Autumn in London (8 page)

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Authors: Louise Bay

Tags: #Nightmare

BOOK: Autumn in London
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I’d never experienced the Ethan that I’d seen today. He seemed on the verge of losing control. Maybe it shouldn’t have been, but it was hot.

I felt a breeze over my sex as I lay there, exposed, my ass in the air. I knew he was looking at me, watching me ready for him. I had to stifle a moan at the thought. He’d brought me to the brink with his tongue and then stopped. I wanted to scream at him in frustration but I also wanted to give him what he wanted, what he seemed to need. He was trying to deal with his frustration by punishing me. Maybe I shouldn’t have been, but I was okay with that. I wanted to give him everything.

His large hands covered my ass and the bed dipped behind me. I stayed still. I knew I shouldn’t break position. I was his to do with what he wanted.

He ran a finger from my clit to my ass and I bit down on the comforter to stop from showing my pleasure.

“I can feel you, so ready for me, Anna. But this isn’t about your pleasure.” He growled and then thrust into me and pulled out straight away.

My heart was pounding and all I could focus on was him. His voice felt like it was coming from inside me, as if I were a part of him and him a part of me. He thrust again and my hands gripped the bedcovers.

“You feel this?” he asked, pushing in to me again and then starting a relentless rhythm. “You feel what my dick can do to you?”

I gasped in response.

“No one can do this to you, can they Anna? No one fucks you like I do?”

“No. No one.” I gulped.

“You can’t help yourself can you? You come so easily with my dick inside you. But not yet. I’m not going to let you come yet, do you hear me?”

His words sent sweet sensations to my clit and I knew that with a few more of his punishing strokes my orgasm would overtake me.

“Answer me,” he growled.

“Ethan, I’m . . .” I was close and I couldn’t stop, it was like a freight train hurtling toward me. And then he was gone. He was no longer inside me and his hands had left my hips. A small whimper escaped me along with my orgasm.

I collapsed flat on my front as Ethan went into the bathroom.

Shit, he was really pissed at me. A loud bang came from the behind the door and I scrabbled to my feet and across the room, poking my head around the door.

Ethan was sitting on the edge of the bath, his head in his hands, his knuckles scrapped.

I knelt in front of him, placing my hands on his thighs. “I’m sorry,” I said softly.

He didn’t look at me. “You’re angry because I kept something important from you. And although I didn’t lie, I should have told you when you asked me and I’m sorry.”

“It’s more than that,” he replied.

My heart lurched. What was he going to say? That he couldn’t get past it? A fleeting thought of him leaving filled me with dread.

“Tell me.” It was all I could manage.

“I hate the thought of you with someone else. Anyone else.”

It wasn’t what I was expecting and my dread gave way to warmth.

“I’m not with anyone else. I’m not sure I ever have been.” Ethan was different. I knew that, right at that moment.

His eyes lifted to mine, as if trying to see more of me. I wanted him to see inside me. I meant what I’d said to Ethan. Men before him were irrelevant to me. Time before him was irrelevant to me.

He traced a thumb across my cheek. “This is difficult, I feel like I’m fucking this up.”

Too difficult?
“I only want you, Ethan. I’ve only ever been looking for you and you’re not going to mess this up—I won’t let you. And you’ve got to stop me from messing this up, too.”

He looked pained and his hands dropped to my shoulders. I took one of his hands in mine and kissed the knuckle.

“What did you do?” I whispered.

“It’s fine,” he said.

“Don’t go punching walls. Talk to me. As much as you want me to communicate to you, it’s got to work both ways. We’re still getting to understand each other, it’s going to be lumpy but you were right when you said that talking things out is the way through the bumps.”

He nodded. I stood up and held out my hand for him to take it. Instead he pulled me toward him and wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my chest. I kissed him on the head and pushed my fingers through his hair.

We stayed there for long minutes, things settling between us. We had revealed new and hidden parts of ourselves today. Not deliberately, but fundamentally. We lay exposed and vulnerable. As if we had just climbed to the summit of a mountain, it felt like we needed time to recover and recuperate before we got up and enjoyed the view.

