AtHerCommand (26 page)

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Authors: Marcia James

BOOK: AtHerCommand
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He had to see her again, alone, and he knew exactly where
that meeting should take place. He outlined the idea for Suzi. “Tomorrow I’ll
drop off the letter and give her until midnight to contact me. If I don’t hear
from her on Friday, then the next day, you can call her and find some excuse to
get her to the Xecutive Branch Saturday night.”

“Wait a minute. Isn’t the club closed?”

“Yeah, it’s shut down until Xavier’s next of kin can reopen
it or sell it,” Dalton explained. “But for now, there’s just one uniform
guarding the building. I won’t have any problem getting in or arranging for Domino
to enter.”

“Let me guess,” Suzi said, her tone dry, “I’ll persuade her
to meet me and you’ll show up instead.”


His partner sighed, resigned to the plan. “Just remember,
Bull, paybacks are hell. Be prepared to play Cupid some day for

“Cho, if you help me pull this off, I’ll even wear a diaper
and carry a bow and arrow.” Dalton laughed along with her, feeling hopeful for
the first time in two weeks.

* * * * *

Domino rolled out of bed Friday morning, groggily sleep
deprived. Her chat with Suzi over pizza the night before had given her too much
food for thought and that—not the pizza’s spicy toppings—had kept her tossing
and turning until dawn.

If she didn’t have an appointment with her boss today, she’d
crawl back under the covers. Instead she followed the smell of coffee to the
Thank God for automatic coffeemakers with timers.

After pouring herself a mug, Dom walked to her foyer and
stared at her front door with a mix of anticipation and guilt. Had Dalton left
her another present? She was curious but she also felt bad for not calling him.
She opened her door.

A shiny silver gift bag with pink tissue paper concealing
its contents sat on her front porch. After scanning the street on the chance
Dalton was parked there and watching, she brought the bag inside. Smokey
pressed his front paws to her pajama leg and yipped. The dog probably smelled
Dalton’s scent.

Domino carried the gift and her mug to the living room and
sat on the sofa. Smokey hopped up, curling beside her. Rustling through the
bag, she discovered an envelope and an ornate picture frame. She gasped when
she saw the Italian proverb matted in a pale mauve that matched her bedroom.

Chi cerca trova
,” she read aloud. It was the Italian
version of “Seek and ye shall find”.

She hugged the frame, remembering how often Nonno Petracelli
had quoted that proverb. She’d discussed her Italian grandmother with Dalton,
but had she mentioned the proverb? Was this his way of telling her to go for
what she wanted?

But what
she want? Domino set the frame with
gentle care on her coffee table as a tear rolled down her face. Then she opened
the envelope and slipped out a sheet of paper. It was a letter from Dalton.


Dear Dominique, you’re probably ready to take out a
restraining order against me but I have to tell you a few things before you do.


Dom smiled at his words and traced her finger over the
scrawl of his handwriting on the plain lined paper. Dalton wasn’t one for


Except for Cho, I’ve never had a woman friend before. And
when my feelings for you went beyond friendship, it scared me spitless.


Dom’s laugh became a sob, her eyes blurring.


I love you, Dominique. And not just
your body,
which is great of course, but your laugh and the way you pick all the raisins
out of your muffins and your Italian curses and that ratty gray sweat suit you
like so much. I want to hold you every night and have you tickle me awake when
I snore too loud. And I want to wake up beside you every morning with your
clock radio blaring out S&M tunes. I want to make dinner with you and talk
about our days. And I want to know that you’ll be there beside me tomorrow and
next year and twenty years from now.


Dom pressed her hand against her mouth, hardly noticing the
tears tracking down her face. Dalton
her. Could they really have a
future together?


I’m no expert on relationships
but even I can see
we were special together. What I said was unforgivable and I don’t deserve a
second chance. But I’m asking you for one anyway. Love, Dalton.

Smokey climbed into Dom’s lap and licked her damp cheeks.
She cradled the dog as she reread the letter several times. God, she wanted to
believe in Dalton’s love and in their shot at a happily ever after.

“I’ve been a coward, Smokey.” She ruffled his head.

