At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking

Read At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking Online

Authors: Millie Morgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #contemporary erotic romance, #bbw, #billionaire kink, #bbw and the billionaire

BOOK: At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking
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At the Billionaire’s Pleasure Christmas Stocking

Billionaire Series

By M.G.

2012 M.G. Morgan

Titles in this Series

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 2: Bound By Him

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust?

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 4: Love’s Price

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 5: Anything for Love

Spin Off Series

A Touch of Love

A Taste of Love

A Tale of Love

To learn more about this series and upcoming titles by this
author contact her on
[email protected]

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Love means giving someone the power to destroy you, but
trusting that they won’t. Unknown


around the apartment I ran my fingers gently across the top of the
satin covered sofa. I wasn't even sure if it was satin but it sure
as hell felt that way. Ever since I had moved in with David, I
couldn't help but feel a tad bit uncomfortable. I knew how rich he
was. And it wasn't as though I had never spent time in his
apartment before. But it was 'his' apartment. It wasn't mine.
Everything about the place screamed money and class.

It made
me terrified to even eat in the apartment in case I spilled
something. The thought had crossed my mind on more than one
occasion that I could eat over the sink if I wanted. But I knew if
I did that then David would instantly know that there was something

I didn't
want him to worry. But I felt so out of place. I didn't belong in
his world. I knew he loved me and that made me the happiest I had
ever been in my life. But I didn't fit in with everything else. I
wasn't perfectly slender, with the ability to fit into any tiny
dress that a designer created. I was the girl that every other
woman sneered at. My hair was never right, or my body was always
the wrong shape. And even though David loved me, that didn't make
all the other issues any easier.

shrill sound of my cell phone cut through my silent contemplation
making me jump. I hurried back to the kitchen and scooped it up off
the counter. David's number was highlighted and it made my heart

"Hi." I
said, answering the call.

gorgeous." The sound of his voice as it growled over the words made
the hairs lift on the back of my neck. It was as though he knew
exactly what to say. I hadn't figured out how he always managed to
do it. But any time I was feeling insecure he was there, his deep
masculine voice whispering the exact words I needed to

"What do
you want to do about dinner tonight?"

voice slid across my skin like honey, reminding me of the night he
had done just that... Coating my breasts in honey before licking it
off... The little trail down across my stomach to my...

stopped. Forcing my mind to shut off its rambling. I was already
breathing harder simply thinking about what David had done to me.
He must have realised what had happened because as I cleared my
throat in an attempt to regain control of my mind and body, all I
could hear down the phone was his very male laughter.

"Do you
want to stay in tonight? We could get takeaway?" I finally managed
to speak. My voice was a little hoarse with desire but not too

good to me... I'll be finishing up here soon and catching the
flight back." There was a pause on the other end of the line and I
wondered whether he had been cut off. "I missed you,

four simple words made my heart catch. He missed me. I knew it was
stupid but it made me want to dance around the kitchen in my bare
feet. After everything that had happened between David and me it
was still so new and exciting to hear him tell me how he felt. I
was sure it was something that I would never grow tired

missed you too..." I shut up immediately in an attempt to keep the
eagerness from my voice. Every magazine I read said I shouldn't be
too available or eager. Personally I found it completely stupid.
When you loved someone how could you be too eager? Was there even
such a thing? But it was an idea so ingrained in me that I still
took the advice.

chuckled again. The sound once more throwing my mind back to a
moment we had shared on the kitchen counter I was currently leaning
against. It made my knees tremble and I felt hot all over. He had
been gone for two nights... It was clearly two nights too

see you very soon, gorgeous." And then he was gone. He never waited
for me to say goodbye. It was something that intrigued me about
him. Why did he never want to hear me say goodbye to him? He didn't
strike me as the superstitious type so that couldn't be

the phone shut I practically skipped into the bedroom and pulled
the wardrobe door open. I was still in my office outfit and I had a
feeling that it wasn't something that I wanted David to greet me
in. I wanted to remind him what he had missed while he was

I pulled
several pieces of lingerie type outfits from the closet and laid
them out on the bed. It was a strange feeling to know that just a
few months ago I wouldn't have had the confidence to wear any of
the lacy pieces laid out in front of me. But I knew David adored my
body. It was far from perfect but in his eyes I was beyond perfect.
It was a heady experience to have a man worship you, especially
when you didn't see what he saw every time you looked in the

