Authors: Simon Winchester
Radar, 250
Radio, 311–14
Radioactive pollution, 256, 355–57
Radiological Dating Laboratory, 82
Raffles Lighthouse, 447
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 168
Ransome, Arthur, 203
Read, Albert Cushing, 337
Read, Mary, 225–26
Red list, Greenpeace, 362–63
Red Sea, 21, 62
Rennell, James, 122–23
Rhine River, 146
Right whales, 285–87
Riley, James, 238–39
Ringmann, Matthias, 93–96
Rivers, 146–48
Roaring Forties, 49, 289, 438–39
Robben Island, 182, 185
Roberts, Bartholomew, 225, 227–30
Rocky Point, 456
Romans, 66, 69–70, 172–74, 211–12
Roosevelt, Franklin, 17–18, 43, 314
Rowing Home
(painting), 198
Royal African Company of England, 227, 233
Royal Mail Ship (RMS) designation, 186
(opera), 194
Rules of engagement, 261–64
Rumann son of Colmán, 153–54
Rumford fireplace, 118n
Ruskin, John, 196
Russia, 167, 356n, 370, 383–85
Safina, Carl, 204
Saga of Erik the Red
, 158–59
Sagas, 158–59
Sailing Alone Around the World
(book), 201–3
Sailing vessels, 62, 247, 250, 353
St. Brendan, 72–73, 158, 161
St. Columba, 153
St. Elmo’s fire, 151
St. Helena, 123, 175
f, 186–92, 253
St. Helena
(ship), 186–87
St. Lawrence River, 145–46
St. Pierre Island, 372–73
Sakhalin Island, 356n
Salinity, 121, 439–40
Sands, African, 108n
San Salvador, 87
Santo Domingo, Hispaniola, 175–77
Sargasso Sea, 429
Satellites, 388
(ship), 300–301
Scania, Sweden, 280
Scapa Flow, 253–56
Scarba Island, 160
Schooners, 365–66
SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography) device, 349
Scientific investigations, 99–148.
See also
Climate change; Global warming
American vs. British, 123–24
survey expedition, 135–40
Cape Bojador obstacle and development of celestial navigation and current sailing, 104–14
Charles Darwin and HMS
expedition, 124–26
development of oceanography, 120–23 (
see also
early misconceptions and, 132–35
hydrography and cartography of International Hydrographic Organization, 99–104, 142–45
mapping of Atlantic currents and Gulf Stream, 114–20
M. F. Maury and American cartography and oceanography, 128–33
oceanographic institutions and, 140–45
rivers as Atlantic Ocean sources, 146–48
United States Exploring Expedition, 126–28
Scoresby, William, 398
Scoresbysund fjord, 395–401
Scotese, Christopher, 442, 447
Scotland, 357, 370, 390–92, 435
Scott, C. P., 269
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 140
Sea Around Us, The
(book), 204–5, 354–56
Sea barriers, 414–17, 419
Seabirds, 30
, 32–33, 138, 386
Sea boundaries, 100–104
Sea Drift
(music), 195
Seafarer, The
(poem), 155–58
Seafloor spreading, 45–49, 143, 442–43
Seafood, 55–58, 358–63.
See also
Fisheries; Fishing; Overfishing
SeaKLIM, 348n
Sea levels, 58n, 402, 405–18
Sealing, 126–27, 384
Sea Monster, The
(painting), 164
Sea monsters, 160–61
Sea of Japan, 21, 143n
Sea Pictures
(music), 195
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 361
Sea Symphony
(music), 195
Sea temperatures, hurricanes and, 425–26.
See also
Global warming
Sea Venture
(ship), 151–52
SeaWeb, 361
Second World War, 257–66, 449–52
Seine River, 146
Seismic activity, 40–43, 432–38.
