Awakened by a Kiss (3 page)

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Authors: Lila DiPasqua

BOOK: Awakened by a Kiss
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Where had he come from? The shadows? Likely the grand stairwell.
Two final strides and he was before her. Tall. Muscled. With hair the color of a moonless night sky. Her fingers began to tingle. Catherine clasped her hands tightly together. She could still feel its cool silky texture between her fingers, as if it were only yesterday that she’d caressed his dark shoulder-length hair. She’d forgotten just how large a man he was—his broad shoulders, his magnificently sculpted form. She felt small, very feminine near his powerfully built body.
Give nothing away
He doesn’t remember you
He can’t
Then why did he leave the gardens so quickly? Why is he here?
Schooling her features, she expelled the air from her lungs and met his gaze unwavering. “Yes?” she said, amazed at the coolness in her tone when she was on the brink of discomposure.
Those unforgettable light green eyes scrutinized her face. She fought not to fidget. His presence and proximity were disquieting on so many levels. Her insides quaked.
“I believe we’ve met, madame.”
Her heart lurched. She managed a small smile. “I’m afraid you have mistaken me for someone else. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She turned.
He caught her arm. A jolt of sensations shot through her.
“Unhand me,” she said, shaken, a dizzying combination of excitement and dread inundating her.
He released her, the corner of his sensual mouth lifting, stopping short of a smile. Without a word, he slowly walked around her, his bold assessing gaze moving over her body. She could feel his tactile regard right through her clothing, making her hot from the inside out.
“Sir, your conduct is outrageous.” Did she sound as breathless as she felt? “You are being extremely rude.”
He stopped, his towering form now a formidable obstacle between her and the door to her rooms.
“It’s you,” he said.
She swallowed and lifted her chin a notch.
“You’re the woman who sneaked into my chamber that night five years ago.”
Stirring memories filled her mind. She shoved them aside as she’d done many times throughout the years.
“You are mad. I told you—I don’t know you.”
He tilted his head to one side, a smug look in his eyes, much like the cat that had cornered the mouse. “Madame, you do know me—in the biblical sense. Though there was nothing but sinful delights in what we shared.”
Heat crept down her face and neck to her chest. “Tell me,” she responded with as much calm as she could muster. “Is this a habit of yours? Skulking around hallways? Making lurid—unfounded—accusations?” she asked. “Or perhaps this is your twisted way of enticing women? By telling them of your sexual exploits. Are there women who actually fall for this ploy?”
He stepped closer. Awareness rippled through her. Yet she refused to step back, knowing he was trying to intimidate her. His mouth was oh so close to her own . . . Images of that skillful mouth on her body, grazing over her skin, drawing on her breasts made her sex clench and moisten.
“Perhaps you and I have a different definition of
,” he said. “I’d like to know what twisted motives you had when you decided to taint my wine and surrender your innocence to me.”
“It sounds like you had quite an evening,” she said without flinching. “Though I can’t comprehend why—after five years, did you say?—it would be so vivid in your mind. How can you be certain that it was I? Surely, you managed to find a woman or two since then willing to overlook your barbaric manners. You are”—she shrugged—“mildly attractive.”
His brows shot up, surprised at first, then his lips twitched as he fought back a smile.
“Have I amused you?” How she wished he’d step back. His closeness was making it difficult to breathe. Or think. She had to get away from him. From the château.
Preempt her vacation.
“You have. I’m not accustomed to receiving a setdown from a woman.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin and caressed his thumb along her cheek. Pleasure streaked from his touch down to the tips of her breasts, causing her nipples to harden.
She took a quick step back and bumped into the wall. He braced his palms on either side of her shoulders, trapping her.
“I am also not accustomed to having a woman dupe and drug me.” He stared at her pointedly.
Catherine glanced at her chamber door. It was so close, yet it might as well have been on the other side of the country. She couldn’t simply race to it and bolt the door behind her. That would only make matters worse.