Today she’d go back to work and tell her boss she’d decided
to stay in Northern Virginia and was ready for a new assignment. No matter how
things turned out, she wasn’t running away. Then tomorrow, after she’d gotten
her career in the local office back on track, she’d call Dalton. The decision
to hear him out scared
spitless, to borrow his words, but the fear
was chased by anticipation. She just hoped he could make her skeptical mind
believe in his love because her romantic heart was already convinced.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Domino parallel-parked her VW bug behind the police cruiser.
Except for the two cars, the street outside the Xecutive Branch was deserted.
What a change from the busy Saturday nights during the sex club’s heyday. She
turned off the ignition and stared at the building where she’d spent weeks
undercover…and where she’d met Dalton.

She’d called Jason’s home that morning but
hadn’t left a message on the recorder when no one had answered. Then while
debating whether to phone Dalton’s cell, she’d received the call from Suzi to
meet her here tonight. It’d been the perfect excuse to put off contacting
Dalton until Sunday.

God, she wanted to see him.
But sometimes loving and
even being loved in return, wasn’t enough for a long-term relationship. Domino
pressed her fingertips against her throbbing temple. Would her resolve to have
a serious discussion with Dalton crumble under temptation the next time they
were within touching distance?

Dom sighed and opened the car door. She put her DEA
credentials and her car keys in her pocket before walking to the club’s front

According to Suzi, the building had been broken into Friday
night and certain things stolen. The Metro PD was contacting former Xecutive
Branch employees to identify missing items from their area of the club. Suzi
had asked her to check out S&M Room Five to see if anything had been taken.
This shouldn’t take long.

A uniformed police officer opened the front door as she
reached it and Dom showed him her ID. After checking it against a clipboard of
cleared visitors, he waved her in.

She headed down the hall, her steps slowing under a
bombardment of recollections… The first time she’d seen Dalton at the club and
the potent chemistry between them. Her amusement at his difficulty in hiding
his dominant personality. The sensuous way he’d tried to turn the tables on
Mistress Bella. Tears pricked her eyes.

Domino stopped in front of the closed door to S&M Room
Five. She’d forgotten to ask the police officer if Suzi had arrived yet. Well,
she could start checking the room for stolen items while she waited for the

Opening the door, she stepped into the lit room. Dalton
stood several feet away, his hands in his pockets. He had a determined look on
his face but vulnerability flickered in his eyes.

Dom’s breath caught on a gasp. It was as if she’d conjured
him from her memories. She drank in the sight of him, fighting the impulse to
run…both away from him and into his arms. Dalton was dressed in the preppy
outfit he’d worn during their first session and looked like a dream.


She’s here.
Dalton’s heart twisted in his chest. They
needed to talk so he could convince Domino to give him a second chance. He
prayed he’d find the right words.

“Hi.” He cringed at the inadequacy of his opening remark.
“I’m here instead of Suzi.”

“I can see that.” She didn’t move any farther into the room.
“Was there really a break-in at the club?”

His skin heated but Dalton pushed down his embarrassment.
“No. But don’t blame Suzi. I asked her to call so I could see you alone…so we
could talk.”

Domino nodded then turned as if to leave.
took a step toward her before he realized she was just closing the door to the
room. He stopped, the strain of needing to touch her tensing his muscles.

Dom faced him again. “I agree we need to discuss some
things.” She paused before continuing in a softer voice. “Thank you for all the
gifts, especially the Italian proverb.”

It was his turn to nod. “I wanted you to know how much I
enjoyed spending time with you…getting to know you. The gifts weren’t bribes, I
swear.” Disbelief flashed in her eyes and he felt sheepish. “Okay, they
bribes. I hoped you’d call me.”

“I had a lot of thinking to do.”

Domino paced the perimeter of the room, idly touching some
of the S&M props. As the distance between them widened, Dalton’s spirits
sank. Finally, she reached the futon, the scene of many of his Mistress Bella
fantasies, and stood looking down at it.

“I read your letter,” Dom said as he waited like a condemned
man for her verdict. “I want to believe you…that you care, but I’m not sure I
can open myself up again. It was
more than casual sex for me.”

