[Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival (18 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival
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Her features were delicate. Her upturned nose looked pert set against her high cheekbones. Her well-shaped brows framed her aqua eyes, reminding Rachel of two perfect reefs surrounded by tropical waters. The bow of her mouth would make even the most skilled plastic surgeon envious.

Rachel squelched the need to cover herself. Why hadn’t Eros chosen Ariel for his mate? She seemed perfect in every way.

Ariel chuckled, momentarily covering her mouth with her hand. She glanced back at Rachel. “Your name is Dr. Rachel Evans, yet you are not a doctor of medicine.”

Rachel rubbed her hands along her arms, trying to brush away her insecurities. “I received my degrees in anthropology and linguistics. I specialize in ancient civilizations and extinct languages.”

Ariel smiled. “Then you are perfect.”

Rachel tried not to laugh. “Perfect?” The woman before her obviously hadn’t looked in a mirror lately.

“For the King. For all of us.” Ariel walked to the corner of her hut and opened a tiny cabinet. She pulled out a flask and emptied the contents into a couple of cups that looked to be carved from huingo fruit. The liquid, thick and yellow, reminded Rachel of banana yogurt. Ariel handed Rachel a cup and then raised hers up in a mock salute.

Rachel sniffed a couple of times, but couldn’t place the sweet odor. “What is this?”

“’Tis a fruit that grows only within the boundaries of the village. Drink, ’tis quite delicious.” Ariel’s eyes were locked on Rachel’s face, waiting.

Feeling like a mouse trapped in a cat’s clutches, Rachel brought the cup to her lips, but hesitated. The seer took a big gulp and then smiled once again. Rachel watched as the column of Ariel’s throat worked to swallow the thick drink, then she raised her cup to her lips and took a sip. The juice tasted sweet, yet tangy with a nutty aftertaste. She took another drink.

Without warning, she felt lightheaded. The sparsely furnished room began to spin.

“What…what was in that?” Rachel tried to reach out and grab the seer but she seemed to swim in and out of her vision.

“Ayahausca. ’Tis a simple plant drug that will allow you to foretell the future. Perhaps see your true feelings. Like the way you were able to see Eros in your dreams.”

“You drugged me?”

Ariel reached down and removed the cup from Rachel’s grasp. “I apologize, my Queen, but tomorrow night’s ceremony is too important. You must be ready to accept your rightful place.”

According to Rachel’s drugged out eyes, there were now three Ariels floating about the hut. “You bitch. I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” Rachel slumped forward and saw the table closing in about a second before her head made contact.

Then all went black.

* * * * *

A kaleidoscope of colors swirled around Rachel’s head, followed by lightning like streaks of light. Her stomach spun as if she were on a tilt-a-whirl ride. The colors whirled and melded before her eyes until they formed solid objects.

Eros stood in a field of blue flowers. The sky was green. Orange moons dotted the horizon. Strange looking creatures resembling oversized butterflies cruised overhead. Their flapping wings created a gentle breeze and perfumed the already fragrant air.

We’re not in Kansas anymore
. Her mind fought to keep up with what she was seeing.

Eros squatted down, his arms held out in front of him. Rachel looked over her shoulder. Two children, a golden-haired boy and a brunette girl, raced past Rachel, smiling and giggling. Eros scooped the kids up and spun around in circles, hugging them close. Their excited squeals sent the butterfly creatures scattering.

Rachel smiled. Eros looked so happy. Her heart tugged as she saw the love written on his face, shining in his eyes. These were his children. She averted her eyes, tears forming on her lashes. The beauty of the moment overwhelmed her. Eros made such a wonderful father.

She looked around, but there seemed to be no mother. A lump formed in her throat.
Those should be our kids.
She turned back to the idyllic scene. The family of three stared in her direction.

Rachel glanced over her shoulder—a ship sat on a runway, waiting to blast off and take her home. She turned back. Eros and the children spread their arms wide and smiled. The innocent gesture spoke volumes.

The decision was hers to make.

Rachel took one last look at the ship. Everything she knew—her job and her friends—waited for her in New York.

But if she left here, she’d lose all that really mattered.

The realization slammed her in the gut.