Eventually Ethan stood and led me back to bed and we lay our limbs intertwined and our bodies as close as they could be, reassuring ourselves and each other.

Ethan kissed the top of my head. “I’m sorry for overreacting,” he said.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I do. I underestimated you, me, us. I tried to punish you.”

“Ethan, you fucking me will never be a punishment. It’s all pleasure.”

He pulled me closer. “Are we okay?”

“We’re more than okay.”

“Can I fuck you properly now?” he grinned at me and I laughed at him.

“Anytime baby.”

Before the words were out of my mouth he had my body pinned to the mattress with his hips, his hard-on pressed against my thigh, his lips on my neck.

“I’ve left a mark,” he said.

“Always,” I replied, my hands trailing down his back.

He brought his head up to look at me. “I’m serious, Anna. Your neck.”

“It’s fine. I like it.”

“You like it?” He cocked his eyebrow at me.

“I do. It says that I belong to you.”

“Jesus, you’re making me hard.”

“And I like that as well,” I said as he started to rub himself up and down my thigh, getting higher and closer.

“You do?”

I nodded. He nudged at my entrance and I brought my legs up around his hips.

“You’re insatiable,” he said, trailing his cock up to my clitoris. I arched against him.

“Only for you,” I whispered.

I grabbed a condom from the bedside table and he quickly sheathed his erection.

He plunged into me and stilled, filling me body and mind. He pressed himself close to me, his forehead against mine, and moved slowly, pressing deeper and deeper. His weight on me made me feel safe and protected, his hands under my shoulders were pushing me toward him. The heat and sweat built between us, intermingling.

“Anna,” he breathed into my mouth and I dug my heels into his bottom, urging him closer to me. I thought it couldn’t get better between us but this was different, closer, more intimate. I reached for his face and trailed across my fingers his cheekbones.

“Ethan,” I whispered back.

It washed over me. Love. I loved him. All of a sudden, I was clear—all the emotions of the day had coming crashing down because I was trying to squash what we had together—what I felt for him. I was in love with this man. The beautiful man that was above me, inside me. “Ethan.” I didn’t say what my whole body felt. Today had been complicated enough. There would be time.

I brushed my lips against his and squeezed my muscles around him and he groaned. I loved to hear what my body could do to him—it was such a turn on. My nipples hardened against his chest, dragging across his skin as he shifted above me. His pace quickened but his movements were still small and intense. His muscles clenched as if her were putting every ounce of his energy into his small movements.

He circled his hips slightly and my moan caught in my throat. He watched me as I held my breath. He thrust again and again, reaching farther and farther inside and then we were both there. Right at the same time, in that white light, together, watching each other.

His body was rigid for a few long seconds and then he collapsed onto me, his head against my neck—panting, licking, sucking.

“Fuck, beautiful,” he growled breathlessly.

My breathing slowed “Hmmm” was all I could manage and I trailed my fingertips up and down his spine. I wanted him to stay on top of me like that forever.

Chapter Nine


After that, things were still complicated but easier. Our relationship was everything it should be. What was between us was more than just a summer fling or a holiday romance—our hearts were open to each other.

My flat sold but I only went back with Ethan to pack things up. I didn’t stay there again. I moved some of my things to Ethan’s rented apartment and the rest I put in storage.

I should have started looking for a new place but that meant thinking about the future and what I wanted to do. I’d agreed with Ethan that for the first time ever, I was going to live in the present. I wasn’t going to worry about the future. In the present Ethan was in London and that’s exactly where I wanted to be. I didn’t want to fast forward this relationship—the thought of him meeting my parents, or us moving in together properly, the thought of him as a father, us married—all that stuff that I used to think about with previous boyfriends, I couldn’t let myself think about with Ethan. All that mattered was the here and now.

