Astrid Cielo (2 page)

Read Astrid Cielo Online

Authors: Begging for Forgiveness (Pinewood Creek Shifters)

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Astrid Cielo
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fisted his hand to his side a deep shame overcoming him.
How could he have been so blind as to forget
about his mate?
He loved Xavier, and he
and his wolf had wanted him instantly when they'd first met him three years

had always hid his bi-sexual tendencies, preferring to stay with females
because it just seemed more natural to him.
But one whiff of Xavier's intoxicating scent had moved him past his
reservations about being with a man and he'd not looked back.
He'd never thought of a woman again.
Until last night when a pair of grey eyes
twinkled so seductively as Aspen's pretty pink mouth curled into the sweetest
He could still feel her mouth sliding
over his cock and he cursed that he hardened at the thought of going back out
there and feasting at her pretty pussy.


Oh shit
"Look baby, I'm sorry I worried you, but
I should be home within the next few hours.
I stopped to get a bite to eat and didn't feel up to driving."

I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, bye

hung his head as shame over the past twenty-four hours crowded in on him.
There had to be a way to fix this.
Skylar stepped from the bathroom and gathered
his clothes and put them on as quietly as he could.
He watched as Aspen reached in her sleep and
his wolf whined for him to return to her, but he had a mate to get home
Skylar knew he should shower Aspen's
scent from his body, especially before crawling in the same bed with Xavier,
but he couldn't bring himself to take away any part of her.
If he weren't sure he'd already found his
mate, he'd swear Aspen was that mate.
Skylar left without a glance back though it killed him.

a coward
his wolf snarled.

yes he was.




climbed into bed beside his mate.
wolf calmed for the first time since leaving Aspen's side, though it sent ample
reminders that he wanted her back beside him as well.

be told, Skylar felt the same way.
felt equal parts guilt and loss--Guilt for sleeping with Aspen when he had a
mate he loved dearly right here beside him now and loss for leaving Aspen
without any further word.


wolf never failed to remind him of that opinion.
Skylar rubbed his chest where a dull ache
If he didn't know any better
he'd say that he'd lost his mate.
a deep breath had Aspen’s scent teasing his nostrils and it made him realize
that maybe he still stood that chance.
But he couldn't bring himself to wash her from his body.
He was certain his wolf wouldn't take it at
all at this point.

traced the hard line of Xavier's back and he calmed somewhat.
It was hard to believe he'd just left her
only twenty-four hours ago.
stirred, slowly at first before turning toward him a big smile on his face.

missed you."

nodded and bent to take Xavier's lips in a kiss.
There was nothing hesitant in the man whose
own kiss fought for dominance.
It had
always been like this, a war between the two that usually ended in one or more
rounds of hot and satisfying sex.
On an
intellectual and emotional level, however, they were perfect for each
Skylar relinquished his control,
his guilt making him less dominant than usual.
He knew the instant that Xavier knew.
Xavier’s body tensed against Skylar's and Xavier's claws dug into his

winced at the betrayal that shined so accusingly from Xavier's dark brown
Then fury as his eyes glowed in
the muted light of their bedroom.

Skylar could take a breath, Xavier had him pinned to the mattress, his nose
exploring every inch of his body.
Despite the guilt that he felt for betraying his mate in such a fashion,
he couldn't stop his body from reacting to his mate's closeness.
Blood rushed to his groin, engorging his cock
and his wolf stirred with the need to dominate their mate.
Skylar resisted, knowing he had to face
whatever Xavier dished out.
It was the
least he could do for how deeply he betrayed him.


closed his eyes because he couldn't face the hurt he knew was plastered over
Xavier's face.
So instead of lie like
he'd practiced, Skylar voiced the truth for the first time since he'd stared
into her grey eyes.

thought she was my mate."

pinned his arms to the bed and a sharp bite to his shoulder made him cry out.

are my mate," Xavier hissed in his ear.

you are mine, but I still feel her draw.
My wolf still wants her."

stilled and again Skylar lay still as Xavier ran his nose along his body
sniffing the remnants of scent that Aspen left behind.
Xavier's body relaxed and he released
Skylar's arms to trail lower.
nuzzled his erect shaft breathing in the scent that Skylar knew still clung to
his dick.
He'd been ball deep inside of
Aspen and she'd even caressed his cock with her mouth and tongue.
Her scent would be amplified there.

groaned as Xavier's mouth took him deep, no teasing, just the pure molten heat
of his mouth surrounding his cock.
fisted his hands in the sheets as Xavier continued to work his shaft.