She wanted to be part of the picture he presented. She wanted those kids. She wanted Eros.

* * * * *

Rachel awoke with a start. Her head throbbed and she felt as if someone had run her through a spin cycle. Eros had his hand resting on her shoulder. His face was pinched with worry. Something inside Rachel melted. She tried to give him a smile, but grimaced instead.

Eros brushed the hair away from her face, his fingers featherlike on her skin. “Are you well?” His voice, low and deep, broke with unchecked emotions.

Rachel looked around, her eyes finding Ariel. She shot the seer a lethal look. “You don’t play fair.”

“I do what is best for my King and my people,” Ariel said casually before adding, “and you.”

Eros and Rachel left the seer’s hut to find the sun had disappeared from the sky. Stars twinkled. A fire blazed in the center of the compound, crackling with new life each time a fresh log caught on. Night creatures stirred in the brush and the air hung cloak-like, blanketing all. Trees whispered promises of a cool breeze. Insects buzzed and croaked, swallowing the stillness of the night.

“How long was I out?” she muttered more to herself than to him.

Eros had refused to let her walk on her own. His strong fingers clasped her hand. The rough pad of his thumb brushed the back of her knuckles sending warmth through Rachel’s groggy body. She leaned into his broad shoulders for support.

Glancing her way, his eyes roamed over her face. Concern etched his forehead. “You were in vision for hours.”

She shook her head. It had seemed like only a couple of minutes had passed. The scene in the field refused to leave Rachel’s mind. They had been so happy as a family.

Damn that Ariel

More images from the dream flooded in. There had been several moons in the sky, or perhaps planets. Rachel hadn’t paid that much attention to them.

Maybe Ariel gave me a hallucinogenic and planted the vision in my mind?

But she didn’t think so. The more she considered the scene, the more Rachel was convinced she hadn’t been on Earth.

“What time is it?”

“The hour is late,” he said, raising his head to the sky.

“Did you know Ariel planned to drug me?”

Eros’s step faltered. “I did not know the seer was going to use the Spirit Vine on you. Ariel’s methods are not discussed amongst our people. I trust her to do what’s best.”

Rachel paused. Her eyes searched Eros’s face to confirm his sincerity. She blew out a ragged breath and ran a hand over her face, trying to clear her head. “I had a dream.”

“Do you wish to share the dream?” His calm tone seemed to belie his true emotions.

Rachel knew the question was not casual. He was asking her for so much more. She stopped when they reached the center of the compound. “I figured you’d already taken a look inside my head to see,” she snapped.

He flinched. “No. I would never intrude on a vision. Contrary to what you believe, I’m not in the habit of intruding on private thoughts.”


Eros held up a hand to halt her speech. “The circumstances are different with you, my Rachel. You are to be my Queen. You are human. I am not. I must get to know you better than perhaps you know yourself.”

Rachel stared at him. Every time she thought she had him figured out, he’d surprise her. “I don’t think I was on Earth in the dream.”

Eros heaved in a surprised breath. “What did you see?”

“Planets or moons, I’m not sure. There were several in the sky. And strange butterfly-like creatures.” She didn’t tell him about the children. She wasn’t ready to share that information with anyone until she decided how she felt.

Eros shook his head. “I believe you were on Zaron, the planet where the people of Atlantis originated. What else did you see?”

“Nothing,” she bit out.

Eros didn’t press her for more information, which was just as well. She felt raw, edgy, exposed by the dream.

“We should take nourishment.” Eros tugged her to a table set up at the side of the fire. It was filled with various foods.

Rachel’s lips pursed as she rubbed her stomach. “It’s funny. I really haven’t been hungry since I arrived here in the village.”

“That is common. The energy fields are strong around the compound due to the fire-crystals. Your body gains most of its nourishment through the air. ’Tis still important to eat occasionally to keep your organs functioning properly.”

“Wow, that’s so cool.” Rachel’s eyes widened as she thought of the possibilities. “It’s like the perfect diet. You’d make a fortune selling it to the outside world.”

Eros’s expression turned cold. “The people of this planet would destroy themselves, just as we did in Atlantis.”

