Read Atheism For Dummies (For Dummies (Religion & Spirituality)) Online
Authors: Dale McGowan
Atheism For Dummies
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McGowan, Dale Atheism for dummies / Dale McGowan.
Includes index.
1. Atheism. I. Title.
BL2747.3.M354 2013 211’.8 C2012-906678-8
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About the Author
Dale McGowan, PhD
, conducted orchestras, earned a doctorate in music composition, and spent 15 years as a college professor before chucking it all to become a writer.
Editor and co-author of
Parenting Beyond Belief
(“A compelling read”—Newsweek) and Raising Freethinkers, the two top-selling books for nonreligious parents, Dale also offers secular parenting workshops in cities across North America and writes a popular blog for nonreligious parents called “The Meming of Life” (\\blog
Dale edited the historical anthology
Voices of Unbelief: Documents by Atheists and Agnostics
, and reviewers have called his satirical novel
Calling Bernadette’s Bluff
“an undoubted triumph of satire” and “a riot.”
He was named 2008 Harvard Humanist of the Year for his work in nonreligious parenting. In addition to writing and speaking, he is the founding executive director of Foundation Beyond Belief, a nonprofit charitable foundation focusing and encouraging humanist generosity and compassion.
Dale lives near Atlanta with his wife and three kids. To learn more or to contact Dale,
This book is dedicated to my parents, Dave and Carol McGowan, who raised me to be curious about the real world and never told me there was a thought I couldn’t think.
To my kids, Connor, Erin, and Delaney, to whom I return the favor.
And to Becca, the perfect partner for a great adventure.
Author’s Acknowledgments
Thanks first of all to the great and friendly atheist Hemant Mehta, the first person to think I’d be a good person to write this book. I’m deeply indebted to Ed Buckner and Amanda Metskas, two giants of the freethought world who took the time to read this book while it was in progress and whose rod and staff guided me when I went astray.
Greta Christina and Jennifer Michael Hecht are the two great writers and thinkers on whose work I’ve drawn more than any others for this project.
Immense thanks to the staff and interns at Foundation Beyond Belief who kept things humming while I wrote: Airan Wright, Brittany Shoots-Reinhard, Claire Vinyard, Kelly Wright, Walker Bristol, Joshua Brose, Cathleen O’Grady, Andrew Geary, Sam Shore, Sarah Hamilton, Kate Donovan, Chana Messinger, Corey Glasscock, Lauren Lane . . . and special praise for the dynamic duo of Noelle George and AJ Chalom.
A hat tip to my blog readers at The Meming of Life who helped plumb the depths of several big questions.
Many thanks to the professional and supportive team at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., especially Anam Ahmed and Chad Sievers, and my splendid agent Dr. Uwe Stender.
Finally, all thanks and love to my wife, Becca, who also read and improved every page, and our three spectacular kids, Connor, Erin, and Delaney. You make it all worthwhile.
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Table of Contents
Part I: Understanding What Atheism Is
Part II: Following Atheism through the Ages
Part III: Reading the Great Works of Atheism
Part IV: Living a Full Life without Belief in God
Part I: Understanding What Atheism Is
Seeing the many forms and faces of religious disbelief
Examining what nonbelievers believe and don’t believe — and why
Seeing the Progression of Atheism
In the distant past and in different cultures
Examining Atheism in the Written Word
Understanding What Atheism Means in Everyday Life
Chapter 2: Unweaving the Rainbow of Disbelief
Tomato, Tomahto? The Wonderful, Maddening World of Atheist Labels
Defining atheism: Implicit versus explicit
Coming to terms: A quick look at labels
Answering the capital question: Is it Atheist or atheist?
Believing and Disbelieving by Degrees
Roberts’s rule: “We are both atheists”
Russell’s labels: Why most atheists are agnostics and vice versa
Dawkins’s degrees: The seven-point belief scale
Emphasizing Doubt: Agnostics Aren’t Sure (and Neither Are You)
Discovering Humanism: The Thousand Steps That Follow
Looking at the world in a different way
Coming to terms with terms: Humanist or secular humanist?
