April Loves Black Coffee: First Impressions (54 page)

BOOK: April Loves Black Coffee: First Impressions
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I have the sudden urge to kick Jaewon in the shins. Who does he think he is to call me that? I don’t like being claimed as anybody’s girl nor will I ever like being labeled as someone’s bitch. But in a twisted way, I understand what Jaewon is doing. He enjoys pushing people’s buttons, and he’s working overtime on Sangwoo’s. Jaewon doesn’t mind getting into a fight with Sangwoo, just as long as physical combat is involved.

“I’m going to pretend,” Sangwoo replies through gritted teeth, “that I didn’t hear that. Stay away from her. Come May.”

I stay rooted to my spot. I am hungover and sick. I want nothing to do with Sangwoo–especially since learning the truth about Misun and the lies about Jaewon. Sangwoo probably lied about the death of Son’s cousin too.

“No.” My voice is a strained whisper. My gaze renders him helpless. “I’m nobody’s girl. I don’t belong to any of you. I’m my own person.” I’ve officially snapped. There is so much more I want to say to Sangwoo, but I am too emotional right now. I am not in the right mind state.

Jaewon’s lips purse together in an I-told-you-so fashion at Sangwoo. The hurt that comes across Sangwoo’s face is difficult for me to watch.

“May, I didn’t mean it that way. You know where your loyalties are. Come to me.” Sangwoo extends his hand. He remains persistent.

Loyalties? Is that what he is about? “No. Sangwoo, I’m not going with you. We . . . we ended it, remember?”

“No!” Sangwoo snaps, causing me to jump. He closes his eyes, anguish spreading across his face. When he opens them, those light brown eyes of his plead with me.

“No, May. Let’s talk about this privately.”


“Listen to me!”

“Let the lady speak, Sangwoo.” Jaewon shifts slightly. He reaches into his pocket and extracts a pack of cigarettes. I watch in disgust as Jaewon places it in his mouth and magically summons a lighter. Jaewon inhales deeply and soon a cloud of smoke surrounds us. I want to take the cigarette and jam it down his throat. I don’t appreciate the cloud of cancer.
We’re going to have to work on this nasty habit of his
. My intuition is willing to for life.

Sangwoo’s jaw clenches. At the same moment, he holds up a hand to stop Ren who makes a movement to advance towards Jaewon.

Sangwoo’s eyes dart from Jaewon to me. “How long have you been talking to him? You two are friends now? How could you do this to me?” Sangwoo demands; his voice no longer controlled. “You’re supposed to be mine.”

It is the gang leader complex. He wants instant gratification. “Sangwoo, I’m not property you can own. How many times do I have to say it? I can be friends with anyone I want.” I look at Jaewon too. “I’m not doing anything to you Sangwoo. This is not a betrayal because I was never yours.”

“Then why are you with him?!” Sangwoo shouts, pointing at Jaewon as though he is the shred of evidence. “You know what he’s done to me.”

“He’s done nothing to you.” My eyebrows come together. “Other than gang-related things, he’s done nothing personal to you. You’re the liar. You didn’t inherit any throne. You’re the one who killed, maimed, and robbed for your position. Mayhem inherited his position. You killed his brother, not the other way around. You’re just like Misun. You twist and lie about everything!” The truth comes pouring out of my mouth.

Jaewon scoffs beside me, clearly amused at the unfolding of events. “Tell him, April.” He continues to inhale his cancer stick.

I shoot him a death glare. Surprisingly, Jaewon relents. Perhaps having a citizen argue with his rival puts Jaewon in a great mood. He shrugs and motions for me to continue. It is very unlike of the infamous Mayhem to concede.

Meanwhile, Sangwoo remains poker-faced. His eyes become guarded and dark, angry, and violent. “May, don’t do this. Come to me.” Sangwoo levels his voice.

Jaewon rolls his eyes back to Sangwoo. Lazily, Jaewon blows the cloud of smoke at Sangwoo. It is a pacified warning for Sangwoo to keep his persistence at bay.

The hurt in Sangwoo’s eyes is taxing. I know exactly how he feels. He sincerely feels like I have betrayed him. Sangwoo is feeling as though I had gone behind his back to make alliances with his enemy. “Sangwoo, please. There’s nothing else to talk about.” I want this to all end.

Sangwoo ignores my request. “It’s him, isn’t it?” Light dawns on Sangwoo’s eyes with his assumption. “If you’re talking to him, why didn’t you tell me? Why can’t you be truthful?”

Truthful. The word stings me more than he’ll ever know. “And you were so truthful when all along you pursued me because of Misun. You don’t want me Sangwoo. You want someone who is long dead.” All of a sudden, I turn into a weakling. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. My heart is hurting inside my chest begging for some type of release.

Sangwoo takes another step forward. Suddenly, Jaewon steps in and closes the gap. Their height, physique, and danger rival one another. “I wouldn’t come any closer Sangwoo.” The humor is lost in Jaewon’s demeanor.

“Step aside Jaewon,” Sangwoo says through gritted teeth.

“You should learn how to handle rejection better,” Jaewon states simply. “In our world, we’re used to having things our way, but with Martyrs we use the hands-off policy remember?” Jaewon launches into gang jargon that shuns me from the conversation. “You don’t want the Boss to hear about this.”

Sangwoo ignores him with blatant disregard. “May, come with me.” Sangwoo extends his hand again as if I am a child in need of guidance.

I shake my head at him.
No. I’m not going back to you. I’m not going to let you lie to me and hurt me anymore.

“May, don’t be stupid. You don’t want to be on the other side of me. Be a good girl and listen to my words.” Sangwoo unleashes the power of his contention. “Come.”

“No,” I tell him. I hold my stand. “Please, leave me alone.” I am not a child. He cannot speak to me this way. I refuse to give into his obsession of Misun.

“Go Sangwoo. You are starting to become an itch no one wants,” Jaewon says indolently.

Sangwoo steps back. The last breath exits sharply out of him. “Fine.” Those mesmerizing, light brown eyes are now cold and unforgiving.

“If you do not stand next to me, then you will perish with the rest of them,” Sangwoo speaks clearly to me, enunciating every syllable.

Then, he’s gone.

I spin on a revolving axis, reeling from the emotions and fighting the impending tears. My feet stick to the ground and I cannot move.

Yoon Jaewon leans in from behind me. His masculine and protective physique envelops me. His voice is an alluring tone as he whispers, “Don’t worry. I’m the dark Angel you summoned. If Choi Sangwoo declares war on you, I’m your first line of defense, April.”

For the first time, as Yoon Jaewon lowers his eyes,
I see kindness in them.








read more in the

april loves black coffee series

by t.b. solangel



Book I: First Impressions


Book II: Last Conversations







Under the pseudonym Solangel, her other online stories include: Banana Pancakes, The Joy of Being Happy, The Ardors Series, and Love Bugged.


These stories will be published by T.B. Solangel.




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