Awaiting Fate (25 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Awaiting Fate
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“His twin is the leader of the Malums,” Landon advised. “Lucas’s father was responsible for teaching their kind to learn to control their demons. His brother wasn’t keen on the idea. He wanted demons’ natures to remain ‘uncontrollable,’ and reviled. In an effort to take over, he had their family assassinated in the demonic plane centuries ago. Lucas survived…” He paused. “By accident,” Landon added. “He wasn’t where he should have been.”

“I must admit, I’ve never dealt with demons before. In the past, they’ve been as reclusive as weres.”

“They prefer to remain in their plane. Excluding Lucas and his men, I’ve only encountered a couple in five hundred years. My female and her sisters are as thick as thieves, so our destinies are intertwined,” Landon said, chuckling.

“I’ve only encountered a couple of demons myself,” Drake agreed.

“Isn’t anyone in your pack mated to a demon?” Olivia asked, unwilling to spare a glance in his direction.

Drake shook his head then smirked. “No, but you never know what the future holds. I’ve always been curious of the breed. The ones I’ve come across run for the hills the moment they realize I’m immortal.”

“I wonder why…” Olivia pondered aloud.

Drake replied, “Perhaps I’ll ask the king when we’re acquainted.”

After dessert, Jocelyn yawned. Landon noticed.

“Pardon me, Drake, I must drag my female to bed—”

“Landon,” Jocelyn exclaimed. “I’m not tired.”

Landon cupped her cheek. “You need your rest, baby. It’s later than you think,” he said, then helped her to her feet. “Drake, Olivia can show you around until I return?”

“It’s not a problem. I’m tired myself. I should get going—”

“I insist. Olivia would enjoy showing off her garden.” Landon’s gaze landing on her before he said, “Wouldn’t you, Liv? You love showing off your roses.”

Great! Alone with the big, bad Texan wolf,
she thought. She bit her tongue and swallowed her retort as Landon led Jocelyn out of the room refusing to acknowledge her protests.

The minute they were gone, Olivia felt the heat of Drake’s eyes on her. She was on her own, so she took a deep breath and walked past him. He followed as she led him out the room toward the living room and out the French doors leading onto the terrace. The cool air hit her skin but did little to cleanse her bleak thoughts.

Guilt had lodged itself in her heart the moment she’d set eyes on Drake, fully aware of her brother’s attempts to find her a male. Here she was entertaining an immortal her brother thought suitable for her while the only male she’d ever needed, the only man she’d ever loved risked his life. Was he hurt? Was he aching for her as she ached for him?

She couldn’t blame anyone but herself, in her very own self-created dilemma. Her male had burdened himself, waited for her for months because she needed time, and how had she repaid him? At that very moment, her male risked his life. He could be injured and suffering and she wasn’t any wiser, because she hadn’t told her brother.

“You’re in love, aren’t you?” Drake asked.

Immediately, she turned toward him unable to hide her shock, and wondered how it was possible a man she’d met moments ago could be so attuned to her feelings.

His gaze roamed her face, seemingly searching for an answer then he said, “There’s no need to be shy.”

“How did you—”

“I have six sisters. In six centuries, I’ve honed my abilities to guess their feelings…it’s quite a gift,” he mused.

“Yes, I am,” she admitted hesitantly. “He’s my male.”

“Has he recognized you as his?”

She nodded. “Yes, he has,” she added for reinforcement and spared a glance at his gray stare.

“I know it’s none of my business, but I’m curious. Why hasn’t he marked you?”

Releasing a breath, she admitted, “It’s complicated. He’s not a werewolf. My brother is not going to take it well, and—”

“It’s simple. You’re his fated. You love him. If he’s told you, I’m assuming he loves you,” he countered. “You haven’t glanced in my direction more than a couple of times, and you’ve been deathly pale and nervous since the moment we were introduced, knowing your brother’s intentions for us. Just the thought of having another male for dinner stirs you to guilt.”

All true. Nothing she could deny.

“How long has he known?” he continued to prod.

“Almost half a year,” she admitted without reluctance. Surprisingly, it felt comforting to admit to someone, even if it was the Texan alpha, how she felt.

Drake laughed. Seemingly he thought she’d joked. When garnering no such response from her, he stilled, then his eyes widened.

