ArousingMemories (8 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

BOOK: ArousingMemories
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It was disappointing to find Haley gone, although he knew
she worked hard to thwart some terrorist attack. She never said as much, yet he
knew he was a frustrating part of the puzzle. He knew, too, she spent more time
with him than she should. There was a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
He was chewing up her time without adding anything useful. Guilt pressed on
him. He also wondered why someone as dedicated as Haley would allow anyone to
distract her, even a friend, even a lover. Did she really harbor hope he would
remember? Shit, if only he could. The doctor said not to push it. His memories
would come back when they were ready. Well, he was ready now, damn it all, what
was the matter with his brain?

Lost in thought, it took him a moment to realize he wasn’t
alone when he entered the men’s locker room and tossed his bathing suit in the
laundry basket. Severin Blake sat on a nearby padded bench, eyeing him. Noah
stopped at the sight of the other man. Sev hadn’t visited again after their
first encounter, leaving Noah to assume he had made the other man
uncomfortable. The guy didn’t look so at the moment. He looked like he had
something on his mind, and in an instant Noah knew what. Sev must be Haley’s
lover, too, or maybe an ex-lover. While Sev’s name had rarely come up in
conversation with Haley, the few times it had, there had been a certain look in
the woman’s eye. A sort of wistful one. There seemed to be some personal
connection between the two senior operatives. So the idea Sev might be jealous
of Noah’s relationship with Haley wasn’t so farfetched. Was the man there to
claim a stake by pounding Noah into the ground? Great, another bruise was just
what he needed. That wouldn’t help his memories, or maybe like in old comedies
a blow to the head would help jog the memories back. Not likely. He decided to
defuse the situation quickly by acting as if nothing was wrong.

Striking a nonchalant pose, or as close to one as he could
get wearing only the towel he had wrapped around his waist after getting out of
the pool, he said, “Hey, Sev, what’s up?”

The other man didn’t answer right away, he simply looked
Noah up and down before shrugging. “You’re looking better than you did a few
days ago,” he remarked.

Not good enough to get into a fight
, Noah thought,
saying instead, “I’m much better, thanks.”

“Swimming is a good way to ease back into shape. Fucking’s a
good way, too, although a bit more strenuous,” Sev added with one of those
grins that could only be described as wolfish.

Oh, damn, this wasn’t going so well. Noah decided to come
clean and try to clear the air without a fight. He wasn’t up for it, and while
it was an embarrassing thought, it was still the plain truth. He cleared his
throat, and braced himself a bit as a precaution. “Look, Sev, you know I don’t
remember jack, so I’m sorry if I poached on your preserve or something.” He
winced internally, glad the woman in question wasn’t there to hear him put it
in such chauvinistic terms.

Sev’s face screwed up in confusion. “Huh? Oh,” he added
after a second. “Haley. You think I’m here to pound you into the ground because
you’ve been dancing with her in the pool?” He shook his head. “That’s old news,
pal. Haley can fuck whomever she wants, as can I,” he added with that grin
again, although this time, it seemed more forced.

Noah blinked hard. Behind the grin was a look that reminded
him of the wistful one Haley had given, only a masculine version. “So, you and
Haley are lovers, too?”

“Were,” Sev corrected, and his light tone and expression
were even less convincing than the previous grin. There was something deeper
going on there.

Noah tried to make sense of it all. “You and she were, but
aren’t anymore. I know she and I were lovers before my injuries because she
told me as much, and I know she and I are now because there’s nothing wrong
with my short-term memory.” The wheels in his head turned much too slowly,
still, he thought he was beginning to get it. “And, you and I are, too?” This
last question was said with trepidation. If he were wrong about it, he was in
for that pounding again.

Sev didn’t look mad, however. He grinned yet again, and
nodded his head, his expression more genuine. “I’ve had your sweet ass a time
or two. You and I are among those really fortunate men who like to dine on both
sides of the table. It makes for a delectable variety.” He licked his lips

Haley and Sev both? Good God, was there anyone in this
organization he wasn’t sleeping with? “Am I some kind of man-ho or something?”
he asked in bewilderment. “Am I screwing Ms. Mac, too?”

Sev laughed out loud and stood up from the bench. “Jesus, I
hope not. Although I have heard rumors about the woman.” Shaking his head, he
said, “Never mind. I’ve been waiting for you because I figure it’s past time
for us to get reacquainted.”

