Asher: Heartless Devils MC (17 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Thomas

BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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He pulled back from the kiss, once again looking deep into her eyes. He couldn’t put his finger on the difference, but it was as if she had given herself over to him and her gaze seemed to speak of her absolute faith and confidence in him. Never had a woman looked at him like that, so sure of her actions, so comfortable within herself. He felt like some comic book superhero being struck by lightning, the power flowing through him and making him invincible.    


She pushed at him, hard, signaling for him to roll over. She had always been a passive lover, allowing her partner to control their love-making and following his lead. But not tonight. She was enthralled with the change she could feel coming over her and she wanted to experience life as the new, wiser, more mature Jenny Carter. And she was going to try out her newfound maturity and confidence out on Asher.


As Jenny sat straddling him, the way she looked at him made his cock engorge to near painful hardness. Like during the kiss, there was some unidentifiable change in her. It was the same Jenny, but different somehow, sexier, more beautiful, more…
he liked about her. She was radiating a power that caused her to almost glow with an inner light. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. Even her smile had changed. It was still sweet, but now it spoke of something more than innocence. He had
wanted any woman as much as he wanted her at this very moment. He reached for her, intending to pull her into another torrid kiss, but she batted his hands away with a broadening of her smile before sliding down his legs and beginning to work his belt. He would let her lead, for now, because he wanted to see this
Jenny in action.


She slowly opened the front of his pants, in no rush. Rushing, that was for girls. No, she wanted to draw this out, to experience each moment with him, delighting him and herself with tingling anticipation. As she exposed his impressively hard manhood, she caressed him slowly, her touch feather-light before sliding even farther down, and off his legs. After her gentle tugs to indicate her wishes, Asher raised his ass off the bed so she could pull his pants down. She wanted to taste him but that would have to wait. After removing his boots and socks, she slid his pants slowly down his legs, dragging her nails along the inside of his thigh. She smiled. He tried to play it cool, but she could see the muscles tightening up as her nails gently scraped along his skin.


Asher tried to remain calm and in control, but Jenny was making it difficult…very difficult. He closed his eyes as her fingers danced along his legs, never touching him where he desperately wanted to be touched, winding him tighter and tighter, making his flesh crackle with erotic energy. The loud snap of her fingers caused him to open his eyes. She was hovering over him, staring into his face with a smile on her lips.


“Shirt,” she ordered, her tone brooking no argument as she flicked a finger in an impatient gesture.


He sat up and pulled his shirt over his head, saying nothing. Shirt tossed carelessly away, he reached for her again, wanting to taste her lips, but she blocked his hand with a brush of her own and gently pushed him back down.  


Jenny slid off the bed and, standing where he could easily see her, began a slow, erotic strip. She had never done anything like this before, and didn’t go over the top with any stereotypical behaviors, keeping it simple but slow as she met his eyes. Each time he reached for her, she paused and stepped out of reach, and he soon got the idea. She was flooding with desire and enjoying the power she held over him as he watched her, transfixed by her slow reveal.


After she stopped and stepped back the second time, he decided to relax and enjoy her performance. He had been in more than his share of strip clubs as part of his duties with the HDs, but never had he seen a sexier display. For the girls at the clubs, it was just a job, but not with Jenny. She was giving herself to him without him even touching her, and it showed in her slow but sexy reveals, the brightness of her eyes and the softness of her face.


She allowed the last of her clothing to fall into a mass at her feet. “Like what you see?” she whispered as she moved in close.


“Yes...” he breathed in response, his breath a soft warm breeze against her lips.


He didn’t reach for her, and she decided to reward his good behavior. “Do you want to touch me?”


“Yes…” he whispered but made no move.


Her smiled widened. Oh…he was very good at this game. She had expected him to reach for her with his answer but he didn’t. She kissed him, lightly but intimately, on the lips. “Would you like me to touch you?”




She began kissing down his torso, her lips caressing each bulge and hollow, following the trail of hair to her destination. As she moved lower, she crawled onto the bed and then placed her knees to either side of his head as she moved lower still. She shivered as his arms encircled her hips, drawing her down tight against his lips and tongue as she plunged down his shaft.


They pleasured each other for many long minutes, the sounds of their increasing arousal mixing with the soft rustle of the air conditioner. She could feel her orgasm lurking just out of reach as it built in power. She was focused on Asher and the instrument of pleasure in her hand and mouth, but she wouldn’t be able to forestall the orgasm much longer.


He could sense her approaching orgasm from the tightness of her muscles. She was destroying him with pleasure, but he clinched down, pushing back against his own hovering climax. He had never failed to fully satisfy a woman, and he didn’t intend to start with Jenny, but she was making him work for it. Work
for it.


