Read Arranged Online

Authors: Jessica Spears

Arranged (19 page)

BOOK: Arranged
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Her embarrassment increased when she realized that he was watching her. Since he stood almost a foot taller than she was, it wasn't hard for him to see her clearly. She immediately pushed herself back, his arms still around her. "I…thank you."

He smiled kindly at her. "Always." He helped her back into her chair, returning to his as she swiped at her eyes, avoiding his gaze.

"I usually don't cry like that."

He watched her thoughtfully and for a moment, nervousness raced through her. He pitied her. She was surprised to find that she didn't want his pity. Before he could read her thoughts on her face, she began to eat her food once again. She needed to move the subject away from her. "What do you like to do for fun?"

He seemed surprised by her question, but quickly regained his composure. "Fight."

"Fight?" she asked, picturing him fighting hand-to-hand combat with someone. She nearly cringed.

"With swords," he added. "Or any weapon for that matter."

Her brows rose as she studied him. She knew he was strong and she could imagine how lethal he would be with a sword. "I've never seen a sword fight…I've only ready about them in books."

"They are quite spectacular; however, no place for a lady."

She rolled her eyes, sipping a sweet juice. "What else do you do?"

He thought for a moment before answering. "I ride."


"An animal like them. I will show you someday."

She nodded, almost excited for a moment about the idea of leaving the palace. However, she didn't feel safe enough until her leg was better. If anything were to attack her while she was out, she at least wanted a chance to run away.

Someone cleared their throat outside the hedged clearing, causing Alison to jump. Qwinn stood and walked to the opening, speaking lowly in his strange hissing language. She tried to see who spoke, but the shadows were too dense.

He returned, his face a mask of annoyance. "I apologize, but I must return you to your room now."

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

He didn't answer as he scooped her into his arms. "You must be tired."

She yawned as if in answer. "What time is it?"

"A few hours until sunrise."

She yawned again. "I don't think I've ever stayed up this late…I didn't realize I was tired until you said something," she sighed sleepily.

HE CRADDLED HER TO HIM, TRYING to ignore the way her face pressed into his shoulder. He shouldn't be holder her so tightly, but it seemed he couldn't help himself. When she had cried earlier, so many emotions had raced through him. He'd been filled with pride that she trusted him enough to cry in front of him, sadness because she was crying, worry, contentment and anger at himself for not wanting to let her go.

Perhaps he should let her spend more time with his sister and distance himself when he could. He liked Alison, a lot, and that was a dangerous place to be. He knew that Adalia would show her their ways and keep her safe. He had no excuses now.

By the time they reached her room, Alison was nearly asleep. He laid her gently on her bed and pulled the covers over her, his knuckles brushing over her soft cheek.

She snuggled into the pillows. "Thank you for dinner," she murmured before sleep took her.

Qwinn took a deep breath and left the room before he did something embarrassing, like kiss her forehead, as he had done in countless dreams. His heart picked up at just the thought. Every touch was electrifying. She was quickly melting right through his defenses.

He made his way through the palace to the great hall, where the council was meeting to discuss
wedding. He was angry that they insisted on pushing him. He knew Alison wasn't ready to marry him, but from the jealousy he'd noticed earlier, he now knew that there was a possibility that she could one day love him.

He had told them he didn't want to plan yet, and that planning was for women, but they insisted on setting a date for the festivities. He took his time walking to the meeting. Though he was King and had the final say, the council was there to keep the protocol and tradition of his people. On nights like tonight, he felt as if they were more a burden than a help.

They had been insisting that he take a queen since he had taken the throne. For almost two decades, he had successfully dodged them, but now that Alison was in Vidar, they would insist upon their marriage immediately.

He reached the Great Hall much too quickly for his taste. With a deep breath, he entered. The members stood at his arrival and he nodded to them. "This could not wait for later?" he asked, trying to control his annoyance.

Bartus stood. "We must prepare for the union."

"She has only just arrived. Give her time to become accustomed to our people and our ways," Qwinn argued.

"The people have been without a queen for too long," Mar spoke.

Qwinn's father cleared his throat, everyone turned to face him. "The Torin have been showing themselves more frequently. Should anything happen to you in battle, you must leave behind a ruler."

Qwinn frowned; even his father was on their side. "Nothing will happen to me. I am an excellent fighter," he nearly growled.

"That is not what we speak of. You must leave behind an heir should anything happen," Bartus said.

Qwinn's heart leapt in surprise. "An heir?" he swallowed. Alison and him weren't even wed yet and they were already speaking of an heir.

"The Torin could war at any moment," Mar argued.

Qwinn glared at him. "I killed their King. They will not be organized enough for an attack of that magnitude for years."

"Nonetheless, the Torin have been causing more problems than ever before. It is time to plan the union between you and the girl. We cannot afford to delay any longer," Bartus stated.

"And if I choose not to wed yet?" he asked in challenge.

"I am afraid you have as little choice in this as we do," Bartus informed him. "In two weeks is the eclipse. Ahanu will bless your union on that night. You have two weeks to help this girl become accustomed to our ways and our people, for on that night, you wed," he finished.

It was so final. Qwinn had no choice, no way around it. The eclipse was rare, but powerful for his people. The council knew that if Alison and him were to bond during an eclipse, their bond would be unbreakable.

The chamber remained quiet for a moment before the elders began to discuss and assign responsibilities for the planning. Qwinn hardly heard them over the pounding of his eardrums.

