Audrey Hepburn (90 page)

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Authors: Barry Paris

BOOK: Audrey Hepburn
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Russo, Sergio
Russo, Vito,
The Celluloid Closet
Ruston, Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra.
Hepburn, Audrey
Ruston, Joseph (father) ; Audrey and
Ruttenberg, Joseph
Ryan, Cornelius,
A Bridge Too Far
Ryan, Robert
(film); Oscar nominations; remake
Sadique (Sudanese ruler)
Sadler's Wells Ballet
Saint Jack
Saint Joan
Saint-Saëns, Camille,
Carnival of the Animals
Salary: early years; for
Funny Face
; for
; for
; for
; for
The Unforgiven
; for
War and Peace
Saturday Review
; and
Sauce Piquante
Sauce Tartare
Saunders, Charles
Sayre, Nora,
Running Time: Films of the Cold War
Schickel, Richard
Schifrin, Lalo
Schlee, Valentina
Schloss, Eva
Schneider, Romy
Schooling of Hepburn; boarding school
Schwartz, Bernard. See Curtis, Tony
Scott, George C.
Scott, Ken
Screen Actors Guild Achievement Award Screentests: of Astaire; Ferrer (Mel) and
-of Hepburn; for
Roman Holiday
; for
Secret People
Seberg, Jean
The Secret Fury
Secret People
Seidenbaum, Art
Seldes, Marian
Self-image of Hepburn
Sellers, Peter
Selznick, David 0.; and La Jolla Playhouse
Serenity, Hepburn and
Seton, Susan
Sex, Hepburn's view of
Sex and the Single Girl
Sexuality of Hepburn
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
Shamir, Yitzhak
Shanley, John Patrick
Sharif, Omar
Shaughnessy, Alfred
Shaw, Bernard
Shaw, George Bernard;
Shaw, Irwin
Shaw, Robert
Shaw, Susan
Sheldon, Sidney,
Shepherd, Cybill
Shepherd, Richard
Sherwood, Robert
Shopping, Hepburn and
Short, Martin
Shubert, Karin
Sidney, Philip
Signoret, Simone
Silva, Henry
Silverman, Stephen
Silver Screen
Sim, Alastair
Simmons, Jean Sinatra, Frank
Singing, Hepburn and; lessons; in My
Fair Lady
Sinopoli, Giuseppe
Skiing, Hepburn and
Smith, Harry
Smith, Lillian,
Strange Fruit
Smith, Liz; and
Robin and Marian
Smith, Muriel
Snider, Paul
Snodgress, Carrie
Somalia, UNICEF field-trip
Somes, Michael
The Song of Bernadette
Soukhotine, Elisabeth “Lisa”
The Sound of Music
South America, UNICEF field-trip
Spadafora, Marina
Robin and Marian
filmed in
Spanish Riviera, Ferrer home
Spielberg, Steven
Sports, Hepburn and
Springhill Nursery
Sragow, Michael
Stage-fright, Hepburn and
Stage performances, listed
Stark, Ray
Starr, Ringo
Steiger, Rod
Sterling, Steve
Sterne, Herb
Stevens, George
Stewart, Jimmy
Stone, Laurie
Stone, Peter; “The Unsuspecting Wife”
Stradling, Harry
Straight, Beatrice
Strange Fruit,
Strangers Kiss
Strasberg, Paula
Stratten Dorothy
Streep, Meryl
Street children, UNICEF and
Streisand, Barbra; and Bogdanovich
Stroud, Pauline
Styne, Jule,
High Button Shoes
Sudan, UNICEF field-trip
Suddenly Last Summer
Sullavan, Margaret
Sumac, Yma
Summer and Smoke,
Summer Nights
The Sun Also Rises
The Survivors,
Susskind, David
Suzman, Janet
Swanson, Gloria
Switzerland, Hepburn's homes: Bürgenstock ; Tolochenaz-sur-Morges
Swope, John
Tarassova, Olga
Tavares, Gustavo
Taylor, Elizabeth; and Hepburn's UNICEF work; and
My Fair Lady
Taylor, Henry, Jr.
Taylor, Samuel,
Sabrina Fair
Tea break,
Wait Until Dark
Television; Hepburn and; memorial documentary ; performances, listed
Terrorism, fears of
Testimonial appearances, Hepburn and
That Touch of Mink
Theatre Arts,
review of
Thefts of Hepburn items
These Three
They All Laughed
Thomas, Bob
Thomas, Michael Tilson;
From the Diary of Anne Frank
; and Hepburn
Thompson, Frank: and
Breakfast at Tiffany's
; and
Robin and Marian
Thompson, Kay
Thomson, Archie
Thomson, Virgil
Thouroude, Jean-Claude
Tiffany's, Hepburn and
Time magazine; and
Breakfast at Tiffany's
; and
The Children's Hour
; and
Robin and Marian
; and
Time-Life films, and
They All Laughed
Time-Tested Beauty Tips,
Tito's Hats,
Todd, Mike
To Have and Have Not
Tokyo, Japan, UNICEF benefit
Tolo, Marilù
Tolochenaz-sur-Morges, Switzerland, Hepburn's home; funeral at ; final return to; gardens at
Tolstoy, Leo,
War and Peace
“Tomorrow” (cat)
Tony Awards; Hepburn and
Toomey, Gerry
Torlonia, Princess Olimpia
Tracy, Spencer
Trauner, Alexander
Trebbi, Daniela
Trilling, Steve
Tripp, Barbara
Truman, Harry S.
Trumbo, Dalton
Tulip named for Hepburn
Turkey, UNICEF field-trip
The Turning Point,
20th Century-Fox
Two for the Road
(film); remake
Two Women
The Unforgiven
Ungaro, Arabella
UNICEF; benefits for; and Hepburn foundation ; Hepburn memorials; and Hepburn's funeral; and Hepburn's illness ; Hepburn's work with; tribute to Hepburn; TV documentary
