Read Around the Way Girls 9 Online

Authors: Ms. Michel Moore

Around the Way Girls 9 (18 page)

BOOK: Around the Way Girls 9
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Chapter Nine
When King pulled up in front of Vita's house, he parked on the side of the street and got out of the car. He'd called to let her know that he was coming. As he walked up the driveway he saw the front door open and her standing in it wearing a huge smile.
“Hey, boo,” Vita greeted him once he made it to the door. She was wearing a little strapless dress that she'd put on just before he got there.
“Hey,” he replied dryly.
“What's wrong, bae?” She took his hand and led him inside, over to the sofa. He sat down and she sat on his lap, caressing the side of his face with her small hand. She kissed him softly on the lips. “Tell me what the matter is.”
“Nothing really, just some ol' bullshit.” He wasn't sure if he could tell her Breezy's business, so he hesitated.
“Well what is nothing really? I'm your girl; you can tell me,” Vita pressed already feeling that it must have something to do with Breezy judging by his hesitation to spit it out.
King let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand over Vita's thigh. He needed to get out how he was feeling so he took a deep breath and began. “Breezy came over, before I left, crying and upset about something that her ma had done to her. Normally, I would be there for her but after the last time that me and my ma got involved and she went running right back, I am done with that shit! My ma over there falling for it all over again. I just can't. She ain't gon' do nothing but run right back!”
The jealousy that Vita felt toward King and Breezy's relationship wouldn't allow her to tell him that, regardless, he should be there for his friend. She'd been enjoying their separation because it made her feel secure. She'd seen the way that King looked at Breezy and vice versa; the two of them could deny it all they wanted but she knew that there was something more between them than friendship. She'd finally gotten King and there was no way she was about to lose him to some dirty, non-factor bitch like Breezy.
“Don't let that mess upset you. Just continue to do what you have been doing; ignore her.” She paused and then continued. “I mean I'm not trying to be all up in you all's business but I have heard a few things about her being abused by her mama and her mama's boyfriend. I just be thinking that Breezy might be putting on a little bit because if her ma was so mean to her then why don't she tell somebody and get herself some help?”
He didn't have an answer to that question because that was something that he didn't understand himself. “I don't know,” he replied, not wanting to discuss Breezy anymore. He had something else in mind. “Come on; let's go upstairs to your room.”
A big grin spread across Vita's lips as she hopped to her feet. They went upstairs to her room. Within seconds they were both naked underneath the covers and King was sucking on her big, juicy titties. “Damn, I ain't got no latex. You got one?”
“Nah, but I'm on the shot so you are good,” she told him.
He stopped giving her breasts a tongue bath for a second and looked up at her. “Vita, I ain't trying to have no babies,” he warned seriously.
“Boy, ain't nobody trying to baby-trap you! I don't want no babies either,” she said with an attitude.
“I'm going to ask you to calm your ass down!” he said referring to her attitude before he climbed on top of her positioning himself between her legs and entering her.
Vita smiled inwardly as he moved in and out of her moaning and groaning telling her how good she felt.
That's right, baby, enjoy this pussy because you ain't going nowhere.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to move in sync with his movements.
When they were done, King got dressed and kissed Vita, telling her that he would holla at her later.
When he got home he saw a cover on the sofa but didn't see Breezy. He prayed that she wasn't in his room in his bed because she was most definitely going to get up out of there. He went in his room and checked but he didn't see her. “Her ass probably done snuck back down the street to her ma's house,” he mumbled shaking his head. He'd worked up an appetite with Vita so he went into the kitchen to get a plate of spaghetti. When he walked into the kitchen, Breezy was at the table writing something and listening to her MP3 player. He walked over to the stove and fixed his plate. After heating his food he went into the living room so that he could watch TV while he ate his food and because he didn't want to sit in the kitchen with Breezy.
The entire time that King was in the kitchen, Breezy intentionally kept her head down writing. She knew that he didn't want to be bothered with her and she understood.
King was getting into a rerun of
when he heard, “‘You said that when the storm came you'd be there with your umbrella to block the rain. And you said you'd protect me from heartache pain lies loneliness and misery. You said you'd tear down the walls that were in the way you promised things would be okay. And I stood there in the freezing cold and I waited for you but you never showed. Where you at? Ooh, where you at? Boy, you said you would be here for me . . .'”