“You’re serious?”

She nodded.

“What is he a saint? I’ve never heard of an immortal resisting their fated for so long. The ones I have had the pleasure of meeting marked their females within the week. How has he resisted?”

She smiled, gazing at the stars, soothed by the thought they were the same stars her male could admire as well. “He loves me more than you can imagine, of that I’m sure,” she whispered. “He’s…” She drew her hand toward her chest as image of Cain appeared in her mind. “He’s everything…everything a man should be.”

“I suggest you let him mark you and soon.”

“He knew I was his five months ago. As my brother mentioned before, our pack is reclusive and has been until recently. My brother is extremely over-protective. I’d never met an immortal from another breed until five months ago. My male thought I needed time to adjust, so he waited to tell me.”

“And he waited five months…waiting for the right time?”

“Yes…” She laughed despite herself. “But during that time, we became friends. I fell for him, then ran away. He came after me then finally told me I was his.” Tears rimmed her eyes, threatening to fall.

“Because I have sisters doesn’t make it any easier to see a woman cry. Believe it or not, it distresses me,” he said, then pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and handed it to her.

She laughed, her tears spilled over then she quickly wiped them away with his handkerchief.

He smiled. “Tell your brother. Soon.”

“I arrived yesterday. Today—”

“I see. My arrival ruined your plans. I’ll fix this for you.”

Her gaze shot to his, jaw dropping. “No, I can’t—”

“I’ve been an alpha for centuries, Olivia,” he said simply. “It won’t make much of a difference if I meet the Guardians tomorrow or next week.”

“Why?” She wanted to know why a man she barely knew would take interest in her personal life.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Olivia. Unfortunately, you’re not mine, but you belong to someone. I know the burden of living centuries without a fated. Let’s not make the poor bastard suffer anymore, huh?”

She barely restrained from launching herself and hugging him. Smiling softly, she said, “Thank you, Drake.”

Chapter 26

As soon as Cain materialized in Olivia’s room, her lingering scent engulfed him, soothing his state of mind. It had only been a few hours since he’d last seen her, and yet it seemed like days.

Honestly, at times, he felt like he was losing his mind. How was his desire for her growing more and more pressing every passing day? The moment he met her, he thought no one could desire another more than he desired her. Every day he was proven wrong because every day what he felt grew.

Sighing heavily, he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the thoughts aside.

It was early still, half past one a.m. He had hunted for close to five hours. Although he’d been out for a little over a week, it hadn’t showed. He captured two Malums stalking a mortal woman. Along with the two new recruits, Nathan and Hades, Cain questioned the Malums to no avail. He then ended them.

At that point, Lucas insisted he leave early. He wasn’t sure if he really wasn’t needed as much since they had new recruits, or if Lucas sensed he missed his mate. The thought should have angered him. He was a warrior, second in command to the king of the most reviled immortal breed, and prideful. He wasn’t fond of being looked after at his age, or having a weakness. His pride be damned, but he had no qualms of admitting Olivia was his. In the end, he was glad Lucas dismissed him because his mind had been unraveling with thoughts of her.

Glancing around Olivia’s room, he realized it was bare. Disappointed, he expected her to be waiting for him. That disappointment faded fast when worry took over. If she wasn’t in her room, where would she be at that time a night?

Striding toward the French doors leading to her balcony, he peeked through the shades. Outside in the terrace, he spotted her. His stomach clenched at the sight of her flawless appearance, wearing a royal blue dress, her hair loose around her bare shoulders in waves, as the full moon illuminated her skin. She smiled at…

He spotted the man, a stranger, whose features were the complete opposite of his own. Where he was fair, this man was dark, and the differences didn’t end there. The male was a werewolf.

His heart tightened painfully before it dropped to the pit of his stomach. Dread spiking, a deep ache clutched him, burning the center of his chest then radiated until all he felt was pain.

He couldn’t help but think the worst; his worst fear was becoming reality. Fisting his palms, rage coursing through him, he decided he wouldn’t let it happen. He wouldn’t let her go because he
lose her, couldn’t live without her. He’d force her if he had to, but he would drag her away with him, take her to demon plane where she’d be his eternally.