The other man sauntered toward him, and Noah could see an
erection through the worn material of Sev’s jeans. It wasn’t an unwelcome
sight, either. Despite his earlier release, his own cock started to respond to
all this talk of fucking. He barely had time to ponder it before Sev was upon
him, taking him roughly by the arms and slamming his mouth onto Noah’s. His
first impulse was to stiffen against the attack, but a second later, he yielded
to the other man’s hold and clasped him into his own.

As he entwined with Sev, he noticed underneath the growing
heat of arousal how big and hard the muscles were that he clung to. His own
head was tilted up to meet and mate with a mouth and tongue as large as his
own. And there was a hardness pressed against his belly. By shifting his stance
a little bit his own cock bumped against the ridge in Sev’s pants. They both
groaned at the contact, and Noah plastered himself even more against the other
man’s body. One of Sev’s hands tugged free the towel around Noah’s waist. The
rasp of the cloth against his aroused flesh made him gasp. The sound morphed
into a long groan when Sev’s strong fingers wrapped around his cock and

Everything was faster, harder with another man, yet the back
of his brain knew it was all good. Not wanting to be merely a passive receiver
of Sev’s passion, though, Noah pulled out of the kiss enough to nip at the
other man’s lips. His hands snaked under Sev’s shirt to tangle and pull at the
crisp hairs nestled between the man’s hard pecs. The nipples, too, were hard
points, and he used his thumbs to rub the nubs. Sev rewarded his efforts with a
low growl.

“Clever boy. You always know how to turn me on.”

Before Noah could take a breath to remind his lover he was
not a boy, the guy pushed him around and down. Caught in those strong arms, he
had no fear of falling, and when his back hit the changing bench, he opened his
eyes to see Sev looming over him. The expression on the man’s face was fierce,
as if he were set on devouring Noah. The look sent a hot burst of pleasure
through his body. He felt desire in an almost frightening way, yet he was
anything but afraid. His cock strained out from his body, as hard as it could
be. A pearl of pre-cum glistened on the tip. His breath came out in harsh

Sev gazed down at Noah’s arousal and smacked his lips. “I’m
going to swallow you whole, boy.” The word was an endearment. Noah smiled in
invitation and spread his legs wide enough for them to dangle over the sides of
the bench. Sev slowly straddled the bench, too, facing Noah. Their knees
bumped, and Noah’s cock jumped at even that casual contact. Their gazes locked
while Sev’s hands cupped Noah’s inner thighs, thumbs kneading the flesh as they
slid upward. The simple touch had Noah panting. His hips jerked up, but Sev’s
hands kept him down.

“Easy,” he soothed in his deep, masculine voice. “I’m
getting there.”

Noah closed his eyes on a groan and focused on Sev’s touch.
“Ah,” he grunted as his balls were fondled by those same thumbs. A smooth, wet
tongue replaced first one of Sev’s hands and then the other, tracing the skin
from the knee up to the junction between Noah’s leg and cock. His breath
hitched with each lap and deserted him entirely when his cock was consumed by warm
wetness. A soft tongue lapped the underside of his erection while strong lips
tugged and sucked. Sev took him deep into his throat, milking Noah faster and
faster toward a climax. He entwined his hands in Sev’s hair. His hips bucked
up, driving his cock deeper into the other man’s hungry mouth. They pumped up
again as his hands pressed down on Sev’s head. The climax built higher and
stronger. He couldn’t be gentle. Somewhere inside him, he knew he didn’t have
to be.

Sev’s lips, tongue, and throat worked Noah’s cock without
mercy. His fingers squeezed Noah’s tightened balls. Sev slid a finger up into
Noah’s ass just as Noah had done hours ago to Haley. Yet it was a mere fleeting
thought as the added pressure caused the orgasm to burst forth. With a keening
cry, he yanked at Sev’s hair and arched his back. The cum spurted out in spasms
that shook his whole body. Still, his cock remained embedded within Sev’s
welcoming mouth that rode out the climax and sucked him dry.

