Available [Marked 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (21 page)

BOOK: Available [Marked 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Ryan was chilled at the knowledge.
Poor Bradley
. “So why were we targeted if they were after Bradley?”

“They were going to kill off me, Gray, you, and Regan and have the other Alpha step in to take over the territory. It would give them enough wolves and land to muscle out the Circle’s enforcers and continue the operation. They were basically going to wage a silent war on the Circle and push them out. It’s un-fucking-believable. I can’t believe this happened so close to home and we didn’t even realize it. Thank God you had Dean investigate this.”

Ryan swallowed at how close he came to losing his lover. “I didn’t tell him about his past. Did you?”

Mustang hesitated. “Sort of. He shifted when you started flipping out from the poison. Alder came into the house to finish you both off. Dean was tailing him at the time but wasn’t sure what was up yet. Your mate saved your life.”

“Fuck.” That was the only adequate word to describe what he was feeling. Relief, fear, anger that he hadn’t given his lover fair warning about the wolf inside him that their meeting had woken up after a twenty-something-year slumber rushed through him all at once.

“He’s okay,” Mustang said. “He’s taking it much better than I expected him to, to be honest. You’ll have to teach him the finer points, but he has the instincts down pat. I think the reason is because, despite being dormant, his wolf was always a part of him. It’s probably why he recognized you as his mate before you did.”

“His ‘Force,’ the thing inside him who told him things,” Ryan said, making the connection. His persistent mate, his beautiful submissive. “I should have told him when you told me. He’s probably going to be mad at me for keeping it from him.”

“I’d be madder if it wasn’t the coolest thing ever,” his mate’s voice interrupted his mental ass kicking. “A heads-up would’ve been nice, but under the circumstances, I’ll let it slide this time.” He looked up and saw his mate lounging in the doorway, looking calm and collected as ever. The strain showed in the dark circles under his hazel eyes and in the stiff way he pushed off the doorway and walked gingerly into the room. At least his spirit hadn’t suffered under the attack. “How you feeling?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Ryan really wanted him closer.

“Like I got hit by a truck. How about you?” Ryan asked.

“I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll finish debriefing you after you get your cuddle time in, man,” Mustang interrupted, pushing himself to his feet. “Make Bradley rest as well. His stitches need a break.”

“Hey,” Bradley protested. “I just got done resting them.”

Mustang smirked and let himself out of the room without another word. Ryan tugged on Bradley’s wrist to get his attention. “He’s right you know. You need to rest up the stitches.” He dreaded the answer to the question he had to know. “How bad was it?”

Bradley shrugged delicately. “Fourteen stitches on the back of my neck and back. It’s not insignificant, but it wasn’t too bad. I’m still a little stiff and sore, but that’s okay. Shifting back helped.”

“It will. Something with the transformation repairs cells. I’ll feel better when I’m well enough to shift back and forth. Silver is a bitch to get over though. I’m glad you’re all right, and thanks for saving me,” Ryan said, tugging his lover down so that he could kiss him properly. He pressed their lips together and made sure he didn’t break it until both of them were a little breathless.

“I was so scared I was going to lose you,” Bradley murmured, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s body so that they were as close as possible. “I mean, we came really close to an ending without good-bye. You know?”

Ryan’s throat tightened at the thought. “Yeah. I know, sweet. But you did well. You defended your Master when he couldn’t defend himself. You guarded our house and acted just as you should’ve. You saved us all, my beautiful strong sub boy.”

They stayed that way for a long time, holding one another and letting their wolves’ shadows merge and mingle. Ryan was almost asleep when Bradley next spoke. “I’ve been a wolf all this time huh?”

“It looks that way,” Ryan said, giving his lover a light squeeze. “Your mother told Alpha that she didn’t want anything to do with you anymore after the old Alpha ‘killed’ your wolf. She had no way to know that your wolf just went into hiding. Things like that are unheard of.”

“I’m glad,” Bradley whispered after a moment. “I’m glad I’m a wolf. I knew we were mates.”

