AnyasDragons (6 page)

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Fantasy, erotica, erotic romance, shapeshifter, dragons

BOOK: AnyasDragons
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Tears threatened but she managed to control them—tears of anger and disappointment in the two men.

“Girl, you control your anger well. You are not like your father. I see a resemblance to your grandmother.”

“Yes, it was said I look like her.”

“We were once friends,” Yurkis said, his eyes taking on a distant look but only for a moment.

“We can be friends again. I won’t pay for the sins of my father.”

“The grievous murder of my daughter has been avenged. My scouts tell me all the king’s children are gone, except one. Though I must admit, it saddens me. The murder of so many did not bring me any satisfaction, merely sorrow. The only satisfaction I feel is that the man who caused my loss and pain met his just punishment.”

“I’m sorry,” Anya said softly.

“Child, it’s not your fault, and your father’s crimes are not your burden to bear. Your protectors will return you to the castle. Their punishment for lying to me and to you is they will remain your protectors and must live in the castle. They will be your guards.”

“Timeless One, we can’t shift there if there is a need, and—”

“Silence. I have spoken. I will cast the spell of protection over this world once again. I removed the spell after my daughter died. That’s how the aliens were able to invade. I regret that now. Too many have died at their hands. Henceforth, we will live in peace and harmony. Our people shall mingle with your people and your people can visit us, but only under the watchful eye of a dragon. The Gonks like your flesh, although you are not completely mortal. Once your magick is restored, you will be able to shift into dragon form, but you’ll be much smaller than our dragons and therefore easily slain by the Gonks.”

“They deceived me. They don’t deserve to be my guards,” Anya said, fury still overwhelming all else, the fact that she could shift into a dragon not even registering.

“Child, once your anger subsides, you’ll know why they deceived you. You need their protection, and the other reason you will learn in due course. Oh, and Uleirlel told me the sorcerer lives. She has communicated with him for a spell to undo the block on your people’s magick but he will only do so at your command once you’ve been crowned.”

Anya laughed. “And who is going to do my crowning if there’s no one left?”

“It’s not impossible that people escaped. Did you leave the women’s quarters when the massacre took place?”

“No. I hid. When the brutes moved on and ventured into other regions of the palace, I escaped over the balcony and climbed down the vines. I never looked right or left when I ran from the courtyard and out of the gates.”

“There. So you don’t know for sure if everyone’s gone. For all you know, some of your family could still be alive.”

“I know for sure my family was slaughtered because one of the guards told me before the aliens got him. He saved my life by pushing me behind a broken statue to hide me from the killers.”

“I’m sorry. But some may have escaped from the castle. You’ll find out when you return. Now go, child. Cyton and Yerith, watch over her. I suggest you avoid the forest and fly directly to the castle.”

“If there is anyone left alive, we’ll scare them out of their minds,” Yerith muttered.

The men shifted into their dragons. Each time they shifted, she was awed. Their man bodies became twice their normal size, muscle rippling under their skin as the change took place. Scales formed where their skin had been. Their faces slowly changed. Somewhere midstream she wondered if they could halt the changing process, if they could be half man half dragon. Oh, what handsome creatures they were in this form. They continued to change until they stepped off the platform and spread their wings. Yerith flew a short distance away. Cyton hovered just below the platform. “It’ll be easier if you ride me,” he told her.

Anya stomped a foot. “Damn you! You’ve lugged me around like a sack of potatoes. Why didn’t you tell me I could sit on you?”

“Temper, temper. Because when we land, it’s a long way from my neck to the ground for you. It’s easier to just set you down.”

“Your scales are smooth and shiny. I can slide down.”

“I suppose. I’ve never had a mortal on my back, and you’re very tiny.”

Anya climbed onto his back, sat just behind his neck with her legs in front of his wings and grabbed two scales. With her legs spread wide, her pussy rubbed against the smooth scales on his neck, sending heat spiraling into her abdomen. He soared into the sky. She hung on for dear life and, for a moment, she forgot her pussy rubbed against him. When he steadied, she dared look down and gasped. They flew so high, she could barely make out the compound. Everything below was miniature. The wind caused her hair to fly behind her and whipped around her face. It was exhilarating. Just up ahead, she watched Yerith soar, dive and soar again. His gorgeous, magnificent green dragon scales shone in the sun’s rays. It was beauty beyond belief.