Two weeks was hardly enough time to make Alison fall in love with him, not with his kingly duties always calling him away. Just a moment ago, he had wanted to distance himself, now he needed to be around her as much as possible. He needed to speak with his sister, immediately.

Once the meeting was over, Qwinn hurried to her room. When he reached her door, he heard giggling inside. Frowning, he knocked on the door. The laughing stopped and he heard her soft feet pad across the floor, opening the door. "Qwinn," she said in surprise. "Is everything alright?"

"I need to speak with you, alone," he said as his eyes were drawn behind her, falling upon a man standing there.

Adalia opened the door, reading his mood immediately. "Of course, come in. This is Vin."

Vin bowed his head to Qwinn. "An honor." He was almost as tall as Qwinn, but slightly broader in the shoulders. His head was crowned with small white horns. His dark red eyes lowered respectfully. He looked almost human enough to be a part of the royal family, aside from his sharp ears and grey tail. He was no doubt a member of the Yorath family, a family with "pure blood" as they called it and high influence.

Adalia turned to Vin. "You must leave now."

He turned his dark red eyes to her. "Will I see you later?" he asked softly.

She smiled playfully. "Perhaps, now go," she said, pushing him towards the door.

Once it was closed, Qwinn turned on his sister. "Is he courting you?"

She didn't even react to the anger in his voice. "He has been trying to court me for years," she said calmly.

"Vin Yorath?" he said skeptically. "I thought you hated his family."

She crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "Not all of them. Now, tell me what is bothering you?"

Qwinn stared her down for a moment before giving in. "The council has given me two weeks until the wedding," he said, too preoccupied to even fight his sister about Vin.

Adalia nodded. "I assumed as much. The eclipse is too important to let pass by." She put her hands on either side of his shoulders. "If Alison had not come when she did, they would have stolen her the night of the Eclipse."

Qwinn growled angrily.

"It has happened before," she sighed. "Be thankful that you get as much time before hand to make your bond stronger. Some don't even get that much."

"How am I supposed to make her fall in love with me?" he asked, clearly distressed.

Adalia smiled at the thought of such romance. "Be yourself."

Qwinn frowned deeply. "Myself is…angry."

"But not around her. Don't think I haven't noticed that she helps you stay calm."

"Perhaps, but…what if that is not good enough?"

His sister smiled and a wave of calm washed over him. He knew she was controlling his mood, but at this moment, he didn't mind. "It will be enough. If she is the one, as you say she is, she is drawn to you as much as you are to her. Perhaps the way to win her heart is to give her yours."

The idea didn't sit well with Qwinn. "Is there anything you can do?"

She sighed at her brother's stubbornness. "I can try, but you must also try."

Qwinn turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm. "Don't keep her in a box. Let her experience a sense of freedom and she will trust you. Also, do not do anything tonight besides sleep. You look horrible."

Qwinn narrowed his eyes, but nodded. Taking her advice, he made his way to his room. As soon as he reached it, everything caught up with him. He was tired, anxious and stressed. Maybe a good morning's sleep was what he needed.

When he woke, he felt truly rested. He was surprised no one had woken him. He knew it was late in the night, well past midnight. He dressed quickly and headed to the hallway. Everything was running as usual; the servants went about their business and others wandered through the halls. Nothing seemed out of place, his kingdom didn't seem under attack. So why hadn't anyone woke him?

He contemplated whether to go to the Great Hall and talk with some of the elders to make sure everything was all right, but instead decided he wanted to check on Alison first. She had probably been awake for hours.

As he reached her room, he was surprised to hear voices. He opened the door quickly and found Adalia sitting on the bed beside Alison, who was gripping a long knotted stick. They both turned towards the door at his entrance and Adalia smiled. "How did you sleep? I made sure everyone left you alone for a while."

ALISON WATCHED AS THE STRESS FROM his shoulders lessened.

"I slept well. Thank you, but you didn't have to do that," he turned his eyes to Alison and her walking staff. "What are you doing?"

"Adalia is helping me walk," Alison said before Adalia could explain.

Qwinn blinked in surprise. "Walk?"

Both women nodded.

"I was so tired of being in bed…"

"The staff can help her balance," Adalia finished.

Qwinn stood before Alison. "Can you walk?"

"I've only tried a few steps."

It was nearly impossible to read his emotion. "Show me."

Alison gripped her staff tightly and put all her weight on her good leg as she brought herself to a stand. She steadied herself just as they had practiced then took a small step. She limped, but the stick stopped her from loosing balance and falling. It hurt. She grit her teeth against the pain and took another step. Adalia and she had been practicing for almost an hour.

Alison walked three steps before her knee gave out; the pain was too much. Adalia hurried to her, but Qwinn was faster. He caught her before she hit the floor.

With hardly a pause, he carried her back to the bed and set her down. "Perhaps we should save walking for when your leg is better healed."

She sighed. The thought of walking gave her hope. She had realized something this evening when she had woken from a dream about Qwinn; she was getting too comfortable here. Despite the fact that everyone had been kind to her, they had kidnapped her and no matter how much they tried to convince her otherwise, she was a captive.

She had told herself many times before, but now she was determined to distance herself from these creatures. It didn't matter that she had never had real friends on the surface. It didn't matter that their world scared and fascinated her at the same time. She had to reach the surface and find her bag, whatever it took.

Therefore, she had allowed Adalia to help her walk. That was bringing her one-step closer to escaping. However, she knew she'd have to be careful around Qwinn. For reasons she couldn't explain, she was drawn to him.

BOOK: Arranged
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