Dwight sat back down for a last prayer before going out.

     In the shadows of the room there was Ragas, who also bowed his head and interjected his own request that his charge come through yet another attempt on her flesh life. Jacks and Honey had walked into a zone filled with the enemy and higher authority held Ragas back, so that neither he nor the other two angels with him could do anything to help them. It was what was to be, so they had to stand back and watch. He knew that though this was a terrible thing for them to go through, it would work to the better good in the end.

    Cranford apologized for the lateness when he arrived at Anna’s door but she insisted that she stayed up late. He was there for a while, going over and over things, hoping Anna would remember something helpful.


    Exasperated, he finally said goodnight to her and left unsatisfied, for his
feeling told him that there had to have been something she could remember if she tried hard enough.

     Slamming his car door in his frustration, he never noticed the car parked directly across the way with someone who was very interested in him, sitting inside it. He went home and took a sleep aid to help him fall asleep, hoping to wake up to a more productive day. 

     Meanwhile, Frank dressed in dark clothing, was hiding behind a dumpster in an ally no one with good sense would be in after dark.
Not unless they were more dangerous than the many criminals who haunted them during the darkest hours of the night.

     If his information
right, the man he waited for would exit the building across from him within the hour. He felt anticipation course through his body as he hunched low like a lion waiting for its prey. The exhilaration of what he was about to do was better than any street drug for he was high on the feeling of one more scum of the Earth about to be no more. He felt no guilt whatsoever, as he heard the squeaking of a door open and watching a lone figure slip through it, just at the right time pounced on the unsuspecting man and slit his throat. He enjoyed standing over him watching until he bled to his death. Blood gurgled up through his mouth and nose, as his sound of terror went unheard.

“Good riddance you spawn of the devil.”

     He spat out before leaving and thought,
three down but so many more to go!

     Uncannily, he then disappeared into the darkness, blending in as part of it until it swallowed him.

     The next day the TV news was full of the murder of a most prominent and prestigious figure and Frank watched as people mourned the man and praised his works. However, they did not know what he was doing or question why he
was found
in such a disreputable part of the city. Had they known, they may have felt differently. When it showed the wife and two small children, he turned it off. Just thinking of him having kids made him want to throw up.

     So let them give him all the honors they want, it will not bring him back and there is a lot more will be joining him very soon! 

     He took a paper from his pocket and marking the through the name of the man in the ally, he replaced it and finished getting ready to go to the office. If he was in an exceptional mood, no one questioned him as to why.





























ean tossed and turned all night, waking the next morning feeling tired and drained. She was not only agitated, she felt like there was a bomb about to explode inside her. After she was dressed for the day, she decided to face
about her visit. There was no way she could let her think there could ever be something other than friendship between her and Hidey. She had to be wrong. She was not the woman in her dream and this had to be set right.

    It was a bright day, filled with sunshine with a gentle wind stirring the leaves on the trees as she pulled into the drive and got out of her vehicle.

     Facing the large older home surrounded with blooming bushes and trees with nervous anticipation, she said a prayer for help before approaching the door and knocking.
opened the door and smiling broadly, invited her in.

“Hello, I sort of figured you’d be coming by. Hidey is out this morning so we have the place to ourselves. Come on in, I have a pot of coffee, just made …or do you want something else?”

Jean managed a slight smile.

“Coffee is fine.”

     She allowed
to lead the way into her cozy kitchen and accepted the seat at the table while the older woman proceeded to busy herself with setting out two cups. Not wanting to wait she plunged into the reason she was there.

“About your visit yesterday, Ms
, I want to thank you for wanting me to be the person you dreamed about. But, I also want you to understand this would be impossible.”

continued what she was doing without a response until the cups were filled with the hot brew, and handing Jean
, she sat down with hers.

“I guess it is only fair that I listen to you, after all, you were kind enough to hear me out yesterday.”

“First, I want you to know that even the short time I have known Hidey, I think he is a wonderful person and he is going to make someone a very happy woman someday. It is just not going to be me. I have my life just as I want it. I do not intend to fall in love with Hidey or anyone else and changing anything about it. I am sorry if that upsets you.”

waited for her to finish before asking,

“Not even if it is God’s will for that change?”

felt a sudden rush of compassion for Jean, realizing that fear was driving her to isolate herself from true happiness. She put her hand over Jean’s and apologized.

“I am sorry dear. I must have frightened you something terrible coming at you with all that dream stuff and all! Please, let us just forget I ever said any of that stuff. Can you forgive an old fool for jumping in where she oughtn’t?”

     Jean wiggled uncomfortably, not expecting it to be this easy. She really felt that she had made good friends in both Hidey and his grandmother and saw no reason to ruin it. Her solemn face softened with the genuine smile she gave

“Of course.”

“Then you must stay for lunch. I baked this cake for dinner tonight but I see no reason we cannot have it for lunch. Will you stay?”

     Jean hesitated only slightly before accepting the invitation. Neither of them noticed Hidey, who had forgotten something, come back, and stood listening to their conversation. It was not intentional and he wished he had made some sort of noise so that they heard him come in but now, after hearing Jean say that she could never love him, there was no way he could show himself. He slipped back out as quietly as he had come in and they never knew he was there.

“Since I am already here, I don’t see why not. But, only if you let me help with it.”

was already up digging in the fridge.

“You can start by peeling these potatoes. We are going to have the best French dip and steam fried potatoes you have ever had!”

     Jean found that she was enjoying
twofold personality. There was little evidence of the challenging one she had shown the day before as they shared the preparation of the lunch with her funny antidotes about life dominating the conversation. She was so persuasive in her attempt not to broach the subject of her dream, that Jean found herself thinking more and more on it.

     The meal was just as
declared it to be and more, Jean thought as they finished a second piece of the delicious Carolina pound cake. Homemade, it was the best she ever ate.     

     Lingering over it and more coffee, their conversation covered many subjects and by the time the dishes were all done, Jean was feeling the uniqueness of their newly formed friendship.  When she insisted she must leave,
sent her off with half the left over cake and a hug that touched something inside of Jean that she did not even know was there. She knew that whatever was to happen,
was going to be a friend for life.

     They indeed bonded over the next weeks, often visiting each other and if either noticed that Hidey kept his distance, they did not talk about it. When he turned Jean down on several invitations to go hiking, she finally decided his feelings had changed and found that she had mixed feelings.

     Hidey determined to concentrate on other things, took on more work that kept him away from home where he could avoid both
and Jean. He kept it to himself that he was aware of the conversation, but often was tempted to tell
that he knew it had taken place. Some things
were best just left






















here was a commotion going on down the hall from where Dwight was dozing uncomfortably. Awaking with a start, he instinctively knew it had to be Jacks. Jumping up from his makeshift bed, he ran the distance to the room. It was barely turning light outside and the guard quickly flipped the light switch on causing the room to be flooded with light, revealing Jacks raging around looking for his clothes.

      The nurse, who got there just as Dwight did, tried to pull him back to bed. When he pushed her away, Dwight stepped up and grabbed his arm gently but firmly.

“Hey Buddy, calm down. It is me, Dwight.”

     Jacks, looking at him with no recognition in his eyes, broke his hold with animosity.

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