Art and Murder (26 page)

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Authors: Don Easton

BOOK: Art and Murder
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Chapter Forty-Eight

“Excuse me, I have to make a call.” Jack left the agent and Carina in one room in the villa while he went to another room to call Laura.

“I'm clear to talk,” he said when Laura answered. “What's up?”

“Nothing life-threatening, but I thought you should hear. The number you gave us for Roche is good. He's using it.”

“What did you get?”

“When they hooked up, there was a call in progress. Roche was talking to a Russian. We caught the tail end of it. Right after that, Roche made three more calls. All short. Ones to Anton and Wolfgang telling them to go to Reggio tomorrow and call him when they arrived. The third call was to someone named Giuseppe, saying it was a go and to make hotel arrangements.”

“That's all he said?” asked Jack. “Make hotel arrangements? Not for how many people or which hotel?”

“No, it's obvious he had spoken to all of them in earlier calls that we missed. We've got a copy of the recording. Thought you might want to hear the one involving the Russian.”

Jack glanced in the other room at the agent, who was directing Carina's attention to the ocean view. “Go ahead, let me hear it.” Seconds later Jack heard the conversation.

“… is business. I won't arrive until ten-thirty the next night,” said a man in English with a heavy Russian accent.

“Too bad,” replied Roche.

“It is what it is. You and the rest can have fun while you wait. Kill a pig for me.”

Jack felt himself tense.
Are they talking about me?

“We will eat it Friday when I get there,” the Russian went on.

“I've never gone boar-hunting before,” said Roche, “but Wolfgang says he has been to Giuseppe's before. He said it is easy.”

Jack grinned when he realized what they were talking about and continued to listen.

“It is. They don't shoot back. Not like the pigs in Chechnya.”

A chuckle from Roche.

“So this Mister Jack Smith … you think she is in love with him?” the Russian asked. “What did she say?”

“You should have heard her,” replied Roche. “She sounded like a schoolgirl in love for the first time.” He then changed his voice to mimic a girl. “He is so wonderful. He is so smart. He is so nice. He is so sophisticated.”

“They have only been together one week,” the Russian said.

“I know. I wonder if he feels the same about her,” Roche said musingly.

“She's beautiful. How could he not?” the Russian growled.

“You sound angry,” Roche noted.

The Russian was silent for a moment, then said, “Who is this man that she would fall in love with him so fast? What do we know about him, other than he makes things disappear. Everyone else has family — good collateral should something go wrong. Jack Smith appears to be a lone wolf. I don't like it.” His tone was harsh. “Has he clouded her judgment?”

“I don't know.”

“She said he was sophisticated. Is that in regard to art?”

“I don't know.”

“I don't know, I don't know,” the Russian mocked.

“But I don't.”

“I will speak to her when I arrive.” The Russian sounded matter-of-fact.

“The question will be, do we trust him or not?” stated Roche. “If we are to open up to him and tell him things …”

“I will talk to her and see what she says.”

Jack heard a click and then Laura came back on the line. “When I first heard about the pig bit, I —”

“Me, too, but I think it's legit,” Jack said. “I don't like what they said about Carina.”

“No, but still, it sounds like everything is coming together.”

“Connect with our liaison officer in Rome,” Jack said, “and tomorrow you and the rest of the team fly to Reggio to be there in advance. Sounds like lots of bad guys will be there, so make sure things are prepared. I don't mind if surveillance is done at the airport to confirm that Roche shows up, but after that, leave it to me. I'll contact you after I check in at the hotel. If they spot surveillance following us to the hotel, the gig will be up. In the meantime, I'll be safe enough with Carina on my own.”

“I agree with you there,” replied Laura. “I knew you could charm the pants off her. Figuratively speaking, of course.”

“Don't even go there,” Jack muttered. “Her trusting me is no longer a problem. The problem will be whether the Russian trusts her. You heard what he said … and how he said it.”

“I can't see how you could have played it any differently.”

“Yeah, well, anyway, I did my research before coming to Malta. There's a museum of fine arts here. I think I better go there with her tomorrow. At least it will give her something to tell the Russian.”

“You're taking a chance.”

“Once in the museum, I'll sidetrack her if she starts to get technical.”

“How will you …? Never mind. I think I know.”

“Yeah, as if I wasn't a big enough jerk already.” With that, Jack hung up.

Carina stopped talking to the real estate agent when Jack returned. “Everything okay?” she asked.

“It will be okay,” he said smoothly, “but I have to straighten out a consulting problem back in Canada. With the time difference it is only morning there, which means I'm going to be on the phone half the night.” He paused, shaking his head, then looked at Carina. “You should have dinner without me tonight. I'll be ordering a sandwich or something from room service. I'll need to work without distraction.”

Carina looked crestfallen.

“I can certainly take you back now,” offered the real estate agent. “Then we can start again tomorrow.”

“I'm sorry —” Jack met his gaze “— but I've seen enough of Malta to know I am not interested in purchasing property here.”

“Oh … I am sorry to hear that,” replied the agent.