The pain in her words spurred Dalton forward in an
instinctive attempt to comfort, to offer the physical contact he craved. She
brought him up short by a shake of her head.

“Please don’t touch me,” Domino pleaded, “or I won’t be able
to get this out.”

She moved to the throne chair where he’d once stolen the
upper hand from Mistress Bella. Her nervous energy was feeding Dalton’s
anxiety. He shoved his hands back in his pockets to keep from reaching for her.
As long as she didn’t walk out, he’d do as she asked.

Turning back, she stared into his eyes. “You hurt me,
Dalton, worse than anyone
has. How do I know you won’t do it again
next week or next year?”

“I don’t blame you for being skeptical.” He wasn’t helping
his case but she deserved his honesty. “Hell, if the situation were reversed,
I’m not sure I would trust you either. But I’m hoping you aren’t as bullheaded
as I am.” When the corners of her mouth quirked up, he risked moving closer.
“What can I do to make things right?”

Domino made a hopeless, little sound that tore at his heart.
But her next words chilled Dalton to his soul. “I don’t know if there’s
you can do.” She paced to the sex toy cabinet before speaking again. “I need
time and distance. I talked to my boss about a transfer to the West Coast but—”

“No!” Alarmed, Dalton almost shouted the word.

Her head snapped up, her eyes wide with surprise, but he was
too scared he’d lose her to stop.

leave.” He stalked to Dom and grasped her
hand. “There’s got to be a way to get past all this.” A desperate plan formed
in his mind and he pulled her toward the X-frame against the wall.

Domino tugged her hand free but didn’t back away. Instead,
she watched, her gaze incredulous as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“What are you doing?”
Her voice trembled.

“We can’t start over ’til we’re on equal footing, right?” He
tossed his shirt aside. It was time to go for broke. “I hurt you and I can’t
change that. And every day since, not seeing you, not being able to touch you,
has been hell. A living hell I deserved.”

She opened her mouth to speak then hesitated.

Dalton charged on. She
to understand. “You’ve got
no reason to believe I’ve suffered too. And you’ll probably never forgive me
unless you think I’ve paid for being such a jerk.”

He grabbed a bullwhip out of the cabinet next to the X-frame
and handed it to her. “So you can even things out by giving me pain in return.”
He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

“This is crazy.” Domino looked in disbelief at the whip in
her hand. “I’m
going to hit you.”

“There’s nothing you could do to my body that could hurt
worse than losing you.” He willed Domino to see the truth in his eyes.

When she only gaped at him, Dalton faced the X-frame and
lifted his hands to the dangling handcuffs. Instead of closing them around his
wrists, he took hold of the chains and steeled himself for the first blow.

“Dalton, this is nuts,” she said from behind him. “I could
put you in the hospital with this whip.”

“I don’t care.” It was easier to confess his feelings now
that he couldn’t see her eyes. “
I’m saying the safe word. I can’t
take anymore. Living without you is like being gut shot.” He took a deep breath
and gave her the words he owed her. “I love you, Dominique.”


“If this will give us another chance, I’ll do it.” He braced
himself again.


For several long seconds, Domino stared at the strong,
smooth back of the man she loved. The sincerity of his speech healed her
injured heart. She couldn’t throw away what they had together. Only a coward or
a fool would run from this chance at happiness. And her
raised her to be either.

Disgusted by the whip, Dom hurled the vile thing across the
room. It hit the floor with a crack and Dalton’s head swiveled toward the
sound. Then he glanced over his shoulder, confusion clear on his face.
Trembling, she tried to explain her feelings but couldn’t force the words past
the lump in her throat.

Dalton turned, his gaze searching hers. Then he held out his
arms. With a sob, she flung herself against him, gasping when he crushed her to
his bare chest.
It was like coming home after a long, grueling

Domino hugged his waist, feeling the pounding of his heart
echoing hers. She skimmed her lips against his skin, so warm and familiar, and
tasted the salty wetness of her tears.

“Baby, don’t cry.” Dalton’s voice was rough with emotion. He
stroked her back and rubbed his cheek against her hair. “I’m sorry. God, don’t
cry. I love you so much.”