United Nations Children's Fund
Universal Studios
UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)
“The Unsuspecting Wife,” Stone and Behn
Urquhart, Roy
Ustinov, Peter
Vadim, Annette
Valenti, Jack
Valentino (dress designer)
Valley of the Eagles
Van Asbeck, Elbrig (grandmother).
See also
Van Heemstra, Elbrig
Van der Linden, Charles Huguenot
van Dreelen, John
van Hall, Hesje
van Hall, Willem
van Heemstra, Aernoud, Baron (grandfather) ; in World War II
Van Heemstra, Elbrig, Baroness (grandmother)
Van Heemstra, Ella (mother) ; and Academy Awards; and Audrey's dancing; and Audrey's illness ; and Audrey's success; and Caron ; Chevalier and; death of; in England ; and Ferrer; first marriage ; and
Funny Face
; German sympathies ; and grandchild; and Hanson; and home in Tolochenaz; in New York; and
; views of; Wolders and; in World War II.
See also
Hepburn-Ruston, Ella
van Heemstra, Hako Sixma
van Heemstra, Jacqueline
van Heemstra family; in World War II
Van Lanschot, W C. J. M.
Van Limburg Stirum, Miesje (aunt)
Van Limburg Stirum, Otto
Van Loop, Lucienne
Van Oven, Loekie
Van Rhenen, Pauline
van Ufford, Alexander Quarles; death of; in World War II
van Ufford, Audrey Quarles (daughter of Ian)
van Ufford, Evelyn Quarles (daughter of Alexander)
van Ufford, Hendrik Gustaaf Adolf Quarles
van Ufford, Ian Quarles; birth of ; and Hepburn's funeral; in World War II
van Ufford, Michael Quarles
van Ufford, Michael Quarles (son of Alexander)
van Ufford, Michael Quarles (son of Ian)
van Ufford, Miep Quarles (wife of Alexander)
van Ufford, Yvonne Quarles (wife of Ian)
Van Vliet, Paul
Van Wijk, Anneke
and Wolders
Green Mansions
Love Among Thieves
My Fair Lady
Secret People
These Three
They All Laughed
Venezuela, UNICEF field-trip
Ventura, Ray
Verkade, Kees
Vermonth, Patrick
Vidor, King
Viertel, Peter: and Ferrers' marital problems
Vietnam, UNICEF field-trip
Vigili, Elizabeth
Villa Beukenhof
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
The Vintage
Violence: Hepburn and
-in Hepburn's films;
Wait Until Dark
Viruly, A.
Vista-Vision process
magazine; interview with Hepburn
Voice of Hepburn
von Stade, Frederica
Voute, Helena
Vreeland, Diana
Vroemen, Paul; and Battle of Arnhem ; and Hepburn's wartime activities
Vulnerability of Hepburn
Waagemans, Tonny
Wada, Emi
Wagner, Robert (“R.J.”); and Capucine ; and Ferrers' marital problems
Wait Until Dark
Wald, Connie; and Baroness van Heemstra; and Hepburn's illness
Wald, Jerry
Walk on the Wild Side
Wallach, Eli; and Hepburn's marriage to Dotti
Wallis, Hal
Walters, Barbara; Hepburn and
Walters, Charlesn
Wang, Wayne
War, Hepburn and
War and Peace
(film); Ferrer and
Warhol, Andy
Warner, Jack: Academy Awards; and dubbing and
Fair Lady; and
The Nun's Story
Warner, Suzanne
Warner Brothers: and Ferrer; and
My Fair Lady
; and
The Nun's Story
; and
Wait Until Dark
Washbourne, Mona
Washington.C., UNICEF trip
Wasserman, Lew
Water systems, UNICEF and; Vietnam
Watkin, David
Watters, Jim
Watts, Richard, Jr.
Waxman, Franz
Webb, Clifton
Wedding Bells,
Wedding plans, with Hanson
Weight, Hepburn and
Weiller, Paul-Louis
Welles, Orson
Welton, Helen
Wensink, Carel Johan
Werker, Alfred L.
West, Mae
Weston, Jack
White, Gordon
White, William L.,
Lost Boundaries
Whitty, Stephen
Why Can't I Be Audrey Hepburn?
Wilde, Oscar,
The Importance of Being Earnest
Wilder, Audrey; and Bogart; and Ferrers' marital problems; and Hepburn's appearance ; and Hepburn's marriage to Dotti ; and Hepburn's thinness; and Holdens; and
Love in the Afternoon
; and
Two for the Road
; and Wolders
Wilder, Billy; American Film Institute and; and Ferrers' marital problems; and Hepburn; and Hepburn's illness; and Hepburn's marriage to Dotti ; and Hepburn's thinness; and
Love in the Afternoon
; and
; tribute to Hepburn; and Wyler
Wilhelm, Kaiser
Wilhelmina, Queen of The Netherlands
Willems, Rose-Marie
Williams, Andy
Williams, Cara
Williams, John (composer)
Williams, John (UNICEF board)
Williams, Tennessee
Williamson, Nicol
Willoughby, Bob
Wilson, Elizabeth
Winans, Mignon
Winger, Debra
Winkelman, H. G.
Winnie the Pooh
oratorio, Niel
Winwood, Estelle
Wolders, Cemelia
Wolders, Robert ; Baroness van Heemstra and; and Breakfast
at Tiffany's
; and Capucine; and Dotti; and Ferrers' marital problems; finances of; and Finney; and
The Nun's Story
; and public appearances; and Sean Ferrer; and Spielberg movie; and Switzerland; views of

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