His food got stuck in his throat and wouldn't move. Breezy had the voice of an angel and he'd always loved hearing her sing. For some reason this time it felt like she was singing directly to him though. He got up to carry his plate in the kitchen because his appetite was gone. Breezy had stopped writing and her head was resting in her hands as she sang the words of Jennifer Hudson's “Where You At.” He saw the tears hitting the table and could hear the pain in her voice as she sang.
As much as he wanted to give in at that moment, he just couldn't allow himself to get wrapped up in her bullshit again. He left out of the kitchen and went into his room, locking the door. He lay back on the bed in the dark and tried to go to sleep but kept hearing Breezy sing the words to that song over and over in his head.
Chapter Ten
Annette and Breezy got up bright and early the next morning. Annette called in to work and let them know that she wouldn't be in. After getting dressed, Breezy helped Annette fix breakfast so that they could hurry up and get going. She had a lot of things planned to get taken care of that day and wanted to get them all done. She needed to cram everything into this day because she didn't want to be missing any more days out of school.
“Breezy, fix some scrambled eggs,” Annette told her.
“No prob.” She walked over to the refrigerator and took out the eggs. When she turned around, King was standing in the doorway of the kitchen dressed in all black, looking good enough to eat. She noticed that he'd put on a few pounds in the past seven months and in all the right places. The eggs slipped from her fingers and crashed onto the floor. She hurriedly bent down and picked up the carton and checked to see if any of them were broken. Only one was.
“Are you okay, Breezy?” Annette asked worried that she may be getting sick to her stomach from the smell of the food.
“Yes, ma'am,” Breezy answered glancing at King once more before looking over at Annette.
“Good morning, ma.” King walked over to Annette and kissed her on her cheek.
“Morning, baby,” she responded.
Curtis walked into the kitchen and spoke, “Good morning.”
Everybody spoke it back. Breezy went over to the stove and got started on the eggs. When everything was done, she and Annette served breakfast. She didn't even attempt to fix herself a plate. She just grabbed a glass of juice.
“Ummm, Ms. Thang, get a plate and fix you something to eat. You are already walking around here looking like a bag of bones,” Annette told Breezy, after taking notice of the fact that she didn't have a plate.
“I don't want anything.”
“I didn't ask you if
wanted anything. You need to eat,” she said sternly giving her a knowing look.
Breezy got a plate and put some eggs on it. She looked across the table and Annette was looking like she might slap her so she put a piece of turkey sausage on the plate also. She hadn't even taken four bites when she felt it start to come back up. She jumped from the table but didn't make it to the bathroom. All of what she had eaten came back up all over the kitchen floor.
Annette jumped up, grabbed some paper towels and wet them and handed them to her to wipe her face.
“I'm gonna get that up. I'm sorry,” Breezy apologized still bent at the waist waiting to see if her food was done coming back up.
“I'll get it, baby. You go and get yourself together. You need some crackers or something to nibble on. Remind me while we are out to get you some.” Annette now felt bad for forcing her to eat.
Breezy went into the living room and lay on the sofa. She heard Curtis tell Annette not to worry about cleaning up my vomit, that he would get it and for her to just make sure that she was okay. She was so thankful for them.
“Yo, ma, what's up with Breezy?” King asked.
“She's just a little sick that's all,” Annette replied. “Why don't you stop acting foolish and ask her yourself? She has been through a lot and could really use her best friend right now.”
“Ma, don't start.”
“Don't start what? Telling you to act your age and not your shoe size? You are mad because she went back and I can understand that but now she is here asking for our help and you are still upset. Why?”
“Yeah, you right, she is here asking for help just like the last time when she made us both look stupid. Well this time she'll only be making you look stupid.”
“First of all, watch your damn mouth! Secondly, she won't be making me look like anything. That child needs somebody and I am going to do whatever I can for her! Third, no one has to make your ass look stupid; you are doing a great job of that on your own running around here behind that fast-ass girl Vita. You need to open your eyes and see that her little hot ass ain't all over you for nothing. You have a chance of playing pro basketball when you finish school. She's seeing dollar signs! If you are having sex, which I believe that you are, you'd better be using protection!” After saying what she had to say, she walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room to check on Breezy. “Get up and go brush your teeth so I can get you to the doctor.”
On her way to the bathroom, Breezy passed King. He gave her an evil look and kept it moving. She heard the front door slam a few seconds later as she entered the bathroom to brush her teeth.
At the clinic they confirmed what Breezy already knew. She was seven weeks pregnant. She didn't cry when she received the news because she'd done enough crying. Tears weren't gonna help her situation. She needed to get on some grown-woman type shit.
After leaving the clinic, Annette asked, “So do you know what you want to do? This is your decision. Curtis and I will help you in any way that we can.”
