Read Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) Online

Authors: Phillip Jones

Tags: #Science Fiction, #midevial, #Fantasy

Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) (102 page)

BOOK: Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1)
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Helga whispered curses as she found herself trapped in George’s snare. “I can’t believe this. How could I be so stupid?” The sorceress was unaware of the humongous cat that was listening.

Kepler crouched. The jaguar was trying to determine the height from where the voice was coming. He was about to step out of the shadows and strike with a calculated swipe that would pass through the estimated vicinity of Helga’s head when a much larger scorpion entered the corridor. The monstrosity’s tail alone was nearly a pace longer than the others. The jaguar lowered his paw.
This must be their king,
he thought.

Helga stared at the entrance and marveled at how the scorpion’s form filled the gap between the walls. She knew her whispers had attracted the beast’s attention, but she was still invisible.
It must have heard me,
she thought.
Stay still and don’t make another noise, old girl.

As the Scorpion King scurried toward Helga, she stood as still as she could, but she knew the creature was going to run into her. She wanted to use her magic, but in order to, she would have to remove the mask. The disguise would not allow her to use offensive magic. Its power was meant for stealth. To combine the different arts would destroy the being who invoked the conflicting magic. She decided to stay silent and hope for the best.

George watched from behind the pedestal as the Scorpion King approached. He could see the creature’s size, and it was unnerving since his power had not yet replenished enough to teleport. He could not see Helga, nor had he heard her whisper when she became trapped. All he knew was that he might have to use his sword to fight the scorpion if the beast did not cross one of the snares’ locations. He readied his blade and thought,
Come on, you bastard, find the spot ... find the spot.

A moment later, the mage became aware of Kepler’s presence. Given their current situation, it was obvious why the cat had moved. Kepler whispered from the shadows. “There’s a woman. She must be using a spell to hide herself. She’s stuck in your snare. The scorpion is going to run into her.”

George smiled, but he did not respond. Sure enough, the giant killer made contact with the invisible woman. The mage listened as Helga shrieked.

“Aahhh!” Helga cupped her hand over her mouth. She watched in horror as the Scorpion King took a defensive posture, and then he began to use his massive pincers to feel around.
Please move on. Please move on,
she thought.
Just move on. There’s nothing here for you.

Helga watched as the first of three passes of the giant’s powerful pincers missed finding her, but the fourth pass found her leg. The beast squeezed. The sorceress bit her lip, but the pain was too much. She shoved the mask to the top of her head and began speaking her words of power.

“Your Majesty,
—” Helga was stopped in the middle of her command. The scorpion’s massive stinger had barreled its way through the air as she tried to speak her last word and buried itself deep in her chest. The force of the collision knocked the air out of her. Helga’s final word was lost forever as the poison from the tip of the Scorpion King’s tail filled her body. The last thing Helga would ever see would not be the love of her life, BJ, or Sam, or Shalee. Instead, she would stare into the beady eyes of the royal killer as his mandibles ripped into her face.

Now, fellow soul ... I’m sure you are as bothered by Helga’s passing as I was when I learned of this truth. I truly loved her. You see, the problem was, Helga’s staff was given a name with too many syllables. This was a name her teacher hated when she was a young sorceress-in-training. Your Majesty simply took too long to be spoken. As you witnessed, that was the Peak when Helga realized the consequence of her mistake. She had named her staff in fun, not realizing what she might face. Once pronounced, the staff’s name could not be changed. Unfortunately, as I continue the telling of this story, the fire for Helga’s passing will need to be lit. I would cry if my soulful eyes would allow it.

Back on the Southern Shore of the Island

Shalee’s body count was growing as she sent magic arrows that were covered with fire into the masses of the Scorpion King’s army. The skittish horde was falling at a rapid pace. Body parts of both beast and man were everywhere, and the ground was saturated with blood of men and the oozing green slime of the scorpions’ life’s sources. By the end of the battle, the sorceress had killed more than 430 of these giant arthropods.

