Read Aurora's Promise Online

Authors: Eve Jameson

Aurora's Promise (6 page)

BOOK: Aurora's Promise
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His first impulse was to tell her to trust him and leave it
at that. But so far there was nothing he’d learned about Aurora to indicate she
would submit to her mate’s commands simply because it was the right and
expected thing to do. Something they would have to work on.

“There is no out clause to what the gods and stars have
ordered,” he said instead.

“But what if this is a case of mistaken identity or the
whole thing turns out to be a huge, galactic-sized

An edge of panic had thinned her voice to a rasp. After
years of waiting for this moment he wanted to,
to, hold her so
close he’d never lose her again. But suddenly he felt as if he were holding a
tiny, fluttering bird in the palm of his hand. One primed for flight at the
slightest provocation but a creature too delicate to hold tightly without
crushing it.

“No mistake, my
,” he whispered, his voice low
and soothing. He used the ancient Ilyrian term of endearment, infusing it with
intent that loosed the magic of the word on his intended. “The moment I saw
you, Aurora, I knew you as the one I’d been meant for.” Her eyes widened as he
began a slow, deliberate rocking in and out of her sweet cunt. As beautiful as
her deep brown eyes were, he was tired of seeing fear swimming in their depths
and the urge to erase it completely from her mind was overwhelming.

“I can’t remember a day I haven’t looked for you, needed
you. You’ve been a promise written on my soul since the day I was born.” He
pushed into her deeper, knowing the truth of the words even as he spoke them.

“But what about love?”

Connyn could tell she was trying hard to concentrate, to
push back the sensations he was pressing on her. Even as passion glazed her
eyes, she continued to fight.

He’d had enough. He met her struggle with a long, dominating
kiss. Riding her body with the same hard intensity he filled the kiss with, he
didn’t let up until Aurora was writhing against him and moaning into his mouth.
Her nails scored his shoulders as she clung to him.

“There is no one else, Aurora, now or ever. Whether you call
it love, need, want, fate or destiny, it’s the same. You
my mate.”

Aurora’s eyes were half closed but only desire and
anticipation shimmered in them now. That he’d been able to wipe away her fear
and replace it with a need for the ecstasy he was bringing her filled him with
a soul-searing contentment.

“You believe in destiny? In fate?” Her words were soft,
passion slurred as she arched to take him in as far as her body would allow.

“Believe it?” Connyn shook his head in wonder that she could
even ask that question. His hair fell around them at his movement, curtaining
them in an intimate world of their own. “No, I don’t believe in it, my sweet
I depend on it.”

He took her ring hand in his and once more aligned them so
that the two intricately woven bands touched. “You were born to fulfill me, as
I was you. To secure the future of our world. Created by the gods to be given
to each other and guided by the stars to this moment.” When she didn’t respond,
he dipped his head to brush a gentle kiss across her lips. “Take me as your
mate, Aurora.”


“Yes.” The answer whispered over her lips before her
thoughts had a chance to form any sort of coherent thought. It was instinctive
and instantaneous. As she looked into his eyes, it was impossible
believe that everything he said was true. Who’d have thought the man had such
poetry in him? Lord knows she’d never have guessed. His words, his touch, they
wrapped her around and caught her, held her completely.

Her belief in fate and the depth of the unseen world around
her had always been a comfort and a reality in her life. The magic that ran so
deeply through her demanded it. Though her beliefs had never been put to this
kind of blind faith test, it all felt right. It wasn’t something she spoke
about often, but ever since she was just a little girl, she’d had this strong
belief in destiny, that things happened for a reason that might not always be
clear at first. And now that she’d just taken a running leap off the side of a
cliff with the wild expectation for fate and Connyn to catch her, she felt a
freedom that hadn’t been there since she’d lost her mother.

she was an emotionally driven woman,
understood this about herself and had worked very hard to curb that tendency.
And she’d managed to suppress it admirably, until Connyn. He could piss her off
with a word, turn her on with a look and was doing a damn good job of blasting
through every barrier she’d constructed to hold her emotions in check.