I managed to extract myself from working directly for Ethan, claiming I was too busy with another client’s work and my excuse wasn’t questioned. There were plenty of people lining up to take my place, wanting to impress the New York office. It was easier like that. I could separate work Ethan from my Ethan. Well, most of the time I could separate them. Every now and then we would pass each other in the corridor and our eyes would slam together and my underwear dampened and I knew he would be fighting a hard-on.

Our sexual attraction to each other didn’t dip, not even for a second. He was inside me every chance he got and he was right when he said I was insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of him. My body ached for him in the evenings while I waited for him to emerge from the office. Ethan worked hard, too hard. He always worked later than I did. He came home, it felt like our home, exhausted and stressed and I would pour him a whiskey, which we inevitably ended up sharing and then he would have me. My body was his. I would often be shuddering with anticipation by the time we were naked, as if his body was something I got to experience rarely, rather than every day, several times a day. Each time was better than the last as we fell deeper and deeper into each other.

Friday evening Ethan and I left at a similar time, earlier than the rest of the week, wanting to extend our weekend together to as long as possible. Even when we did leave the office at similar times, we never left together. No one at work knew we were together—it was against the rules. The other associates speculated about Ethan’s love life and there were various rumors about an American girlfriend or a British gay lover. I listened, unconcerned. I was pleased they didn’t know Ethan. I wanted to keep him for myself.

As I let myself into the flat, Ethan stood facing away from me, staring out the window, his forehead pressed against the glass. He turned as I closed the door and smiled at me. A tired smile, but a smile nonetheless.


“Hey, beautiful.” How did she manage to look so fucking amazing all the time? My cock stirred just at the sight of her. It had never occurred to me that I could remain physically attracted to a woman for this long. And the sex between us only got better. She seemed to know my body so exactly, she knew when to squeeze, bite, moan and beg for maximum impact. All these weeks later, I still had to concentrate on not getting a hard-on when I saw her in the corridors at work. Especially when she shot me that look. The look that made me feel like I really was her god. Fuck.

“Hey, my gorgeous man,”

I needed her right now. I needed her body to soothe my mind. Work was a bitch at the moment and it wasn’t getting easier. Trying to manage the London politics and hold on to my US clients meant I was working long hours. Anna hadn’t said anything but I wondered if she got pissed off at the lack of time I could spend with her, especially during the week. I bet her previous boyfriends had more time for her.

“Whiskey?” she asked.

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen.

“You look fucking amazing . . . but you know that.” My eyes trailed over her perfect ass, covered by the tight red fabric of her dress.

“I don’t know that. I’m glad you think so.”

I stood behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head into her neck as she fixed two whiskeys.

“Do we have plans this weekend, other than for me to make you come over and over and over?” I asked.

“I like that plan.” She relaxed her body into me my dick pressing against her. How long would I have to wait before I was inside her? “I guess I should really arrange some property viewings.”

That was the last thing I wanted to do—schlep around London, looking at her future without me. Fuck that. I had hoped she would consider coming back to New York with me, but if she was still talking about buying a place here, she wasn’t thinking along the same lines. And I couldn’t raise it. We didn’t talk about the future, we had agreed to live in the here and now and I had to honor that.

“I thought we had dinner with Daniel and Leah?” I wanted off the new apartment subject. My teeth pressed into the flesh of her neck and she tipped her head to give me easier access.

“Yes, tomorrow night.”

My teeth sunk deeper and Anna moaned and grasped the back of my neck. She enjoyed me marking her, and I took full advantage. I slid my hands up to cup her tits and I pushed them together. I imagined my dick buried between them and pressed harder into her.

“Work’s made you horny I see,” Anna breathed.

make me horny. Nothing and no one else.” I wanted Anna to have no doubt that there was no one else but her for me. I never got the feeling that she needed my reassurance but I wanted to give it to her all the same.

My hands dropped from her tits to her hips and I slid her skirt up. Fuck, she was wearing stockings again. I’d warned her about that.

“Anna,” I said admonishingly.

“But I didn’t see you at all today to distract you, so what’s the problem?”

“Then why?”

