Arrested Pleasure (16 page)

Read Arrested Pleasure Online

Authors: Holli Winters

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance, #M/F, #Contemporary Romance, #erotic, #detective, #Oregon, #Massage

BOOK: Arrested Pleasure
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An idea popped into her head. "Can I bring a date?"

Nola's eyes widened, then a slow smile spread across her face. The last thing she expected was Cassie to ask about bringing a date. Well, true, since she rarely introduced men to her parents. Her dad might give him the first degree, and her mother would start planning the wedding. Yet Cassie had a feeling Gabe could handle any attention her parents might give him.

"Sure." Her mother frowned. "I wasn't aware you were dating someone after Gavin."

"We aren't. Well, sorta."

"What do you mean, sort of dating?"

"He's someone I met recently. A detective who works for the police department here in the city. Anyway, I'd like to bring him to the wedding and reception if you don't mind?"

Nola relaxed and smiled. "Of course. He sounds fabulous. What's his name?

Does his family live here?"

They hadn't discussed his family. In fact, Cassie knew very little about Gabe and wouldn't have learned about his job right away except for Livi's remark. But then, they hadn't talked after spending most of the night having heated, passionate sex. Cassie's lips curved into a smile at the memory.

"He must be special. You have a glow about you."

She glanced at her mother. "We've just started seeing one another and haven't discussed his family. I can assure you he's a nice guy. You'll adore him."

"I trust you, sweetheart." Nola patted her hand. "I just wish you'd settle down and get married. I want you settled before—" She stopped and closed her mouth, aware she'd said too much.

Her mother's words alarmed Cassie. She sounded like she was on death's door.

"Mother, you aren't sick or something?"

Nola laughed. "No. No. I'm just anxious wanting you to get married and provide me with grandchildren."

Cassie relaxed. "You have Tim's kids for grandchildren. I don't—"

"Things are different when your daughter has children. You'll realize this when you're my age."

"Well, if you say so, but you have many years ahead of you, and you're getting the cart ahead of the horse. Gabe and I barely know each other."

"Your father and I knew each other one week before he popped the question,"

Nola reminded her.

Cassie shook her head. Same old tune. "That was you and daddy. I'm different. I want to make sure before I take the plunge. Besides, my business is what I'm focused on right now." She left it at that, as she didn't plan to discuss her financial woes with her mother.

Cassie glanced up as the door jangled. Her next appointment had arrived. "Look, I need to go. I'll call you and confirm if Gabe wants to attend the wedding with me."

Her mother rose. "Gabe? That sounds like a solid name for a man." She sighed. "Any chance we can meet him before the wedding?"

Cassie laughed. "Seriously? I doubt it. We're both busy, and for God's sake, I don't want him to think he's under some kind of microscope. You're bad enough about wanting me to get married, but daddy is worse." She leaned over to give her mother a quick kiss. "Don't worry about me."

"We only want you happy."

happy. I'll call you in a few days." Nodding to her appointment, she turned to lead the lady down the hallway. She hoped Gabe wouldn't object to attending her cousin's wedding and reception.

* * * * *

"Well, it's been a long day." Lola tried to hold back her yawn. "If you get any more days like this, you'll be out of your financial problems in no time."

Cassie shot her a grin as she counted the day's receipts. It
been a good day, with all of them busy and more appointments scheduled for tomorrow. "I could use all the help I can get."

"That's the last one. You want me to hang around?" Lola asked, straightening the magazines on the coffee table.

"No, I'm fine. You can head out. I'll finish this up and then lock the door."

Lola shut off her computer. "Are you sure? I can hang around for a few—"

"I'm almost done and want to close up early anyway." Cassie sometimes stayed alone until seven in case anyone came in for a last minute massage. But tonight she wanted to lock up and prepare for her big night with Gabe. Cassie smiled to herself as she thought about what she had in store for him.

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow."

She watched as Lola headed down the hallway to the back door that led to the parking lot.

Finally alone, Cassie let her thoughts drift back to last night. The first time they made love. No.
. She had sex with Gabe. Making love sounded like commitment, and she had no intention of committing herself to anyone right now.

