Autumn Bliss (20 page)

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Authors: Stacey Joy Netzel

BOOK: Autumn Bliss
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Hurt morphed to anger, flaring white hot through her body. She spun away, yanking on the sheet to take it with her. “So, what was this, a quick lay to send me off?”

“Don’t.” His hand clamped on her arm, his hold borderline painful as he forced her to look at him. His eyes flashed with resentment. “Don’t you dare cheapen what we just shared. I may not have intended for this to happen when I came over here, but I don’t regret it either.”

“Of course you don’t.”

She jerked free and turned her back again. She was being unfair, but couldn’t seem to help herself. Right now, being really pissed off was the only thing keeping her heart from shattering into a thousand pieces.

“Hold on—how am I suddenly the bad guy here? I wanted to talk, remember?
pushed this, not me.”

Humiliation burned in her face.
Stay mad—then you won’t cry.
“And yet you had condoms.”

“I’ve been carrying condoms since the day after we painted.”

“Such a boy scout,” she sneered as she finally succeeded in yanking the sheet free from the bed. “Lucky for you I was so easy.”

“Damn it, Mallory, stop it,” he exploded.

She swung around with a twinge of alarm, only to see him standing by the bed as he pulled his briefs back on.

They faced off across the bed. She wanted back in his arms so bad her body trembled.

“Don’t you see?” he ground out. “You’ve said all along you couldn’t wait to get the hell out of this town. What, were you going to change your mind
You’re already packed.”

She opened her mouth to say
I want to stay,
but couldn’t force the words out.

Get out,
her mother’s voice screamed in her head.
Don’t look back.

His gaze narrowed. “Where you?”

What if she could be happy here with him?
What if…
“What if I did? Change my mind, I mean.”

Alarm flashed in his expression and he immediately shook his head. “No. You need to go. You need to see what else is out there for you or you’ll always wonder.”

“And you’re such an expert on life, hiding out here at the lodge.”

His jaw tensed. “I’ve already figured out where I fit, you haven’t. That’s why you need this. That’s why I…I want you to go.”

Those last five words reached in, grabbed hold of her heart, and squeezed so hard her breath caught at the pain. “You
me to go?”

He nodded, though he didn’t look happy. Actually, he looked pretty damn miserable.


“Mallory, you
to go.”

She couldn’t get past the fact he’d openly admitted he wanted her to leave. Less than ten minutes after sleeping with her, he was telling her to get out of his life.

She bent to gather her clothes, but when the tears she’d been valiantly fighting started to gain a foothold on her tattered emotions, she quickly straightened again.

“You’re right. After this,” she gestured to the bed, “I definitely need to go.” She lifted her chin as her vision blurred. “And so do you. Get out.”


Get. Out
.” Hot tears spilled over her lashes, burned down her face. She didn’t bother to wipe them as she glared at him.

Jaw set, he snagged his jeans and shirt from the floor and dressed in silence. She watched every move he made even as the pain in her chest swelled with each heavy beat of her heart. Words battered her tightly compressed lips, but she held them in—until he picked up his boots and moved toward the door.

She took an involuntary step forward. “Levi.”

He paused in the bedroom doorway, but didn’t turn back.

“It didn’t have to be like this,” she whispered, her throat raw. “All you had to do was ask.”

His spine stiffened, but he didn’t say a word as he left.

Mallory sank down onto the bed, her hand wrapped in the sheet and stuffed into her mouth to stifle her sobs.


Chapter 24


Walking away from her was the hardest thing he’d ever intentionally done. And he’d wondered every day—every minute—of the past three weeks if he hadn’t made the biggest mistake of his life.

He’d finally bought a cell phone two weeks ago. A half-dozen times since then, he’d walked into the lodge to ask Janelle for Mallory’s cell phone number. A half-dozen times he’d turned away from her office and ended up at the gift shop. He left each time with a cup of coffee and a slip of paper from the goodwill jar.

