At the Stroke of Madness

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Authors: Alex Kava

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: At the Stroke of Madness
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This book is dedicated to
Amy Moore-Benson,
who believed and coached and encouraged
and never gave up on me.

And to
Deborah Groh Carlin,
who listened and inspired and cared
and never allowed me to give up on me.

This book is dedicated to
Amy Moore-Benson,
who believed and coached and encouraged
and never gave up on me.

And to
Deborah Groh Carlin,
who listened and inspired and cared
and never allowed me to give up on me.


My sincerest appreciation goes to all the professionals whose expertise has, once again, proven invaluable. And to my family and friends who put up with my long absences while I’m in writing marathon mode. Special thanks to:


Patricia Sierra for the occasional swift kick in the pants, the numerous pats on the back and always, always being there.


Leigh Ann Retelsdorf, Deputy County Attorney, who over lunch one afternoon helped me create an intriguing M.O. for a killer.


Laura Van Wormer, fellow author and friend, for taking time out of your crazy schedule to show me around Connecticut and for sharing your enthusiasm for your adopted hometown of Meriden.


Leonardo Suzio of York Hill Trap Rock Quarry Company for an interesting tour despite it being in the middle of a blizzard.


Lori O’Brien for being my go-to person whenever I had a question about the area.


Dianne Moggy and the rest of the team at MIRA Books, including Tania Charzewski, Craig Swinwood, Krystyna de Duleba, Stacy Widdrington, Kate Monk, Maureen Stead and Alex Osuszek.


Megan Underwood and the crew at Goldberg McDuffie Communications, Inc.


Mary Means for a friendship that includes loving and caring for my kids while I’m on the road.


Tammy Hall for filling in the gaps and always being available at a moment’s notice.


Sharon Car, fellow writer and friend, for once again helping me weather the good and the bad.

Marlene Haney, Sandy Rockwood and Patti El-Kachouti for unconditional friendship that withstands absences, that knows no guilt and that celebrates strengths while allowing and unmasking vulnerabilities.


Kenny and Connie Kava for listening and encouraging.


And to the rest of my family and friends whose continued support is greatly appreciated: Jeanie Shoemaker Mezger and John Mezger, Patricia Kava, Nicole and Tony Friend, LaDonna Tworek, Mac Payne, Gene and Mary Egnoski, Rich Kava, Annie Belatti, Natalie and Rich Cummings, Jo Ellen Shoemaker, and Lyn and David Belitz.


Also a sincere and humble thank-you to:


The many book buyers, booksellers and librarians for recommending my books.


The readers, who are truly the ones responsible for keeping Maggie O’Dell alive.


The residents of Meriden and Wallingford, Connecticut, for welcoming me into your community. Please forgive me for any liberties I may have taken with the geography and for dumping dead bodies in your backyard.


Last, to Mike Vallier. MIRA Books lost one of its brightest stars October 26, 2002. I always thought it was appropriate that Mike was the very first person I met from MIRA, because he genuinely exemplified its generosity, enthusiasm and dedication. We’re going to miss you, Mike, but your spirit will always be a part of this team.


My sincerest appreciation goes to all the professionals whose expertise has, once again, proven invaluable. And to my family and friends who put up with my long absences while I’m in writing marathon mode. Special thanks to:


Patricia Sierra for the occasional swift kick in the pants, the numerous pats on the back and always, always being there.


Leigh Ann Retelsdorf, Deputy County Attorney, who over lunch one afternoon helped me create an intriguing M.O. for a killer.


Laura Van Wormer, fellow author and friend, for taking time out of your crazy schedule to show me around Connecticut and for sharing your enthusiasm for your adopted hometown of Meriden.


Leonardo Suzio of York Hill Trap Rock Quarry Company for an interesting tour despite it being in the middle of a blizzard.


Lori O’Brien for being my go-to person whenever I had a question about the area.


Dianne Moggy and the rest of the team at MIRA Books, including Tania Charzewski, Craig Swinwood, Krystyna de Duleba, Stacy Widdrington, Kate Monk, Maureen Stead and Alex Osuszek.


Megan Underwood and the crew at Goldberg McDuffie Communications, Inc.


Mary Means for a friendship that includes loving and caring for my kids while I’m on the road.


Tammy Hall for filling in the gaps and always being available at a moment’s notice.


Sharon Car, fellow writer and friend, for once again helping me weather the good and the bad.

Marlene Haney, Sandy Rockwood and Patti El-Kachouti for unconditional friendship that withstands absences, that knows no guilt and that celebrates strengths while allowing and unmasking vulnerabilities.


Kenny and Connie Kava for listening and encouraging.


And to the rest of my family and friends whose continued support is greatly appreciated: Jeanie Shoemaker Mezger and John Mezger, Patricia Kava, Nicole and Tony Friend, LaDonna Tworek, Mac Payne, Gene and Mary Egnoski, Rich Kava, Annie Belatti, Natalie and Rich Cummings, Jo Ellen Shoemaker, and Lyn and David Belitz.


Also a sincere and humble thank-you to:


The many book buyers, booksellers and librarians for recommending my books.


The readers, who are truly the ones responsible for keeping Maggie O’Dell alive.


The residents of Meriden and Wallingford, Connecticut, for welcoming me into your community. Please forgive me for any liberties I may have taken with the geography and for dumping dead bodies in your backyard.


Last, to Mike Vallier. MIRA Books lost one of its brightest stars October 26, 2002. I always thought it was appropriate that Mike was the very first person I met from MIRA, because he genuinely exemplified its generosity, enthusiasm and dedication. We’re going to miss you, Mike, but your spirit will always be a part of this team.

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