At Canaan's Edge (181 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

BOOK: At Canaan's Edge
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Sons of Italy

Sontag, Fred

Sontag, Susan

Soracco, Frank

Sorel, George

Sorensen, Theodore

Sound of Music, The

“Sounds of Silence, The” (Simon)

South Africa

apartheid in

civil rights movement in

voting reform demonstrations for

South Carolina

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

administration of

antipoverty campaign of

antipoverty campaign staffing problems at

attempts to insulate MLK from

CALCAV demonstration by

CALCAV's march debated in

candidate workshops run by

civil disobedience debate in

Cleveland voter registration drive by

commitment to nonviolence of

conference on urban ministry of

dissent over antipoverty campaign of

effect of MLK's affairs on

fatigue within ranks of

FBI monitoring of antipoverty campaign of

FBI recruitment of insider from

and FBI SCOPE investigation

financial problems of

Ford foundation funding of

fundraising efforts of

growing financial debt of

Hoffa's contribution to

internal conflicts in

Jesse Jackson's promotion in

jostling for MLK attention in

meetings about Memphis riots of

MLK's press for official stand on

Vietnam from

9th annual convention of

nonviolence debate within

Northern campaign of,
Chicago Freedom Movement

objections to MLK going to Memphis in

objections to MLK's summit with non- black minorities in

poverty march planned by

poverty workshops by

presidential succession in

priorities debate in

resources stretched thin at

return of big name donors to

risk vs. authority debate in

SCOPE initiative and,
Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE)

SNCC conflict with

staff morale retreats of

strategic role of

tax exempt status of

10th annual convention of

Vietnam War stand debated within

white board members elected by

Southern Courier, The

Southern District Lutheran Church

Southern Presbyterians

Southern Regional Council

South Korea

South Vietnam

fall of civilian government in

Lodge as ambassador to

military coups in

Soviet Union

space program, U.S.

Spann, Purvis

Spears, James

Speck, Richard

Spelman College

Spence, John

Spencer, Stuart

Spike, Paul

Spike, Robert

Spina, Dominick

Spivak, Lawrence

Spock, Benjamin


desegregation of

integration efforts in South of high school

see also
college sports;
specific teams

Sports Illustrated

Springfield College

Stalin, Joseph

Stanton, Frank

Stanton, Mary

State Department, U.S.

Stavis, Morton

Stayman, Clark

Steele, C. K.

Steele, Rosie

Stegall, Mildred

Steinbeck, John

Steinberg, David

Stennis, John C.

Stephens, Alexander

Stern, Eric

Stevenson, Adlai

Stevenson, Adlai

Stewart, Michael

Stokes, Carl

Stone, I. F.

Stone, Robert

Stoner, J. B.

Stone Street Negro School

Stony Run Meeting of Friends

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strait, Belinda

Strange, Hubert

Strange Career of Jim Crow, The

Street Without Joy

Strickland, R. S.

Stride Toward Freedom

Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

administration and procedures of

antiwar stance of

antiwar statement framed by

Atlanta riots and

Carmichael resignation as head of

Carmichael's notoriety as problematic for

conflicts with MLK of

conflict with SCLC of

congressional challenges by

criticism of LBJ agenda from

draft resistance issue and

financial problems of

growing dissatisfaction with nonviolence in

impact of jury reform laws on

improving relations between MLK and

independent political party sought by

internal conflicts in

internal debate over purpose of

leadership struggles of

March Against Fear and

and Mississippi movement

MLK's respect for independence of

MLK's support for

Montgomery headquarters of

move to make Lowndes County movement separate from

Natchez project of

as overshadowed by Black Power

race as issue among members of

racial tensions within

response to Younge's death by

role in ministers' march to Montgomery

and Selma to Montgomery March

shrinking staff of

staff fatigue as problem for

support of Bond from

suspicions about civil rights laws within

tent city for Lowndes County sharecroppers from

“uniform” adopted by

on Vietnam War

view of national government in

voter workshops run by

wildcat rebellions deemed harmful by

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Styron, William

Sullivan, Joseph

Sullivan, William

Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE)

FBI investigation of

Supreme Court, U.S.

Bond case heard by

FBI surveillance tactics reproached by

LBJ nomination of Marshall to

and meaning of race

surface-to-air missile (SAM) defenses,

Surney, Lafayette

Surrender of Cornwallis

Sutherland, Elizabeth

Sutherland, George

Swanson, Harold

Sweeney, Dennis

Sweet, Henry

Swibel, Charles


Synagogue Council of America


Tabernacle Baptist church

Taft, Seth

Taft-Hartley Act


Tate, Lola Bell

Tatum, Art

Taylor, Elizabeth (actress)

Taylor, Elizabeth (author)

Taylor, Maxwell

Taylor, Telford

Taylor, Thomas

Teachers for Integrated Schools

Teamsters Union

television shows, integration of

Temple Beth El

Temple Beth Israel, Klan attack on

Temple Emanu-El

Temple Israel

Temple KAM

Temple Mount

Temporary S, Office of Education offices in

Tennessee Council on Human Relations

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Terrell, Ernie

Terry, Peggy

Tet offensive


Texas Western University

Thagard, Werth


Thant, U, Secretary-General

Thich Nhat Hanh

letter to MLK from

MLK's meeting with

Third Army

Third National Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women

Thomas, Art

Thomas, Daniel

Thomas, Danny

Thomas, Ernest

Thomas, Eugene

Thomas, Hank

Thomas, Norman

Thomas Jefferson Hotel

Thompson, Hugh

Thrash, Demp

Three Years in Mississippi

Throckmorton, John


Thurman, Howard

Thurmond, Strom

Tiananmen Square

Tidwell, Richard “Peanut,”

Tiger Force platoon

Tijerina, Reies López

Till, Emmett

Tillinghast, Muriel


Tito, Marshal

Tobey, Mrs. Charles

“To Fulfill These Rights” conference

To Huu

Tolstoy, Leo

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tonight Show

Toolen, Thomas

Torch Motel

Tower, John

Toynbee, Arnold

Tracy, Spencer

Trammell, Seymore

Travers, Mary

Treasury Department, U.S.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty of Medicine Creek (1854)

Trickem Fork, Ala.

Trotsky, Leon

Troy X

Truman, Bess

Truman, Harry

MLK called troublemaker by

Selma march criticized by

Truman Library

Trumbull, John

Trumbull Park Homes

Tucker, Charles

Tulane University

“turnaround march”
ministers' march to Montgomery

Turner, Albert

Turner, Calvin

Turner, Carl

Tuskegee, Ala.

federal response to Younge death in

voter registration clashes in

Tuskegee Institute

Tuskegee Institute Advancement League

Tutwiler Hotel

unemployment reforms

Ungar, Sanford

Union Carbide

Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Union Theological Seminary

Unitarian Church, Unitarians

and March to Montgomery

in Selma courthouse stand off

Unitarian-Universalist Association

United Auto Workers

United Church of Christ

United Nations

United Nations Church Center

United Packinghouse Workers

United Rubber Workers Hall

United States v. United Mine Workers

Unruh, Jesse

Upham, Judith


Upper Volta

Urban League

“U.S. City, The,”

U.S. Steel

Valenti, Jack

“Valley of the Black Pig, The” (Yeats)

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