Atlantis Unmasked

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Authors: Alyssa Day

BOOK: Atlantis Unmasked
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Table of Contents
Fresh Fiction
“Alyssa Day works her own brand of sexy sorcery
in this fabulous new paranormal series.
Warriors and witches have never been so hot!”
New York Times
bestselling author Teresa Medeiros
“There's nothing more evocative than the
world of Atlantis.”
New York Times
bestselling author Gena Showalter
Praise for
“Fascinating, thrilling, and deeply romantic. The perfect blend of fabulous world-building and sexy romantic adventure.”
New York Times
bestselling author Jayne Castle
“Alyssa Day's Atlantis is flat-out amazing—her sexy and heroic characters make me want to beg for more! I love the complex world she's created!”
—National bestselling author Alexis Morgan
“The legend comes to life. Alyssa Day's superb writing, fascinating characters, and edge-of-your-seat story bring the legend of Atlantis to life. I cannot wait until the next installment.” —Award-winning author Colby Hodge
“Alyssa Day creates an amazing and astonishing world in
Atlantis Rising
you'll want to visit again and again.
Atlantis Rising
is romantic, sexy, and utterly compelling. I loved it!”
New York Times
bestselling author Christine Feehan
“The Poseidon Warriors are HOT!! Can I have one?”
New York Times
bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks
“Alyssa Day's characters grab you and take you on a whirlwind adventure. I haven't been so captivated by characters or story in a long time. Enjoy the ride!”
New York Times
bestselling author Susan Squires
“Alyssa Day has penned a white-hot winner!”
New York Times
bestselling author Gena Showalter
“Wow! Alyssa Day writes a marvelous paranormal romance set on earth.”—
USA Today
bestselling author Susan Kearney
“Inventive and electrifying. An exhilarating new series!”
Romantic Times
“Alyssa Day roars onto the paranormal scene with this tense and magnetic read.”—
Romance Junkies
“Fascinating and intriguing . . . Fantastic reinvention of Atlantis.”—
Huntress Reviews
“Breathtaking paranormal romance.”—
Fresh Fiction
“Wow! What a spectacular series opener . . . The love scenes are sizzling hot.”—
“The world-building is superb . . . The Warriors of Poseidon are a sexy, chivalrous, and dangerous team [who] create an atmosphere of testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife; the interaction between this brawny bunch is priceless.” —
ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“A cast of sexy but tormented alpha heroes.”
—The Romance Reader
Atlantis Rising
High Prince Conlan's Story
“Wild Hearts in Atlantis” from
Wild Thing
Bastien's Story
Atlantis Awakening
Lord Vengeance's Story
“Shifter's Lady” from
Ethan's Story
Atlantis Unleashed
Lord Justice's Story
Atlantis Unmasked
Alexios's Story
Don't miss
Atlantis Redeemed
, Brennan's story,
Atlantis Betrayed
, Christophe's story,
coming soon from Berkley Sensation!
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / July 2009
Copyright © 2009 by Alesia Holliday.
Excerpt from
Atlantis Redeemed
copyright © 2009 by Alesia Holliday.
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eISBN : 978-1-101-08205-8
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This one is for the military families everywhere who watch and wait and worry while their loved ones are far away: I hope that reading it offers a little respite, a bit of escape, and perhaps a laugh or two. You deserve it, and I'm right there with you, pacing the floors at 2 A.M. during this deployment. May we all find happily ever after.
And, always, to Judd, Computer Boy, and Princess. My heroes.
Oh, and my apologies to any and all historical societies involved in any way with the city of St. Augustine, Florida, and the Fort Castillo de San Marcos. As far as I know, shape-shifting panthers have never attacked a rebel base there. For everyone else, trust me when I say you're going to want to visit.
It's spectacular.
And when you're there, stop by my friend Pam Cross's restaurant, the Bunnery. You'll be glad you did.
The Warrior's Creed
We will wait. And watch. And protect.
And serve as first warning on the eve of humanity's destruction.
Then, and only then, Atlantis will rise.
For we are the Warriors of Poseidon, and the mark of the Trident we bear serves as witness to our sacred duty to safeguard mankind.
Chapter 1
St. Louis, leaving regional rebel headquarters
“It's almost impossible to shoot a bow while driving.”
Grace Havilland clenched her fingers around the steering wheel of the Jeep and waited for the Atlantean warrior riding shotgun to respond to what she thought had been her very reasonable point.
Waited. Waited a little longer. She'd met Alexios months ago and seen him sporadically since, but she'd never been in such a small space with him. It felt like being trapped in a cage with a lion who'd just eaten a full meal. Deadly, dangerous, and exhilarating, but maybe—just maybe—you'd live through it.
Unless he suddenly felt like a snack.
She wrenched the wheel to the left when she saw the deceptive DEAD END sign appear in the headlights and then took the deserted side street. Alexios finally turned to face her, his golden hair brushing the tops of his shoulders and sweeping forward to hide the scarred left side of his face. Reinforcing the lion imagery so strongly she flinched a little.
He raised a single eyebrow.
“The sign keeps people out,” she explained. “HQ escape route and a shortcut to the hospital. Since we're a little behind everyone else, I wanted to catch up.”
A weak but warm voice floated up from the backseat. “Shortcut would be good.”
“How are you doing, Michelle?” Grace asked, not daring to look over her shoulder at this rate of speed.
“Well enough, considering that nasty vampire nearly ripped my head from my neck. Lucky for me that your dishy Alaric popped in with his magic healing powers. My first mission with you Americans, and the rebel headquarters gets attacked. Bit of a bad penny, me.”

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