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Authors: Jessica Spears

Arranged (43 page)

BOOK: Arranged
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Qwinn blinked for a moment, and then felt his stomach sink. He had forgotten the most important traditions to humans, a ring to symbolize their union. He wanted to bash his head on something hard then she giggled uncertainly. "It's alright−"

"No, you deserve a ring. In fact, I will get you the most beautiful ring," he interrupted her.

Her smile was worth all the rings in the world. It amazed him how much she moved him. He was most definitely, uncontrollably, head over heels in love.

Without warning, he pulled her close and kissed her again.

ALISON COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT SHE HAD JUST DONE. She was getting married! The fact that she'd just run from an engagement wasn't lost to her. However, she had been the one to choose this one; no one was forcing her into anything.

She smiled up at Qwinn who was beaming down at her. Could she imagine her life with him? It was definitely a different picture than anything she'd ever imagined before in her life. She'd imagined herself to live in a cute little garden cottage house with a husband and maybe a few kids.

A giddy feeling rose in her, everything she'd been looking for on the surface was staring her right in the face. Qwinn smiled down at her, his strong arms still holding her close to him.

She had no question about his feelings, they were plain as day in his eyes. She realized that she
see her spending the rest of her days with him.

"We must return and tell the others. There will be much to prepare before the Eclipse," he said, threading his fingers into hers and tugging her back to the Ou'tani.

His words made her pause. "That soon?"

"Is that a problem?" he asked gently.

"'s just that...the Eclipse is in a few nights..."

Once again, he faced her and pulled her close. "The Eclipse is one of the greatest days of Ahanu's power. There is no better day to be unified, especially for a King," he smiled cheekily. "And you will be my Queen."

Butterflies immediately sprung into a frenzy in her stomach, as she nodded. He took her chin in his hand, bending to be in her direct line of vision. "Do not worry; I would not rush you into anything."

When they returned to the palace, the first place she wanted to go was to Adalia's room. It was much easier to get around with her leg fully healed. She hadn't noticed how much she had to stiffen her leg when she walked and how fluid she could move now. She couldn't wait to try out dancing on her newly healed leg.

She excitedly made her way, watching Qwinn move on down the hall, promising that he would return after he checked on a few things.

When she knocked, Adalia opened her door, sending a swirl of sweet flower scent into the hall; she smiled slyly at her visitor. "I was wondering if you had gone to the caves again."

Alison fought a blush, but couldn't contain her excitement and nerves. "Qwinn asked me to marry him!" she blurted.

Adalia didn't seem too surprised, in fact, she seemed a little relieved. Then her eyes lit with joy as she scooped Alison into a big hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

Alison giggled as she hugged Adalia back. Sometime in these past few weeks, Adalia had come to mean a lot to her. She held a place in her heart where Alison assumed a sister would fill up.

Suddenly she pulled her into the room and shut the door, her eyes still aglow. "This is perfect. The Eclipse is only a few days away!"

The nerves Alison had been fighting flared up to full life at the reminder. She walked to the cushions in the room and plopped down. "So soon"

Adalia joined her, "everything happens for a reason."

"I ran from one marriage into another..." she rambled.

Adalia frowned with worry and Alison was quick to smooth over her comment. "But I want this marriage...I just wish I could get to know Qwinn more before I marry him. It seems so...impulsive."

"Some of the best things in life come from impulsive decisions," she said, taking Alison's hand. "You have the rest if eternity to grow to know Qwinn and how impossible he is," she giggled. "But love like this only comes once."

Alison absorbed her words, her thoughts so contradicting that they were making her dizzy. She noticed Adalia trying to read her, it was obvious the girl was having a hard time. Alison was battling with excitement, fear, worry, insecurity, fullness, love, and anxiety. After a moment, Alison felt a wave of calm wash over her, which she welcomed gratefully. She knew it was Adalia's work, but for once, she let the Vidarian have control of her, anything for a moment of silence from her thoughts.

Without a word, Adalia took her hands and led her over to a chair she had positioned at her large and beautiful vanity. Alison sat while turning to the mirror that was surrounded by weaved branches, some blooming with flowers still. However, the vanity wasn't what took her breath away. Her reflection staring back at her is what took her off guard. She looked...alive. Her cheeks were flushed a rosy pink, her green eyes twinkled, her purple dress made her skin stand out attractively and her red hair was pulled back in beautiful braids. She had never seen herself look this...happy!

Her hand reached up slowly and gently touched her cheek, to make sure she was real.

"You belong here," Adalia said gently.

She looked beautiful. In that moment, she knew that she was meant to marry Qwinn. She always had been. It just felt right. With that thought, she pushed all her doubts aside and lifted her chin with a smile.

Adalia grinned behind her. "I've always wanted a sister."

The girls giggled as Adalia began to experiment with Alison's hair, chattering away at what to expect at the festival.

JABR HURRIED TO INFORM THE OTHERS as Qwinn made his way to Alison's room. When he opened her door and didn't see her, and instead found Naliya and Larius chatting, his heart leapt nervously, "Where is she?" he asked gruffly.

Larius bowed slightly. "She was with you my lord."

Now Qwinn's nerves turned into anger. He was about to tear into his appointed bodyguard when he suddenly heard giggling from down the hall. He looked up just in time to find Alison and Adalia walking toward him, talking lowly amongst themselves. Stress literally lifted from his shoulders as his eyes landed on his bride.

Alison smiled shyly up at him, as they approached. Adalia however, gave him a knowing look before excusing herself back to her room.