Ryan chuckled. “Stubborn boy, yes. We are. Forever and ever and all that jazz.” Speaking of which…“Bradley?”

“Yes, Sir?”

“I love you.” He managed to get the words out without hyperventilating which was a good sign. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. I think I’ve loved you from day one. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

Bradley kissed his hospital gown-clad chest. “Yeah, well, I’m more stubborn than you are.” The minx. “I love you, too, Ryan. I always have.”

There would be a lot to do when Ryan recovered. He wanted a collaring ceremony, an official claiming, fuck, a wedding, too, just because he needed to express this feeling inside him. He didn’t want to leave any doubts in anyone’s mind that Bradley was his. No, they weren’t super traditional, and Bradley wasn’t exactly an average sub boy, but that was what made them perfect for one another. The awareness that for the first time in his life things were exactly as they needed to be settled into his skin, washing away his worries for the future. He would do whatever was needed to make this work for both of them. He kissed his lover’s forehead. And if he ever lost sight of his goal, he was sure his sub would be all too happy to tell him how to get back on track.



“Exquisite,” Christian Svengard said, motioning to the center piece of the collection, Bradley’s pride and joy,
. He’d only finished it a few nights previously after a whipping session with his Master had led to hellishly good inspiration. “You have a promising future ahead of you, Bradley.”

Bradley beamed at the words. Christian had dropped by the studio unexpectedly to collect the pieces he’d bought from Bradley for his new hotel in Amsterdam. “Thank you. I hope my professors are as enthusiastic about the showing as you are.” He still had all summer to get the collection in order and arrange it, but still. He was nervous about the whole thing. It had been almost three weeks since that awful day when Bradley had gotten out of the shower to find Ryan near death on the kitchen floor and fought his would-be assassin until help arrived. They had been the best weeks of his life. He reached up to touch the golden chain with a matching lock that dangled from his throat. Everything was just as it should be for the first time in his life.

Christian nodded his head, his light eyes almost glowing with enthusiasm. “I’m sure they will. I have big plans for you either way. When the series completes, I want the whole lot. I don’t know what has encouraged this passion, but I hope it continues.”

Bradley was still hung up on the “I want the whole lot” bit of the sentence, so Christian’s statements about passion went completely over his head. “I, uh, wow. Thank you.”

A familiar voice interrupted whatever other stuttered reply Bradley was forming. “I hope that his passion only grows with time.” Bradley turned to see Ryan standing just inside the studio door, a dozen roses in hand.

Christian chuckled. “Ah, so here arrives the reason behind the intensity in the art. Very nice.” He took three strides in Ryan’s direction and stretched out his hand for a shake. “Christian Svengard.”

Ryan gripped his hand in what looked like a firm shake. “Ryan Adamson. You’re the guy my Bradley has been telling me about.” The thrill that shot through Bradley over the possessive way Ryan said “my” should have made him embarrassed, but it didn’t. He’d waited too long to hear those words to be upset about them. “You buy his work?”

“Indeed, I do,” Christian said. “Bradley Gage is soon to be a name synonymous with sex on canvas if I have anything to say about it. They can hang a master’s degree from wherever. The boy has more raw talent in one pinky than most struggling artists do in their entire bodies. I’m afraid if he goes off to some fancy school they’ll try to rein that in. If his muse is here, I’d love for him to stay here.”

“I think I can guarantee he won’t be going anywhere for a while,” Ryan said, grinning and winking in Bradley’s direction. Bradley smiled. They’d discussed the possibility at length, and it had been decided that Bradley would stay in town, work part-time at Howlers, and work on his art the rest of the time. With the connections Bradley was making in the industry, there wasn’t really a reason to move after graduation even if his professors were encouraging him to further his education. His heart was here.

“I’m glad to hear it. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around. Here is my card.” Christian handed him the card. “I’ll need to get in touch with him over the summer to arrange to pick up the pieces I commissioned. I’m assuming I need to talk to you.” Bradley bristled a little bit at the words, but then the meaning of the sentence struck him. Was Christian Svengard in the lifestyle?