See also
Plate tectonics
Seismology, 434n
September 11 terrorist attacks, 343n
Settlements, first human coastal, 23–24, 56–60
Seven Ages
(anthology), 25
Severin, Tim, 72, 75
Severn River, 146
Shakespeare, William, 24–27, 149–52, 168–69
Shannon River, 146
Shanwick Oceanic Control Centre, 342–43
Sheep, 30
, 73–74
(ship), 207–11, 267
Shetland Islands, 204–5
Cargo shipping
Shipping newspapers, 180
art depicting, 165–66
battleships, 242
Christopher Columbus’s, 86
container, 350–52
first boats and sailing, 61–62
increasing size of, 112
Irish, 71–72
ironclad, 247–51
Native American, 91
packet ships and shipping, 290–301 (
see also
Cargo shipping)
passenger liners, 11–12 (
see also
Passenger transport)
Roman, 211
slaving, 228, 232 (
see also
Slave trade)
space shuttle fleet names from, 126n
steam-powered steel battleships, 252–57
Viking and Norsemen, 70–71
Shipwrecks, 150–52, 322–27, 449–56
Sight reduction tables, 112
Silent Spring
(book), 354, 357
Simon Boccanegra
(music), 194
Sir Charles Elliott
shipwreck, 451, 456–57
Skaggerak, 145, 253–54
Skálholt Map, 79–80
Skeleton Coast, 449–59
Skeleton Coast
(book), 452
Skidbladnir vessel, 160
Skull and crossed bones flags, 223
Slave castles, 227–29, 232–34
Slave trade, 87, 199–200, 221, 227–39
Slocum, Joshua, 201–4
Smell of the sea, 429n
Snoek fish, 281n
Snows (ships), 232
Soderini Letter, 93, 95
Somers, Sir George, 151–52
Sonar, 250
Soundings, 112, 136–37
South Africa, 56–60, 181–86, 419
South African snoek, 281n
South Africa Pilot
(book), 56–57
South America, 96, 331, 409, 444–47
South Atlantic Ocean.
See also
Atlantic Ocean
as African Ocean, 96n
commercial whaling in, 287–89
delineation of, 143–44
icebergs in, 410–12
management of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands fishery in, 378–89
Southern Ocean, 409n
Southern Ocean Super-Gyre, 438–39
Southern Whale Fishery, 287–89
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, 378–89, 411
Soviet Union.
Space shuttles, 126n
See also
Cádiz, Spain
art of, 164–65
Christopher Columbus and, 85–90
fishing pirates of, 389
naval warfare of, 241–46
New World warfare of, 215–20
Phoenician trade in, 65
returning to, on Gulf Stream, 116–17
trawler fleet of, 372–73
Treaty of Tordesillas of, 93n
Spanish Armada defeat, 241n, 243
Special Publication No. S.23, 102, 142–43, 409n
Spenser, Edmund, 168
Spermaceti, 288–89
Sperm whales, 285n, 287–89
Squid-jiggers (ships), 388
Staten Island, Argentina, 128, 444–47
Statue of Liberty, 177, 179
Statue of Liberty
(ship), 323
Steam locomotives, 295n
Steam-powered ships, 252, 300–301, 315–16, 368–69
Steel battleships, 252–57
Steerage travel, 318–21
Stefansson, Sigurd, 79
Sterling (term), 278
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 191, 225, 321
St.-Exupéry, Antoine de, 106
(ship), 323, 324
“Storm, The” (poem), 169
“Storm at Sea” (poem), 153–54
Strait of Gibraltar, 35, 65–66, 101
Strait of Magellan, 444
Strait of Malacca, 447
Submarines, 250, 257–66, 268–70
Sufferings in Africa
(book), 239n
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 197
Sulfur emissions, 348, 353
Sullivan, Arthur, 194
Sumatran tsunami, 433
Sundry Circumstances Relating to the Gulph Stream
(letter), 118
Surtsey Island, 46, 433
Survey expeditions, 124–40
Sustainable fishing, 362
Sykes, Mark, 271
Symphony at the end of the world, 445
Szczecin, Poland, 278n
Tactics, naval warfare, 240–46
Tangier, Morocco, 100–101
Tapestries, 160
Teach, Edward, 225