Qwinn opened the door for Alison. Naliya and Larius hurried out, giving them privacy. He had hardly closed the door before he had Alison in his arms. It seemed that she had expected as much because her face as already tilted up, mouth waiting for his. He kissed her deeply, letting her smell consume him. Her arms held him as his hand slid down her back, pulling her even closer. She was a perfect fit in his arms, her mouth a perfect fit against his.

She sighed and melted against him. It was safe to say that she was driving his senses wild. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, gently laying her down close to him.

As she pressed into the pillows, his hand traced the curve of her hip, loving her softness. Suddenly, she grabbed his hand and stilled him, pulling away from their kiss, trying desperately to breathe again. "We...can't do...this," she gasped.

She was a gorgeous sight, her hair fanned against the pillow, her eyes half-mast. He wanted to taste more of her. He moved in for another kiss, but she moved her head, now trying to push him off her. "Qwinn, no."

He moved away in frustration, trying to subdue the animal rising within him. "Why not?" he asked hoarsely.

She chewed her lip nervously, "we're not married yet. In the society I was raised in, you wait for marriage."

He ran a hand through his dreads. He was hearing everything she was saying, but it was hard to stifle his want. He had agreed with himself that he wouldn't touch her sexually until they were wed and bonded, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. He was at the will of his desires.

Qwinn took a few deep breaths, trying not to look like an animal to her. His anger flared, but at himself. She shouldn't have to remind him of his duty to her. He was supposed to be protecting her, not taking advantage of her.

When he finally felt like he had a grip on himself, he turned to her. She chewed on her lip while she watched him. All signs pointed to that she was nervous she'd made him angry, he didn't need to read emotions to know that.

He took her hand in his and gently laid his lips on her wrist. "Until we're married."

She smiled uncertainly as he stood. "You should rest. I'm sure tomorrow will be very busy."

He had almost reached the door when he heard her say, "wait."

He stopped and turned, looking at her questioningly. A blush lit her cheeks as she looked shyly at him. "We may not…be able to be intimate yet…but could you stay?"

Her request took him so off guard that he had to repeat what she'd said in his mind to make sure he understood correctly.

Inside, he couldn't help but smile with pride. She wanted him too. He knew he would be torturing himself if he stayed, having her so close but not able to make love. Then again, he could understand why she didn't want to be alone. Even just the thought of returning to his dark room without her made him feel like an empty husk of a man.

"I will let you change and get under the blankets then I will return," he said, controlling his voice, not wanting to scare her further.

Once he was out the door, Naliya bowed her head as he passed. This was the third time he'd seen her speaking with Larius. He wondered if they liked each other. These were thoughts to be pondered at another time however.

The actual reason he left her, if even for a moment, was because he needed to cool off.

After Naliya had returned to wait on Alison and Larius accepted his protective post, Qwinn headed for the bath. He had barely stripped off his clothes before diving into the frigid pool. The freezing water shocked him out of his fog of lust.

He stayed in until he was shivering and only then did he know he was safe to return to her. He quickly dried and changed.

When he opened her door, the only light was coming from a small lantern by Alison's bedside. She sat up as the door opened. Even in the dark, he could see her wearing loose sleeping clothes. He took control of his thoughts before they wandered and closed the door behind him.

He sat on the bed beside her, watching the way the lantern light flickered around her face. She rested her head back onto the pillow and looped her fingers into his. "Will you stay?" she asked gently.

He nodded as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. With that, he carefully moved to the other side of the bed and lay over the blankets while she remained safe and carefully wrapped beneath them. The air was filled with silence between them, both lost in thought. Qwinn didn't know what to do, he was afraid to even touch her. Then suddenly she took his hand, pulling him closer while she turned her back to him. He got the message and scooted even closer until her back was molded comfortably against him.

He could tell she was embarrassed by her actions because she was stiff. He surrounded her waist with his arm and settled into the pillow beside her. The smell of her hair was intoxicating, and again, he had to control his thoughts.

After a moment, the tension began to melt from her shoulders. "Will you stay when I fall asleep?" she whispered, as if unsure she should even ask.

"I will be here when you wake."

His breath on her neck made her shiver. "I…I never do this…" she murmured.

He could sense her insecurity and squeezed her gently. "You do not have to explain."

She glanced at him from over her shoulder, her red locks spilling down her back, and smiled softly. "Women in my society don't…act like this. If my grandmother knew that I was lying alone and in bed with you, she would have a heart attack."

"I do not understand. We care for each other; we should be able to act on our feelings without fear of judgment."

She shrugged. "That is just how it is, at least for women."

He gently dragged his knuckles over her cheek. "No one here will judge you for your feelings."

At that moment, she yawned. He kissed her head and settled back into the pillow. "Rest."

She snuggled into her pillow and him with a contented sigh.

He smiled because he suddenly found himself equally content, just lying with her.

When she was breathing deeply with sleep, he dared to rub his face in her lush dark red hair. She was more beautiful than any creature he'd ever laid eyes on. Her insecurities, however, needed to be remedied. He blamed them all on her uncaring Uncle, whom he would like to pay a visit to, and the human's rule-strained society. He was determined to snap her out of her insecurities if it was the last thing he did.

As she slept, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to their future together. He pictured loving her, their first child, teaching her to speak Vidarian, teaching her to harness her energy and power that their bonding would bestow on her.

Though he was exhausted, his mind worked long into the morning as she slept soundly, murmuring softly now and then. After some time of restlessness, he crept from the bed, careful not to wake her. He knew he told her he wouldn't leave, but he needed to walk off some of his pent up thoughts.

BOOK: Arranged
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