Jack looked at Carina and said, “I would like to take tomorrow off and spend the whole day with you, if that's okay? I have some ideas in mind to make it a day I hope you'll enjoy.”

Carina perked up. “I would love that!” she said. Then she kissed him on the mouth.

Jack held the kiss long enough to display interest, then glanced at the agent and said, “Perhaps we should be going.”

* * *

That evening Jack stayed in his room after promising Carina he would meet her for breakfast at ten the next morning. He spent the time on the Internet studying the various pieces of art on display in the Museum of Fine Arts in Malta. The more he studied, the more he realized how little he knew about art.

At midnight he went to bed, but sleep eluded him for another couple of hours. He thought about Natasha and Mike and Steve and wished he could call home, but did not want the phone record on his hotel bill. He didn't use his own phone, either, because it would be too risky in the event it fell into the wrong hands.

Then he thought about Carina, and the Russian's words played over in his mind.
Has he clouded her judgment? Everyone else has family — good collateral should something go wrong.
One word in particular bothered him.
Collateral. How long before they look at Carina as my collateral?

He sighed deeply.
Gain the Ringmaster's confidence fast and cut Carina loose immediately. Make it sound like I don't give a rat's ass about her.

Chapter Forty-Nine

At nine-thirty the next morning Jack spoke briefly with Laura and learned that she and the rest of the cover team would depart for the airport at noon and arrive in Reggio Calabria that evening, which would be a full day ahead of Jack's and Carina's arrival. The liaison officer in Rome had arranged for a team of police officers from the Italian national police force, the Guardia di Finanza, to assist them

“Did you discuss surveillance?” asked Jack.

“Yes, there is good news and bad,” she said. “The Italian police agree to give you lots of freedom without breathing down your neck.”

“Good. And the bad news?”

“They agree to give you lots of freedom because they're reluctant to make inquiries or do much for fear of it getting back to the various Mafia families who control the region. They figure they'll be in a better position to re-evaluate once this Giuseppe is properly identified.”

“I'm happy with that. Once I check into a hotel there, I'll contact you.”

* * *

Half an hour later Jack went to the hotel restaurant and found Carina waiting for him. She immediately rose and gave him a hug and a kiss.

“Are you finished whatever it is you had to do last night?” she asked as she sat back down.

“Pretty well,” Jack said. “I worked until about midnight. I may have to make another couple of calls in the next day or two, but nothing that will take long.”

“And your plans for today?” she asked. “You said you had some ideas, but never told me.”

“How about after breakfast we go for an invigorating walk, then take a taxi and go on a wine tour for lunch. After that, I would like to visit the Museum of Fine Arts. It's reputed to be excellent.”

Carina's face brightened. “I'd love to see it!”

“Once we're done with the museum, we could come back, freshen up, and find a nice restaurant for dinner.”

Carina smiled. “It sounds absolutely perfect!”


“Will you let me pick the restaurant?” she asked.

“By all means,” he replied.

“I was bored last night after you abandoned me and decided to check out some restaurants on the Internet. There's a place called the Bacchus restaurant that I thought looked good.”

“The Bacchus it is,” Jack said.

* * *

The afternoon went as planned. By three o'clock they had been to four wineries, and although Carina was far from swaying on her feet, she was in a joyful and playful mood by the time they entered the Museum of Fine Arts.

“What is your first impression of this one?” Carina was gazing at a watercolour of a harbour filled with boats, a city in the background.

“My first impression was, and still is, one of outstanding beauty,” Jack replied.

“I agree,” said Carina. “It is exquisite how the artist, Turner, managed to capture the almost mystical feeling to the cloud, or rather, the fog swirling in. Is that what caught your attention?” Her rapt gaze remained on the painting.

“No, I think it was the look of surprise, followed by the astounding beauty,” Jack said as he stared at Carina.

Carina looked startled when she realized Jack's eyes were on her, not the painting. She giggled. “How much wine did you have?”

“I hadn't had any the first time I met you.”

Carina pursed her lips, hoping it would stop her from blushing.

“Let's move on,” said Jack. He waved his hand in the direction of several other paintings. “Although I like some sixteenth- and seventeenth-century art, a lot of it is based on religion and depicts biblical characters, which I do not care for. I like paintings such as the one over there by Bernardo Strozzi.” He gestured to a painting farther down the wall. “I believe that one is entitled
The Piper
. The fact that the character in the painting is playing a musical instrument represents fun to me; but on the flip side, I also like works that represent hardship, such as
Les Gavroches,
the sculpture of street urchins in Barrakka Garden here in Malta.”

“Ah, yes,” Carina said.

“It was done in the early twentieth century by a local sculptor named Antonio Sciortino and —” Jack's face lit up. “I've an idea. Barrakka Garden is less than two kilometres away and I've yet to see the sculpture in person. Do you want to go? After the wine it seems stuffy in here. I could use some fresh air.”

“I'd love to go, especially as it's a sculpture you like,” said Carina, taking his hand.

