Read Another way Online

Authors: Anna Martin

Tags: #MM Fiction

Another way (22 page)

BOOK: Another way
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“Fucking faggots!” one of them yelled. “Go kill yourselves!”

I saw red.

“No, Jesse.” Will grabbed for my hand, but I shook it off, taking long strides across the street. It didn’t matter that there were more of them than there were of me. I didn’t give a fuck. No one messed with me and my boyfriend. No fucking way.

“What the hell is your problem?” I yelled as I reached them.

“You’re fucking disgusting,” a short guy with a dirty-blond ponytail spat at me.

“Threatened, are you?” I taunted him. “Secretly like a bit of dick in your ass? So you thought you’d take it out on me?”

“Dirty fucking cocksucker,” another one said, pushing me hard in the chest.

I didn’t even think. My fist hit his jaw before I realized I’d told my arm to take a swing. Quite clearly, I’d forgotten that I was outnumbered by about six to one.

They managed to smack me about a bit before I felt strong arms wrapping around my torso, pulling me back, and two heavy, beefy guys wearing black broke up the rest of the mess I’d caused.

“Calm down,” Will murmured in my ear. “I’ve got you.”

“You okay?” one of the beefy men asked, and I nodded, rotating my lower jaw as I realized he was clearly one of the doormen from the club.

“Yeah,” I muttered. Will had let go of me as soon as I stopped struggling, but his hand lingered lightly on my lower back.

“You can tell you’re new at this,” Will said, trying to make light of the situation, but I didn’t want to laugh.

The doormen kept the distance between Will and I and the group of men until they finally moved on.

“Get inside,” he said to me, effectively pushing us ahead of the line. “You’re gonna be safer in there than you are out here.”




stay at the club for long after that. It was insanely noisy, and too many men were looking at my man with open want and adoration. I’d never been into blatant, open public displays of affection, but the reality probably was me overcompensating and clinging to Will instead of adopting my normal, measured distance. As always, he could read my mood and constantly reassured me with a hand lightly resting on my lower back, or a gentle brush of his lips on my temple, or a not-so-subtle squeeze of my ass.

“We should walk home,” Will said as we nodded in thanks to the door guys again.

“Yeah, it’s not too far from here,” I agreed.

After walking in silence for a few minutes, I reached over and threaded my fingers with Will’s. He looked down at our joined hands in shock, then a slow smile spread across his face.

“First the ass groping, now holding hands?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “I suppose I don’t really mind people knowing that I’m yours anymore.”

“It’s not as easy as that, Jesse.”

“I think I learned that lesson tonight,” I said wryly.

“Something’s bothering you,” Will said after a few minutes.

“Hmm? No, it’s not.”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “No, not about tonight, I don’t think. But you’ve been hiding something from me.”

I thought for a minute, then stopped and ran both hands through my hair. “Shit.”

“I knew it!” he crowed. “Sorry. Um, being supportive now. What’s up, Jesse?”

Laughing, I slipped my hand back in his and tugged on it to keep him walking. “It’s not much. It sort of came out of the ‘favorite things’ session we had.”

“Yeah, go on.”

“It’s hard to explain. You know when we’re in bed together?”

“Yeah,” he said, amused.

“When we’re in the playroom, it’s different.”

“Yeah. Well, you’d expect that.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I’m not explaining it well.”

“Sex in session is different from sex in the bedroom,” he said succinctly.


“And… not in a good way?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.”

Will laughed, and from the corner of my eye, I noticed him glancing down the street, then he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I shouldn’t have been so thrilled at the attention, but it made my stomach turn over.

“You can talk to me. You should know that.”

“I don’t think I want to have sex in session anymore,” I said in a rush.

“Okay…,” Will said slowly. “Define sex.”

He elbowed me at my snort of laughter.

“Penetration.” I considered it for a moment. “As in, your cock in my ass.”

“Okay,” he said. I was waiting for more, and I didn’t get it. Then I did. “I’m not going to force you to submit to me.”

“That’s not what this is about,” I argued.

