Apples to Oranges (9 page)

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Authors: Xondra Day

BOOK: Apples to Oranges
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During lunch period,
passed through the cafeteria to see Jace sitting with that snob,
. Just seeing them together was enough to piss him
off for the rest of the day. If this was Jace’s way of making him fucking
jealous or getting back at him in some backward way, he wouldn’t give in. He
still didn’t know what he’d done wrong to make Jace turn away from him.
Everything about this situation was pointless. By the end of the day,
was ready to lose it and seeing Jace get into
’s car in the parking lot sure as shit was the
last straw.

“My parents are going away for the entire weekend, man.” Mike
stood in front of
looking excited. “I have the house to myself and you know what that means…

eyes were still trained on Jace getting into that prick’s car. “What?” He
didn’t hear one word Mike had said.

“Man, you were in Spaceville. I said I have the house to myself
for the entire weekend. I’m gonna throw a party. It’ll rock.”

“Cool, I’m there.” He wasn’t really in the mood, but anything
would be better than staying home alone.

wondered if Mike had caught on about him and Jace. Mike hadn’t said or done
anything to make him think he’d had. They’d managed to keep everything low key,
but still the thought was there.


“Jesus, what’s wrong with you?” Mike asked. That night around
eight, he’d shown up at Jace’s house to hang out. “I’m not going to force you
to go to that party. I was only asking.”

Jace had to admit that his initial reaction had been flippant
especially when Mike told him that
was going to be there. “I’ve not been myself. I shouldn’t have barked at you
like that. My problems have nothing to do with you.”

“Then what is it, Jace? You’ve been acting strange lately. We
used to be like best friends, but something’s changed.”

“It’s nothing. I’m just being weird. You know I’m not that
social. I have a lot on my mind with finishing school and trying to get into a
good college.” That was a partial lie. He had great grades and that wasn’t a
worry. He wasn’t about to get into his sexuality with Mike. Mike was a cool
guy, and happened to be family, but there was no way he’d understand what Jace
was going through and his angst with

“Well, I think you should go. I’m not going to hound you about
it, all the same. The offer stands and you know my cell number. Anyway, let’s
take a drive.” Mike held up his keys and grinned. “The fresh air will do you

Mike was right. It was great to get out and Jace drank in the
night air as they drove around town with the windows down. When Mike dropped
him off at home an hour later, Jace felt much better.

“So, the party?” Mike asked. “It wouldn’t be the same without
you being there. Plus,
going to be there.”

Jace hesitated. “What does
have to do with anything?”

“What’s with you two? I’ve been meaning to ask, but there never
seemed to be a right time.” Mike smirked. “You two seem awfully close.”

“You introduced us and we have some things in common.” Jace
fought not to sound annoyed with Mike’s question. “Anyway, we won’t be hanging
out anymore.”

“Why not? Did he do something to piss you off? I can talk to
him,” Mike offered.

“Leave it alone. I took care of it. I don’t need you to fight my

Mike looked a little hurt. “Okay… I won’t say a word.”

“I’m sorry, Mike. I didn’t mean anything by that. There’s so
much shit going on in my mind, I don’t know where to start.”

“We’re family and more than that, we’re also friends. You know
you can talk to me about anything, right?” Jace knew Mike was being genuine.
Will all of his kidding around and stuff, Mike was a class act all the way.

If only it were that easy just to spit it out, to come out. Jace
closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he went out on a limb. “I’m gay,” he
said. Those two words were the hardest ones he’d ever had to say.

“I know.” Mike rolled his eyes and sat back in the seat. “I’ve
known for some time.”

“What? How did you know?” Jace was dumbfounded by Mike’s
lacklustre response.

“Let’s see.” Mike paused. “You’re eighteen and you’ve never had
a girlfriend. That’s not strange. A lot of guys are late bloomers, but you’ve
never shown any interest in girls, period. I don’t know how to explain it. It
doesn’t bother me. You are who you are and I totally respect that.”

Jace sucked in a deep breath. “There’s more. I’ve been seeing

“And he fucked you over…That bastard!”

“No, it isn’t like that,” Jace protested. “Some issues came up
between us and we couldn’t agree how to sort them out.” That was somewhat

can be an ass at times. I don’t think he’s had an easy life. He isn’t the most
tactful at the best of times, and I’m not telling you anything you don’t
already know.”

Jace nodded. Everything Mike said was true.



Chapter Seven


In the end, Jace decided to go to the party and standing up with
his back against the wall in the kitchen, he tried his best not to be noticed
by anyone.

“You’re not having a good time.” Mike stood next to Jace and
casually sipped his beer. “
in the living room. Why don’t you go talk to him? Dude’s practically sulking
and I can’t say anything because he doesn’t know that I know about you and

It had been days since the blow-up with
. Hell, he missed him. Even if he
wanted to, Jace didn’t know how he’d be able to approach him. It wasn’t as if
he could just go up to the guy and tell him he missed him. That worked in the
movies and sappy novels, but not in real life. “Leave it alone. I shouldn’t
have come here. I’m heading home. The last thing I need is some scene here.”

“Stay a while longer. The night’s still young.” Mike playfully
punched him in the shoulder. “Maybe there’s another guy here that you can…flirt
with or something.”

Jace’s eyes went big. “Will you keep your voice down? And it
isn’t that easy.” If it was, life would be a whole lot simpler.

“Statistics-wise, there has to be at least another guy or two
here that’s gay. I looked it up. I can’t remember exactly what the numbers are,
but that sounds about right.”