Sam’s men had slain another 2,637 as the king and the general continued to plow their way through the horde. The magic Shalee had used to toughen the army’s skin helped to prevent the scorpions’ stingers from penetrating their bodies, but in many cases it had not been enough. In fact, it was Kael’s power that spared Sam and Michael’s lives. Despite Shalee’s magic, both men suffered venom-filled punctures that were ignored because of the blade’s protection.

Sam’s sword was cutting through the beasts like butter. Michael and Branson remained at the king’s side. They, too, were tearing through the enemy.

Sam enjoyed the frenzy as Kael sliced through another of the giant beasts, causing it to squeal like an 800 pound lobster being dropped into a pot of boiling water. Back and forth, Sam swung Kael’s extended blade through the air as the sword of the gods cut through their numbers. Now and again, the sword would pass without ill effect through Michael and Branson.

“This is what I call a fight!” Sam hollered as they moved toward the top of the hill.

“Agreed, Sire!” Michael shouted while he blocked one of the scorpion’s tails with his forearm and then severed it with his blade. A downward thrust to the giant’s back was all it took to end the beast. Michael enjoyed its nightmarish scream. “That’s 17, Sire.”

“That’s it?” Sam chided. “Twenty-one here.” A few moments later Sam shouted again. “Twenty-two!”

The general just shook his head and kept fighting.

A long while later, the fighting finally stopped as the last giant scorpion dropped to the ground. In total, Brandor’s army had lost 1,070 men, with another 943 lying wounded. Six hundred forty-three of these men would not live through the night as the poison injected into their bodies was too toxic for both the healers and Kael’s magic to combat. While the healers continued to do their job, the general ordered the rest of the men to stack the deceased on the boats.

The command Sam had given Kael to protect those around him from poison was working for those men who were able to make their way to their king and had suffered minor injections. Sam and Michael watched in awe as the poison oozed out of the small holes that were scattered across the soldiers’ bodies while Kael’s magic fought to flush their blood.

Meanwhile, Shalee was growing more worried as her moments continued to pass. Since Helga had not returned, Shalee navigated her way through the carnage to find Sam. “We have a problem.”

“What kind?” Sam asked as he tossed one of the giant’s stingers to the ground.

“Helga was wearing the assassin’s mask. She hasn’t returned. She went to find the—”

“What?” Sam snapped, cutting the queen off. “Why would she do something like that? Which direction did she go?”

Shalee pointed. “I’m pretty sure she went that way. I’m not completely sure because I couldn’t see her.”

“Damn it, Shalee!” Sam barked. “How could you be so...?” The king stopped his sentence, and without wasting another breath, he assembled 100 of his men and followed the scorpions’ tracks to the center of the island.

Shalee had to use her magic to keep up with the group since they were running so fast. Her fear for Helga’s safety increased as soon as they saw the mouth of the cave.

“This is where the tracks lead!” Sam announced to the group. “Make sure you’re ready for anything!”

Shalee commanded the darkness to dissipate as the king led the way into the cave. After a while, they found the corridor where Helga had been snared. The Scorpion King had severed her legs and tried to back out while dragging her body. The giant had become caught in George’s second snare, and it was fighting to free itself.

Sam tried to stop Shalee from rounding the pillar on the left side of the corridor as soon as he saw the bloody scene. “Don’t go in there. Why don’t you let me handle this? Go back to the boat.”

The queen could see the concern in Sam’s eyes, and this amplified her need to see for herself. She pushed past the king and walked through the entrance of the corridor.

The queen gasped as she lifted her hands to her mouth. “No! No! No! Helga, No!” She thrust her right hand forward. A thousand iron needles flew from her fingertips and buried into the Scorpion King’s body. The cave filled with the monster’s piercing cry as it fell to the floor with a thud. The scorpion thrashed about for a short period of moments, and then its nerves perished.