Skylar could barely speak the question as his
climax neared.
He could feel his balls
tightening and ready to explode at any moment.

released his cock with an audible pop before climbing back up his body and
taking his mouth in a kiss.
fisted his hands in Skylar's hair and Skylar allowed him the dominance he knew
that Xavier needed, though his muscles ached to take charge and challenge him
for the right to conquer.

bit Skylar's lip before moving to his earlobe.

mine, too," he whispered.

gasped and he opened his eyes to stare into Xavier's.
His wolf howled in his mind and Skylar wanted
to join him, but he wasn't sure he'd heard his mate right.


my mate, too."

growled as he took control of the situation pinning Xavier beneath him.
Xavier's fangs gleamed in the dim moonlight
that shone through their bedroom window making Skylar ache for his bite.

can this be?"

flashed his canines before wrestling back control, a wicked grin spread on his
face when he flashed the tube of lubricant in front of Skylar's face.
Skylar groaned as Xavier lubricated his
fingers generously before parting Skylar's thighs.
He hissed as Xavier's fingers, cold from the
lube, fingered his asshole.
The sweet
pleasure/pain from the burn of being impaled on his fingers was only a
precursor to the intense pleasure he knew would come from Xavier's dick being
buried there instead.

going to fuck you, Sky.
Fuck you so
hard, baby.
Then we're going to go find
our mate."

punctuated his statement with a bite to Skylar's shoulder.
Skylar groaned and spread his thighs.
He grabbed the tube of lube and used his
hands to clasp Xavier's hardened cock coating him in the gel-like
He loved the look of lust
that spread over his mate's face as he increased the speed of his jerking.

pulled Skylar's hands from his cock and pinned them above his head.
Skylar loved the play of his muscles as
Xavier exerted his strength over him.
Xavier nipped at his jaw then lined his dick up with his nether
They both groaned in unison as his
head breached the tight ring of muscle, the small sting sending shivers up
Skylar's spine.
Xavier was panting by
the time he'd buried himself to the hilt, his abdomen sandwiching Skylar's own
dick between their stomachs.
pressure against his dick was almost as divine as the rod impaling him, but
then Xavier began to move and Skylar lost all coherent thought.
All he could do was
as Xavier tunneled in and out of his asshole, the smell of Xavier that
surrounded him and the dream that soon he would have Aspen here with his other

too soon, he groaned as he felt Xavier find his release deep inside of
Skylar hissed as Xavier pulled free
of him and he reached for his dick to finish off the ache that begged for
Xavier swatted his hands out of
the way and took his dick into his mouth.
Xavier’s throat worked the head of Skylar’s cock and Xavier cupped
Skylar's balls to gently roll them in his hand.
Skylar couldn't contain his release and groaned as he spilled his seed
down Xavier's throat.
Xavier swallowed
every drop, licked his now sated dick clean, and sighed as he climbed up the
bed to lie beside him.


sighed at the hurt that still infused Xavier's voice.

couldn't stop myself, baby.
It was like
three years ago when I first saw you and I wanted to claim you instantly.

claimed her?"

rolled to his side and looked down into Xavier's strong masculine face.

I just lost myself to my wolf.
couldn't resist Aspen...When I realized what I'd done… I hated myself."


at least she's also my mate.
My wolf is
going crazy wanting her here beside us.
Aspen...such a beautiful name."

do you feel about having a female?"


not that I've never had a female, Sky, I just prefer males."

face turned somber.
"That's why I
was kicked out of my pack, but I find females attractive also.
Besides, my wolf and I are sure that she's
our mate so attraction will never be a problem."

will be the problem?"

Do you really think she'll just mate
so readily?"

not to love?"

punched him playfully on the shoulder as he got up, his tight ass on full
Skylar groaned as his dick
hardened all over again, this time the vision of him plowing into Xavier's
nether hole had him hard as a rock.

on, Skylar.
We've got to go find our
mate or did I misunderstand when you said that you left her without claiming
her first?"

jumped up a new wave of energy infused him and started pulling his clothes
His wolf whined wanting out to find
his mate.


Chapter 2

November 13

hissed as the cold jelly squirted onto her abdomen.
She looked over at Miranda and hated that she
felt crummy because the little mouse was smiling so broadly.
She should feel grateful that Miranda had
rescheduled her own prenatal visit to come with her, but no, instead she was
angry that someone else was so happy.
Aspen sighed as Dr. Sanchez moved the probe around her stomach.

wasn't angry that Miranda had such happiness, and loved the little mouse
Miranda had been nothing but
kind since she realized that Aspen had no designs whatsoever on Caleb.
She didn't want to steal someone else's
happiness; Aspen just wanted some of her own.

closed her eyes to will away all the memories that wanted to flood her
One night was all it took and some
days it felt as if she couldn't go on.
Three months and she still craved her mate--no, she craved the man that
left--just as much as the first time she saw him.
She missed his scent, his touch, and his
presence in her life.
Although it was a short
time, mere hours she and her cougar were in total agreement that no one else
would do.
It was only her pride that
kept her from seeking him relentlessly to ask him all the questions that had
been plaguing her.
How could he leave
his mate?

rapid beating of a heart pulled her from her silent misery and opened her
Excitement and wonder coursed
through her veins and for the first time in three months she didn't feel an
overwhelming sense of loss.
It had been
so unreal when Miranda had announced that she was pregnant.
Her whole world had been knocked for a three
sixty, but now listening to her baby’s heart beat, her whole life seemed to
right itself--maybe not completely, but it gave Aspen hope that she wouldn't
just wallow in her misery forever.

that my baby's heartbeat?"