Plate tectonics; Seismic activity
Telegraph, transatlantic, 131–32, 302–10
Tempest, The
(play), 150–52
Terrorist attacks, 343n
Textiles, 293–95
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 305n
Thames Barrier, 415–16
Thames River, 146
Tharshish, 66n
The Future Is Wild group, 442
Thermal expansion, 407–8
Thermal vents, 428
Thermohaline circulation, 426
Thompson, Jeremiah, 293–99
Thomson, C. Wyville, 136, 139
Thoreau, Henry David, 305
Thorfinsson, Snorri, 83–84
Tides, 112, 114, 121
Tierra del Fuego, 125–26, 128, 208–11, 444
Times Atlas of the Oceans
(book), 325–26
Tin, 65–66
(ship), 254, 263, 321–23
Tobacco, 84n, 90
Tomlinson, Charles, 205
Toothed whales, 285n
Toothfish (Chilean sea bass), 362–63, 378, 384–86, 389
Topography, 121
Torrey Canyon
(ship), 325–26
Tor Rocks, 7–8
Toxic wastes, 357–58
Tracks, shipping, 348–49
Hanseatic League and rules of, 275–80
Phoenician, in Mediterranean Sea area, 62–69
routes, 319
Trade winds, 121, 424
Trafalgar Battle, 243–46, 251
Tramp ships, 295–96
(ship), 141
Trawling, 368, 370
Treaty of Paris, 366
Treaty of Tordesillas, 93
Trial of Black Bart’s Men, 227–30
Triana, Rodrigo de, 86–87
Triangular slave trade, 232–39
Triassic period, 40
Triple Divide Peak, 147–48
Triremes (ships), 211
Tristan da Cunha, 112, 183n, 437–38
Tristan und Isolde
(opera), 194
Tropical cyclones, 423.
See also
Tsunamis, 432–36.
See also
Seismic activity
Tuna, 363
Turbidity currents, 434
Turner, J. M. W., 197–98
Tuvalu Islands, 412n
(book), 205
Typhoons, 423n
U-boats, German, 261–66, 268–70
Uluburun archaeology site, 64–65
Undersea cables.
Cables, undersea
Undersea oil exploration, 403–4
(painting), 198–99
Union Castle passenger liners, 186
United Nations, 176, 372n
United States
air transport to and from, 330–32
British Post Office service to, 291–93
Civil War of, 247–50
commercial whaling of, 287–90
literature of, 200–203
motivations of, for Atlantic Ocean exploration, 123–24
Naval Observatory, 130
rivers as Atlantic Ocean sources, 147–48
slave trade and, 221, 230–39
steel ships and, 257
transatlantic cable and, 305–10
War of 1812 of, 246–47
United States Exploring Expedition, 126–29
Ur supercontinent, 38
Uruguay, 257–60
van de Velde, Willem, 166
vaz de Torres, Luis, 112
Venezuela, 87–88
Verdi, Giuseppe, 194
Verne, Jules, 128, 445
Vernet, Claude, 167
Vespucci, Amerigo, 93–96
(ship), 389
Victoria, Queen, 309
Victoria Falls, 47
(ship), 243
Vikings, 70–71, 75–85, 89–90, 212–15, 282.
See also
Norsemen; Norway
(ship), 130
Vinland, 76–84
Violins of Saint-Jacques, The
(book), 436
Virgin Atlantic, 347
(ship), 248–50
Virgin of the Navigators, The
(painting), 164–65
Virgin Rocks, 8–9
Viscosity, ocean depth and, 132–33, 306
Visual art, 159–67, 196–99
Volcanoes, 40–43, 46–47, 343, 432–33, 436–38.
See also
Seismic activity
Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz, 166
Vulcanology, 434n
Wagner, Richard, 194
Walcott, Derek, 34, 164
Waldseemüller, Martin, 48, 93–96
Walton, William, 194–95
Naval warfare
Warming, global.
Global warming
War of 1812, 246–47
(ship), 247
Waste, radioactive, 355–57
Water, 35–36, 145
Watkinson, James, 297
Watling’s Island, 86
Waypoint names, 342n
Weather patterns, 121, 402, 417–27, 439–40
Wegener, Alfred, 48
Weizmann, Chaim, 269–71
West African slave trade, 221, 227–39
Westbound air travel tracks, 341–42
Western Cape, 56–60
Western civilization, Atlantic Ocean and, 19–20, 448–49
Western Ocean name, 96
Whale oil, 286n