She pulled Asher’s cock from her mouth. She needed more air as her orgasm surrounded her like a warm blanket. She had fought it off as long as she could, but it was finally overwhelming her. With a soft mewl of pleasure, her climax crashed over her, whipping her this way and that in pleasure. She couldn’t cry out, she couldn’t move, she could do nothing but endure as her orgasm thundered down upon her like a tidal wave, burying her in pleasures she could scarcely contain. 


Asher smiled as he continued to probe and snap, his lips and tongue busy, driving her orgasm on and on as he pressed in, twisting and turning his head as he licked and kissed, trying to drive her excitement up even more. He had only just been able to hang on, and he needed this time to allow himself to take a step back from the edge and avoid the plunge into a raging orgasm.


With a gasp, Jenny went limp, wrung out from her prolonged and massive orgasm. Asher was all the lover any woman could ask for, but each time they were together, he seemed able to make her come harder, longer, and more frequently than the time before. As strength flowed back into her, she smiled. He was hers, and she would
give him up.


Asher let her go as she strained away from him. She turned and kissed him, and
Jesus Christ
what a kiss. He had
been kissed like that before. The kiss was long, and deep, and erotic beyond measure. He twisted his fingers in her hair, holding her into his lips, but that only served to increase the intensity.


She pulled back from his lips, having finally
gotten her fill. But now, she needed him, needed to feel him deep inside of her. She had fallen to his chest during the kiss, needing to feel his flesh against her own, so she squirmed around and lined him up. She rose to her knees, carefully positioned him, and then eased herself down.


Asher had to go to that place in his mind where he battles his pleasure as Jenny lowered herself, her hiss of pleasure, combined with the ecstasy of her face, enough to cause his orgasm to leap closer. 


Almost as soon as he entered her, she felt another small orgasm ripple through her, its sudden and unexpected arrival foretelling of a massive release lurking just beyond her reach. She wanted it, and she would have it. She began to move, enjoying the dominant position, watching the pleasure play across Asher’s face. Listening to his gasps, his hands caressing her body were all sending electric-like tingles through her. She wasn’t going to last long.


He couldn’t take it anymore. He rose up, bending at the waist to clasp her tightly to him, freezing her in place, but she continued to work her hips, inching his orgasm closer and closer. Realizing that his control was slipping, he tipped her back, exposing her breasts to his lips, tongue and teeth, scraping the sharp points between teeth and tongue in the way he knows she liked.


“Oh…” she gasped with a hard shudder. “I need you to fuck me…fuck me hard,” she begged, pulling his mouth harder into her breast.


Asher tumbled her to the bed, pulling out then flipping her up onto her side. He slid an arm under her upper leg and forced it over his shoulder as he inserted himself, jacking her leg back as his other arm slid behind her head and wrapped around her. With her immobilized, he pulled her head up, bringing her lips to his as he began to thrust hard and fast, tweaking the nipple of one of her breasts with one hand.


Asher thrust into her like a jackhammer, his cock exploring her depths as he rolled her nipple between a thumb and finger. The erotic sting as he worked her nipple was her undoing.


she gasped as she sat, frozen at the edge of ecstasy, every nerve burning in erotic fire, before falling into pleasure. Her hands flew to Asher’s head, hauling on him with every ounce of her strength, her back arching in the midst of a brain-melting orgasm.


Jenny’s cry, a soft sound uttered as if in great distress, followed by the sharp thrust of her hips and the pull of his head into her shoulder ripped his control from him. With a long, low growl he drove into her furiously hard as his own pleasure began to overwhelm him.


She was just relaxing as her orgasm finally released its hold on her when Asher barked hard and thrust into her savagely hard. He held himself deep a moment, before driving into her again, then again, three hard thrusts as he shivered and growled before suddenly relaxing with a long exhalation.


After a moment he loosened his hold on her, allowing her to lower her leg, but then collapsed onto her, bearing most of his weight on his elbows, making her feel warm and protected unlike she had ever felt before.


They said nothing, their breathing falling into sync as they came down from their emotional high. After a moment, he rolled to his back with a great sigh, pulling her with him. As she settled on him, she reached between them and inserted his still-hard cock back into her. She wanted to feel him inside for as long as possible tonight, thrilling with the feel of him, of two becoming one.


Their lips met in a slow, almost loving kiss and his hips began to move



Chapter 14


The pounding wouldn’t stop, and Asher swam up out of the darkness. He and Jenny had gone three times last night, the last one lasting almost to sunup, a slow sensual giving and taking of pleasure.


