Arthur and the Fenris Wolf (13 page)

BOOK: Arthur and the Fenris Wolf
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When she'd left the room a few minutes previously, she'd been on her way back to her brother. Just in time, she spotted the figures on the roof and ducked back inside the entrance to the gallery. And now, just moments later, the museum was in total chaos. The glass ceiling had been blown out and some raiders dressed all in black had abseiled in. A young couple on her side of the balcony crouched behind a large map of excavation sites in Ireland, just out of sight of one of the raiders standing sentry on the balcony. He held his crossbow across his chest, poised and ready. She followed the couple's lead and hunkered down behind another exhibit, peering carefully around the edge of the cabinet to watch what was going on.

A few of the raiders had herded all the frightened people on the ground floor into the centre, crossbows armed and aimed at them. The rest were looting the place. They smashed the glass cabinets open with the blunt ends of their crossbows and filled black sacks with the more valuable contents. They gleefully ran from exhibit to exhibit, pilfering everything in sight, grabbing chalices, jewellery, illustrated manuscripts, weaponry and more.

While the raiders busied themselves, Ellie pulled her mobile phone out of her coat pocket and looked at the screen. No Service, it read in bold black text.

A lot of help you are, she thought bitterly, dropping the phone back in her pocket. More than likely someone had heard the alarm outside and the Gardaí had been notified already. But Ellie didn't want to take that chance, and the alarm had been shut off so quickly she was sure the raiders probably would have been able to spin the Gardaí a yarn about a malfunction. She needed to get word to the outside world as quickly as possible. And if she could somehow scare off the raiders, all the better.

Then she spotted the perfect solution. The only problem being that it was at the far end of the upper balcony, past the hiding couple and the sentry …

The raider at the emergency exit stepped towards Ash, keeping his crossbow aimed directly at the space between her eyes. Ash, Max, Cousin Maggie and Ex all took a step back. The raider nodded his helmeted head towards the corner. The four of them understood instantly and crouched down on the ground where he'd indicated, their backs against the wall. He gestured with the crossbow and they understood again, putting their hands up.

‘Why are you doing this?' Cousin Maggie asked.

There was no response from the raider. All they could see was their reflections in the polarised helmet glass – a distorted view of them all sitting in the corner, terrified.

‘Let the children go,' pleaded Maggie. ‘Just let them out the emergency exit.'

Still no answer.

‘Please!' Maggie said, growing desperate now.

The raider simply kept his crossbow aimed at them. From the ground floor, they heard the smashing of glass as the others broke into the cases.

Max leaned closer to his sister and, in a trembling voice, whispered, ‘Ash, do you think it's something to do with–'

The raider grunted behind his helmet and thrust the crossbow pointedly at Max.

‘Yes, Max,' Ash said, looking defiantly at the raider, ‘I do.'

Ellie inched on her hands and knees along the wall towards the young, cowering couple. The wall was to her immediate left, a row of glass-enclosed exhibits to her right and, just beyond that, the balcony rail. The sentry was standing at the rail so the exhibits were between him and Ellie as she scuttled along.

The couple saw her coming and she could see the fear in their eyes as they very subtly shook their heads at her, afraid that any large movement would attract the sentry's attention. Ellie understood their fear. They didn't want her making noise and getting them caught. But she had to reach the end of this row of exhibits. It was her only chance of alerting the Gardaí and saving everyone. So she kept on crawling.

When she reached the couple, the man grabbed her arm.

‘Stop moving,' he whispered, ‘or you'll get us killed!'

She shook his hand off. ‘Let me pass,' she hissed back angrily. There wasn't much space between the main wall and exhibits and the couple were in her way.

The woman shook her head. ‘Hold on to her, Seán,' she said to her boyfriend.

Ellie craned her neck and peered through the display unit to her right. The sentry was just beyond it, overseeing the entire hall, with his back to her. He still hadn't noticed them, but if she was forced to step over the couple he just might. Still, those helmets probably made it pretty difficult to hear, she reasoned. She turned back to the couple furiously.

‘If you don't let me through, I'll scream,' she threatened.

‘You wouldn't!' the man whispered, hoping to call her bluff.

‘Oh, wouldn't I?' With that, she took as deep a breath as her lungs could manage. But before she could let the scream out, the woman clamped her hand over her mouth.

‘OK, OK!' she conceded. ‘Please, just be quiet!' The couple pushed themselves against the wall, making just enough space for Ellie to squeeze through. She looked towards her destination. Not far now.