Seeing the humanist heart of atheism
Forcing a Square Peg into a Round Hole: The Unpigeonholeables
Believing in a different kind of creator: Deists
Seeing nature as God: Pantheists
Being religious without a god: Religious atheists
Moving beyond labels: The rise of the Nones
Chapter 3: Recognizing What Atheists Do and Don’t Believe — and Why
Understanding Why Atheists Don’t Believe in God
Crossing from the will to believe to “the will to find out”
Getting a handle on confirmation bias
Admitting the weakness of the arguments and evidence
Solving the complexity problem
Noticing the steady retreat of religious answers
Getting humble about humanness
Coming (really, really) late to the party
Grasping the size of the universe
Seeing that the universe is just as you would expect it to be without a God
Knowing What Most Atheists Actually Do Believe
Seeing the natural universe as all there is — and enough
Accepting that this is our one and only life
Taking responsibility for ourselves and each other
Asserting that God is actually “that kind of question”
Addressing the negative consequences of religious belief
Discovering meaning and purpose
Realizing that a universe without God can be even more wonderful and inspiring
Setting Aside Misconceptions: Things That Few (If Any) Atheists Believe
That there is no right and wrong
That life arose and evolved by chance
That religion has made no positive contributions
Answering the Question: Is Science Incompatible with Belief in God?
Part II: Following Atheism through the Ages
Chapter 4: Finding Atheism in the Ancient World
Uncovering What the Ancients Believed (Or Didn’t)
Leaping Forward: The Axial Age
Inferring Unbelief in Ancient Judea
Finding Unbelief in Ancient China
Understanding the concept of t’ien (heaven . . . but not quite)
Getting to the roots of Confucianism
Visiting ancient India: 320 million gods and none at all
Whispering doubts in Ancient Greece and Rome
Continuing to Doubt in Medieval India
Putting atheist Hinduism front and center
Calling out “foolish men” — Jinasena
Sweeping Out the Superstitions in China
Trash-Talking in Medieval Islam
Kindling the Islamic Golden Age
Railing theologians: “Against the Unbelievers”
Railing back: Unbelievers say “Muhammad was a liar”
Freezing Out the Gods in Iceland
Giving Europe the Third Degree: The Inquisitions
Eyeing the Inquisition’s main focus
Meeting Jacques Fournier, Inquisitor
Finding unbelievers among the heretics
Chapter 6: Enlightening Strikes
Bringing the Greeks back to Europe: The Arab scholars
Saving atheism: Catholicism’s ironic role
Discovering a Whole New Way to Think: The Scientific Revolution
Copernicus knocks the Earth off-center; Galileo backs him up: The first humbling
Reconciling science and religion (or not) — Whiston’s New Theory of the Earth
Stirring the Pot: The Clandestine Manuscripts
Singing the War Song of an Atheist Priest
Thinking Dangerous Thoughts: The Enlightenment Philosophers
Crushing infamous things with Voltaire
Daring to know: Kant’s “Sapere aude!”
Meeting of minds in coffeehouses and salons
Getting explicit in Paris: The incredible Encyclopédie
Challenging the Powers That Be: The French Revolution
Back to the future: The Cult of the Supreme Being
Checking In on the US Founding Fathers
Chapter 7: Opening a Golden Age of Freethought
Killing God: Atheist Philosophers Do the Crime, a Pantheist Writes the Eulogy
Freethinking with Early Feminists
Bracing for the Collision of Religion and Science
Aging the Earth: The second humbling
Dethroning the human species: The third humbling
Mixing signals: The Vatican warns against “the unrestrained freedom of thought”
Challenging the Religious Monopoly in Politics
Denying unbelief a seat at the table: The Bradlaugh Affair
Waxing eloquent in unbelief: Robert Green Ingersoll
Creating a Religion without God: Felix Adler’s Ethical Culture
Chapter 8: Growing Up in the Tumultuous 20th Century
Clashing at the National Levels: Atheism and Religion
Encountering violence and intolerance in the Soviet Union
Provoking the Cristero Rebellion in Mexico
Examining the horrors of a Cultural Revolution in China
Making manifestos and declarations
Building a philosophy of humanism: Corliss Lamont
Leading a religious nation: The atheist Jawaharlal Nehru
Pressing Gandhi on social issues: Gora
The “Most Hated Man in Kentucky”: Charles Chilton Moore
The “Most Hated Woman in America,” Part I: Emma Goldman
The “Most Hated Woman in Britain”: Margaret Knight
The “Most Hated Woman in America,” Part II: Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Courting the Separation of Church and State
Doing Religion with an Optional God: Unitarian Universalism
Burying God, Keeping Jesus: The Death of God Theologians
Skipping Yahweh: Humanistic Judaism
Reconciling Science and Religion (Or Not) Again: Gould’s NOMA
Chapter 9: Voicing a New Atheism, and a New Humanism, for the 21st Century
Tracing the Birth of the 21st-Century Atheist Movement
Feeling “Deep Grief and Fierce Anger”: The Four Horsemen
Sounding the alarm: Richard Dawkins on “the elephant in the room”
Joining (or rejoining) the battle: Harris, Dennett, Hitchens . . . and Dawkins again
Hearing the Chorus of New Atheists: We Are Here, We Are Here, We Are Here!