Cyton flew so steadily, she dared let go and flung her arms wide, raising her face. She closed her eyes and shouted, “I feel like a bird soaring through the sky.”

“And what a beautiful bird,” Cyton’s deep voice rumbled. “We’re almost there. If you look below, you can see the palace. Hang on, we’re going down.”

Anya grabbed hold of two scales again and held on tight. “Why did Yerith’s belly change color? It’s golden now.”

“That means he’s in heat. Your pheromones are affecting us both.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say to that except that she’d been in heat herself during the flight. And she sure as heck wasn’t going to tell him that. But what did he mean by her pheromones?

They landed and she slid down his shoulder, his leg, and jumped to the ground. Just before he shifted, she noticed the smaller scales on his belly were a shiny silvery color. Heat rose to her face.

“Yes, I was in heat, too. We both scented your female pheromones, as I told you.”

Oh, my Goddess!
“I wasn’t in heat,” she lied and watched Cyton’s eyebrows rise.

Yerith joined them, merriment dancing in his green eyes. She could have died of embarrassment. They’d landed on the clearing between the castle and the forest. Turning away from the objects of her turmoil, she headed toward the castle. The men fell in behind her.

They came to the gates that stood wide open. Anya stopped.

“We’ll go first, Anya,” Yerith said. “Wait for us.”

The two men stepped through the gates and into the courtyard. Anya watched them stride slowly forward, scanning their surroundings. They were in the center of the courtyard when a dozen men pounced on them.

“Stop!” Anya yelled. She need not have feared. Her people were puny compared to the two giant men. They stood solid and kept the much smaller men at bay with their bare hands, while they swung axes and swords at Yerith and Cyton. It was almost amusing to watch their weapons sail through the air and the men step back in fear.


Their shouts stopped as they spun to face her. “It’s Princess Anya! She’s alive!” one of the men yelled. A loud cheer went up as they ran toward her.

She recognized some of the men as her father’s guards, the others, soldiers who would normally stand guard on the walls. The men knew her from her walks in the gardens. Although only the women were allowed in a sectioned off area, anyone on the walls could see down into the garden. They all knew the princess with her golden hair, the only one of the princesses with hair the color of the sun.

Cyton and Yerith pushed the men aside as if they were ants. “Stand back,” Yerith shouted. “We are Princess Anya’s guards. Are any of the council alive?”

One older man stepped forward. “I am Councilman Jakea. There are a few of us still here. We managed to flee the castle and some of us hid in the underground tunnels.”

“The royals?” Cyton asked.

“All gone. I’m sorry, Princess Anya,” Jakea said. “Half the population of Vorcia perished, but many did survive. We’ve already anointed the royals and placed them in the royal crypt and we’ve worked hard to restore order out of chaos. Princess Anya, you’ve been gone a long time. How is it you survived?”

“Councilman Jakea, I survived thanks to these two men. This is Cyton, and the man on my left is Yerith. Henceforth, they will be my royal guards.”

“Princess, you are the heir to the throne. Are you going to claim it?”

“Yes. According to Uleirlel, it is my destiny to become queen. But first, we must bring order to the palace. Summon everyone to the courtyard this afternoon. After I have bathed and put on suitable attire, I will address our people.”

“Some are too far away to come here so fast, Princess.”

“Yes. Record everything I say when I address the people here and send couriers carrying the recorded scrolls to all corners of Vorcia.”

Anya felt very regal. It was as if issuing commands came naturally to her, as if she was born for the task. According to Uleirlel, she was. “Find a blacksmith and a seamstress. My guards need suitable attire immediately.”

“Princess, who are these men? Are they the giants from the forest?” Jakea asked.

“They are dragon men. I will tell you all when I address the people. Are there any servants in the castle?”

“Yes, Princess, some. I know a very suitable young woman who, I’m sure, would be honored to become your personal servant.”

“Summon her. I will need help. Now go.”