Relief and triumph mixed on his face. Propping himself up on
his left arm to lift some of his weight off her, he kissed the corner of her
mouth. “Say it,” he growled. “Say it all.”

“I take you as my mate, Connyn Kilth, for here and now and
into Ilyria.” She jerked as a shock shot from her finger through her body. “What
was that?”

“Part of the Mating Rite. A confirmation of the vows.”

“Vows?” Aurora didn’t get any more clarification as Connyn
took the opportunity of having her mouth open to fill it with his tongue in a
wet, highly erotic kiss. Two seconds later she no longer cared that she’d
reacted before her brain had weighed and measured her decision and sounded the
all-clear. She’d gone solely on impulse and a gut-wrenching feeling of
All thinking had been abandoned as sensation and emotion rolled through her
with the force and speed of a tidal wave.

Connyn gave her no chance to catch her breath or her wits as
he took her fast and hard. Keeping his hold on her left hand, he caught her
right hand as well and pinned both to the mattress above her head, interlacing
his fingers with hers. His kisses were a ruthless plundering of her mouth,
constant and demanding as he moved inside her. She wound her legs around him
and locked her ankles together behind his back to hold on while he pounded into
her, filling her and stretching her with every powerful thrust of his cock.

Sensation heightened as heat built and spiraled through her,
intensified by the inner power that she normally had a much better control of.
Right now, her lack of control ceased to matter. Closing her eyes, she flung
herself into the world of ecstasy her body had become. She squeezed her thighs
around his waist, arched to press her breasts harder against his chest and
licked frantically into his mouth, an unbridled need for more of his taste
driving her. That same wild spice smell of him she’d noticed in the parking lot
blazed through her blood, like incense laced with kerosene. Her fingers curled
around his, her muscles tightened and her breath hitched as she shook on the
sharp edge of climax.

Suddenly he lifted off her, taking his weight, warmth and
cock with him. “No!” She struggled to sit up and hold him in place with her
legs at the same time. He pushed her thighs apart and nipped her hip hard
enough to startle her.

“Be still,” he said and then slid down the bed until his
head was between her legs.

“Be still?” Her voice cracked loud in the dark room. “You’ve
got to be kidding me!”

She reached for him with the intention of tugging him back
up her body, but he caught her hands and flattened them high on her inner
thighs. He pushed her thumbs over her pussy lips and when they brushed the
sides of her clit, she gasped. With his thumbs guiding hers, he spread her
folds until her cunt was fully exposed.

“Hold yourself just like that.” The intensity of his demand
knifed a shuddering thrill through her.

She didn’t move her fingers from where he had placed them as
he released his hands and slid them under her ass. He started to lift her
toward his mouth and she bent her knees and drew them up to tilt her cunt
toward him for easier access. A fierce lust lit his eyes as his gaze moved from
her open sex, up her body to her face.

“Beautiful,” he whispered. Keeping his eyes locked with
hers, he turned slightly to skim a soft kiss over her inner thigh. His eyes
shone with the certainty that she was and always had been his to claim. The
force of his belief hit her with a soul-shaking impact, rolling over her with
the feeling of being wanted and taken completely.

“You are mine, Aurora. No mistake.” His eyes narrowed and
his voice deepened. “No. Going. Back.” The reality of his all-or-nothing
position shocked her.

She opened her mouth to dispute his all-encompassing claim,
but only a breathy rush of air came out as he pushed two long fingers deep
inside her. He twisted them, rubbing the pads of his fingertips against the
front wall of her vagina.

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god,” Aurora panted. When he
licked her clit, she closed her eyes, dropped her head back and moaned.

His fingers stopped moving, his mouth left her. Aurora’s
head snapped back up. “What?” She started to pull her hands away to sit up but
he pressed them back in place.

“No, keep your hands here.”

She did and he lifted her with his arm under her shoulders
to prop her up with the pillows on the bed so she was halfway sitting. Up on
his knees between her spread thighs, he brushed her hair off her face and then
slowly, seductively ran his thumb over her lower lip.