You’ve got to convince him he’s mistaken
Fail and he could have the King draw up orders
. They’d arrest her and leave her to languish in prison—until her trial and certain execution. Other women had suffered this fate. Because of the recent poisonings at court, administering
, even something as harmless as a love potion, without the other person’s knowledge was punishable under the law.
Adrien scrutinized the woman before him with the discerning eye of a libertine. Her skin was flushed and her breasts rose and fell with her quickened breaths in the most mesmerizing, mouth-watering way.
, that auburn hair, delectable form, and those brandy-colored eyes . . . She was just as alluring as he remembered.
He was
She was indeed his midnight temptress.
She knew it. He knew it. And so did his unruly cock. She hadn’t done anything more heated than to glare at him, yet she had him stiff as a spike, his hard prick straining against his breeches. The way her small pink tongue unconsciously licked her lips was driving him to distraction.
Her haughty airs and indignation were an act. She was trying to conceal not only the truth, but her arousal as well. Her nipples were hard and her frequent glances at his mouth were telling. Thoughts of taking her to her chamber, stripping her naked, and sinking his length into that tight juicy core of hers—of purging her from his system for good—were running rampant in his mind.
, there was no short supply of willing women. The last female he should want was one who’d schemed and stooped to such trickery. Unfortunately, his cock didn’t agree with his head.
No woman had ever occupied his thoughts or dreams the way she had. And he resented it.
He resented that the best fuck of his life had been drug-induced.
She’d left him to imagine every possible scenario that had motivated her actions. With no way of confirming any of them. Now that he’d found her and knew her name, he wasn’t going to relent. No matter how lovely she was, how enticing, how physically pleasurable that night had been, she
going to admit what she’d done and tell him why. He was going to have answers to the questions that had plagued him for years.
She owed him as much.
“Perhaps you are reluctant to discuss the matter because of who I am—or better yet—who my father is. But I assure you I want answers, not revenge,” he said. It had to be a barrier for her. One he wanted out of the way to clear a path for the truth.
“I’ve nothing more to say to you. This conversation is over. Please step back.” She had an obstinate look in her eyes, one that said she wouldn’t confess. That she’d never confess. It steeled his resolve. If she wanted to engage in a round of wits and wills, he’d play along. She’d started this game. He’d finish it. And win. It was time to chisel away at her façade.
Since it was clear she wasn’t immune to him, he chose his course of action.
Adrien dipped his head. The light scent of jasmine inundated his senses with a heady rush. “Catherine . . .” he said softly in her ear, her edible little earlobe so temptingly close to his hungry mouth. “I’ve thought of that night many times.” She placed her hands against his chest as if to stave him off but didn’t push him away. Encouraged, he continued. “I remember the sweet taste of your mouth . . . your pink nipples . . . details of your beautiful body . . . You remember our night together. Having me inside you . . . as you came, again . . . and again . . .” She shivered with excitement. It reverberated inside him. His cock began to pulse. “
Ma belle
, admit it was you.” He brushed his mouth over the sensitive spot under her ear. She made a strangled sound and turned her face away, inadvertently giving him better access to the slender column of her neck. Or perhaps it wasn’t so inadvertent.
But stubbornly, she remained silent.
Urgency thundered through him. Her soft skin beckoned. He drew her warm skin between his lips and gently sucked. She fisted his shirt and gasped. Her pulse beneath his mouth was as wild as his own. She tasted of jasmine. And slightly salty. Sweet womanly sweat from her nervous excitement. “Tell me what I wish to know,” he murmured. “And I just might give you what your body is begging for.”
He moved to her earlobe and lightly bit it. This time she moaned, the delicious sound making his sac tighten and his heart hammer harder. She was too damned desirable. The crest of his cock was moist with pre-come, his body clamoring for him to take her right here against the wall.
He’d been with enough experienced women to know that she was not. In the last five years, she hadn’t gained any significant experience. He couldn’t believe this sexual novice had him this undone. Just as undone as he’d been five years ago when—in his ravenous state—he’d overlooked the signs of her innocence.