Determined and prepared to do what he had to even against her will, he materialized outside, feet from them, growling.

Olivia’s gaze caught his. She smiled, and took several steps toward him.

The werewolf tensed, grasped her shoulder and held her back. “Miss Olivia, don’t,” the werewolf said firmly, eyes sparking.

Another growl escaped him as anger so powerful, so intense rushed him. It felt like nothing he’d ever experienced. As his mind ran wild with all the ways to torture and kill the werewolf who dared put his hands on his mate assailed him, he vaguely heard the sound of his shirt tearing. His demon taking over.

Olivia pulled away from the werewolf’s grasp then said, “Drake, he’s my male.”

The werewolf’s gaze left his, and darted to Olivia. When the stare returned to him, it was no longer incandescent yellow but cloudy gray again.

“He’s a demon?” the werewolf asked.

Olivia nodded, then took a step in Cain’s direction.

Instantly, the were reacted. Without touching her, he put an arm in front of her and said, “He’s in demon form, Miss Olivia.”

Olivia’s gaze trailed away from Cain’s and met the werewolf’s then assuredly she said, “He won’t hurt me.” Not a moment later, she closed the distance between them, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Then Cain released a deep cleansing breath, the warmth of her body against his, soothing him, so much so the anger that had taken over only moments before vanished. Relief swarmed him with the knowledge he hadn’t had to force her. She’d come willingly.

He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to him, then he buried his face in her neck, and inhaled. As the unique pine scent of her spread through him, a smile spread across his lips.

“Thank God you’re safe. I was worried,” she said, pulling away slightly to look into his eyes.

Overwhelmed with his emotions, he couldn’t speak.

“This is Drake Callaghan,” she said. “He’s the Texan alpha.”

Drake extended his hand. “My apologies,” the male drawled. “Miss Olivia said wonderful things about you.”

One look at the werewolf, and his temper re-sparked. He shook his hand then barked, “Don’t touch her, again.

“Cain!” Olivia admonished, pushing at his chest.

Unwilling to let her go, he tightened his arm around her. He caught sight of her face flushing just as he sensed her embarrassment.

The male wasn’t fazed. He chuckled, which only further infuriated Cain. The anger didn’t abate until he heard the alpha say, “Again, I apologize. Miss Olivia mentioned she was spoken for, although she left out her male was a demon. I was only doing what any man would do for a woman, if he believed her in danger.”

Cain read the sincerity in his comment. It pleased him, so he allowed himself to relax, only slightly. “Yes, of course.” Though he didn’t want to apologize, he knew he should. The war against the Malums was escalating and the Guardians needed as many on their side as possible. The alpha and his pack would help. “I should apologize as well.”

Smirking, the alpha said, “No need. I’ve met many mated immortals from various breeds. You’ve acted as expected.”

“Cain Thaler, Prince of Demonkind,” Cain said confidentially. He felt her gaze on him, then she shifted her weight, nervously.

Drake glanced in Olivia’s direction then snapped his gaze to him again. “A prince and a princess…A match made in heaven. You’re part of the Guardians. Jocelyn and Olivia spoke very fondly of the king, your brother, I presume.”

He nodded.

“Landon said he would arrange a meeting for me to meet the Guardians. He’d wanted to arrange it for tomorrow, but I’ll have to reschedule. Perhaps, next week.”

“I’ll discuss it with Lucas and the others,” he assured.

“It’s been a pleasure to meet you both. I’ll leave you. Landon should join me shortly.”

Cain watched Drake walk away from them and inside the home. When his eyes shifted toward his mate, he noticed the tense expression on her face.

His arm resting on her hip wandered up her back until it met her neck and laced with her hair. “Darling?”

She took a step back, still close enough he didn’t have to release her, then her gaze fell away from his. When they met again, she said, “You thought I was interested in him? Is that why you were so—”

“Yes,” he admitted. “It’s almost two. I materialized in your room, but you weren’t there. I found you with him. I thought—”

“You knew we were meeting with the alpha today.”

The way she said it, like he had no reason to be upset, riled him. In so little control of his moods, it was enough to make him snap. “I knew Landon, Jocelyn and you were having dinner with him at eight. I didn’t realize you’d be wandering around in the dark at two in the morning with a male.”

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