“I am going to keep my baby and be the mother my mother never was. I know that it won't be easy but life isn't easy and so with that being said I am going to do what I have to do. Starting right now. Will you take me back to that salon that you took me to for my birthday?'
Annette looked confused. “Sure. Why are we going there?”
“I have some business that I need to take care of.”
“Okay.” They drove to Angel's Salon in silence, both consumed by their own thoughts.
When they arrived, Breezy got out of the car and went inside. The same receptionist was at the front desk. “Good morning and welcome to Angel's. How can I help you?”
“Hello, um, I was looking for Blue.”
“I apologize but she's not working this week. She's on vacation. Is there something that I could help you with?” She offered her hand and Breezy shook it. “My name is Kendra Felton and I am co-owner of this salon.”
Breezy took a deep breath. “Yes, ma'am, actually I was wondering if you all needed a shampoo girl?” She prayed silently for her to say yes.
“Well to be honest we really don't at the moment,” Kendra replied giving her a sympathetic look. “Sorry.”
Breezy couldn't hide her disappointment. “I understand.” She turned to leave with her head hung low.
Something inside of Kendra urged her to stop the girl. She knew that it had to have taken a lot of courage for her to walk in and ask her for a job. “Hold up, ummm . . .”
“Brionna.” Breezy turned back around. “My name is Brionna.”
“Brionna, let me go and talk to my business partner Tamara and see what she says. Wait right here.” Kendra disappeared for a few minutes and then returned with another woman.
“Hello, Brionna, I hear that you are looking for a job. I am Tamara Byrd,” the woman introduced herself, offering her hand for Breezy to shake. Breezy accepted it and shook her hand. “Now to be honest, we really don't need anyone but Kendra told me that you looked like you really needed this job.”
Breezy interrupted her. “Yes, ma'am, I really do.” She decided to just lay all of her cards out on the table. “I've had it hard all my life and I have never had anything given to me except for a hard time. I need this job more than you know. This job is the first step to me bettering myself, and no longer being anyone's victim.” She felt like she may have said too much but she thought,
oh well I need them to know just how bad I need this.
Kendra had tears in her eyes. “Baby girl, do you go to school?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Okay well, can you work from four to nine?”
“Yes, ma'am!” Breezy replied, unable to hide her excitement.
“Tamara, is that cool with you?” Kendra looked at her business partner and asked.
“It sure is but only under one condition.”
“Anything,” Breezy replied excitedly.
“Well actually two conditions. The first being that you report to work on time every day.”
“The second being that you sit your little butt in one of those chairs and let me do something to that hair. You have to look like an angel to work in here, honey!” she said snapping her fingers.
Kendra and Breezy both laughed. “Okay, let me go tell my ride.”
Breezy ran outside to the car. Annette rolled down her window. “Child, what are you so happy about and why are you not getting your butt in this car?”
Breezy was so excited that she was nearly screaming. “I got a job!” She jumped up and down.
“What? You go, girl!” She got out of the car and wrapped her arms around her. “I am so proud of you!”
“Thank you. Ms. Tamara is about to do my hair. She says I have to look like an angel to work here!” Breezy laughed.
“Awwwsnap. Well, I have to run in Walmart and you know that could possibly take hours. How much is she charging for your hair?”
“I think it's free.”
“Well here take this.” Annette handed Breezy three twenty dollar bills. “Just in case.”
“Thank you.”
She turned to get in the car and then stopped. “I'm really proud of you and just so you'll know, you are already a better mother than Teresa.” She hugged her again before getting in the car and leaving.
Breezy went back inside and Tamara hooked her hair up. She gave her a perm and then sewed some deep wave hair in. Breezy looked in the mirror and was very pleased with her look. For the second time in her life, she felt beautiful.
She sat and talked with the ladies until Annette returned. When she got in the car it looked like Annette had bought the entire store. “Dag, Ms. Annette, you went crazy didn't you?” Breezy asked looking in the back seat at all of the bags.
“Nah, but I knew that you were going to need some clothes and so I bought you some things. I also see that you love to write so I got you some notebooks and pens. Just trying to help all that I can.”
“Thank you so much.”
“I also got you some prenatal vitamins and those crackers.” She reached over and touched Breezy's stomach. “We are going to get through this together. I will be right here by your side, I promise.”
“Thank you, Ms. Annette. I could never thank you enough.”
“There's no need to. I am just doing what God has put in my heart for me to do. That is all.”
BOOK: Around the Way Girls 9
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