Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4) (16 page)

BOOK: Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)
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Chapter Thirteen


“I can’t believe you got her to sleep,” Callie said to Carson.

“She was really good. We watched some of her cartoons and then I put her in bed and read a book to her. She was asleep before I finished.”

“You’re amazing.” Callie gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I owe you, big guy.”

“Naw, I like spending time with her. It’s like having a little sister. She’s funny, and oh—she said a new word tonight. Lizard. Only it came out sounding like
or something. It was really funny. I think she saw one at daycare. Anyway, I’m headed for bed so goodnight.”

“Thank you again.”

“You’re welcome.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, then grinned at Jayce. “’Night, Dad. Love you.”

“I love you, son. Sleep well.”

Jayce and Callie took a seat on the couch. “So that music guy was impressed,” Jayce said.

“I guess. He was nice.”

“And impressed. You heard him. He said he’d be in touch with you by the end of next week.”

“He was just being nice. I don’t think—”

“Sorry to interrupt.” Carson came into the room. “Dad, you need to sign the Driver’s Ed form. I left it on the counter by the fridge. I have to turn it in tomorrow.”

“I’ll make sure it’s signed, then.”

“Thanks. ’Night. ’Night, Callie. I’ll check in on Lily when I go back up.”

“Thank you. ’Night, Carson.”

Jayce smiled and shook his head. “Driver’s Ed.”

Callie looked over at Jayce. “He’s growing up. And he really is something, Jayce. I mean besides being a great athlete and good in school. He’s an amazing young man with a big heart.”

“Yeah, he is. And he loves Lily. The whole family does.”

“You’re all spoiling her rotten.”

Jayce grinned. “I’d spoil her mama rotten if she’d let me.”

“Oh, I think you already are. Like picking me up tonight. I know you’re probably exhausted. You haven’t been on a normal work schedule the whole time I’ve known you.”

“I’d sure like to be and if we can hire enough men I might be able to swing it.”

“That whole oil thing is really having an impact on this place. This week alone we noticed an increase at the bar, and I hear the new housing development is nearly sold out and it’s not even finished.”

“Yeah, they’re moving in as fast as we can finish them.”

“So, do you think this is a good thing or is it going to be too much, too fast? Liz said she and Cooper have seen that happen where they’re from in the Dakotas.”

“I think everyone’s trying to not rush it so that the growth isn’t so fast and furious. Bronson said they still don’t have a drill manager. They’ve been trying to hire this guy who’s the best, but so far they haven’t been able to nail him down, so they’ve been through two temporaries and it’s starting to wear on them. Bronson’s getting downright ornery.”

“He just needs to get laid.”

“Oh, say what?”

“You heard me. He and Pressley have been making eyes at each other for a long time. They just need to move things along.”

“Don’t we all?”

She rolled her eyes then laughed. “Indeed we do. But with teenagers and two-year-olds…”

“Who are both in bed.”

Callie considered it for about two seconds. “Then what are we waiting for?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

Jayce bounded to his feet, pulled her up and into his arms. She laughed softly as he carried her into his room, locked the door, then plopped her on the bed. After a searing kiss, he stood and started undressing.

Callie watched, appreciating the show. By the time Jayce was naked, she was all for skipping foreplay and getting right to the main event. He was that potent. She started to undress and he assisted, which slowed the process but made it twice as enjoyable.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered against the skin of her breast as his hands stroked slowly down her naked back to her ass.

One second they were on their knees facing each other and the next, he had her on her back with his head between her legs and his mouth and tongue doing things that had her hands tightening into fists on the bed covers. She made an effort to be quiet, but damn if she didn’t feel like screaming in pleasure.

When he moved up to capture her lips in a kiss, she wound her legs around him and rolled them over so she was on top. She sat back, trailing her hands over his chest and down his abdomen.  Jayce reached over to open the drawer of the nightstand to pull out a condom. Callie plucked it from his hand and slid it on him.

Jayce smiled at her as she reached down to guide him inside her. Jayce’s hands moved up her legs to her hips as she started to move on him. His gaze locked with hers and then there was only the two of them.

At first, their lovemaking was slow, touches soft and light, but in time, the demands of their bodies caused things to take a more primal tone. Callie thrilled to it when Jayce exerted control, taking her time and again to the edge of release, then pulling her back.

It was a sublime torture she craved and she gladly submitted to him, letting him set the pace and tone, take her where he wanted her to go. Jayce gave her more than what she dreamed – pleasure that was almost overwhelming.

She felt love in his touch and saw it in his eyes and it removed the last of the fear that threatened. “I love you.” She gently stroked his face. “So much.”

“And I will always love you.”

She needed no more than that. Her world was more wonderful than she’d ever imagined it could be. This was the life and the man she’d dreamed of, and miraculously now she had it.

So why did she allow that small cloud of doubt into her mind, that annoying voice that asked just how long it would last before Deke Ramsey found a way to turn her life into hell.




“She’s living with him?” Callie looked up as Jayce walked into the room, then spoke into the phone again. “Lily, Jayce is here so I’m putting you on speaker.”

“Okay. Like I was saying, he was released three days ago and according to what our investigator found, is staying with Janice Garretson.”

“The ADA?” Jayce asked.


“Well, what happened with the investigator trying to prove she’s the one who stole the evidence so he could get out?”

“He came up empty. We still think she did it, but we can’t prove it and neither could the DA, so Ramsey is a free man.”

“And is trying to get his hands on my child.”

“He is the biological father.”

“That’s meaningless, Lily, and we both know it. He never provided a thing for Lily and damn it, he tried to kill her. There’s no way in hell I’m letting him even near my daughter.”

