Asian Heat

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Authors: Stephen Leather

BOOK: Asian Heat
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There’s an old
Chinese proverb that goes something like ‘Be careful what you wish for because
you might get it.’
I never really
understood that because I always figured that if you got what you wished for
then you’d be happy. Suppose you wished that you’d win the lottery and you did
and you got five million quid, you’d be happy as a pig in shit, right?
Or you’re a cyclist
like that Bradley Wiggins guy and you wished that you’d win the Tour De France
and you finally did, then that’s your dream coming true.
But I got my wish and it ruined my
life. Seriously. I lost my wife, I lost my house, and I lost my job. I’m on the
dole and living back with my parents, which for a twenty-five-year old is
pretty much as bad as it gets.
what did I wish for?
A threesome.
That’s all. I just wanted a threesome and I got what I wanted and I ruined my

Now don’t get me
wrong, it wasn’t a random threesome that I was looking for. For a start I’m
married, or at least I was married when I wanted the threesome. And I wanted my
wife to be there. That was the plan. Me, my wife, and another girl. At the time
it didn’t seem to be asking for much.
I love my wife, she means everything to me, I just thought it might be
fun to be in bed with her and another girl.
It was a fantasy, that’s all.
But the big mistake I made was turning that fantasy into

My name’s Jimmy,
Jimmy Taylor, and like I said I’m twenty-five. My wife is Laura, and I’ve known
her for twenty years. That’s right, twenty years. I was five when she moved in
next door.
She was four. We lived
in Skegness, a seaside town on the Lincolnshire coast of the North Sea. Bloody
cold, the sea is, but the beaches are great and it’s still a terrific place for
a holiday. Skegness had the first ever Butlins holiday camp, way back in 1936.
Not many people know that!

This will make
you laugh, I know. She was my first love, and my only love.
She’s the only girl I’ve ever had sex with.
Laura and I used to
hang out all the time as kids. We played dress up and made a tree house in her
garden and we used to walk to school together, hand in hand.
There are dozens of photographs of the
two of us, like peas in a pod we were.
In one I was kissing her on the cheek and she was grinning at
the camera as if she knew that she’d won my heart. She was seven years old and
I was eight.

We grew apart
once we hit our teens. I was in the Scouts and she had her own friends and for
a few years we hardy saw each other and when we did we’d just nod or maybe say
‘hello’ and at school we’d pretty much ignore each other. I went through a
spotty phase and she was incredibly gawky when she was thirteen and fourteen
but everything changed when I hit sixteen and she was fifteen.
I still remember it.
Her dad ran a fish and chip shop close
to the seafront and she worked there on Saturdays. I went in with my mum and
Laura smiled at me and my heart turned a somersault. I swear to God, that’s
what it felt like.
I remember
blushing and mumbling and my mum saw how embarrassed I was and teased me about
it for days afterwards.
Laura had
blossomed, really blossomed. She had soft chestnut hair and blue eyes and the
top few buttons of her overalls were open and I could see she had a really sexy
She caught me looking
and that made me blush even more.
Anyway, from that day on I used to wait until I saw her leaving the
house and then I’d hurry out and walk to school with her. We’d talk and laugh
and make silly jokes and one day I held her hand as we walked and from then on
we were boyfriend-girlfriend.

We didn’t have
sex until she was sixteen.
talked about it and decided that it would be better to wait, and that we’d do
it on her birthday. We did, too, in my bedroom, while mum was out at the
It was her first time and
mine and although I had nothing to compare it with other than online
pornography it was bloody good.

We got married
when I was eighteen, and her dad gave me a job working in the fish and chip
shop. He retired a few years ago and gave the business to Laura and we made it
a right little goldmine. Most of the turnover was in the summer months when
Skegness is packed with tourists and we made so much money that we could shut
up shop over the winter months and do some travelling.

Now, here’s the
thing. I loved Laura, she really was the love of my life. I never even looked
at another woman. She was the girl I wanted to have children with and grow old
with. That’s the God’s honest truth. But I had this fantasy of a threesome
– her, me and another girl. It didn’t kick in until we’d been married for
three years or so. And I don’t know what started it. But I just had this
scenario in my head of me making love to Laura while she kissed another woman
and the other woman touched her.
It wasn’t even about me making love to the other woman, I just wanted
her there, in the bed.

I started
watching threesomes on the internet at night when Laura was asleep. And often,
when I was making love to her, I’d imagine that there was another girl in the
bed with us. The thing is, Laura just wasn’t interested. Not that I asked her
directly, of course. Sometimes after she’d had a few drinks I’d raise the
subject of fantasies but hers was always about making love on a beach or on a
train, never about threesomes.

We used to go on
holiday in Ibiza quite a lot during the winter months and while we were there
we’d both take ecstasy. It was part of the whole Ibiza experience, dancing and
popping E’s and staying up until dawn.
There were plenty of single girls around and we’d dance with them, but
even when she was loved up on ecstasy it was clear that Laura just wasn’t
interested in taking it any further. I suppose I should have been satisfied
with that – I had a young, sexy wife who didn’t want to share me, or
herself, with anyone else. But it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted a threesome
and as the years passed I wanted it more and more.

