Armageddon Science (33 page)

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Authors: Brian Clegg

BOOK: Armageddon Science
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See also
nuclear terrorism

United States Air Force

and antimatter weapon

509 th Composite Group

United States Department of Defense

denial-of-service attack

See also

Universe: An Owner’s Manual, The

University of Chicago.
Manhattan Project

University of Chicago Round Table
(NBC radio show)

UNIX operating system

sendmail program

Upgrade Me

uranium 235

bomb based on separated uranium 235

uranium 238

and nuclear power plants

See also
isotope uranium 239

uranium bomb (Lille Boy)

arrival on Tinian Island

Hiroshima, bombing of

power of

urban heat waves

casualties from


V series nerve gases


Verne, Jules

Vinge, Vernor



death from

Krakatoa eruption

monitoring technology

Mount St. Helens

Mount Vesuvius

Sumbawa (Indonesian) eruption

Yellowstone supervolcano

von Leeuwenhoek, Antoni

Vonnegut, Kurt

VX nerve gas


Wagner, Walter

Wakefield, Andrew

Walton, Ernest

War Research Service (Camp Detrick)


Washington State power outages

water shortages

ice and

See also

“We Will All Go Together When

We Go” (Lehrer song)

weapons of mass destruction

antimatter weapon

hydrogen bomb


global warming and

power outages and

Weiner, Charles

Wells, H. G.

West Coast electricity grid vulnerability of

Western scientific knowledge

Greek philosophers and

White House

denial-of-service attack

Wigner, Eugene


William of Malmesbury

Winter, Chris

wireless connections vulnerability of

Wirth, Tim

Wolpert, Lewis

World War I

death toll

gas warfare

Hague Convention and

World War II

biological weapons

death toll

firebombing raids

G series nerve gases

Hiroshima, bombing of

Nazi concentration camps, cyanide gas and

Nazi scientists and

science and

V series nerve gases

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Meteorological Organization

World Set Free, The

World Wide Web


Commwarrior (cell phone worm)

Robert Morris’s ARPANET worm


(TV series)


Yellowstone supervolcano

Ypres (Belgium), gas warfare at

Copyright © 2010 by Brian Clegg. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Clegg, Brian.

Armageddon science: the science of mass destruction / Brian Clegg.—1st ed.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN: 978-0-312-59894-5

1. Science—Social aspects. 2. Research—Moral and ethical as pects. 3. Armageddon. I. Title.

Q175.5.C54 2010



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