“Then you need to be at that hearing in Nashville.”

“Isn’t there a way for us to get it changed to Texas? I mean, I don’t live in Nashville, so how can the courts there decide?”

“You have a point. Let me look into that and I’ll get back to you later today.”

“Okay. Thanks, Lily.”

Callie ended the call and looked at Jayce. “I swear to all that’s holy, I’ll kill him before I let him touch Lily.”

“He’s not going to even get close to her, sweetheart. If Lily can get the case moved to Texas, I’d bet money no judge would even give him visitation rights. Just be patient and let Lily do her job. It’s going to be okay. I promise I won’t let him hurt you or Lily.”

Callie went into his arms. For the first time in her life, she was truly happy and now Deke had to screw it all up. She had to find a way to stop him. For good. But for the moment, she needed to pull it together and not be a burden on Jayce. He had enough on his plate trying to manage all of the jobs his company had going, stay on top of Carson’s sports practice and game schedule and give JD a hand at least once a week on the ranch.

She couldn’t add any more responsibility on him than what he’d already taken on by inviting her and Lily to stay there.

Callie pulled away at the sound of Lily’s voice, hollering at the tops of her lungs. “New day, Mommy. New day.”

Jayce chuckled. “I’ll go get her.”

Callie gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll get her milk and start on the oatmeal.”

She could hear Jayce and Lily as she prepared the oatmeal. He was so patient and loving with Lily, exactly what Callie would wish for Lily to have as a father. A few minutes later, Jayce enter the kitchen, carrying Lily. She was dressed and smiling.

“My bush teefe.”

“Well, aren’t you the big girl?” Callie hurried to give her a kiss and offered to take her from Jayce, but Lily clung to him. “You ready for breakfast? Mommy can fix you oatmeal.”

“Hmmm, oatmeal.” Jayce carried her to the table where he’d placed Carson’s old high chair.

He put Lily into the chair and gave her a kiss on the head. “Okay, punkin doodle, you have a good day. I’ve got to get to work.”

“Get work, Ace,” Lily mimicked. “Bye bye. Wubs Wil-wee.”

Jayce looked at Callie “Wil-wee? Is she saying her name?”

“I think so. Lily, what’s your name, baby?”

“Wil-wee. Ace wub Wil-wee.”

“You bet I do, Lily Belle.” He gave her another kiss. “You have a good day, okay? I’ll see you later.”

“Waider.” Lily grinned. “My wubs you.”

“I love you.” Jayce grinned and grabbed Callie for a quick kiss. “What you have planned for the day?”

Just that simple act stirred her blood and she wondered if she’d ever grow immune to his appeal. “Stella asked me to come by and help her with her books on the bakery this morning and then I’m taking Lily to the park. After that, I’m meeting Pressley and Hannah for lunch and then I’m coming back here to start making jelly with those plums your dad got.”

“Sounds like a good day.”

“Yes. Oh and I’m making dinner, of course. Carson asked if I’d make meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and that squash casserole he liked so much. Is that okay with you?”

“Sounds great.”

“Okay, just let me know what time you can make it?”

“Seven. I promise to be here by no later than seven – no, make that seven-thirty.”

“Okay. Have a good day. I love you.”

“And I love you.” The kiss he gave her had her wishing Lily was still asleep and he didn’t have to go to work.

She watched him leave then turned her attention to Lily’s breakfast.



Callie sat in the sand box with Lily, building piles of sand for Lily to top with rocks, leaves and weeds – or flowers, as Lily called them.

“Well, that’s a mighty fine garden you’re creating there, Miss Lily.”

Callie and Lily looked up at the same time. “My Doe.” Lily grinned. “Come show me.”

The gray-haired man with the kind face knelt beside Lily. “All righty then. Show me.”

Lily pointed to every pile, rock and leaf, babbling about each one. Callie smiled at the way Joe nodded, commented and appeared to be so interested in what Lily was saying. But then, he was that kind of man.

She’d first met Joe right here at the park. He’d been sitting on the bench one day when she and Lily arrived and they’d struck up a conversation. Since that day, she saw him at least once a week when she brought Lily.

Callie liked Joe. He reminded her of her dad and when she was with him, she remembered what it was like to feel safe and protected. She knew it was silly, but that was how he made her feel. Not because he was big and strong, or mean and threatening, but because he seemed to have a calm that made her feel that everything was okay.

“So, how are things going, Miss Callie?”

“Okay.” She looked at him and when he made a face that clearly indicated he wasn’t buying it, she dusted off her hands. “For the most part it is. Living with Jayce is wonderful. It’s almost like we’re a family. But now Deke is trying to take me to court to get shared custody of Lily and…”

She stood and stepped out of the sand box. “Lily, honey, Mommy’s going to sit on the bench for a minute, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy.”

Joe followed Callie and took a seat on the bench beside her. “I won’t let him, Joe. Even if I have to run away, I won’t let him be near my baby.” She looked at him, panic swelling. “He tried to kill us and now he thinks he deserves to be her dad? No. I won’t allow it. I swear, I’ll kill—”

“No.” Joe put his hand on her arm. “Don’t ever say that. You know you don’t mean it.”

“But I hate him so much.”

“You hate what he’s done and what he’s become and rightfully so, but you can’t let hate take root in your heart, Miss Callie. Hate kills love and joy and hope, and those are the things you want Lily to have in her life. If you let him turn your heart to hate, then he’s won and I know you don’t want that.”

“Then what do I do?”

“You trust that it’s going to be okay, that if you do what’s right, it will work out and you and Lily can have a happy life here with the people you love.”

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