Arik - The Life Of Ariel Sharon (104 page)

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Authors: David Landau

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Chapter 16: Island in the Sun

“Dispute Among Police over Sharon’s Involvement,”
October 31, 2003.

Amir Oren, “Wise Men and Presidents,”
October 3, 2006.

Baruch Kra, “Gilad Sharon Repaid Kern with Another Mysterious Transfer from the Austrian Bank,”
August 27, 2003.

“Hendel: Sharon Is Base and Corrupt,”
October 25, 2004.

dir. Dror Moreh, 2007.

Hefez and Bloom,

Disengaging from the Strip,

The Prime Minister’s Disengagement Plan and Policy in the Territories,
Knesset Record,
March 15, 2004.

Harel and Isacharoff,
Seventh War,
208ff., 321ff.

Shani interview.

Harel and Isacharoff,
Seventh War,

Disengaging from the Strip,

Debate on the Implementation of the Disengagement Law,
Knesset Record,
November 2, 2004.

Motion for the Agenda by National Union–Yisrael Beiteinu: The Government’s
Reliance on the Extreme Left,
Knesset Record,
January 17, 2005.

Chapter 17: “You Worry Too Much”

Disengaging from the Strip,

Hefez and Bloom,

The following section draws heavily on the Final Report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the State Authorities’ Handling of the People Evacuated from
Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. This commission, under the Supreme Court justice Yehoshua Matza, was created by the State Control Committee of the Knesset in February 2009, following a series of critical reports submitted by the state comptroller. As provided by the Commissions of Inquiry Law, the three members of the commission were appointed by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. The commission published an interim report in September 2009 and its final report in June 2010.

The date was later brought forward to July 20, to ensure completion well before the Jewish High Holidays, which fell in early October. The date was then changed again to August 15, so as not to coincide with the annual mourning period for the destruction of the Temple. This ends with the fast of Tisha B’Av, which fell that year on August 14. Subsequently, nevertheless, national-religious circles have incorporated mourning for Gush Katif into the Tisha B’Av rites.

“Land of Israel Supporters Buoyed by Human Chain,”
Arutz Sheva Israel National News,
July 26, 2004.

Jeffrey Goldberg, “Protect Sharon from the Right,”
New York Times,
August 5, 2004; Yossi Verter, “Sharon and the Right,”
August 13, 2004.

Hefez and Bloom,

Arik Bender, Ben Caspit, and Yifat Zohar, “The Calls on the Right Are Intended to Foment Civil War,”
September 12, 2004.

“The People Is Against Withdrawal—and the People Is Us,”
September 12, 2004.

Yoel Marcus, “He’s Got a Mandate. And How!,”
October 22, 2004.

Yossi Verter, “Obsessively,”
October 22, 2004.

“Top PM Aide: Gaza Plan Aims to Freeze the Peace Process,”
October 6, 2004.

Weissglas interview, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2008.

He died in 2007, at the age of fifty-seven.

Nadav Shragai, “The Settlers Invoke Heaven,”
October 27, 2004.

Government Statement on the Amended Disengagement Plan,
Knesset Record,
October 26, 2004.

Hefez and Bloom,

Yisrael Maimon interview, Tel Aviv, June 2008.

Yossi Verter, “Rabbi Eliashiv Rules,”
January 7, 2005.

Conversation with author, March 22, 2005.

Ya’alon interview.

“IDF Bids Farewell to Ya’alon and Welcomes the Disengagement CoS, Dan Halutz,”
June 1, 2005.

“It Is Impossible to Have a Jewish and Democratic State and to Rule over the Whole Land,”
September 26, 2005.

Aharon Abramowitz (committee chairman) interview, Mevasseret Zion, December 2010.

Aluf Benn, “He’s Leaving the Likud for an ‘Ingathering Plan,’ ”
November 21, 2005.

“Abbas: Olmert Negotiations Would Have Succeeded,”
, October 14, 2012; conversations with Olmert.

Robin Wright, “Rice Cites ‘Progress’ in Talks to Open Gaza Border Crossing,”
Washington Post,
November 15, 2005.

Ariel Sharon,

Yossi Verter, “Men in a Trap,”
March 7, 2008.

Anonymous interview, August 2008.

Chapter 18: To Sleep, Too Soon

Danon interview.

“Sharon Was Unable to Count His Fingers,”
December 19, 2005.

“Sharon: Don’t Overdo the Doughnuts,”
December 26, 2005.

Ran Reznick, “How Much Does Sharon Really Weigh?,”
December 27, 2005.

“The Doctors: Sharon’s Not in Danger but He Must Rest,”
December 20, 2005.

Shani interview, September 30, 2009.

Neri Livneh, “Decade in Review: The Day the Prime Minister Was Felled by a Stroke,”
December 25, 2009.

Anonymous interview.

Aluf Benn, Tamara Traubman, and Ran Reznick, “Sharon to Have Another CT This Morning,”
January 6, 2006.


Livneh, “Decade in Review.”


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