Antebellum BK 1

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Authors: Jeffry S.Hepple

BOOK: Antebellum BK 1
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Jeffry S. Hepple

Book One of the
Johnny Comes Marching Home

Copyright 2011, Jeffry S. Hepple ~ All rights reserved.

Dedicated to the offspring of my offspring and their offspring: Joe, Josh, Daniel, Alex, Megan and Camden. May you always be blessed with good health, happiness, the magic of books, and the freedom bought by the sacrifices of our ancestors.

With continued thanks to all whose support keeps me going: Geoff Thomas, Brian Palesch, Margaret Lake, Mindy Schwartz and especially Susan Trotter.

Table of Contents


All men are created equal

eleted from Thomas Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence, at the insistence of the Georgia and North Carolina delegations:

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of INFIDEL powers, is the warfare of a CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce.”

Later, when delegates assembled in Philadelphia to write the United States Constitution, James Madison said:

The real difference of interests lay not between large and small states but between the Northern and Southern states. The institution of slavery and its consequences formed a line of discrimination.”

The compromises to slavery during the ratification of these two core documents remained an open wound that festered until its poison destroyed what
the United States of America. The war to close the wound resulted in a country that
The United States of America.

April 5,

San Antonio, Texas

exas Ranger Captain Charles Lagrange dismounted and tied his horse next to a pinto at the saloon’s hitching rail, then began to methodically examine the right forefoot of each of the other horses at the rail. He grunted with satisfaction when the third horse revealed a notched right-front shoe. For nearly a month, across two hundred miles of rugged, unmapped territory, Charlie Lagrange had been tracking this particular horseshoe.

Can I help you with something?” The man who had come from the saloon was wearing an eastern suit of clothes with a tricorne hat and two Walker-Colt revolvers in cut-down cavalry holsters. His hands were resting on the handles of the pistols.

Charlie let go of the horse’s forefoot and stood up. “This your horse, Mister?”

It might be. What business is that of yours?”

Hey,” Charlie exclaimed in surprise. “I know you.” He took a step toward the man.

I don’t think so.” The man drew his pistols.

Now hold on,” Charlie said, raising his hands shoulder high. “I was just getting a better look at your face.”

That’s a very bad idea. I put a high value upon anonymity.”

Too late for that. You’re William Van Buskirk.” Charlie grinned. “Long time no see.”

The other man looked around nervously.

You don’t remember me, do you?” Charlie said with a chuckle.

No. I don’t.”

Your brother Tom and I busted you out of the maximum security loony-bin in Williamsburg, Virginia, a few years back.”

Ah yes.” He glanced up the street. “Is my brother Thomas here with a posse? Blocking my exit from town, perhaps?”

No. Tom’s in Mexico, fighting in the war. I suppose you’ve heard that the United States is at war with Mexico.”

I had heard that my father, my mother and my brothers Jack and Robert were in Mexico. But, frankly, I hadn’t expected Thomas to get involved in such a silly land grab. He’s usually too smart to be drawn into political intrigues.”

Marina was captured by Santa Anna. Tom gathered a regiment and went down there to join your father and your other two brothers to get your mother back.”

Had it been up to me, I would have let Santa Anna keep her. Both my mother and Santa Anna are truly evil people who deserve each other.”

Charlie shook his head sadly. “You must be a real disappointment to your family. Do you know that Yank’s a major general now?”

No, but I’m not surprised. My father’s always been a soldier. I only went to West Point because he forced me to.”

I don’t believe that for a minute. I’ve seen how Yank treats Tom and Anna’s boys and I’ve never seen him push them to do anything that they didn’t want to do.”

Yes, well I’m certain that you must know my father better than I,” he said sarcastically. “But, you only answered half of my original question. Are you alone, or did you bring a posse?”

No posse. Just me. How about we go into the saloon and have a drink?”

After our drink do you intend to let me go?”

I can’t do that. I truly wish I could, but I can’t.”

I think I failed to thank you properly for breaking me out of prison. Thank you, and goodbye.” He cocked and aimed the pistol in his right hand at Charlie’s head.

Do you intend to shoot me down in cold blood?” Charlie asked, more incredulous than frightened.

I’d really rather not,” William replied, “but it seems that I must.” He lowered the pistol slightly. “Unless, of course, you reconsider, disarm yourself, unsaddle your horse and then walk away.”

How can I do that? You murdered a Texas Ranger.”

It was self-defense.”

You’ll have a chance to prove that at your trial. I’ll do my best for you. That’s a promise.”

Trials and promises are too unpredictable. I’d much prefer that you do as I ask. Unbuckle your pistol belt.”

Can’t. I took an oath to uphold the law.”

You’d already taken that oath when you helped Thomas break me out of prison.”

Yes, that’s true. But this is different.”

That’s bad luck for both of us, but it’s particularly bad luck for you.” Once again, he aimed the pistol at Charlie’s face.

Now hold on, William.” Charlie raised his hands higher. “There’s something else you don’t know.”

Such as?”

I’m your brother-in-law.”

You’re my what?”

Your brother-in-law. I’m married to your sister, Anna.”

That’s even worse luck for you. I’ve never liked that bitch.” William Van Buskirk, alias Lucky Billy Van, shot Charlie Lagrange between the eyes, then mounted his horse and rode out of town.

April 5, 1848

Mexico City, Mexico

hen the last notes of Scott’s Tattoo echoed across the cemetery, a U.S. Army sergeant in dress blues dropped his salute, did a smart about-face and with the tri-folded American Flag under his left arm, marched forward to stop at attention before the seated mourners. He bent at the waist over Marina Van Buskirk and said in a low tone of voice, “As a representative of the United States Army, it is my high privilege to present you with this flag. Let it be a symbol of the grateful appreciation this nation feels for the distinguished service rendered to our country and our flag by your loved one.” He gave the flag to Marina, then came back to attention. After a respectful nod to Jack, Thomas and Robert Van Buskirk, he returned to the honor guard.

Dry-eyed, Marina stood up, tucked the flag under her arm and turned toward her eldest son. “Who has the other urn, Jack?”

I’m not sure, Mother,” Jack replied.

She looked back at the gravesite. “I hope that they didn’t put all your father’s ashes in the urn that they’re burying.”

No, Mother,” her youngest son, Robert said. “I saw to it myself. Half the ashes are in the urn that they’re burying and the other half was put into a separate urn to be buried at Van Buskirk Point.”

Do you know where the other one is?” she asked.

Not exactly,” Robert admitted.

I’ll go see,” Thomas volunteered.

No,” Marina said. “Wait until all the condolence-wishers have had their say. I want all of you with me during that ordeal.” She straightened her back, preparing herself for the queue of officers that was forming at a respectful distance to her left.

Jack took up his position beside Marina with Thomas beside him and Robert at the end.

Marina looked at the tri-folded flag she was holding. “Why was this presented by an enlisted man rather than an officer, Jack?”

That was Sergeant Nicholas Porter Earp,” Jack whispered. “Dad saved his life during the Black Hawk War and Sergeant Earp asked for the honor of presenting you with the flag. I thought it was appropriate, and I agreed.”

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