Twenty minutes later they stood gazing at the statue and Jack said, “So, what is your first impression? Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it. I look at these three bronze children and it makes me want to take all the change from my purse and throw it into a schoolyard.”

“Where on earth did you come up with an idea like that?” asked Jack.

Carina smiled. “Oh, from some guy I met. I can't remember his name.”

* * *

That evening, before leaving his room for dinner, Jack checked out the Bacchus restaurant on the Internet. It was reputed to be the most romantic restaurant in Malta.
Of all the trips I have been on, the guilt trip is by far the worst.

* * *

The restaurant lived up to its reputation. Its soft lighting and rustic stone walls gave it a warm, intimate ambiance, and the food was delicious. Their conversation flowed easily.

Carina cut a piece of halibut, but then paused to look at Jack. “I'm still embarrassed by what I said the first time I met you in Paris.”

“What you said?” Jack grinned. “You mean when you said, ‘You're Jack Smith!'”

“Yes.” Carina blushed. “God, I must have sounded like a schoolgirl. I tried to cover for it, but I could tell by those big blue eyes of yours that you saw right through me.”

Jack took a bite of his roasted rack of lamb. “I kind of thought you were interested in me.”

“Kind of thought? I may as well have hung a sign around my neck saying Available on Request.”

Jack chuckled. “It wasn't that bad, but tell me, why were you so surprised?”

“Well, I'd asked a few questions about you. Roche told me you collected art, but he also said he suspected you had a rough childhood and likely raised yourself — in dangerous or perhaps gang-run neighbourhoods. He said you were a tough guy. I pictured you with a bald head covered in tattoos and scars, a crooked nose from being broken often, and a missing earlobe.”

“If you learn to run fast, those things don't happen,” he said.

“Perhaps … but I have a feeling that you can handle yourself.”

“Well, Roche is right about one thing,” said Jack quietly. “I did have a rough childhood, thanks to my dysfunctional family, and have seen more than my share of bad things on the street.”

“In Zurich I volunteer to help kids from such families.”

“You do?”

“I try to encourage them to get into art. It's good therapy.”

“Better than drugs,” noted Jack.

“That's for sure. Do you have brothers and sisters?”

“Not anymore,” he said sadly. “I used to, but they didn't fare as well as I did. It's too hard to talk about.”

Carina nodded sympathetically, took another bite of halibut, then smiled wistfully. “I wish I'd known you when you were a child. I can picture you with those big blue eyes and a mop of ruffled hair.”

“Oh? From your response when we first met, I thought you preferred me as a man.”

Carina blushed, then reached for her wine. “You got me there,” she admitted, then took a long sip.

“Tell me about yourself,” said Jack. “What was your childhood like?”

Carina looked blankly at Jack for a moment, then said, “I'm embarrassed to tell you. It was the complete opposite of yours. I was an only child and spoiled beyond belief. I always got what I wanted. Private schools, even my own horse.”

“Born into money; it must be nice.”

“No, it wasn't that my parents were wealthy. They worked incredibly long hours and I think spoiling me eased their guilt for being gone so much. My mother died of cancer when I was in university, and my father died of a heart attack a few months later.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Thanks, but I managed okay. My aunt and uncle in Stockholm sort of adopted me after that. It was my uncle who walked me down the aisle when I got married.”

“That's really nice,” Jack murmured.

Carina paused to reflect a moment, then said, “Enough of the past.” She reached for her wineglass and lifted it. “Here's to new beginnings!”

“To new beginnings,” Jack repeated, his smile warm as they clinked glasses.

* * *

It was nearing midnight when they returned to the hotel. At the door to her room, Carina turned and kissed Jack passionately on the mouth. Moving her lips to his neck, she whispered, “Would you like to come in?”

“I … I'm sorry,” Jack said softly. “I've only known you a week. I haven't been with anyone since … since it happened.”

“You're still in love with your wife, aren't you?”

Jack nodded. “Yes … I am and I always will be.”

Carina's eyes moistened and she looked down.

Jack swallowed, then said, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that your love for your husband was any less than —”

Carina put a finger on Jack's lips to silence him. “It's okay. I've had more time to heal … and more time to be lonely. You are the first man I have asked to come to bed with me since my husband died.” She shook her head. “Just my luck that you would turn me down.”

“I'm sorry. It's … I don't know. I want to … but my mind feels frazzled when I'm around you. I feel guilty that I've only known you a short time and worry that I'm on the rebound or that this is just a sort of shipboard romance. I need time to know that what I feel is real.”

“I understand,” she said softly. “I'm not blaming you. When I toasted to new beginnings tonight, I didn't mean that we needed to rush into things. I know how I feel about you and believe you are worth waiting for. I am hoping that in time, you will feel the same way about me.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

She kissed him on the cheek and said, “You wife was lucky to have had you as her husband.” She turned and unlocked her door, but as she entered, she glanced back and said, “Call me when you're up.” Before Jack could reply, she looked at his crotch and added, “I meant up out of bed, of course.” She gave a mischievous smile and closed her door.

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