Rachel pictured the devastation, the greed and wars that would occur as countries tried to get their hands on the technology. “You’re right. This can never leave your village. It would spell the end of the world as we know it.”

Dr. Donald flashed in her mind. For once, Rachel was glad he was long gone.

* * * * *

Creeping through the jungle with a couple of guides, the Professor came upon tracks. The feet were large, leaving no room for error in classifying the species. They had been followed, like he’d suspected. He bristled when he thought about Dr. Rachel Evans and how he’d let her escape. The bitch had made a great discovery. She’d uncovered a lost tribe.

Whoever these people turned out to be, they were as adept in the trees as well as on ground. Their village would be the discovery of a lifetime and he would get all the credit. He’d send a man on ahead to scout the area while he returned to the drop site to wait for a plane to take him back to New York. He’d need more resources before proceeding.

Donald snickered as the tracker Jaro disappeared into the jungle. The guide could find the village and Dr. Evans, killing two birds with one stone.

Chapter Fourteen


Eros and Rachel ate their dinner in silence. The breadfruit had been carefully prepared with roasted fish and mangos. Any other time Rachel would have considered the meal delicious, but tonight she just couldn’t concentrate on the food. All that ran through her mind was the dream and the mating ceremony.

Eros stared down at the food in his bowl. “I must leave tonight.” He picked up a piece of fruit and brought it to Rachel’s lips.

She frowned and took his offering into her mouth. Rachel sucked the juices from Eros’s fingertips. She saw his face flush with color and he shifted in his seat. She didn’t want Eros to go.

Perhaps if I torment him enough, he’ll stay

Rachel tore off a piece of bread and held it in front of her, inviting, tempting, daring him to bite. Her fingers trembled as Eros closed his hand around hers, pulling her from her seat and onto his lap.

His tongue snaked out as he licked the length of her fingers. She felt an answering wetness pool at the juncture of her thighs. Her nipples peaked against the warmth of his chest. He bit off a piece of the bread and then smiled, an unholy light sparking fire in his eyes.

Rachel snuggled in close, wanting the connection. “Why must you leave?”

“’Tis customary for the soon-to-be-mated couple to spend the night before the ceremony apart.”

“Just like when a person is married where I come from. Not that I’d know.” Rachel gave Eros a nervous smile. “I’ve never been married before.”

“I, also, have never been through the mating ceremony.” He reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a quick squeeze. “We aren’t allowed to mate, unless the seer confirms a union in her vision.”

“You mean you’ve never had sex?” Rachel couldn’t hide the shock and disbelief running through her voice. Her gaze roamed over his body. “I don’t believe it.”

Eros laughed. “Of course I’ve had sex.”

“What’s so funny?” Unwilling to meet his gaze, her face flushed. She leapt from Eros’s lap. Her hands flew to her hips and she began tapping her toe in aggravation.

Eros reached out and pulled her back on his lap.

She refused to look at him.

He turned her chin, until she faced him. “There is a big difference between having sex and taking a mate with my people.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Sexual pleasure is shared with another unmated Atlantean to fulfill a basic need or to alleviate tension. Once the seer decrees that your mate has arrived, all joining must stop.” He dropped his hand onto her leg and began massaging the area. “I have not slid my cock into any woman’s cunt since donning the claiming symbols.” He reached up and flicked the gold hoops at his nipples.

“So that’s what the hoops are for.” Rachel shook her head back and forth in confusion. “You’re telling me you haven’t fucked anyone since we met.”

“I have not joined with another. That is correct.” Eros paused as if trying to search for the right words. “In Atlantean society, you can only have children with your true mate.”

“What about unplanned pregnancies?”

He threw his head back. Blond hair cascaded over his muscled chest and down his shoulders. “There are none.”

“But that’s impossible.”

“You don’t understand,” he said patiently. “The males of my species are not fertile until their mates are found. Our bodies know when ’tis right.”

Rachel thought about all the people she’d been introduced to today. She couldn’t recall seeing a single child. “You can’t have babies.”

Eros nodded. “Once a mate has been found, no other will ever do. If anything happens to your mate, then so ends your family’s bloodline.” His eyes lasered in on Rachel’s face and he lowered his voice to almost a whisper. “Atlantean males mate for life.”

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