The pounding at the door came again and he looked at the clock. “Coming!” he growled as he slid out from under Jenny’s embrace. It was nine o’clock, but he had been asleep for only a little over four hours. Pulling his pants on, he picked up his weapon and stepped to the door, peeking through the sight glass.


“What?” he growled as he opened the door.


Will looked around Asher to Jenny still sprawled on the bed. She was face down, but Asher stepped to the side to block his view anyway. “I have some news. Call it a gesture of good faith. Looks like you had a…hard…night. You want me to come back?”


“Yeah,” Asher said as he scrubbed his face. “No…give us five minutes.”


“Shit…is that all you can last?”


Asher gave him the middle finger then shut the door in his laughing face.


“Jenny! Wake up and get some clothes on.”


“No…” she groaned. “Tell them to come back.”


“Get up!” he said, giving her a sharp swat on the ass.


“Shit! Okay, okay.” She sat up and yawned hugely. “What?”


“The Bucs are here. They have some news. Get dressed.”


“What time is it?” she asked as she glanced around, still trying to blink herself awake.


“Time for you to get dressed,” he said as he skinned into his shirt.


“What do they want?”


“I don’t know.
Get dressed
and we’ll find out.”


She sighed and tumbled out of bed. Asher could feel his cock twitch to life at the sight of her as she bent over to pick up her clothes and the memory of last night. They had gone hard at it twice, slept for a few hours before she had woken him up for a marathon fuck this morning. But even after all that, he still wanted her.


After a few minutes of furious activity, Asher opened the door again to find Will propped on the railing outside.


“It smells like a brothel in here,” he said as he stepped into the room.


“You’re just jealous,” Asher said as he shut the door behind the man.


Jenny stepped out of the bathroom still brushing her hair, but otherwise presentable. “Yeah…maybe a little,” Will acknowledged. “Listen, I called on my contact last night and pumped her for information. You owe me, Asher. She didn’t want to give up the members.”


“But you were able to convince her?” Asher asked.


“Yeah. I had to go extra innings, and get into some kinky shit, know what I mean? But I got the names for you.”


“Of my mother’s killers?” Jenny asked as she continued to brush her hair.


“Yeah. There were three of them on the hit. Here are their names,” Will said as he handed Asher a scrap of paper.


Asher glanced at the note. “Got a description?”


“Look, I’m not the man of steel, okay? Be thankful for what you got.”


Asher laughed. “Okay. Thanks. I appreciate you putting it out there for us.”


Now it was Will’s turn to laugh. “It’s okay, man. I got something out of it, too. But getting a handjob at ninety on a bike is an experience I’m glad is over.”


Jenny laughed as she imagined what that must have been like. “You’re lucky you didn’t come and go at the same time.”


“Yeah, well, right after that, we were doing it in the grass alongside of the road. I was more worried about a gator eating my ass.”


“So how are we going to know who these assholes are?” Asher asked, trying to drag the conversation back on topic.


“Don’t know. That’s your problem. I’ve got the names. What you do with them is your business.”


“Why?” Jenny asked.


“Why what?” Will asked in reply.


“Why are you doing this?”


“A gesture of good faith.”


“That’s bull and you know it,” she replied.


Will watched her a moment then smiled. “No it’s true. But I have to admit, I don’t mind having someone else do in three members of my biggest competitor. So it’s a win-win for me.”


Jenny looked into Wills eyes and decided it was probably the truth – especially the second part. “Okay. Thank you.”


“You’re welcome. I know how I would feel if someone killed my mother like that.”


“That still leaves us with the problem of how to identify the right three men,” Asher reminded the other two.


“What could you do to flush them out?” Jenny asked.   


“What if I put the word out that the HDs had the men tagged and were going to make a hit? Think that would flush them?” Will asked. “The HDs are on board with this, right?”


“We talked to John last night and filled him in on the plan. He’s onboard,” Asher lied. “Officially I’m rogue, but he’s aware of what is going on. But to keep the Devils out of it for as long as possible, I’m going to be working this alone until we have a clear idea of what we are up against.”


Will nodded his head. “Makes sense. You know where the Demonios clubhouse is, right? I would watch there. See who makes a run.”


“Dangerous,” Asher said. “It might be the wrong men.”


“When you go on lockdown, does your club go on pleasure rides? No? Mine either. If they pull out and go to ground, those are going to be your guys.”


Asher nodded. “Yeah. You’re probably right. Okay, put the word out that the HDs are coming for them. I’ll take it from there.”


“You got it.”


“Listen, if we pull this off, I have a business proposition in mind.”


“Okay. I’m listening.” Will said.


“You know the HDs are going legit, right?”


“That’s the rumor.”


“It’s true. We still have a little bit of drug dealing that we do out of a couple of our clubs. Nothing major, but they’re long-time customers. If we set it up, can you take them over and treat them right?”