She was crying because she was so damn happy but Domino
still couldn’t speak. Suddenly, he reached down and swung her up in his arms.

“No fireman’s lift this time,” Dalton said.

She gave a watery laugh as he carried her to the futon.
Sitting on the black pad, he cradled her in his lap. Dom looked into his eyes
and accepted the truth.
He loves me.
For the first time in her life, she
felt cherished.

Tenderly, he brushed away her tears. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “Now I am. I love you, Dalton Cutter.”

Domino heard his breath catch before he leaned his forehead
against hers and squeezed his eyes shut. His relief and joy were palpable and
warmed Dom to her core. She cupped his face in her hands and ran her lips
across his brow and down to his jaw.

Dalton opened his eyes, dark with a desire that mirrored her
own. She pressed her mouth to his and the connection was electric. And just
like their first time, they warred for control of this kiss.

Pulse racing, she gasped, “Let’s fold out the futon.”

Dalton, his eyes almost black with longing, pulled away.
“Dammit, sex isn’t all I want from you.”

“I know—”

He shifted to draw back farther and she felt the pressure of
his erection beneath her bottom. “If I don’t have you soon, my head’ll probably
explode. But I won’t let you believe this is just an affair.” He groaned
through clenched teeth. “God, it’s hard to be romantic when I want to tear off
your clothes.”

Smiling, Domino smoothed her hands up his chest, her
fingernails rasping against his skin. His heart pumped strong under her
fingertips and his breath hissed out.

“Your noble act is killing us both,” she teased. “You don’t
want my head to explode either.”

With a rough chuckle, Dalton helped her to her feet and
pulled flat the futon. Standing in front of her, he slipped off her fleece top
and made short work of her bra. Then like metal shavings to a magnet, Dom moved
forward until her breasts pressed against the warmth of his chest.

Dalton ran his hands up her arms and cupped her face. “I
feel like I’m dreaming.” An element of wonder hoarsened his voice.

Lowering his head, he nibbled then sucked on her lower lip.
His tongue played across hers, a sensual dance maddening in its measured pace.
Even as Dom’s body screamed for more, she could feel him shake with the effort
to take things slow.

“I need you,” she breathed the words into his mouth.

Domino unbuckled his belt and pulled it loose while he toed
off his shoes. Then he stepped out of his pants and tossed them to one side of
the futon. She boldly caressed his cock through the soft cotton of his briefs.

Dalton moaned. “This room brings out your inner dominatrix.”

“Should I go get the Gates of Hell?” she joked.

“Not unless you want to spoil the fun for both of us.”

Domino giggled. She’d missed this. No one but Dalton had
ever made her laugh while driving her sexually crazy.

“The Gates of Hell would barely slow you down.” She slipped
her hands inside his briefs to rub the swollen length of him. “You’d still be
able to use your talented mouth and fingers. By the way, when do you plan to
start using them?”

greedy.” He stopped her busy hands.
And before she could think of a comeback, he had her flat on her back.
Straddling her legs, he leaned forward to feast on her breasts.

Holy cannoli.
Domino’s mind sizzled, the sensations
burning through her body. She hardly noticed his gentle fingers unzipping her
jeans until he slid off the futon to strip her down to her skin.


He pushed off his briefs, freeing his beautiful cock. God,
she remembered the feel of him filling her, loving her… Something she’d thought
she’d never experience again. Sitting up, she grasped his hands and dragged him
down on top of her.

He half laughed, half groaned before sliding down her body,
tasting her all the way. Dalton spread her thighs, consuming her like a
starving man. His skilled tongue drove her to the edge over and over—his eyes
shining with delight at his teasing—until Dom was tugging his hair in frustration.

Finally, he moved up her trembling body until he was cradled
between her legs, his erection pressing against her. Still Dalton didn’t enter
her. From his strained face, she knew the prolonged foreplay had pushed him to
his limits as well.

“I love you, Dominique.”

Tears stung her eyes and her heart swelled at the words.
She’d never grow tired of hearing them. But his next statement stunned her.

“Marry me.”

She gasped as his cock rubbed against her

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