Asher: Heartless Devils MC (4 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Thomas

BOOK: Asher: Heartless Devils MC
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Chapter 3


With bike riding, gun training, and doing the work she was assigned over the Christmas break, Jenny had little time do much else other than eat and sleep. The same was mostly true for Asher—though he did get some down time when she was busy typing away on her laptop. To Jenny, it felt like it had been forever since she had seen her friends or properly unwound. With so much on her mind, particularly the niggling little worm that told her someone may want her dead, Jenny was ecstatic to hear her friends wanted to come over for drinks.


“Asher, you need to go! They’ll be here any minute.” Jenny was tense, actively trying to force Asher out of the door. Not an easy task in the best of times. The guard had called moments before, after he passed her friends through.


“Why do I need to go? What are they gonna do?”


“Ask awkward questions! Please just go. I’ll text you if I need help, like they’re trying to kill me or something, but for now, please just leave!”


He moved towards the door then stopped in front of it and turned to face her again.


“Are you embarrassed by me?” he asked in a mock-hurt voice.


She rolled her eyes and frowned at him, before freezing in horror as the doorbell rang.


“I’ll be outside.” He turned and opened the door.


“Ladies. Come in. I’m just leaving.” He stepped between them, the door slowly swinging closed on damped hinges, and walked away down the hall, enjoying the open-mouthed amazement on their faces.




Once set up with crisp, dry, white wine, the girls turned on her.


“Who was that, and where can I get one?” Chrysta asked, the richest and therefore most self-assured of the trio of friends.


“Yeah! He looked like a model. Is he European? Why have you not mentioned him?” chimed Anastasia, her perfect white teeth flashing at the whiff of gossip.


“He’s just an old friend of the family. He’s moving to the area, so he’s staying here until he finds a place.” Jenny circled the rim of her glass with her finger, desperately pleading with any higher power to the make them believe her.


Chrysta had been watching her carefully. “Uh-huh. You like him, but you just haven’t slept with him yet, right?”


Jenny kept her face carefully neutral, but the flush creeping up her face gave her away.


“I knew it!” cried Chrysta in triumph and delight. “You need to get on it, girl. For serious. That guy is shit hot, and if you don’t, I will be forced to steal him away from you.” Chrysta crossed her arms in front of her, as she smiled at Jenny. The smile didn’t mean that Chrysta wasn’t telling the truth though. She usually got whatever she wanted.


For a while, Asher was the hot topic, with Chrysta and Anna raining question after question upon her. What was he like? Did he ever try anything? Did he have that V on his lower abdomen that drove women wild? And dozens more.


Jenny answered the questions as best she could without giving too much away. She didn’t mention the first night when he held her as she cried, or how she had bought her very own Harley, or how she was taking shooting lessons. No, that was
more than she cared to explain.


It was several bottles of wine later, after Chrysta had been reduced to semi-consciousness, that Anna took a more emotional and drunken approach to the subject.


“Seriously,” she said, her voice slightly slurred, her eyes half-shut and looking somewhere about Jenny’s chin, as she waved her nearly empty glass around. “I’m so happy you’ve found someone. I know you’ve been down since your mom died. Which sucks. So this will be good for you. You should seriously just jump him. What have you got to lose? Apart from your new hymen. Honestly, that shit must have grown back by now. How long has it been?” she asked, then laughed at her own witticism.


The end had turned slightly catty, as was Anna’s way, but the overall message did set Jenny to thinking. It was hard to tell if she only thought it was a good idea because she was slightly intoxicated, though not nearly as drunk as her friends, or if it was a serious case of
en vino veritas
. But, hey, she and Asher were already keeping so many other things secret from the club. Why not add a quick tumble, just to take the edge off? Her dad would never have to know.


Anastasia sat her glass on the kitchen island, turned, and began drunkenly pawing through her purse, dumping handfuls of stuff on the counter as she muttered.


“What are you looking for?”


“My keys.”


“Oh no! You’re in no shape to be driving home. I’ll call you a cab.”


“I don’t need no fucking cab. I drive like this all the time.”


“Yeah. And what happened the last time?”


“It was just a little fender-bender!”


“Uh-huh.” Jenny spun her laptop around and punched up a list of cab companies on the internet. Five minutes later, having liberated Anastasia’s keys from her, she had a cab on the way. “You can leave your car and come back for it in the morning.”


“You can be a real bitch, you know that?”


“Yeah. You’re welcome.”


They struggled to get the softly snoring Chrysta on her feet, but after failing that, Jenny opened the door. As expected, Asher was there, sitting in the floor with his back against the wall. “Can you give us a hand?”


“With what?”


“Chrysta. She’s such a lush.”


Asher followed Jenny into the apartment and none too gently patted Chrysta on the face. He was still working on her when the security guard buzzed that her cab was there.


“Fuck it,” Asher muttered before picking Chrysta up and tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of flour. “If she pukes on me, I’m taking it out on your ass,” he warned Jenny gravely, as he turned toward the door.


As she shut the door behind Asher and the gently weaving Anna, Jenny settled back onto the sofa with a glass of water to wait for his return. It wasn’t long before he was back.