Aspen, and it sounds good.
Now if you'll
look at this screen you'll get the first glimpse of your baby."

was grateful to have a shifter obstetrician.
She had to remember to thank Theresa for the recommendation of Dr.
She couldn't stop the tears
that fell and hated
even more when Miranda
took her hand.

at your baby, Aspen.
Isn't he

Aspen said her voice thick from her tears.

bit her lip and Aspen noted the subtle lean in followed by a sniff.

can smell the sex of my baby?"

face flamed with red and Aspen could feel her eyes widen at the truth.


having a boy?"

nodded a frown forming on her face.
Aspen squeezed her hand and offered her a smile.

okay, Miranda, I mean, I wanted to know, but didn't
think I'd know this soon.
How do you

face scrunched.

don't know…he just smells like a boy."

nodded and turned her attention back to the screen.
She couldn't believe she was going to be a
mother--a single mother.
And just like
that her whole world seemed to shatter once more.
How had that man become so important?
She barely even knew his name and she and her
cougar were devastated with his absence.

sure you take your pre-natal vitamins, Aspen and see the receptionist on your
way out for your next appointment.
Everything looks good here."

wiped the gel from her stomach and re-dressed.
She patted her growing belly and a sense of peace washed over her.
It was okay that her mate didn't want
At least she'd have this baby, her
son, and maybe fate got this whole mate thing wrong this time.
Aspen promised herself, her cougar, and her
baby that she would move on and live her life to the fullest.
She didn't need a mate to make her whole--no
matter how empty her heart felt.




does that look?"

stood back and nodded her head.
beamed and turned back to the pictures she'd been hanging on the wall.
After their doctor appointments, Aspen and
Miranda had eaten at Haven's where Aspen now worked as head chef.
It was a job she'd dreamed about since
graduating from her culinary arts school.
She was proud of the changes she'd made to the menu in the short couple
of months she'd worked there and Haven ensured her that any changes were
welcome since her menu changes had increased profits.

don't think it's tacky?"

Miranda had enlisted her fourth
grade class to make various pictures that she now used as art around the living
room of the new house Caleb built her.
It was funny to think this was just a mere foundation only two months

think they suit you, Miranda."

do, don't they?"

couldn't help but feel a loss as she looked around the completed home.
It was a perfect re-make of the house Caleb
once resided--with the exception of the three extra bedrooms and a giant play
area in the backyard--before a crazy member of the pride burned it down.
The completion of Caleb and Miranda's home
meant that they would no longer be living in Caleb's parent’s home and she
would be left there alone.
loneliness crept slowly, but surely back into her soul.
No mate.
No friends.
Aspen gently patted
her stomach and smiled at the reminder that she wouldn't be alone now.
She still had her baby boy.

"Sis, where do you want all these

wanted to laugh at the look of panic that crossed Miranda's face.

was actually going to leave those in the car and bring them in slowly so that
Caleb didn't realize I'd gone a...little…overboard."

squealed when Caleb caught her around the waist, his hands resting protectively
over her stomach.

already knows, little mouse," he said with a kiss to her neck.

sorry, Caleb...I just saw so many pretty things and-"

It doesn't matter; besides, I
knew you were an impulsive shopper before I mated you."

squealed again when Caleb lifted her in his arms.
Miranda wrapped her arms around his neck as
he exited the room.

you two will excuse us, we have a bedroom to christen," Caleb shouted over
his shoulder.

On that note, I'm leaving," Andrew said
turning to walk out the front door.

nodded and followed Andrew her mind still rolling over the fact that she'd be
alone tonight for the first time in three months.
She wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans.

you okay, Aspen?"

attempted a smile, but it felt so out of place.
The situation only became worse when she felt the familiar burn of tears
waiting to fall.
What happened to not
needing anyone to make her feel complete?
Before she knew what was happening, Aspen found herself wrapped in
Andrew's embrace, and though his touch didn't make her feel complete in a way
that her mate would, his arms were welcome to her lonely soul.
And it was all she needed for the waterworks
to become uncontrollable.

sorry," Aspen said between tears, her hands fisting Andrew's shirt.

okay, sweetie."

held her as she cried the entire misery that she'd felt for the past three
months pouring as tears all over Andrew’s shirt.
Sure she'd cried plenty in private, but it
felt good to let go while someone else held her.
Her cougar paced in her mind, angered that
her mate wasn't here to soothe her.
cougar cried for its mate all the time.
Aspen could almost pretend that the man holding her was the same one who
should be holding her.

moment Andrew held her close, his hands rubbing her back and the next she felt
herself ripped away from his arms her sense of balance lost.
She never hit the ground as expected, but
still her breath left her as she peered into the green eyes that haunted her



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