To rub salt into
the wound, three of my best mates all ended up having threesomes in the same
Tim and Alex went to Thailand on what
was supposed to be a golfing holiday even though they could barely play. When
they got back they admitted that they’d only been on a golf course twice and
that the rest of the time they’d been in go-go bars and massage parlours in a
beach resort called Pattaya.
Pattaya, they said, was packed with party girls, though the fact that
they paid for most of the sex suggested to me that they were more like prostitutes.
According to Andy, Tim and Alex sex was
on tap twenty fours a day and the girls were stunning.
And all three of them had taken part in
threesomes, usually with girls they’d bar-fined. They had to explain what a
barfine was – it seems that girls who dance in go-go bars can go out with
customers if the customer pays a small fee, less than twenty quid. Then the
customers pay the girl a bit extra on top of that.
The girls were keen to go two at a time, and all three of my
mates had taken them up on it.

‘It was like
being in your own private porn movie,’ said Tim. ‘And if you wanted, they’d
stay all night. They’d do anything, mate. Absolutely anything.’

I was as jealous
as hell but I tried not to show it.
They gave me blow by blow details of what they’d been up to, and I’d
just smiled and drunk my beer and wished that I’d been there. With Laura, of
course. You see, that was the big difference between me and the three of them.
They were only interested in the sex and it didn’t really matter who the girls
Tim kept in touch with one
of them but Andy couldn’t remember the names of any of the girls he’d been
with. The whole point of my fantasy threesome was that Laura would be there
with me.

The lads all said
that they’d be going back and tried to persuade me to go with them on a
lads-only holiday.
I tried to
explain that I only wanted to go with Laura and they took the piss out of me
something rotten, calling me a wimp and saying that I was pussy-whipped.
It wasn’t about being whipped, it was
about being loved and being in love. If I was going to Thailand, I wanted Laura
to be with me so that we could experience it together.

After the lads
told me about their adventures,
couldn’t get Thailand out of my mind and started looking at different Thai
websites. I found one run by a guy called Stickman who explained all the sexual
delights available in what they call the Land Of Smiles, and he confirmed what
Andy, Tim and Alex had said – getting a threesome in Thailand was as easy
as falling off a log.
Stickman’s site was packed with advice on holidaying in Thailand and
living there as an expat, and even offered his services as a private detective
for guys who were having problems with their Thai girlfriends.
Through him I learnt about amazing
holiday destinations like Phuket, Pattaya and Ko Samui.

Once I’d fully
briefed myself, I began dropping a few hints to Laura and to my surprise she
was quite keen.
One of her
girlfriends went to Thailand on her honeymoon and came back raving about it. We
went to our regular travel agent and she fixed us up with a two-week holiday in
She booked us two nights
in Bangkok, followed by ten nights in Phuket and then two more nights in
Bangkok before we flew back to the UK.
The travel agent didn’t think Pattaya was the place for a young couple
and that we’d have a better time in Phuket. I’d already checked out Phuket on
Stickman’s website and according to him there were plenty of bars and party
girls there, so that was fine with me. I didn’t have much of a plan, but at the
back of my mind I thought that if Laura had a few drinks she might be open to a
bit of experimenting with one of the local lasses. With hindsight, I realise
how stupid that sounds.

We paid for
business class flights from Heathrow and booked a five-star hotel in Bangkok
and a four-star resort in Phuket. Our fish and chip shop had done record
business during the summer so Laura said that we should treat ourselves.

We slept early on
our first night in Bangkok. We arrived late in the afternoon and thought we’d
have a nap before going out but we were so jet-lagged that we ended up sleeping
twelve hours straight.
The next
day we spent doing regular tourist stuff – we went on a long-tailed boat
on the river, walked around the Grand Palace, and went to an Indian tailor shop
on Sukhumvit Road near our hotel to have some suits and dresses made to

I suggested to
Laura that we hit the bars of Soi Cowboy on our second night. I’d read about
the strip on Stickman’s website – a dozen or so go-go bars on a small
road between Sukhumvit Soi 21 and 23.
Laura wasn’t that impressed, I have to say, and to be
honest neither was I. The bars were small and a bit grubby and while there were
girls dancing naked, a lot of them were pretty average and quite a few had
scars and stretch marks or were just plain overweight. There were a few
stunners but most of them had silicon breasts and tattoos.
We visited three or four bars but I
didn’t see anyone that I’d want a threesome with.

We did see some
sexy shows in one of the bars – Sheba’s I think it was called – and
that was good fun, especially a very erotic lesbian show that involved six
girls and a lot of foam.
Laura did
seem interested in what was going on and after the show I called over one of
the girls and bought her a drink. She sat next to Laura and they chatted away
like old friends.
Laura seemed
fascinated by the girl – her name was Bee – and asked her about her
family, her life, and why she was working in the bar.
Bee said her father had run off when she was a toddler and
she was working to support her mother and younger sister. Having read
Stickman’s thoughts on the bars I was reasonably sure that Bee was being less
than truthful but I didn’t say anything. I bought Bee a couple more drinks and
tried to get Laura drunk too but didn’t have much joy on that front.
Laura was clearly enjoying herself but
I didn’t feel that there was any heat between her and Bee.

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