Each saying, whether written by Mallory’s hand or a stranger’s, made him feel like he was still connected to her in some small way. They also helped balance out her voice in his head. Positive messages to silence her accusation of hiding from life at the lodge.

Until this morning.

He stood on the patio, the cold air biting at his lungs. The first snowflakes of the season fell silently around him as he read the words on the piece of paper in his shaking hands.

There is only one thing that remains to us, that cannot be taken away: to act with courage and dignity and to stick to the ideals that have given meaning to life. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru

Four words burned hotter than the poker that’d scarred his flesh in an Afghan cell.

To act with courage

His pulse pounded loud in his ears as the truth hit hard.

She was absolutely right. He was hiding here like a damn coward. He hadn’t asked her to stay because he was terrified of not being enough for her. But he’d never know if he didn’t take a risk, act with courage, and ask her.

A nudge against the back of his knee alerted him to Daisy’s arrival. He twisted slightly and absently reached down to pet the top of her head. “Hey gir—”

His voice froze with his hand. It was Duke who stood looking up at him with those light blue eyes, not Daisy. His heart thudded at the significance of the male husky standing close enough for him to touch.

Slowly, he finished extending his hand. The dog allowed one stroke before backing away with a low

Then he trotted a short distance away as Daisy came around the corner of the coffee shop. Still dumbfounded, Levi set his cup on a nearby table and squatted down to pet her, but his focus remained on Duke.

Unflinching, the dog held his gaze, almost as if to say,
if I can do it, so can you.

He swallowed past the lump in his throat as a second realization surfaced. Mallory had been right, but he hadn’t been completely wrong. He may have been afraid to ask her to stay, but she’d still needed to go.

And now that she had gone, there was nothing saying he couldn’t ask her to come back.

His pulse gave an excited skip. After giving Daisy a hug and one last quick ruffle on the neck, he stood and reached for his coffee. “Thanks, buddy,” he said to Duke before heading inside.

A drop of moisture on his ear had him running a hand through his hair to brush away the melting snowflakes. Lowering his arm, he paused in the doorway of Mark’s office when he saw his boss holding Hazel. Janelle sat nearby, one hip propped on a corner of the desk as they talked and she watched the two play. The red-headed baby giggled and grabbed for her daddy’s nose each time he drew back from blowing raspberries against her neck.

She was now almost six months old, and the heart-warming scene made him smile even as longing for his own family surged forward. He and Mallory would make beautiful babies—if he could convince her to speak to him again.

After the way they’d parted, that was a

His soft knock drew Mark’s gaze as his wife swiveled toward the door. They both welcomed him in, and he entered the room to grip the back of a chair with his free hand.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping to speak with Mark.”

Janelle reached for the baby at the same time Mark handed her off. They exchanged a quick look before she said, “No problem.” Halfway to the door, she stopped and turned back as Hazel played patty-cake on her chest. “Everything’s okay, right? You’re not leaving or anything?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not leaving.”

Relief edged her smile. “Okay, good.”

Levi watched her go, then forced himself to turn back and meet the major’s gaze dead on. Interest sharpened his already curious gaze.

This was the easy part. “I’d like to ask if I could take a more active role in the work I do for you here at Whispering Pines.”

Mark smiled as he gestured to the chair. “Sounds like we have a lot to talk about. Have a seat.”

An hour later, he left the office, excited about the possibilities they’d discussed to get him more involved in the lodge’s charity operations and the community of Pulaski. Merely existing in his life was no longer an option.

One down, two to go

The snow fell harder as he left the lodge in his truck shortly after nine a.m. Right after the festival, temperatures had taken a nose dive, so the heavy, wet flakes stuck to everything, making the roads snow-covered and slippery as he pressed his foot on the gas pedal.

He was barely a mile out of town and had just passed a side road when red and blue lights flashed in the corner of his eye. The wail of a siren followed. A quick check of his speedometer registered sixty-five miles per hour, and a glance in the rearview confirmed the squad car behind him.