I chose
a matching set of lacy briefs and black baby-doll. I knew how it
would look on. I had chosen it for an occasion specifically like
this one. It was also the first piece of lingerie I had ever
bought. Well real lingerie anyway. Bras and knickers didn't really
count, they were something I wore regardless of the

my blouse off over my head and slipping my skirt down over ample
hips I let my clothes pool on the floor as I headed into the
bathroom. I flicked on the faucet and waited for the water to heat
up as I examined myself in the mirror. It was something that David
had started encouraging me to do. Normally he stood with me and
pointed out everything he loved about my body. It was always the
parts of my body that I hated the most.

today he wasn't here. I tried to imagine his voice as he ran his
fingers across my skin. The way his lips would caress my neck as he
punctuated every word with little kisses. It was pointless, without
him all I saw were flaws.

my head I climbed into the shower and let the water wash away my
doubts. David loved me, he loved the way I looked and he knew every
inch of my body intimately. In the same way I knew every inch of
him. I shivered as I thought of what we would do when he came

I caught
sight of the shackles on the wall and a tremor of desire thrilled
through me. Every time he pinned me, chained me so that I was
utterly helpless, it awakened something within me. Something deep
and primal. My body understood him, knew what he would do to me.
Knew what he should do to me. I was his, submissive to his every
whim and desire. No matter what he wanted to do to me, I trusted
him and that was beautiful. That feeling of being able to
completely surrender to someone else, without fear of

I cut
the water off and let the droplets drip from my skin onto the floor
of the shower. I stood there for a few minutes completely lost in
my own thoughts. Shaking myself I pulled myself back out of my own
thoughts, there would be plenty of time for that later. My skin was
covered in goose-bumps as I stepped out of the shower stall and
wrapped one of the thick towels around my body.




anticipation of waiting for David was almost too much for me. I had
paced the floor at least a million times waiting for him. There was
nothing on the television to interest me and I was far too excited
to sit down and work.

moment I heard the key in the door I raced into the bedroom and
positioned myself provocatively on the bed. Part of me thought it
was a little daft but a larger piece of me didn't care. I wanted
him and once he saw me I was certain he would want me.

"Carrie?" His voice carried easily through the

"In the
bedroom..." I tried to make my voice as sexy sounding as possible
but it was impossible. It still sounded like me, the very unsexy

popped his head in around the door and my heart skipped a beat. He
was stunning, in a way that suggested he had just fallen out of the
pages of men’s health magazine. His eyes raked down across my body.
Lingering on the swell of my breasts and the curve of my

I could
see the desire in his gaze as his eyes returned to mine. I opened
my mouth to speak but I couldn't even form the words. They refused
to leave my mouth. Stuck on the tip of my tongue as he stalked
towards me.

He began
shedding clothes the minute he stepped into the room. His jacket
was the first thing to go, it hit the floor with a heavy swish of
material. His shirt followed, exposing his hard abs and gorgeous
chest. I wanted to run my tongue from the line of his throat down
to the top of his trousers. I sat up, my legs sliding over the edge
of the bed as he paused in front of me.

"Did you
have this planned all along?" He asked me, his voice husky with
desire and need.

nodded, my throat was completely dry and no matter how many times I
swallowed I couldn't shake the silence that had descended on

hands wrapped into my hair, tugging my head back and forcing me to
look up into his eyes. His other hand trailed a line of fire down
my neck to the top of the baby doll I wore.

your Master properly, Carrie."

I opened
my mouth to speak but all that left my lips was a croak. David
tugged me to my feet, his lips crushing down on mine. I had tried
to take control of the situation but from the moment he had arrived
in the room I knew David held all the power. I was his, and we both
knew it.

He bit
down on my full bottom lip, making me cry out in a combination of
pain and desire. When he moved from my mouth to my neck I sucked in
a deep breath. My nipples were hard and the material was only
making it worse each time it scratched across them. I wanted
David's mouth there instead. His lips, his tongue, his

His lips
moved down my neck to the edge of my collarbone and I wrapped my
arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I could feel his desire
pressing against my stomach as he held me. All it served to do was
make me more excited.

hands stroked down over my sides, pressing the sheer material in
against my skin. It was maddening. I wanted skin on skin contact.
Craved it. I needed to feel his hands on my skin, his body pressed
to mine, with nothing between us.

frustrated sound tore from my lips and David paused. He lifted his
face and stared down at me. I could see the dark desire that raged
within him. He wanted to take his time. Tease me, push me to the
edge of pleasure before finally granting me what I wanted.
Everything was done on his terms.

spoken about this before, Carrie. Your impatience..." One of his
hands wandered down the front of my body to my panties. He pressed
his fingers against me making me squirm.

Master..." My voice was breathless and it trailed off as he pushed
his fingers in past the lace of my knickers to the very centre of
my body.

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