Most of her relationships were short term, and Cassie preferred it that way. Then again, most hadn't left her craving for more the way Gabe did. Her erotic thoughts about how he looked naked got her tingling with need all over again. She was kind of surprised he appeared able to get with her two nights in a row. She always thought police detectives had offbeat schedules.

Cassie sighed. But who cares? They were together last night, planned to be so tonight, and she'd enjoy every single moment.

A sudden noise at the door startled her.

The door opened, and when she got her glimpse of the person coming through, she groaned.
Isaiah Winkler.
She rose and braced herself for what could only be an unpleasant visit.

"Good evening, Mr. Winkler."

He muttered as he glared over his shoulder at something outside. Cassie was half tempted to check what had gotten his goat, but refrained. The sooner she dealt with him, the faster he'd leave.

Isaiah dusted something off his coat and then focused his gaze on her, but not before he darted a glance around the reception area. "Where's your tart of a secretary?"

Cassie smothered a laugh. Obviously Lola's attitude had left her mark on him.

"She's gone for the day. Which I might add, is something I'd like to do. We're closed."

Isaiah grunted. "Your door was unlocked, and the sign was still lit." He pointed to the electric "Open" sign in the window.

"Just a small oversight on my part. I'm about to—"

"Well, I'm here on business." He glowered at her. "I need to talk to you about this building."

"I still have plenty of time—"

"Maybe, but I need to know if you have a chance to come up with the money."

"Of course I can." A lie, but Isaiah didn't have to know that.

He muttered something she couldn't understand and dropped into the chair next to her desk. "I want a letter of intent from your bank by the close of day on Monday."

"Monday!" Fury raged inside Cassie. He was tacking on unreasonable demands.

"I told you I'll come through. You've no business demanding anything else until the ten days are up."

"Look here, missy—"

"Don't treat me like a child." Cassie stood and leaned over the desk. "You said ten days, and that is what you'll get. If you don't back off, I'll get an attorney!" Another lie, as she couldn't afford one, but she hoped her bluff worked.

Isaiah's face turned beet red as he considered her words. His mouth opened, as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn't. Her words hopefully made him think twice.

"You're playing with fire, girl." He rose and scowled at her. "I'll wait for the ten days, but that's my final word. If you don't have the money, you and your damn crew are out of here." With those damning words, he turned and marched to the door.

"I'll have your money, Mr. Winkler," Cassie called after him. "Then you won't be able to tear down this block. I'll do whatever it takes.

He turned to stare at her. "And, as always, no funny business. I find out the police have shown up, and you or one of your employees are doing any immoral behavior, you're all out of here!"

Before Cassie could reply, he pulled open the door and left. She stared at the door in puzzlement. Immoral behavior? What had the man been drinking that made him confused? Neither she nor her employees at Casa de Massage ever did anything that could be called immoral.

She closed the door with a firm push of her hand and clicked off the sign. She shook her head, wishing she'd turned the light off sooner. Isaiah was acting strange and his visit unsettled her.

* * * * *

Gabe pulled up to the back of Casa de Massage and parked alongside a white Honda. He glanced at the car and decided the vehicle must be Cassie's, since her employees should be long gone, and it was the only one back here.

He shut off the engine and then closed his eyes for a moment to reflect on his hectic day. From the time he'd entered the precinct—very late—he'd been busy, including a meeting that lasted until well after noon. He'd grabbed a bite to eat out of the vending machine, and Chaz almost immediately corralled him, wanting to know what happened yesterday with Cassie.

Gabe rubbed his eyes wearily.
. That is what Chaz called Cassie, and the knowledge hurt. He knew deep down she was innocent, but he couldn't tell Chaz he'd spent a lot of time with her last night—and this morning—and could vouch for her innocence. He just couldn't figure out what was up with the allegations. If the charges were true, then the culprit had to be Dani or another employee, with Cassie unaware of what was going on.

Well, he needed to find out, or his job would be on the line for getting intimate with a suspect while an investigation was in progress. If the chief found out, Gabe most likely would be pulled off the case and reprimanded . . . if he didn't lose his job altogether!