. The speed limit was fifty-five. Muttering a few more choice curses under his breath, he slowed to pull off onto the shoulder. He really didn’t have time for this.

He leaned to pull his wallet from his back pocket when he caught a glimpse of the approaching officer in the side mirror. He rolled down his window with a curious grunt and a whole lot of suspicion.

Unsmiling, Shane Parker crossed his arms over his broad chest. “First snow of the season, Jenkins, the roads are getting slick. Where you going in such a hurry?”

The man’s glare and use of his last name told Levi he probably knew more of what happened between him and his sister than he’d like. “To see you, actually.”

Surprise registered in his brown eyes. “Why’s that?”

“I wanted to see how Mallory’s doing.”

His gaze narrowed. “So call her.”

“I don’t have her number.”

He uncrossed his arms and braced one hand on the edge of the door. “Well, I talked to her last night and she’s doing great. Loves her new job. Loves her co-workers. Loves the city even more.”

Levi winced as doubt crept in. She’d never once said she loved him. His right hand flexed on the steering wheel as he stared through the windshield.

“Then again, you know Mal.”

Shane’s tone brought Levi’s head around.

The cop squinted down the road, then swung his gaze back to Levi. “Always putting up a good front with that positive attitude of hers.”

He allowed the smallest of grins with his relief. “Yeah. I’ve seen it a time or two.”

“Figured you did.” The guy cocked an eyebrow. “Question is, what are you going to do about it?”

“That’s why I was coming to see you. I need a favor.”

“Name it.”

Five minutes later, he lifted a hand as Shane shut off his lights and headed into town. Snow melted on the truck’s windshield, and he watched the flakes riding the rivulets down the glass while contemplating his next move.

To act with courage

Easier to say than put into action. He set his cell phone on the passenger seat, shifted the truck into drive, and swung around in a U-turn.

Two down, one to go, but he wasn’t quite ready to dial that number.


Chapter 25


Mallory flipped the deadbolt, dropped her keys on the table near the door, and her bag on the floor. This past week had been even longer than the first two, and as much as she was enjoying the job, she was exhausted. It was almost eight o’clock on a Friday evening and she wanted nothing more than to sit in her apartment and be away from the hustle and bustle for two whole days.

Minneapolis was nothing like the quiet of Pulaski, where a person could still hear themselves think. She missed the peacefulness of the lake at the lodge. She missed a lot of things, and telling herself she simply needed time to adjust to her new life didn’t hold as much weight as it had the first week.

Not more than two steps into her living room, and a knock sounded behind her.

She retraced her steps to check the peephole. When she saw her small, elderly neighbor from next door, she unlocked the door and opened it with a warm smile. “Hi, Mrs. Lewis. How was your day?”

“Good. And I’m glad to see you’re remembering to check before you open.”

“Got the deadbolt, too.”

“Good girl.”

Mallory’s gaze dropped to the square brown package in the older woman’s hands.

“Oh, right, this came for you a little while ago.” She handed it over. “The delivery man left it outside your door, but I didn’t want someone to steal it.”

“Thank you.”

As she frowned at the empty space where the return address should be, Mrs. Lewis said, “Well, dear, I’ll let you be.”

Mallory stepped back and swung the door wider. She knew the woman was lonely. They’d shared coffee a couple times already, and it was nice to have a friend nearby. Her only friend so far in the big city.

“Would you like to come in?”

“No, thank you. My show is on in a few minutes. Maybe tomorrow. Good night.”

“’Night.” She closed the door, dead-bolted it again, and then slowly walked down the hallway with the mysterious box. It wasn’t heavy, but when she gave it a light shake, she could hear something moving inside.

Setting it on the kitchen counter, she reached into the refrigerator to grab a bottle of ice tea. As she shut the door, her gaze caught on the lonely slip of paper she’d stuck up with a magnet. She traced her finger over the words, closed her eyes, and replayed the memory of Levi’s first smile in her mind.

God, she missed him.

Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Sometimes she managed to get lost in her work, but the ache in her heart never left.

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