Calling out from billboards and buses
Coming out with the Out Campaign
Welcoming the young and the godless
Creating humanist chaplaincies at Harvard and beyond
Setting a place at the table — national and international humanism
Exploding into a Thriving Online Community
Considering how the Internet has helped
Surfing to some popular atheist websites
Making accommodations —is “interfaith” a bad word?
Part III: Reading the Great Works of Atheism
Chapter 10: Uncovering Lost, Secret, Censored, and Forbidden Works
Speaking Volumes in Two Sentences: Protagoras’s On the Gods
Hearing Echoes of the Lost Sutras of Cārvāka
Listening to Al-Razi on “Fraudulent” Muhammad
Discovering the First Explicitly Atheist Book — Theophrastus Redivivus
Making a Whispered Myth Real: The Treatise of the Three Impostors
Expelling the Atheist: Shelley’s Necessity of Atheism
Disguising Darwin’s Autobiography
Censoring Himself . . . for Awhile: Mark Twain
Chapter 11: Sampling Important Works: Deep Thoughts, Big Thinkers
Musing on the Nature of Things with Lucretius
Correcting the Unenlightened with Chang
Appreciating Unorthodox Believers
Hiding disbelief with an atheist priest
Promoting Good Sense with d’Holbach
Rejecting Christianity with Russell
Drawing crowds with Robert Ingersoll
Imagining a humanist world with Lamont
Waxing miraculous with Dawkins
Chapter 12: Laughing in Disbelief: Challenging the Divine with Humor
The Power of Parody: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Skewering the Sacred Musically: Tim Minchin
Blaspheming at the Movies: Life of Brian
Bringing the Blasphemy Home on TV
Chapter 13: Reawakening Passionate Disbelief: Key Works of the 21st Century
Sparking an Atheist Renaissance
Setting the stage: Hecht and Jacoby
Urging The End of Faith – Sam Harris
Diagnosing The God Delusion with Richard Dawkins
Breaking the Spell with Daniel Dennett
Arguing that God Is Not Great with Christopher Hitchens
Continuing the Conversation: Great Blogs
Reflecting intelligently: Greta Christina’s Blog
Commenting on the current: Friendly Atheist
Leading the Marines: Pharyngula
Building bridges: Non-Prophet Status
Providing perspective: Skepchick
Going beyond the Intellectual: The Complete Life without Gods
Building bridges with the religious
Part IV: Living a Full Life without Belief in God
Chapter 14: Getting Personal with Atheism Today
Counting Heads: The Growing Nontheistic Presence around the World
Figuring Out the Who, What, and Where of Atheism
Mapping religion and doubt: Atheists hiding in plain sight
Disbelieving differently around the world
Talkin’ about My (Kids’) Generation
Answering the Question: “Why Are Atheists So Angry?”
Opening Up the Freethought Movement
Honoring Harry — the “classic” atheists, and what they built
Seeing Sally — the “community” atheists, and what they need
Considering race and ethnicity
Creating a Satisfying Community for Nonbelievers of Every Stripe