Attached (Coronado Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Attached (Coronado Series Book 3)
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“I’ll wait for you. Let’s go to the market before we go home. What should we make for dinner?”

“Are you crazy?”

“So, is that a no to the market?”

“You’re acting as if we are a couple.”

“We are. I thought we already settled this. I’ll go to the market if you give me a list. Is that what you’re mad about?”

“This is my summer of adventure. Being a couple isn’t being adventurous.”

“You’ve never been a couple with me, so you have no idea if it’s an adventure or not. I already said you could tie me up tonight. What else did you want to do?”

That last sentence stopped her in her tracks, because she had no idea how to be adventurous. “I have no idea.”

He gathered her up. “Do you want to make out for a little while? That might make you feel better.”

“I guess so. I may come up with some good ideas while we kiss.” His mouth sealed over hers and any thoughts she had flew out of her head. There was only liquid desire as he tunneled his hands into her hair. She felt him feast and was pulled under the wave of longing. Giving into it, she pressed herself closely against his body.
Heck, this might be adventure enough for now.


They sat on the beach and watched the wave’s crash. Travis tucked himself around Cary and encircled her in his arms. “I think we have to watch out where we start making out, because we don’t seem to have an off switch. We go from kissing to me being buried-balls deep in you. I think it’s going to take a couple of years before we can self-regulate.”

He felt her start to shake as she laughed. He looked over her shoulder at her. “Why is that so funny?”

“What in the heck does balls-deep mean?”

“It means exactly what it sounds like.” He closed his arms a little tighter around her and buried his nose in her hair. He decided that she smelled like home, and this was going to be it for him.

“You better stop kissing me, because there’s no way I’m going to let you get at me in public. I draw the line at public sex.”

“I’m glad to know where the lines are drawn.”

She leaned back against his chest and stretched her legs out in front of her. “Thanks for introducing me to Adam and driving me over here today. Can I make you dinner tonight? I want to do something nice for you…to thank you.”

“What we did against the wall in your house was thanks enough.”

“That wasn’t a thank you. That was just us.”

He felt his heart take a hard beat as he heard her say,
It was just us
. He needed time with her, because if they had time together, she would start to feel attached to him. That was his goal…her attachment. He knew it was the only way he was going to survive his feelings. He needed her to be in this with him.

“What’s your favorite meal? I’m a pretty good cook, so I can make almost anything.”

“I have pretty simple taste in food. I like steak or chicken or lasagna. You pick what you want to make.”

“Since we ate red meat last night, I’ll make roast chicken tonight and lasagna tomorrow night.”

“Sounds perfect.” He looked out at the waves and felt like letting out a loud
because she had plans. If a woman had plans then she was planning on sticking around. “Is there anything you want to get out of your storage pod and bring home?”

“No, I don’t want to open that thing until the house is done. It’s packed full, and I don’t want anything to fall out if I open it. I’ll just get my car, and then I’ll be ready to go.”

“What kind of car did you buy yourself? Did you splurge and buy a sports car?”

“I bought myself a new Tesla in red. Would you like to see it?”

“Sure, maybe you can take me for a drive later on.”

They walked back to the house and went around the side into the garage. Cary flipped on the light and watched Travis for his reaction.

He looked over at her and laughed. “Your Tesla looks like a Subaru Outback. At least you got the color right.”

“I know. I have a car exactly like the lifeguards. Do you think the coolness will rub off on me?”

“Probably.” He walked around her car. “I think this car tells people you’re up for an adventure. I like your racks. What are you going to put up there?”

“I have no idea. I don’t know how to get anything up there.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that you have them.”

“I know you’re mocking me, and I don’t care. I have racks, and when I decide what to put up there, I can learn how to use them. I think I’ll start with a canoe.”

“I think that’s a great idea. A canoe is a good start.”

She looked at him and nodded her head with a satisfied smile. “That’s what I thought.”

He noticed she said it with no irony. Yep, this girl had big dreams, and he was going to make sure every single one of them came true. “Have you chosen you canoe yet?”

“No, I thought I would start to do research at the end of summer, but since I’m home, I guess I could start now.”

“Let me make a couple of calls and see what I can come up with.”

“Do you have a magic network?”

“Yes, I do. Anything I need is about four phone calls away. SEALs are the best network in the world. I call someone and they call someone else and then I get a phone call back telling me what I need to know.”

“I’m going to think of something really obscure and put it to the test.”

“Bring it on, because it’s never failed me.”

“Start with a canoe and let’s see what you come up with.”

“No problem. What’s our plan for the rest of the day?”

“I’m going to the library so I can sit and work on my computer, and then I should probably work out. I’ll go to the market and then meet you at your house later on.”

“You’re welcome to use my desk at home, and I’ll work out with you if you want.”

“How long have we known each other?”

“A few of days, I think this is our fifth day together.”

“Exactly. We don’t need to be together all the time.”

“Do you need a break?”

She nodded and looked up at him, “I need a break.”

He pulled her hand, brought her against his chest and engulfed her in his arms. He stood still and let his heart beat against hers and didn’t say anything for a long time. He felt when she let go and relaxed against him. Her arms tightened slightly around him and her head rested quietly against his chest. He pulled away and kissed her head. “I’ll meet you at home. Just text me when you’re on your way.”