“I want you to watch me pleasure you, Aurora.” With a gentle
touch he traced the top slopes of her breasts, around her nipples and down her

The deep shadows of the room broken by the flashes of green
and pink neon added a surreal dimension to her seduction, making her feel like
she was starring in an erotic and strangely psychedelic film noir. Then there
was her leading man, and good god, the man was
His hair
streamed over broad shoulders and amazing arms. Heaven help her but tight,
muscled biceps on a man who bunched with strength whenever he moved curled her
toes with wanting quicker than a handsome face or a promising package. Connyn’s
arms were amazing. She glanced down and her heart skipped a beat. His stomach
was hard and ripped and his package was far past promising. She blinked. Oh
past promising.

He circled her navel with his fingertip before tracing a
path through her curls. When he finally reached the top of her slit, he added
extra pressure, letting her know that he’d stopped there on purpose. The heel
of his hand hovered over her pussy, making her clit throb to be touched. Her
lips parted on a needy breath as her gaze moved back up to meet his.
Flint-edged lust sharpened his features and cut through the few remaining
threads of apprehension holding her back from totally surrendering to his

“I don’t—o
,” she moaned as he pushed two fingers
deep into her cunt.

Taking a deep breath, she licked her lips and decided
talking was unnecessary when he started to pull her juices out of her on his
fingers to spread them around her pussy. He took his time stroking her and the
intensity with which he watched her was as erotic as his touch on her body.
Being the single, absolute focus of a man intent on making her body submit to
the deepest pleasure that he could press on it had Aurora’s mind spinning like
an old-fashioned child’s top. The kind that whirled so fast the colors and
design blurred together into a single dizzying rainbow moving too fast to

Connyn thrust his fingers in deep again, his expression
bordering on arrogance. Harsh pleasure and triumph etched his face. She wanted
to challenge that superior attitude, bring the man down a notch or—”Oh god! Oh

she cried as he pulled his fingers out and immediately eased one into her anus.
Suddenly his attitude wasn’t important.

His finger pushed in deeper as he lowered himself down to
rest on his elbows and then with his other hand slid two fingers into her
pussy. Propped up as she was, she had an amazingly sensual view of what he was
doing to her. She was still holding herself open for him, an erotically blatant
invitation for him to do as he would which he was taking full advantage of.
With his mouth just inches above her clit while his fingers twisted and stroked
both inside her cunt and ass, Aurora could hardly breathe.

When he licked her clit, a bolt of pleasure cut through her
and she jammed her heels into the bed and arched her back. It was a slight
movement given how she was propped up, but it lifted her pussy up in offering
and entreaty so obviously needy she’d have been embarrassed had she not been
pushed past the point of caring. His eyes narrowed at her action, his fingers
stilling. He blew a soft, cool stream of air over her clit as he pressed the
fingers from both hands toward each other deep inside her separate passages. A
stuttering whimper worked out of her throat.

“The two of us together, Aurora, is
a mistake.
You are mine.” For a world-stopping moment, he held Aurora’s gaze and she felt
it to her core. Whatever came after, she knew that his words and the belief
behind them had driven deep into her heart. And then he took her fully into his

” The muscles in her thighs and stomach
clenched, coiled tight with ecstasy-building tension. Connyn twisted his
fingers in deep while his tongue flicked and laved. A roaring rush of sensation
flamed through her body, bringing her to the violent edge of an unimagined
ecstasy and making her want
above anything else in this life.

She let go of her thighs and curled over to tunnel her
fingers through his hair at his temples, trying to pull him back. This amount
of pleasure was too intense. It drew her too close to a staggering blaze that
held the ability to melt her soul into his. A mating was one thing. Losing
herself within this man to the point she’d forget her true purpose of being
with him in the first place—that was unacceptable. She couldn’t let him sink so
far into her soul that he’d be able to wield enough power to ruin the plans she
and her sisters were depending on so desperately.

BOOK: Aurora's Promise
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