“Maybe,” he said, squeezing my hand. “To be honest, I’ve been waiting for the point where this combination of intimacy and domination gets too much for one or the other of us. We were always going to have to redefine the boundaries sooner or later.”

It was my turn to kiss him. “Thank you. And you know I don’t mean I want to stop sessions altogether?”

“Sure. Just leave that form of intimacy for the bedroom.”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“I don’t have a problem with that at all. Did you expect me to?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I thought you’d say. That’s probably why I put off talking to you about it.”

“You’re such an ass,” he said affectionately.

I stopped him as he pulled his keys out of his pocket, and leaned in to capture his lips in a persistent kiss. My arms bracketed either side of his shoulders by the door, pinning him close to me. I could feel Will’s amusement as he gently ran his hands up and down my sides. I could feel him shifting under me, and then he was ducking under my arm, laughing as he escaped into the door that he’d somehow managed to open while I’d been distracted by his tongue.

“Not fair,” I complained as I kicked off my shoes. We were a no-shoes household. Well, Will was a no-shoes household, so I’d conformed to his way of doing things. It was actually nice to have him grumble at me about domestic-type things; it made me feel like we were more of a couple.

Once I was shoe-less I grabbed Will to continue the slow, easy kisses that made heat and lust pool in my belly. He pushed my T-shirt up until my lower back was exposed, then proceeded to warm his hands on my bare skin.

“Crap!” I jumped and Will openly laughed. It was worth the cold hands to see him happy.

I retaliated by tugging his shirt off over his head and attaching my lips to one pale pink nipple. He groaned in contentment and his fingers scratched through my hair, testing the length of it.

“I believe, Mr. Anderson,” I said as I kissed up his chest, “that you have a promise to collect on.”

“Remind me,” he teased.

“In a few
, you’re going to be inside me,” I laughed. I was going to keep going, but his mouth distracted that particular train of thought.

“Come to bed,” he said in a low voice.

I nodded solemnly and followed him up the stairs.

We took our time undressing each other, being careful and rough and loving all at the same time. It was good, knowing that we could be all of those things at once. Our relationship wasn’t instantaneous—it didn’t appear out of a few confessions made in a heated conversation. This was months of caring for someone and denying our connection coming together in one big clash of lust. I wanted Will. And I was learning when to let that show.

Will brushed his lips over my red nipples, softly loving them before attaching his lips to my neck. My hands ran up and down his bare sides. His eyes met mine.

“Face down on the bed,” he said in a low voice that made me
to obey him.

I stripped off the last of my clothes and lay down on the bed.

“Spread your legs.”

I whimpered as my sensitive dick ground into his super-soft sheets. Will’s weight shifted on the bed until I could feel him, heavy and hot and naked, straddling me from behind. He laid soft, wet kisses on my shoulder, then across my back and up the other shoulder to my neck, then down my spine, stopping to tickle my ribs with his breath.

“Will,” I whimpered.

“Shh, baby. Let me do this for you.”

I wasn’t sure what
was, but it felt pretty good, so I let him continue. His hands massaged my thighs, then my ass cheeks. When I thought that it might actually be possible to go insane from sexual tension, he trailed one strong finger from my balls, up my ass crack to circle my hole.

“Fuck me, Will, please,” I begged, not caring about being incoherent.

“Oh, okay,” he sighed teasingly, and his weight was gone as he prepared me and himself, then his torso pressed against my back and he eased slowly, carefully into me.

Will’s thighs clamped down outside both of mine, trapping me underneath him even as he gently stroked up the back of my arm to hold my hand in his. I couldn’t spread my legs to let him get deeper in me, but the advantage was that even I could feel how much tighter it was. He couldn’t fuck me hard; instead, he thrust into me with long, unhurried strokes. His lips skimmed over my back and shoulders, his hums of pleasure vibrated through the soft skin on my neck, and the combined pleasures of his cock inside me and mine rubbing up against the sheets took this to a new level. We were connecting the “old” us and the “new” us. The changes I’d made for us would be small in the long run, although every journey starts with a small first step.

The sting in my nipples as they caught against the sheets reminded me of the delicious spike of pain caused by Will’s clamps. I whimpered into the pillow, fisting it in one hand while the other gripped Will’s tighter.