She continued to crawl as quickly and silently as she could. She finally reached the end of the row of exhibits. Here the balcony turned off to the right, where it ran along the entire length of the main hall. She glanced down the length of the balcony and gasped in shock. In the opposite corner, huddled on the ground under a raider's crossbow, were Ex and the others. Her brother was staring up at the raider with resentment while the others were too afraid to look away. She'd have to help them. But first she had to complete phase one of her plan.

A little red box was fixed to the wall across from her. It had a piece of glass in it that said break in case of emergency. A fire alarm. If she set it off, it was sure to get the attention of the Gardaí. And, if they were lucky, it might spook the raiders enough to send them running. The only problem was that she'd have to step out of her hiding place to set it off.

She looked back the way she had come. The sentry was standing stock-still, keeping an eye on the main hall. The couple were watching her intently, their eyes pleading with her not to do anything stupid. She'd have to be quick about it, she knew. There was no other way. She took her phone out of her pocket then slipped her shoes off. They had a tendency to make a lot of noise on tiled floors and she didn't want to risk it. Finally, she counted in her head to ten.

She stood, taking care not to make a sound, and tip-toed from her hiding place. As she crept towards the fire alarm, she glanced over her shoulder. The sentry behind her was still watching the goings-on down below. Each step seemed to take forever, but eventually she reached the alarm. With one last glance at the sentry, she positioned the end of her phone on the small glass panel and pushed hard. The glass cracked abruptly and an alarm rang through the museum for the second time in a few minutes.

As soon as the second alarm started, a number of things happened very quickly. The sentry behind Ellie turned and immediately pointed his bow at her. The cowering couple threw themselves to the floor, hands over their heads. The sentry guarding Ash and the others turned to see what was happening. Meanwhile, Ex looked up to see his little sister standing by a broken fire-alarm panel, a mobile phone in her hand and a sentry with his crossbow advancing on her. Ellie was motionless with fear. Ex looked up at the man guarding them. The raider's attention was also – momentarily – focused on Ellie. Taking his chance, Ex sprang into action and threw himself at the man, hitting him with his full body weight in the chest. The raider fell backwards with Ex on top of him, knocking his head against the parapet, while his crossbow flew out of his hand and skittered across the floor and over the edge of the balcony. Before the stunned raider could recover, Ex was on his feet and racing towards Ellie. As his feet pounded the wooden floor, he barely slowed to pick up a folding metal chair that a security guard would usually sit on.

‘Get down!' Ex shouted to Ellie, sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him – which was, much to Ash's surprise as she watched from their corner, quite fast indeed.

The sentry had heard the commotion with Ex and turned towards him. He aimed the crossbow and let a bolt loose. Ex threw up the chair like a shield just as quickly and the bolt bounced off it with a clang. By now, all of Ex's attention was focused on getting to Ellie.

‘Get down!' he shouted again. This time she listened, snapping out of her trance, and slid back behind the relative safety of the glass cabinets.

The sentry kept Ex in his sight as he dashed along the balcony, cranking another bolt into the crossbow. Judging that he wouldn't be able to break through Ex's makeshift armour, he aimed a few feet above the boy and loosed his arrow. The glass in a painting smashed overhead and rained down on top of Ex, but the boy kept on going.

He turned the corner, his feet pounding as he passed Ellie and the couple crouched behind the exhibits. The sentry was busily cranking another bolt when Ex lunged forward with the metal chair, whacking the raider straight on the side of the head. The raider's head snapped to the side and he toppled to the ground, unconscious.

‘Come on!' Ex urged the three hiding behind the display units. The four of them ran back across the balcony towards Cousin Maggie, Ash, Max and the other raider, who was still lying stunned on the floor.

By now they could hear footsteps clattering up the stairs: more raiders with more crossbows. Ash, Maggie and Max were all standing by the doorway as the first new raider rounded the corner.

‘Go, go, go!' Ellie shouted, urgently waving everyone out.

They all raced through the door and slammed it behind them before anyone could release another bolt. In front of them was a flight of stairs that led to the lower floor and they started down.

‘Wait!' Ash cried after the first couple of steps. ‘Arthur! We have to go back and find Arthur!'

‘No time!' Ex yelled. ‘Just go!'

Ash tried to force her way back up the stairs but with everyone pushing in the opposite direction it was impossible.

‘Arthur!' she screamed at the top of her lungs back up the stairwell as she was swept along by the others. ‘

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