“Because I know what it does to you. And I like that thought.”

I’d dropped my pants—my dick wasn’t going to survive for long without her around it. I reached across her stomach and pulled her toward me. “Bend over beautiful. I curled my hand around her neck and pushed her down against the kitchen counter.

“You managed to put panties on. That’s a compromise I suppose.” I tugged down the lace and they pooled at her heeled feet. My fingers trailed back to her delicious pussy. I wanted to be in her as quickly as I could, but I wanted her to be ready.

“Fuck, you are soaking wet, beautiful.”

She whimpered an answer, I couldn’t tell what she was saying, as long as it was stop or no, I didn’t really give a shit and by the way she felt, she was saying anything but stop. The way she got so wet for me was a complete turn on. Sometimes I wondered if she spent her time in a permanent state of semi-arousal, ready for my dick on a moment’s notice. Jesus.

I trailed my dick along her folds and she shuddered as she lay out in front of me, waiting for me to slam into her. I parted the cheeks of her perfect ass. She glistened for me, the pink, puckered flesh above winking at me. I’d never touched her there. But it seemed so ready for me. I hardened further at the thought. Just the slightest touch. My fingers replaced my dick, sweeping up and down her folds once, then twice and then, coated in her arousal, I edged higher.

“Ethan,” she said. I read curiosity rather than fear in her voice. I trailed around the puckered opening with my wet fingers and gently stroked. “Ethan,” she said again, the pleasure breaking through her curiosity. I reached around her with my other hand and found her clit “Ethan, Jesus, fuck.” She bucked and threw herself back against me, impaling herself on my finger. She gasped and gripped at me and we both stilled. I hadn’t meant to go as far.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded but didn’t speak and I didn’t move. My finger still buried halfway inside her ass, my other thumb on her clit. She exhaled and her hands relaxed slightly against my arms. My heart was thumping in my chest and my blood pounding in my ears but I kept as still as I could. Slowly, she started to move, I assumed at first she was trying to remove my finger from her ass but as she rolled her hips, it was clear she wasn’t moving away from me, she was pulling me in deeper. I groaned at the realization that she was enjoying it.

“You like that, beautiful?” I asked as I pushed farther into her and circled in tiny movements.

She was panting as she nodded, as if she had too much to concentrate on. I was as hard as I’d ever been in my life, watching her ass fucking my finger, her pussy dripping wet. Before I could finish my next thought, she verbalized it for me.

“I want you inside me,” she gasped. “Quickly, Ethan, please.”

This beautiful, sexy, insatiable girl would be my undoing.

“You want me in your tight pussy while I finger fuck your perfect ass?”

“Ethan!” She screamed as I pushed my dick and my finger into her at the same time. She fell forward, her hands slamming on the counter top as I slammed into her, again and again.

Jesus, the feel of her all around me, clamping around my dick and my finger, I couldn’t hold back, I wanted to get deeper, closer and I pounded again and again until her pussy contracted in the beginnings of her orgasm. She snapped her head back and her fingers gripped the counter. She was almost there.

She no longer resisted me right before she started to come. She didn’t try to escape the inevitable. She gave into it. Gave into me. She knew she had no choice but to come for me. She pulsed around me and then she sucked in a deep breath, there she was, right at the edge. I pulled my finger out sharply and she gasped.

With both hands on her hips, I concentrated on fucking every last drop of orgasm out of her before pouring myself into her. Again and again I thrust into her and as I saw her body slump, my head spun and my orgasm took me over.

Fuck she was beautiful, and she was mine.

My cheek rested on her back as I came back to earth. God, I needed her naked and wrapped around me right now. Slowly I withdrew and threw the condom in the garbage. Her elbows rested on the counter top and she was still trying to catch her breath.

She turned to look at me, her hair tousled, looking as amazing as she had ever had and I kissed her on her lips. “You’re amazing,” I whispered in her ear.

amazing,” she whispered back to me and I led her to the bedroom, picking up an orange shopping bag I’d brought home with me.

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