Will grinned at Asher. “What’s your cut?”


“No cut. We get the Hamasaki deal squared away, you get the customers for helping us with Melissa’s killers. It closes off the last of our dealing and we become a respected member of the business community.”


Will snorted then slapped Asher on the shoulder. “I don’t know about that. But sure. Thanks. If you need anything else, let me know. It’s been a pleasure working with you, Asher. Is it true you’re going to be the next president of the Heartless Devils?”


“We’ll have to see where the chips fall.”


“They could do worse,” Will said. He leered at Jenny comically. “I’m not sure she could, though. When you get tired of his greasy son-of-a-bitch and want to ride on a
bike, give me a call.”


Jenny grinned at Will’s good-natured ribbing. “Wait by the phone for my call.”


Will laughed again. “I’ll put the word out as soon as I get back to East Miami.”


“Thanks, Will. That gives us just enough time to do what we need to do.”


Will shook his head. “From what I saw when I got here, it looks like you two have already done it.”


“They’re looking for me,” Jenny said as she and Asher faded back from sight. Outside her lecture hall was Lowball, a member of the Heartless Devils, lounging within easy sight of the door, but far enough away that he wouldn’t be noticed unless someone were looking for him.


“This isn’t a good idea,” Asher reminded her again.


“I know! But I have to get my lecture notes and assignments. I only have two more years of school and I’m not flunking out now!”


“If you’re father catches us, school will be the least of your worries.”


She scratched at her head as she thought. “I have an idea. Hang on a second.” She pulled her phone from her purse and after scrolling through the list of numbers, pressed a button. “Anna! It’s Jenny! I know. I’m sorry. Listen, I need a huge favor. I know, but I don’t know who else to call!”


Asher listened to Jenny’s half of the conversation as she tried to convince Anna and Chrysta to help her out. He had met these two not long after being assigned to guard Jenny. He hadn’t thought much of them at the time after having to carry one passed out drunk, and the other putting the moves on him as he bundled them into a taxi.


“Thanks, Anna! I owe you big. Yes. Maybe next week. Okay. Bye!”


She hung up the phone and dropped it into her purse. She had forgotten why she had stopped hanging around with some of her old friends. They seemed so…shallow…now. But after she had explained what she wanted, Anna seemed to relish the opportunity. She would bang any swinging dick that caught her fancy, and the Devil at the door might just do the trick. He was a good enough looking guy if you liked the bad boy look, which Anna did after getting a glimpse of Asher.


Less than an hour later, Anna and Chrysta arrived, both dressed in their best
come fuck me
outfits, and swayed up to Lowball. It took a surprising amount of convincing, but they finally lured him away from his location. The moment the three disappeared around the corner of the building, bound for locations unknown, Jenny and Asher hurried across the opening and into the hall. Because of the delay in waiting on their help, class had started so they waited in her professor’s office until he arrived.


When he arrived, Jenny explained her predicament, glossing over some detail, embellishing others, playing on the man’s sympathies. When Asher figured out the sob story she was painting, he hardened his features, playing his part to be the badass bodyguard protecting his charge from would-be kidnappers.


“You know I normally expect my students to attend my lectures,” her professor said, “and if I hadn’t seen Mr. Lowe guarding you for a couple of months now, I would call you out. But since you were one of my best students, and you are making a genuine effort, I will relent this time.”


The man opened his computer and after a few pecks at the keyboard, paper began to appear on a nearby printer. “Here are my lecture notes for what you have missed, and for the next four weeks. If you are not back in class by then, I’m afraid the notes won’t do you much good. I’m not sure how much good they are going to do you anyway.” He reached into the printer and pulled out a thin stack of papers and handed them to her. “Good luck. I hope you get your problem straightened out.”


“So do I, Professor Kwell. Thank you so much!”


Asher rose and, playing his part, opened the door and stepped into the hall and looked around suspiciously before stepping aside in silent invitation for her follow.


“That was just about the biggest load of horseshit I have never heard in my life,” Asher said as they sat down in Jenny’s car.


“Hey, it worked didn’t it?” she asked.


“I thought lawyering was all about getting to the truth. I think you said that to me once.”


“Did I say anything that wasn’t true?”


“No, but you didn’t exactly tell the whole truth, either.” Asher started the car. “What happened to ‘The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God’?”


Jenny smiled. “Asher, my dear, the truth is what you make it.”


He looked at her a moment then, with a shake of his head, pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Jenny before putting the car into gear. “Call Will and find out if he has put the word out yet. It won’t take the Demonios long to go on lockdown. If they try to smuggle the guys out, it will happen sooner rather than later.” 

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