Read Arranged Online

Authors: Jessica Spears

Arranged (54 page)

BOOK: Arranged
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She had explained what she had heard from Vin and Larius. She told him how Vin had carried Alison over the wall; for that, Qwinn was very grateful to him. He still kicked himself for having passed out the way he had after the battle.

Alison's eyes fluttered open and he remained still, realizing he hadn't through what to do when she woke. She froze as soon as she saw him. "Qwinn," she squeaked.

He slid back into the chair by her bed, taking a less threatening position by moving it a few feet away. "How do you feel?"

She watched him quietly, trying to read him. To his frustration, she was equally disciplined in her facial expression. "I've been better," she said quietly, pushing herself to a seated position.

Qwinn swallowed hard, wanting to tell her so many things but not knowing where to start. "I'm glad you are well."

She looked uncertain for a moment. "How…how are you?"

He looked down at the jagged scar slashed across his chest. "I've…got some scars."

She pulled her knees to her chest and stared at the threads of the blanket. She remained like that for a moment before nearly whispering, "So…what now?"

She had asked him so quietly that he wasn't sure she had said anything. After a moment, he cleared his throat. "I am letting you go…," he said, sure to keep his breaking heart out of his voice. In truth, he wanted nothing more than to pull her to him and kiss her, never letting her go.

Her brilliant green eyes met his in surprise for a second before returning to the blanket. "What do you mean?"

He had to pull his eyes away; for fear that he would back out of his choice. "I am freeing you from the arranged marriage. As soon as you are ready, you may return to the surface…I will no longer bother you, as well as any of my people…You are free," with that, he stood, balling his fist at his side to keep himself in check. "I apologize for all the pain I caused you…I hope you can believe that. I also have something for you," he rushed, trying to hurry so he could leave. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his composure for much longer.

He walked to the door and picked up a stuffed travel bag. "I was going to give you this after…the wedding. However, now that you're leaving, you might as well have it."

Alison's eyes grew wide at the sight of her travel bag that she had thought was lost on the surface. "Where did you get that?" she asked, standing from the bed and gently taking the bag from him.

"My men found it in the woods after you had been captured."

Alison held the bag as if it were a dream. "Thank you," she whispered, and then her brows rose. "The festival!"

Qwinn held up his hand, refusing to look at her for fear she would see the pain this was causing him. "My men will take you to the surface as soon as you are ready." He put his hand on the door, feeling as if someone had stabbed him in the gut. "Goodbye Alison."

ALISON WATCHED HIM LEAVE and her heart sank. She had gotten what she wanted since she first arrived, freedom. However, joy didn't accompany the knowledge. In fact, she felt empty. Her heart was glad that he was alive, but he didn't want her anymore, not even for an arranged marriage.

Instead of sending her to the dungeon, he was banishing her because he did not love her. Try as she might to fight them, her tears came. Everything was so wonderful, yet so horrible at the same time. How was this possible?

She would never see him again; he had made that clear. She gripped her travel back with her father's papers in it to her chest and buried her face in it. She had to leave.

A knock came at the door and Larius stepped in, followed by Naliya. "The King has ordered me to escort you to the gates of the city. Are you ready?"

"I have to change," she said, still clutching her bag. That was all she really owned. Naliya held up a pile of clothes, bowing low so as not to meet her eyes. As soon as Alison had taken them, she rushed out of the room, trying to stifle a sob.

After a moment, Alison realized they were the same clothes that she had arrived in, all those weeks ago. Larius stepped out of the room so she could change. The clothes had been washed and folded. There was a tear in her skirts, but she put them on anyway, knowing her society would not accept the Vidarian outfit she currently wore.

When she had done up her dress as best as she could, she felt almost suffocated by the pounds of clothes she had on. Taking one last look around, she sighed all the way to her soul; surprised to find that she would miss this place.

Larius quietly led her to the Ou'tani waiting in front of the palace to take her away. Adalia followed them out, crying into Vin's shoulder. She could hardly look at Alison. Right before Alison mounted, Adalia threw her arms around her. "Why a-are you leaving?" she wept.

Alison couldn't stand to see her beautiful silvery eyes wet with tears. "Your brother has sent me away," she said lowly for fear that she would begin crying, again.

"That can't be! He loves you!" she said firmly.

Vin touched Adalia's shoulder, pulling her away. "Take care, Alison," he said before pulling a sobbing Alison to him in one last embrace.

Larius gently ushered Alison to an Ou'tani. As soon as she was positioned on it, he mounted his own, leading the way.

As they rode toward town, she could hear the music from the festival, softly at first then growing louder. She knew that they would party until the sunset. As she looked up to the
bubble, she realized the sun was almost fully risen. She must have slept a long time.

Naliya had told her that at noon the great Eclipse would be the strongest and Ahanu's power would flow over every being in Vidar.

Alison's heart sank at the thought of the dance she had practiced so hard but would never be able to perform. She wondered how Qwinn would announce that the wedding was canceled. No wonder the Vidarian's hated humans.

They rode right through town and straight toward the gates. Maybe Vidarian's looked at her, but she didn't know. She was staring at the huge gates. Only a day before, she would have given anything to have them opened. Now, they opened with no hesitation and she would never be allowed to return.

Tears fell hot down her cheeks as so many thoughts swam in her mind, screaming to be heard. As they drew closer, she was forced to put her hands over her ears to try to stifle the chaos. She grit her teeth, trying to shove the thoughts back and do what she was told, but her ears were ringing and her stomach tied in knots.

"Stop!" she yelled, suddenly feeling short of breath. She wasn't sure if she was yelling at her mind or at the traveling group. Nevertheless, everything seemed to freeze in that moment. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of her pounding heartbeat. Her green eyes lifted to the open gates; freedom. However, her heart felt crushed. It was time to choose.