Without another word, she walked ahead and up the marble steps, Cyton and Yerith fell in behind her. She noticed no debris. Broken pillars had been replaced and crumbled statues were gone. When she came to her own sleeping chamber, everything was tidy. She’d half expected to find disorder, and was surprised how well everything had been cleaned up and repaired. Her people had not sat idle during her absence, even if there were no royals left. She wondered vaguely what they’d have done if she’d been killed. Who’d have ruled? Why had they cleaned up and restored the castle? For whom?

Cyton and Yerith had followed her inside her chamber. “You need to act as guards now and stand outside my room,” she told them. Their roles had changed. She was now in charge and they were her servants. But she didn’t want them as servants. She wanted them for so much more.

Chapter Seven

Cyton and Yerith took their places outside the entrance to her chamber. “And here we stand,” Anya heard Cyton say. She listened to their conversation for a moment before closing the door.

“Yes. If you could hear my inner thoughts, you’d cringe.” Yerith said softly.

“She was born a queen. I have nothing but respect for her. I think all of this was destined to be,” Cyton told his friend.

“You’re probably right, but I don’t like standing in a hallway with nothing to do.”

Anya closed the door and quickly took off her offending loincloth, bra and boots. She found a white bathing gown in her wardrobe and put it on, then hastened to the door.

“I’m going to bathe. Follow me.”

They followed her to a large enclosed area. A huge pool surrounded by beautiful marble statues sparkled at them. “That’s tempting,” Yerith said.

“When I am finished bathing, you can bathe,” Anya told them. “This is the women’s bathing pool, but I plan to change that rule. There will be no more separation.”

“What? No harem?”

“I’ll be queen. I don’t need a harem,” she said and laughed. “What in the Goddess’ name would I do with a harem? The laws on Vorcia are going to be rewritten.”

Anya was glad of her shampoo and perfumed soap and oils. She floated on the water for a while until a young woman entered the chamber. “Princess Anya, my name is Solina. Father told me you need—”

“A personal servant. Yes, Solina. Hasten and bring me towels.” Cyton’s and Yerith’s erections had not escaped her and she’d squirmed in the water. She knew the clear pool revealed all her attributes and she’d purposely spread her legs several times while floating on her back.

“Solina, these are my guards, Cyton and Yerith.”

Solina barely acknowledged them as she held the huge towel up for Anya to step into.

The men took up their place on either side of her door while they waited for her to dress. When she came out, she read nothing but admiration and sheer lust in their eyes and on their faces.

She’d worn a pale blue gown gathered beneath her breasts with gold trim, the neckline plunging to reveal her cleavage and the skirt reaching to her gold sandaled feet. The gold trim ran up one shoulder and down her back. Fastened to it was a cape of deep blue, also ornately embroidered with gold. A gold choker fastened around her neck and gold bracelets covered her arms. From her ears gold earrings dangled. Her hair hung in curls with some of it braided into a coronet atop her head. A small tiara sparkled against her gold locks.

“Your clothes won’t be ready in time for when I address the people,” she told Cyton and Yerith. “I’m sorry for that, but it takes time to fashion suitable clothes for my new giant guards. I’m hungry. Is there food in the kitchens, Solina?”

“Yes, Princess.”

“We shall go to the great room and sit on the balcony. We need refreshments.”

Solina hastened away and Anya led the way to the great room.

“This is where all meetings were held with the council and parties, but until we were married, we weren’t allowed to attend them.”

“Your father kept you hidden,” Cyton said.

“Yes. My brothers and sisters were all married.” A tear escaped and rolled down her cheeks.

“No. You can’t,” she pushed Cyton’s hand away when he reached out to her.

“Anya, we—”

“Princess Anya to you now, and soon to be queen, so then you’ll address me as Your Majesty.”

“You are determined to punish us.”

She thought about that for a moment before she sat on one of the benches on the balcony.
Goddess, yes, I want to punish you. I want to punish you right into my bed.
“You deceived me. Yurkis meted out your punishment when he declared you my guards.”

Several servants appeared carrying platters of bread, fruit and other delicacies. They set them on a table along with a jug of liquid or juice and goblets. Anya waved at them to leave.

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