Pulling back slightly, he gazed at her face. She was panting, his breathing no less affected. She stared back at him. Her cheeks were pink and her lips were parted, begging to be kissed. Hers was no ordinary mouth. It was extraordinary—made to drive men wild.
Grappling with self-control, Adrien could barely moderate himself. “There is a way to put this to rest, you know. To prove once and for all whether or not you are the woman I seek.”
Something flickered in her amber depths. Confusion? Curiosity?
“You see,” he continued, “the woman who came to my bed that night had lovely breasts, much like yours . . . and on her left breast, right here”—he stroked his fingers along the outside curve of the soft mound, and she gave a delightful gasp—“she had three small freckles. A pretty constellation that, if connected, would make a perfect tiny triangle.”
He thought he saw her flinch, though it was so slight, he wasn’t certain he’d seen it at all. The sexual haze in her eyes dissolved, replaced by a fire of a different sort.
She shoved his hand away. “Are you suggesting I show you my
?” she said, clearly incredulous.
He pressed his palms against the wall once more, and tilted his head to one side, his mouth mere inches from hers. “It would prove whether or not you’re my mystery lady. Come with me to my chambers or invite me to yours—someplace where we’ll be more comfortable. I promise, you’ll enjoy every moment.” Her gaze once again dropped to his mouth. His greedy cock jerked in response. Adrien leaned in a little closer, their lips all but touching. “Which is your room, Catherine?” he whispered against her tempting lips. He was dying to possess them. He was dying to possess her.
“Adrien!” a male voice called out.
She squeaked, ducked down, and slipped out from under his arm so quickly, he almost kissed the wall.
he growled, shoving himself away from the wall. His head snapped around in the direction of the intruder, with every intention of venting his full fury over the interruption.
His three godfathers stalked toward him. What the bloody hell were they doing here?
Was everyone he was related to going to show up?
He looked at Catherine. She’d paled and was using him as a shield from his approaching uncles. Her intoxicating eyes were large, beseeching, as if she thought he’d make the situation worse. They both knew that she’d been caught in a compromising situation with a man who had a shameless reputation.
He stepped in front of her to better conceal her from the ever-nearing trio. “Go,” he said over his shoulder.
Dainty footsteps quickly retreated down the hall behind him and then a door closed just as his godfathers stopped before him.
Adrien clenched his teeth, his muscles taut, his body rioting for release. He was in sexual agony,
sexual agony, for given a few moments more and he’d have had the auburn-haired enchantress behind closed doors . . . “Before I ask you what you are doing here, I wish to tell you that your timing couldn’t be worse.”
“Or better—depending how you look at it,” said Charles, the eldest of his three uncles.
“I don’t know if I agree with that.” Paul looked past Adrien. “I got a glimpse of her. I think I’d be rather distressed to miss out on a tumble with that mademoiselle.” He grinned, and Robert laughed.
Charles simply scowled.
Though Charles had always been less of a skirt chaser than his two younger brothers, he was no saint. In short, Adrien had been raised by no fewer than three rakes. Not to mention, his father was the greatest womanizer by far. In truth, Adrien came by his womanizing ways honestly.
“I, my brother, got better than a glimpse,” Robert said. “Wasn’t that Madame de Villecourt?”
A novel emotion clenched in Adrien’s gut as he wondered how his libertine uncle knew Catherine. The emotion took him completely by surprise. He was not the possessive type. His dalliances were always brief, recreational, without any sort of emotional involvement whatsoever.
Charles’s salt and pepper brows arched. “Madame de Villecourt? Are you certain?”
Robert gave a wolfish grin. “Indeed I am. Though I haven’t seen her in years, I never forget a beauty like that.” He looked pointedly at Charles. “She’s just as beautiful as her late aunt was.”
Charles scowled anew.
“So, Adrien, is the lady as fiery in bed as her hair would suggest?” Paul needled.

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