Her mind told her to run while she could, she would be able to take care of herself on the surface now that she had her father's papers.

Her heart told her that home was back the way she had come and that if she left now, she would leave a piece of herself here.

So many doubts clouded her thoughts. Could she really survive on her own on the surface? Did Qwinn really want her to leave? Was Adalia right, did he love her?

Larius turned and began to speak to Alison, but she could not hear him. Instead, she grabbed the reins and did the most impulsive thing she'd ever done in her life; she turned the Ou'tani back to town and galloped toward the palace.

Her travel pack bounced at her side, but she didn't even register it. She knew that Adalia was right; somehow, she'd known it all along. Qwinn loved her or he wouldn't have come after her. And she loved him back, with all her heart.

She sped through the town, passing many villagers who were carrying all sorts of food to the festival that was already in full swing.

As she rode back to her prison, she realized that sometime within the last few weeks, she fell in love with this town and all its people. She had the opportunity to be free on the surface, but that was not freedom. Her heart belonged here, in this underground world of monsters and magic, where she was loved and wanted. This was her freedom.

She knew Larius must have been following her, but she did not once look back. For the first time in her life, she was sure of herself. She loved Qwinn and spend the rest of her life with him, learning about these people.

A smile of pure joy bloomed on her face as the palace came into view. No one was around, so when her Ou'tani slowed she leapt off, very un-lady like. She landed with little trouble, thanks to her new dancing skills, and ran up the stairs, lifting her skirts as she climbed the steps to the door.

With all her might, she pulled the door open just enough to squeeze through.

A servant eyed her strangely, but before anything could be said, she was running again, climbing more stairs, two at a time. "Qwinn!" she yelled as she ran toward his room. "Qwinn!"

She threw open his door and frowned; no one was there. Without a moment to lose, she began to run toward the last place that she had seen him, her room.

By now, there were a few servants watching her run around like a fool in her seemingly hundred-pound dress. But she could care less, she needed to find him. "Qwinn!" she yelled as she threw her door open.

He sat up from her bed and dropped the dirty outfit she had left behind. It looked as though he'd been crying. "Alison?" he whispered, as if he were afraid he was hallucinating.

She hesitated for a moment, battling the doubts screaming back to life in her head. Before she could think too much, she rushed across the room and threw herself into his arms.

For a terrible moment, he did nothing. He didn't move, he didn't surround her in his arms, he didn't even say a word. Alison's heart paused as she waited, feeling as if she'd offered herself up for sacrifice.

Then the terrible moment faded as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist. "What are you doing here?" he breathed into her hair.

She held him tighter. "Don't send me away."

"But…it's not safe for you here. You'll only get hurt."

"I'm safer with you than on my own," she said, pulling back just enough to peer into his dark eyes.

He studied her closely, trying to keep his emotion in check.

"I love you," she said clearly, to be sure there would be no confusion.

He swallowed hard as he processed what she said. Then a smile bloomed on his face that lit the entire room. He picked her up off the floor and spun her. "And I love you!" he exclaimed, setting her down and claiming her mouth desperately, stopping all other words.

She held him tight, relief and joy singing in her heart; this was where she belonged.

"Marry me?" he asked, pressing his lips tenderly to her forehead. "Not because you have to, but because you want to."

Alison smiled. "Yes," her answer practically resounding off the walls.

Qwinn laughed happily as the door swung open.

"Alison?!" Adalia gasped, hurrying into the room, followed closely by Vin and soon after, Naliya.

Alison faced all of them, holding onto Qwinn's hand, because she wasn't ready to fully detach from him. As her eyes took in all the smiling and hopeful faces, she realized that they had become her family. "I'm home," she said softly.

Adalia flew across the room and nearly tackled Alison. "I am so glad!"

Vin nodded approvingly and Naliya smiled ear to ear. Larius entered the room and leaned against the doorframe, watching the happenings with a knowing grin, as if he had no doubt this is how things would end.

ALISON HAD BEEN GONE from his grasp for only moments, but it was too long for him. Even as she hugged Naliya, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She felt so small in his arms and so delicate; he knew her to be the complete opposite. She'd been through more than anyone should go through and she still managed to show him a genuine smile that reached her eyes and made them sparkle like emeralds.

His heart throbbed heavily with his love for her. He kissed her, right there in front of everyone and didn't even think twice about it.

Adalia cleared her throat, "I hate to interrupt," she said with a smile, "but we have to get Alison ready for the festival."

Alison pushed away from him and gasped. "Oh no, I've ruined the festival!"

"No," Qwinn answered.

Adalia grabbed Alison from him and began to drag her away. "We have a just over an hour until noon. We still have time to prepare you if we leave now," she said, tugging her towards the door.

Qwinn had half a mind to stop her. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't afraid to let her out of his sight; perhaps she would disappear and he would find it all a dream.

"What about the soldiers…" she said. The sound of sorrow was heavy in her voice, causing everyone to pause. "They won't be able to go, because of

Qwinn frowned. "It is not your fault."

Adalia let her arm go as worry etched her face and she looked to her brother for help.

"If I wouldn't have run−" Alison started.

He silenced her by pressing a finger to her lips. "My men fought valiantly and for honor. They banished the Torin menace from our lands and saved their future Queen. We are free, because of
. If you had not run, their King would have had more time to heal and perhaps attack us before we were prepared." He ducked his head so that he could see her eyes. "You have no reason to blame yourself. It is my fault…. I should have told you why you were here from the beginning… now you're back," he smiled. "I would change nothing that has happened to bring us together."

BOOK: Arranged
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