“Are you close, baby?” he asked.

I hummed in agreement.

“Me too.”

I needed more to come, though, and struggled up to brace my arm on the bed, creating enough space for me to sneak a hand down to my cock and tug on it fiercely, coming with a shout and a groan, shooting all over the white expanse of cotton.

Will gripped my hips harder as he started pounding harder into me, his cock nudging my prostate hard enough to keep the pleasurable sensations zinging through my body. He came with a strangled cry, hands grasping tightly enough to bruise.

I wanted to flop back down in exhaustion, but I was mindful of what was underneath me. I straightened up with a groan as Will pulled himself from me, and I turned my head to tempt him into deep kisses. After a few shorter ones, I struggled to my feet and wandered toward the bathroom to clean up.

He joined me at the sink to clean his teeth as I did mine too. We brushed in silence and shared a minty kiss when we were done.

“Come on. Need to change the sheets,” he said, pulling away from my lips and my roaming hands.

I pouted. He smacked me on the ass. Our relationship certainly knew its bounds.



very next afternoon my Master emerged from our lazy, hazy Saturday afternoon routine. Before I had a chance to think, I found myself strapped to his spanking bench with my ass high and my hands suspiciously free.

“How is my beautiful little slut today, hmm?” Master mused, spanking my ass lightly with the palm of his hand. “Are you ready for what I’m going to do to you? Speak.”

“Yes, Master. I’m ready for whatever you want to do to me.”

“I’ve been inspired, Jesse. By your outward expressions of change and moving on, moving forward. This is different, and we haven’t spoken about it before, but your safewords are still valid. If you don’t like it, say so and I’ll stop.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good boy.”

He left the room, which was normally against his own rules, but my hands weren’t tied, so I could get myself free in an emergency, and I wasn’t so deep in subspace that I couldn’t think for myself. For the few minutes I was alone, I worked on my breathing and thinking about being his.

His lips on my back startled me slightly when he reappeared; it seemed I’d been further in my meditation than I’d realized. He placed something cold on my back, which I quickly established was a bowl of warmish water.

“Don’t let it fall,” he warned. I tensed immediately, although in the position I was in, there wasn’t much chance of that.

“Reach back,” Master instructed, “and hold your ass cheeks apart.”

I did as I was told, and something cold spread all over my ass. It wasn’t lube, though… it had a… foamier texture?

Then it hit me. It was shaving foam. He was going to shave me.

Of course, we couldn’t have done this when I was with Adele—she would have noticed. We hadn’t spoken about doing this specifically; it had just fallen into the category of one of those things that couldn’t happen. Now it could, and it seemed like Master was taking full advantage of me being with him all the time.

He didn’t ask me if I was okay with it. I was his sub; it was his right to do what he wanted with me. And he trusted me to tell him if I wasn’t okay with it. I tried to settle into a more comfortable position without upsetting the bowl of water.

The first time the blade touched my skin I nearly yelped. Nearly. I held it back. Master worked with a sure hand and measured strokes of the blade, carefully and efficiently removing from me any hair back there. I expected it to hurt, or maybe for him to nick me with the razor, like I sometimes did when I was shaving myself, but he didn’t. No damage, no pain, and after a few moments, I started to get turned on.

This was really kinky shit. It was also kinda awesome.

Too soon it was over, and he was wiping the foam off with a warm washcloth.

“All done,” he said and took all of the utensils out of my line of sight. I didn’t move from my position. “Tasty,” Master murmured under his breath, and mine caught in my throat. Would he…?

My hands were removed from my ass and buckled into the restraints on the bench. I felt him crouch behind me and spread my cheeks, then… yes, it seemed like he would. He kissed me, either side, then his tongue lapped from my balls to the base of my spine. I held my breath and ground my teeth together, determined not to make a noise and spoil this most amazing of treats.

Master moaned in pleasure as his tongue focused on my tight hole, and he lapped at me with the flat of his tongue, and then changed to wriggle it around and just inside my opening.

BOOK: Another way
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