“Did she throw up on you?”


“No. But that other one, she invited me back to her place. Told me she needed me to carry her to her bedroom.”


“Why didn’t you go?”


“Because she was drunk off her ass, and because I have a job to do.”


“That the only reason?”


“No. But it’s enough.” He looked around the apartment. Two empty wine bottles and a nearly empty third, along with three glasses, was the only sign that anything had been going on. He had expected a much bigger mess, considering the state of Jenny’s friends. She had clearly imbibed, but she wasn’t nearly as shit-faced as her two friends.


She looked up and smiled, as he surveyed the room, patting the cushion beside her, indicating he take a seat. “How was your evening?” she asked him, pouring him a glass of wine from the nearly dead bottle.


“It was fine. The chick across the hall found out she was pregnant and her boyfriend or husband was none too happy about it. Sitting in halls is my favorite way to spend a Friday evening.” He accepted the drink with a nod. A beer would be better, but this beat nothing.


“I’m sorry. You didn’t have to sit out there. Why didn’t you go to the clubhouse or something?”


“I can’t protect you from the clubhouse.”


“What did you think was going to happen? I’ve known Anna and Chrysta for a couple of years and they haven’t tried to kill me yet.”


“I wasn’t worried about them. If I were, I would have never left the apartment. Don’t worry about it. How was your evening?”


“It was okay.”


He took a sip of his wine, grimacing slightly at the sour taste before setting it on the coffee table.
Yes… a beer would be much better
. She took a sip then carefully placed her water on the table—the glass only wobbling slightly—before she turned to look at him.


“Just okay?” he asked with a grin.
This girl needs to loosen up and learn how to party!


“Yeah.” She looked at her hands.
Why not? He is here, and I’m here and lubricated with wine. I really, really want him.
She moved to a kneeling position on the sofa, facing him.


He watched her warily.
What is she up to?
She shifted herself closer until their faces were almost touching, as she moved her hand up to gently cup his face. Her eyes were darting from his eyes to his lips, and it was clear what she wanted. He didn’t know what to do. He was attracted to her, that much was true, but she was slightly drunk, and her inhibitions were lowered…and that could lead to a whole mess of trouble.


She could see the battle going on inside him. “We’re keeping a lot of other secrets, Asher,” she whispered, looking him in the eye. “What’s one more?” She pressed her lips against his, using her hand to physically pull him closer. He resisted for a moment, but only a moment.


He kissed her back, working his tongue softly into her mouth. Her tongue reciprocated, drawing his in and flirting. He allowed her hands to smooth his jacket off his shoulders, and he helped her free his arms before caressing her body. He stroked her breasts and stomach with a delicate but firm touch before gently moving her down on the sofa, pressing her into the cushions with his weight as he lay across her.


He could sense her body beginning to respond to his touches and feel the goosebumps rising on her arms. His hand found its way back to her breast. Through the thin fabric of her shirt, he could feel her nipple becoming aroused. Still kissing her, he tweaked the nipple gently, causing her to take a sharp breath. He did it again and felt her hips buck. Raising himself up, he looked at her put out face.


“We shouldn’t do this. Your father will kill us both.”


“I want to.”


“That’s the wine talking.”


“No. The wine has just given me the courage to do what I have been wanting to do for a while now. I want you.”


“And your father?”


“I won’t tell him if you won’t.”


Asher smiled.
I’m damn sure not telling him.
Without saying another word, he helped her rid herself of her shirt, taking his own off at the same time. He could see her erect nipples through her black lacy bra. He sat up properly for a moment to enjoy the view, her milky flesh showing through the holes in the lace, his gaze traveling down until it stopped at the harsh cut off of her skinny jeans. He leaned back over her and took one of her nipples in his mouth, the lace bra still acting as a barrier. He began sucking it, playing with it with his lips and tongue, and giving it the occasional light nip that sent shock waves of pleasure running through her, making her squirm.


His hands started working on the button and zipper of her pants, working them slowly off of her. She helped, shimmying them away as she caressed his muscular chest with her hands. She moved to his pants and quickly went to work removing them, having to stop every time he scraped her nipple across his teeth, the scrape sending pleasure screaming along her nerves as if she had touched a live wire.


He abruptly rose up, ripping her jeans from her. She was wearing black lace panties, matching her bra, and he could see through them that she had been waxed completely smooth. She lay looking up at him expectantly, her face showing her vulnerability. He slowly finished the job she had started, unzipping his jeans and stepping out of them.


Through his tight boxers, Jenny could see the outline of his hard cock, and she was a bit intimidated by the size of him. It made sense, given his size, but she didn’t think she had seen one quite so big in person—though he wasn’t as big as some she had seen in photos and videos.


He knelt between her legs and slowly began pulling her underwear down. From this vantage, he could see the glistening wetness between her thighs and longed to taste her sweetness. Underwear removed, he slowly moved on top of her again, kissing her strongly while his hand worked its way down her body. He caressed her nipple and felt another wave roll through her. Moving his head down, he took her other nipple in his mouth, teasing it erect before moving lower, kissing and licking as he went until his face was directly above her dripping pussy.

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