She lifted up on tiptoe and kissed him very gently, “Thank you.”

He kissed her back and pressed his forehead against hers for a moment.


Travis joined Cary on the couch after he was done cleaning the kitchen. “Thank you for cooking, baby. It was delicious.” He lifted her up and leaned her against him. “I feel pretty damn lucky right now.”

“That was a very simple dinner. You’re going to feel even luckier after you taste my lasagna.” She sighed and let out a big breath. “I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t have any energy to tie you up tonight. I know I’ve been a big talker all day, but I’m exhausted and sore. I don’t know any good knots, either. I never did that well with them when I was in Girl Scouts. You would probably have to teach me how to tie a knot, which I think defeats the purpose.”

Travis lifted her up so they were facing one another. “I’ll teach how to tie knots anytime you want. Are you going to get mad at me if I suggest we watch a movie on Netflix?”

“No, I’m going to put my pajamas on and do a happy dance.”

He kissed her quickly and let her go. “Go, woman. I’ll find a Bond movie and we can relax.”

She smiled as she hopped off the couch and made her way into the bedroom.

He watched her and shook his head. She was a nut, but she was his nut.


Cary stood in the kitchen and mixed up the pancake batter as she listened to music from her iPad. Travis was quickly becoming an addiction, and she wondered what to do about it. A life spent on her own had not prepared her for this sort of connection. She heard the doorbell ring and wondered who would show up this early.

She looked through the peephole, and all she could see was someone’s chest. She decided to open the door and was greeted with the sight of a large man with a smile and a canoe. “Hi, there,” she said.

“Hi there, pretty lady. You must be Cary. I’m David, a friend of Travis and Max’s. I understand that you want a canoe. One was dropped off at our office this morning, and I decided to bring it over and meet the woman who has my friend tied up in knots.” He watched Cary laugh and open the door wider and understood why his friend was getting this woman a canoe.

“My goodness, how nice. Please come in-have you had breakfast yet?”

“I had something to eat early this morning, but I can always eat again.”

She watched as he tipped the canoe against the wall and walked in the house. “Travis will be out of the shower soon. Come in and have some coffee while I start on the pancakes.”

“Where did my friend find, you and are there any more like you?”

“He found me in a biker bar outside Ripley, California. I’ll let him tell you the story over breakfast.” She handed him a cup of coffee with a big smile. “Where do you know Travis from?”

“We were swim buddies and have been friends for over fifteen years.”

“What’s a swim buddy?”

“Your first week of BUD/S you’re assigned a swim buddy. That is the person who you will go through the program with. You stick with each other and help one another out and hopefully graduate together.”

“So you two are best friends.”

“More like brothers-probably better than brothers.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you.” She handed him a stack of plates and napkins. “Will you set the table? I’m going to finish making breakfast.”

“Sure. Now tell me a little about yourself. Where are your people from?”

“I love that expression. You must be from the South. I had a college roommate from Georgia, and she would always ask people that.”

“I’m from Alabama. Can you still hear my accent?”

“A little, but it’s not very strong. To answer your question, I’m a native Californian, and I grew up outside Los Angeles. I live in San Diego now, and I teach kindergarten at a private catholic school.”

“How did you end up in a biker bar in Ripley?”

“My car broke down, and I was waiting for a tow truck.”

“So my friend Travis saved the day and got the girl.”

Travis came walking down the hall and heard the question. “No, I insulted her and she saved herself.”

They clapped each other on the back and gave one another a man hug. “What are you doing here, man?” Travis asked.

“I brought your canoe, it was delivered to the office this morning. I thought I’d bring it over and meet Cary.”

They both looked into the kitchen and watched Cary make pancakes. Travis admired how pretty she looked in her white shirt and jeans shorts. He quickly looked over at his friend and noticed he was looking at her, too. He elbowed his friend and shook his head.

He watched David laugh. “So that’s how it’s going be?”

Travis gave him a sharp nod. “That’s how it’s going to be.” He watched Cary pick up a big plate of pancakes and walked over to help her. “Here, baby, let me take that.” He liked the smile she gave him and dropped his mouth quickly for a kiss. “Thanks for making breakfast. This smells delicious.”

“You’re welcome.” She went back to the kitchen and got the plate of sausages and eggs that she’d made. “Do we need anything else?”

David was the first to speak. “What time should I be here every day? Because I don’t want to miss this.”

“I do not want to see your face every day for breakfast, so forget it. Who did we get the canoe from?”

“It was a friend of Frank’s. I’m not sure about the connection, but the guy delivered it early.”

Cary looked between the men. “How many phone calls did it take?”

Travis finished eating, tipped back in his chair and thought about it. “I called Mark, and he probably called Frank, and Frank knew someone. So your canoe is a three-phone-call request. I’m surprised it took that many.”

“Wow, I’m impressed. Who do I give my check to?” She looked at two horrified faces. “What did I say?”

“Women don’t pay for stuff,” David said. “What are you talking about?”

Travis looked at her, equally horrified. “Why would you ask that? Are you crazy?”

She looked at them both and wondered about their grasp on reality. “Women pay for things all the time. I don’t know what world you both are living in, but this happens all the time.”

“It’s kind of insulting that you think I would make you pay.” Travis shook his head and looked at her disapprovingly.

“What if the woman has more money that the man…can she pay then?”

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