When he was done, he relaxed against the bench and let his
arms and legs hang limp, his eyes closed. Sev released the softening cock, but
his hands once more clasped Noah’s thighs, his thumbs once more giving a gentle
caress. This time, however, the touch was soothing, not arousing. And as Noah lay
there sated, happy, but still unable to remember who he was, he knew one thing
at least. He was wanted.

Chapter Five


Haley fought to keep her eyes and mind focused on the video
she was supposed to be scrutinizing for suspicious activity. It was damn hard.
With only four hours of sleep holding her up and a too-chipper Severin across
the table driving her crazy, scenes of happy tourists milling about the Faneuil
Hall Marketplace held little interest. Reviewing the footage taken by
operatives at various likely targets was simply another long shot effort among
dozens of others to figure out the terrorists’ big plan. What they needed was
Noah to get his memories back, and that little miracle hadn’t happened yet. Her
failure to fuck them back into his head grated on her even though her logical
mind told her the plan had been merely another long shot. She shouldn’t feel
guilty it hadn’t worked.

And it might work still, she assured herself. Or, maybe Sev
would have more luck. The thought set her teeth on edge, although if she was
honest with herself, she was not sure whether it was the idea of Sev being with
Noah or the idea of Noah being with Sev that pissed her off. All she knew was
her ex-lover was way too happy and had been since five o’-fucking-clock in the
morning when they started. The guy slouched in his chair, sipped lazily on his
third mug of coffee and grinned while watching the tourist cam. She cracked.

“Stop that!” she barked at him, hitting the pause button on
the video.

With eyebrows raised, he turned to look at her. “Stop what?”
His innocent act revved her up even more.

“The grinning, the sipping, the cheerfulness, the whole
thing. Just knock it off.” She knew she sounded like a lunatic, but couldn’t
help it.

“Sorry, sugar, didn’t mean to get on your nerves.”

She huffed out a breath, straining for calm and coming up
empty. “Everything gets on my nerves at this hour of the day, especially after
four hours of watching videos. It should get on your nerves too,” she snapped

Instead of showing remorse, he widened his grin. “What can I
say? Blowjobs relax me for hours afterward. You of all people should remember.”

Oh God, he didn’t just say that! Knowing he pushed her
buttons for entertainment, trying to make her blow her top by mentioning his
blowjob, she retaliated by turning the tables. “What I remember,” she bit out
with as much disdain as she could muster, “is you falling asleep after getting
yours and leaving me high and dry.”

That killed his smirk, but he wasn’t done with her by a long
shot. “Never happened, and you know it. I always left you in a puddle of your
own juices, too tired to even think about getting off again.”

She shrugged in response and returned her gaze to the video
screen. “If that’s how you choose to remember it.”

She was being an utter ninny. They had work to do and what
difference did it make if Sev played again with Noah. It might work and it was
all to the good. She forced herself to concentrate on the task at hand,
remembering lives were at stake. Sev didn’t retort back, fortunately. Out of
the corner of her eye, she could see he once more checked out the footage. Long
seconds ticked by before the primitive part of Haley’s brain took over her
tongue again.

“Noah gave you a blowjob?” she heard herself ask and winced
inside. Saying it in a businesslike voice didn’t make the question any smarter,
but there it was.

Sev didn’t seem to mind it, though. “Only after I gave him

She focused on keeping her voice even and tried not to show
how affected she was by the news and still not sure which part of these two men
hooking up bothered her. “As long as you didn’t overtax him.”

Sev snorted. “As compared to your playing grab-ass with him
in the pool? No, I don’t think I overtaxed him.”

“Oh!” Once more pausing the video, she rose up from her
chair, hands flat against the tabletop. “No one was supposed to be by the pool
while he swam except me. I can’t believe you spied on us.” Part of her was
enraged at the thought, but another part, a deeper, darker part, was kind of
titillated. She ruthlessly ignored the sensation and put as much mad as she
could in her face.

Sev was right there with her, on his feet. He leaned within
inches of her face. “Yeah, that’s what I want,” he fumed. “To watch you fuck
another man, that’s how I get my kicks, seeing him touch you all over, seeing
him take one of your rosy nipples in his mouth and suck it to a hard point. I
love watching him run his hands down your back to cup your soft, round ass and
squeeze it with his lucky fingers. I particularly love it when his hard cock
gets to dive right into your hot core and make you scream. Yes ma’am, that’s my
idea of a fine afternoon.”

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