As he got out of the car, he stared up at Cassie's second story apartment. A light shone from the lone window of the bedroom. Her apartment was clean and comfortable, but the location made him nervous. Too close to where hoodlums and other undesirables were located. Burnside was only a block away, and who knew if crime would decide to make a visit here. He needed to get her out of here.

Gabe grimaced. That implied they had a future together and he had a say in her life, but neither of them had spoken of a future beyond a few romps in bed. Of course, if he had his way . . .

He dismissed his wayward thoughts and grabbed the bag of Chinese food, before making his way to the back entrance. He'd spoken with Cassie an hour or so ago to confirm what kind of takeout she wanted, and she'd told him she planned a little surprise for him. Blood thrummed through his veins and other points south with heated anticipation. He wondered what Cassie had in store for them tonight?

The doorknob turned with ease and he groaned as he twisted it. The woman needed to keep her doors locked, or she was inviting trouble.

As he stepped inside, he heard soft music. The door to the upstairs stood open in invitation. Shifting the sack of food in his arms, Gabe locked the door behind him and headed upstairs. For good measure, he turned the lock on the upstairs doorknob, too.

He didn't want any interruptions, tonight or tomorrow morning.

He paused and glanced around the living area. She wasn't in sight. He set the package down on the kitchen table and began to remove the cartons of food. She was probably in the bedroom getting dressed—or undressed if he was lucky.

"Cassie? It's me. Are you ready for some fantastic food?" He could smell the aromatic cartons of Chinese food. His stomach growled, reminding him how little he'd eaten today. Besides being busy, thoughts of Cassie had filled his mind, making it hard to focus long enough to figure out where to get a decent bite.

The music changed to a more exotic song. A singer's soulful voice drifted to him as she sang of hot
Arabian Nights
. His body began to thrum in anticipation.

But where was she? He still hadn't heard a peep out of her.

He walked the few steps over to the bedroom door. Didn't she hear him come in?

Had she fallen asleep? Or worse, had someone walked through her unlocked doors and assaulted her?

Little by little, he pushed the door open. His cock stirred to attention at the sight that greeted him.

Cassie lay on the bed, clad only in what looked liked several scarves. A humongous scarf secured her breasts together, the fabric bound as a bow in the middle.

Another scarf lay loose around her neck and each wrist was decorated with smaller ones. Around her hips a single scarf covered her private parts . . . just barely, tantalizing him with the dark shadow of her curls. Her long black hair lay loose around her shoulders. The bare skin showed off her nicely tanned body, and her long legs begged for Gabe to run his fingers up and down them.

Oh, boy, she was a wet dream to behold.

"About time you showed up." Cassie's sultry voice stirred his senses. "I'm yours for the night, and I need you to untie me." She wiggled her hips suggestively, pointing to the bow at her hip, despite her bound hands.

How'd she tie herself up?

Gabe advanced into the room and with one foot, closed the door behind him. He toed off his shoes and, in a flash, had his tee off and onto the floor.

All the while she watched him, her coffee-colored eyes following his every move.

He barely noticed the candles lit around the room. The smell of incense wafted in the air. Oriental flowers were strewn around the floor and on the bed. She'd definitely been busy.

"Nice setup," he commented.

"I told you I'd have scarves tonight." She smiled as he moved onto the bed beside her.

The music changed to

Cassie was definitely that tonight. "Do you like the music? I dug this out of the bottom of a drawer. I knew it'd be perfect for tonight."

Gabe leaned over and kissed her on the lips. He wanted to brand her with his kisses, but for now, he'd be gentle. "Everything's perfect. Just like you." He smiled as he played with one of the scarves on her wrist. "Is this a hint that you like a little bondage?"

She'd closed her eyes at his kiss, but now she reopened them. "Whatever you want. The night is yours to decide, but ours to enjoy."

He blew on her right earlobe. "My pleasure." His arms slipped around her and pulled her closer. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips, while his hands played with the scarf at her hip, being careful not to strain her arms. Gabe wanted to unwrap her now, but knew, much like Christmas, it was sometimes better to wait.

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