“You actually looked that up?” Jace was impressed that Mike
would go to the trouble to do that.

“I did.” Mike looked and sounded quite proud of his endeavor.
“It wasn’t hard to find the information. The ‘Net is a wonderful invention.”

“I’m not sure how well statistics translate over into real

“Good point,” Mike said. “This party sucks anyway. It isn’t
anything near what I thought it was going to be.”

“I second that,” Jace chimed.

appeared around the corner of the door leading into the kitchen. He nodded to
Jace. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Jace replied. He kept his head down. There was no way he
could meet

“Well, I’m going to snag another beer,” Mike said. “Jace, if you
need me just holler.”

“Sure.” Jace glanced up for a moment to see Mike flash him a
wary look before walking away.

“We need to talk,”
said, his voice low.

“There isn’t much to talk about.” Jace was angry, but he didn’t
see the point of rehashing stuff they’d already discussed before. It was

“There is. Give me a chance?”
asked. “Go outside with me?”


Stubborn could have easily been Jace’s middle name.

Together they walked to the edge of the back yard and stood near
the fence that separated the property from the next. It was out of view from
the house and there was no way that anyone would see them out there or hear
what was about to be said.

Jace faced away from him and when he started to speak,
didn’t know what
to say at first, yet he knew what had to be said. “I’m an ass.” It was a start.

“Yes, you are.” Jace turned to him slowly. “I could have told
you that.”

“I deserve everything you say, but I want you to know how I
really feel. Being without you made me realize that I want you more than ever.”

“Why? We’re nothing alike. It would never work. You and I would
never work.” Jace pointed at him. “We’re too different and you don’t want what
I want in a relationship.”

“Tell me, what do you want?”

Jace shook his head. “I want someone who will love me for who I
am. I want a guy who won’t be afraid to show his love to me. I don’t want to
fucking hide any longer. And I know it’s not easy to come out. I haven’t done
it yet.” Jace stopped. “Well, that’s not entirely true. I told Mike.”

“You told him? Did you tell him about us?” The alarm in
’s voice was

“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Yes, I told him
about us. Does that make you feel uncomfortable? Does that scare you and piss
you off?”

wasn’t pissed off, but he was taken aback. “Fuck… No, I’m not pissed off. This
isn’t easy for me.” Suddenly he felt sick. “I wish I were like you.”

“I’m nothing special.”

“You’re brave and that’s something special.”
sank to the grass and lay back as he
looked up at the starry night sky. When Jace sat next to him, he swallowed
hard. But no matter what, he wouldn’t cry. “I feel so fucked up inside.”

“Join the club.”

“I know one thing for sure, I like you a lot, Jace. I like you
more than anyone else in this whole entire fucked-up world. When we first met
and we did what we did, I was freaked out. But I don’t regret it at all. I
can’t get you outta my head no matter how hard I try.”

heard Jace laugh. “Same here. I liked you from the first time I laid eyes on
you. It’s like that connection was already there.”

felt Jace’s hand on his shoulder and then the other on his opposite. When
Jace’s lips touched his,
pulled Jace down further until they were chest to chest.

Their tongues toyed in each other’s mouths. Jace tasted sweet
and familiar.

“God, I missed that,” Jace said, pulling back slightly. “I love
kissing you.”

“If you two are just about done, I think it’s time for us to get
the hell out of this lame-ass party.”

nearly jumped out of his skin along with Jace, who was now on his feet. “Fuck,”
he muttered, scrambling.

“Are you trying to scare the living shit outta me?” Jace yelled
as he clutched his chest.

Mike nearly collapsed with laughter. “If only you could have
seen the looks on both of your faces. It was priceless, man.”

“It isn’t funny. I could have had a heart attack or something.”
’s heart pounded
fast and furious inside his chest.

“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to scare you guys, but I knew
you’d left the house and sorta stumbled upon you two. No harm done.” Mike held
both of his hands in the air.

“He’s right,” Jace added. “No harm done, but if it’s all the
same to you, Mike, we’d rather be alone. We’ve still got some stuff to work

“That’s cool. I’ll see you both later.”

They watched as Mike walked out of sight into the night. “So,
where do you want to go?”

“It’s late. Mom’s definitely in bed. We could head back to my
place, but you’d have to be extremely quiet.”

“I can do that.”
guided his arm around Jace’s waist and pulled him close. “Anything to be with
you.” They kissed.



Chapter Eight


The school year had ended, and now graduation was the last rite
of passage. Most of the graduating senior class had plans to get shitfaced
after the ceremony later that night, at multiple house parties, but this time
had other plans
in mind.

“It’s not that I don’t want to be around you all,” he explained
to Mike after the official graduation ceremony was over. “I’d like to be alone
with Jace and make it more meaningful and special.”
winced as he said the last few words.
“I sounded like such a girl saying that.”

“It’s all good,” Mike replied. “If I ever find the one, I’m sure
that I’ll feel the same way. Jace is my cousin and one of my best friends, so
treat him right.”

It still never ceased to amazon Brandon how cool Mike was with
him and Jace being a couple. They never talked about it much, but Mike was
obviously fine with everything and that meant a lot to both him and Jace.

“What exactly do you have planned?” Mike asked.

“I’m cooking dinner for the both of us at my place. Mom is out
for the weekend. Hell, as you know she didn’t even come here to see me get my
had come to realize that he woman who’d given birth to him couldn’t be relied
on for much, and while it pissed him off at times, he was mostly over it. “And
then we’re going to relax.”

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