George watched from behind the pillar as Shalee ended the beast’s life. His power to teleport had returned, but he could not bear the thought of leaving now. This scene was too priceless. He just had to watch its conclusion. This was going to be an Academy Award-winning performance by his favorite blonde ditz. He leaned down and whispered into Kepler’s ear, “I wish I had a camera.” When the mage saw the confusion appear on the jaguar’s face, he rolled his eyes. “Really?”

George adjusted his gaze and focused on the queen. He could see the pain on Shalee’s face as she knelt beside what was left of her friend’s mutilated body. The only thing identifiable was a pendant necklace that he watched Shalee pull out of the pulverized mass that once served as Helga’s chest.

The queen mumbled, “I gave this to her, Sam ... only 8 Peaks ago.” Shalee dropped her head. “This is my fault. She would’ve never been here if I hadn’t agreed. I’m responsible for her passing. I should’ve stopped her from using the mask.” She buried her face in the palms of her bloodied hands and sobbed as the king gathered her into his arms.

George came out from behind the pedestal. His voice struck a nerve as he announced, “I’m sorry for your loss, Shalee.”

Shalee spun out of Sam’s arms and sent her magic flying.

George was forced to react. He quickly held up his hand and diverted the power. The needles buried into the wall of the corridor to his right. “Relax! It’s me ... George! Holy garesh!”

Sam reached out and grabbed Shalee’s arms to keep her from invoking more of her magic. “George, what are you doing here?” the king questioned. “Are you here for the—” Sam stopped himself from continuing.

George drummed his fingers on top of the pedestal. “If I was to take a guess, I’m here for the same thing you are.” He motioned to the bloody pile that was Helga. “I was present when your friend passed. I wish I could have saved her, but it wasn’t in my best interest.” The mage moved to stand next to the hidden demon.

Sam shook his head. “Why would you be after the crystal? And, why wouldn’t it be in your best interest to save someone’s life?”

“Look, man, you and I are on opposite sides now. I’m running the show in Bloodvain. It’s my house now.” The mage pointed toward the needles in the wall. “My power has been demonstrated. Shalee knows I should be mincemeat right now, but she isn’t strong enough.”

“He’s right, Sam,” Shalee confirmed. “He should be dead. Where did you learn to wield that kind of magic, George? And just so you know, I would’ve never tried to hurt you. You startled me.” The sorceress paused. “What do you mean, you’re running the show in Bloodvain?”

George frowned. “You were never the brightest apple to fall off the tree, were you? Anyway ... we fight for different sides now. Nothing else needs to be explained. From this point forward, we’re enemies. The next moment I see you two, I will drop you like a bad habit.” The mage smirked. “Sure, it sucks when you think about it, but hey, it’s all about getting my daughter back. This is the only way I know how to make it happen.”

Sam tried to reason. “George, your daughter? She’s dead. You know this.”

“No!” the mage emphatically rebutted. “I can save her! I can bring her back! I know how!”

The king held up his hands to show that he did not want a confrontation. “Okay, okay, George, I hear you. But you should think this through. Everyone died when Earth was destroyed. I know it’s hard to believe, but—”

George thrust his right hand forward. A single dart shot from the tip of his middle finger and stopped only a hand away from the king’s face. The energy driving the dart caused the object to hum as it remained suspended. “One more word, and you’re a dead man, Sam,” the mage hissed.

George lifted the piece of the Crystal Moon to present it. “This is mine. My baby can be saved, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from getting her back. May the best man win, Sam.”

George dropped the arm that was holding the crystal to his side. “No offense. It’s just business.” With that, the mage closed his eyes and disappeared after he touched the invisible demon on his back. A moment later, the dart fell to the floor.

Shalee turned to face Sam as he picked up the dart to examine it. “For heaven’s sake, what’s going on around here? Nothing makes sense anymore. How could George be our enemy? What did we do to him? And how did he get so powerful?”

BOOK: Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1)
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