Ryan shrugged. “He can talk for himself, but I’d appreciate an update whenever you have one.”

Christian nodded. “That I can do. Anyways, I have to get on the road since the pieces are packed. I’ve got a flight into Chicago that I have to make. Bradley, I’ll see you this summer.”

“Thanks again, Christian,” Bradley said, waving at the man as he stepped around Ryan and waltzed out of the room with all the tightly bundled energy that he filled it with.

Bradley turned his attention to his lover and completely forgot about Christian. “For me?” he asked, motioning to the bouquet of roses clutched in Ryan’s fist.

“Of course it’s for you,” Ryan rumbled, handing them over. His wolf’s shadow bumped against Bradley’s in greeting, and a shiver went through him. The foreign part of him now had full form and tended to have a distinct mind of its own.
. He resisted the urge to sigh as his body started thrumming with energy. Ever since Ryan had taken him out running two nights ago, his wolf was eager to come out and romp with his Master’s.

“What’s the occasion?”

Ryan grinned. “Can’t I just bring flowers to school for you?”

Bradley shrugged. “I suppose you could, but it’s a little unusual, especially given the fact that you were supposed to be booked for the afternoon. Did you get a cancellation?”


“Then what is the deal?” He rubbed his nose against the soft petals of his flowers. He hadn’t expected to see Ryan until he got back home after eleven.

“The appointment is for you. I’m fixing your available tattoo.”

Bradley blinked. “All right?”

Ryan chuckled. “Was that a question?”

“Um, don’t think I’m an idiot or anything, but why does my available tattoo need to be fixed?” Bradley asked, curious.

“I don’t want anyone to mistake you for an available even if the rest of the pack knows you’re my mate,” Ryan explained.

Ah, now that explained it. Ryan was all about slapping on as many proofs of commitment as he could since he’d decided to commit. It was cute really. Bradley smiled at him. “Whatever you want, my sweet Master.”

Ryan took his arm and grabbed Bradley’s backpack off the floor. “Then let’s go. I want to fix your tat and then take you home so I can claim you.”

Bradley did roll his eyes then. “

Ryan’s lips twitched. “Was that a protest I heard, sub?”

“No,” Bradley said, suppressing the laughter that bubbled up at the thought. His lover was insatiable. “Lead on, Ry.”


* * * *


Ryan smoothed his gloved hand down the freshly inked skin, rubbing a healing ointment into the agitated flesh. Bradley had long since descended into subspace, drifting along as Ryan inked the words of his heart into his sub’s skin.
Available for Ryan
. It was appropriate. The only person that Bradley was available for was him, and Ryan liked it that way.

It was hard to believe that a few weeks ago he had been cringing at the prospect of being in a committed relationship. Now if he had to go more than eight hours without seeing his beloved, his world was somehow less full. Bradley had taken his fears and turned them into joys. What more could a Dom ask for?

He nuzzled the back of Bradley’s neck after wrapping the new ink. “I love you, Bradley.”

“Hmm, love you, too, Sir.” Bradley turned his head and speared him with his beautiful hazel gaze. “Take me home?”

“Of course, sweet,” Ryan said, unable to resist pressing another kiss to Bradley’s neck. When Bradley moaned at the touch, Ryan wasn’t sure if he was ready to go just yet. “Problems?”

“You make me want,” Bradley admitted, pushing his ass up into the air as if waiting to be mounted. If he kept up the animal come-fuck-me attitude, Ryan would probably take him up on it. The brush of fur against his skin from his wolf’s shadow told him that his other half was in agreement. They needed to take his Bradley before they left for home.

The sharp knock on the door interrupted whatever sensual act that had been tickling Ryan’s brainpan. He huffed. “What?”

Mustang’s muffled voice came through the wood. “Take it home, Ryan. I need both private rooms for pack ink in about ten minutes. Last-minute booking.”

BOOK: Available [Marked 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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