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Authors: Lorraine Kennedy

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Sarah lifted the hem of her robe to keep it from catching on low-lying branches and rocks. Though she had been fighting against the idea of being initiated into the coven, she found her excitement growing. After all, the coven was her heritage and a part of who she was.

The scent of burning wood filled the air. In the clearing a large bonfire burned, and dozens of people in bright colored robes of yellow, blue and green milled around, preparing for the night’s festivities. Sarah’s robe was black, the color of the initiate. Once she had gone through the rites, she would then wear a robe of another color.

The Coven of Lazar consisted of nearly fifty members, but many of them lived nowhere near Sutter Point. Coven members would travel from all over the country to attend the Sabbaths in Sutter Point.

Jeanie carried a large bowl of cakes that would be included in the feast once the ceremonies were done. She handed the bowl off to another member of the coven, and grabbed Sarah’s hand. The two of them followed another path to a smaller clearing, where Sarah would wait until it was time for the initiation rites.

Aunt Jeanie pointed to the bench. “You can wait here. Someone will come and get you when it’s time.”

Sarah sat on the bench. Being the only initiate, she would remain in the clearing alone, until it was time for her to join the rest of the coven. Someone had lit a small fire near the bench, so she wouldn’t be left in total darkness once the sun was down.

The forest beyond the clearing was already murky. Sarah peered into that darkness, hoping that Darrien was out there waiting for night - waiting for the moment that he could come to her. With a deep sigh, Sarah pushed the thought away. She had not seen him since that night on the beach. He must have gone away like he’d told her he would.

Her eyes strayed to the shadows that were gathering in the woods. She could not help but wonder if there someone else out there - someone that would be a lot more dangerous than Darrien. Though anything was possible, Sarah doubted any vampire would dare attack her with the coven so close. One witch may not be so difficult to deal with, but an entire coven was another matter.

Since Darrien’s revelations about her past and who she was, Sarah’s mind had been in a whirlwind. Whoever Darrien was, she felt a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone else. Now that he was gone, it was as if an important part of her was missing.

Then there were all of the questions - questions that she just didn’t have answers for. Was she really the daughter of a vampire, and the reincarnated spirit of her long dead ancestress?

Once she’d been brought into the coven, Sarah intended to get some answers from her aunt. Maybe she could even find out more about what happened to her mother? The ritual for honoring the summer solstice was now underway, Sarah could hear the members of the coven chanting in the distance. When they had concluded the ritual, someone would come to get her.

Though the ritual for the summer solstice lasted only a short time, to Sarah it felt like hours. Finally Taylor emerged from the darkness and stepped into the clearing. He wore a dark blue robe with a large hood pulled over his head. Without saying a word to her, Taylor covered her eyes with a blindfold and took her by the hand.

Sarah could see nothing, but she sensed when they had come into the larger clearing. She knew that Taylor would lead her to the altar where Aunt Jeanie was waiting for her. Jeanie was the high priestess of the Coven of Lazar, and had been since the day her grandmother had passed into the afterlife.

“Who approaches the sacred altar of the god and goddess?” It was her aunt’s voice.
“I bring you one that seeks the wisdom of the coven. I bring you one that will honor the god and goddess,” Taylor answered.
“By what name will you be known as a member of the Coven of Lazar?” Jeanie asked.
“Caroline.” The name slipped out before she’d even had time to think about what she was saying.
“Enter the sacred circle of the coven and kneel before the gods.”

Sarah stepped forward, entering the sacred space that was filled with the presence of the gods, and the spirits of her ancestors. She knelt before the altar.

Aunt Jeanie’s voice was distant and far away. The air was hot - so hot that she could not get any oxygen from it. She was gasping, trying to draw in more air, but it was too thin, and too hot to breathe. The world went dark, and then she was somewhere else.

Luis was screaming, calling her name over and over again. Her husband had gone to the barn to check on the animals. They’d been restless all night, and he was worried a wolf was about - just waiting to get to their milking cows and chickens.

She peered down at her shoes, but they were not hers. The brown leather was worn, and she could see her stockings peeking out of the seams. The long skirt was also faded and tattered. She was no longer Sarah, but Caroline.

Rushing from the small farmhouse, she raced to the barn where she could still hear Luis screaming. Just as she reached for the barn door to pull it open, Luis’ screams faded and the night was once again silent.

Caroline yanked the door open. What greeted her was more horrifying than anything she could have imagined.

She was a witch, this shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. The mystical creatures known as vampires were something that all witches knew about, but few ever actually encountered them. The form that hovered over her husband, jumped back when she opened the door. He’d retreated into the darkness, out of the reach of the bright moonlight that entered through the open doorway.

Caroline wanted to scream, but she could not utter a sound. The vampire’s eyes glowed with his poisonous hunger, and his growls shattered the silent night. The creature flew at her, but she held up her hand and willed all of the power of the universe to surround her, and protect her from his attack.

The vampire seemed to hit a brick wall before he could get close to her. The impact stunned him, and he fell to the ground. When the creature’s features returned to normal, Caroline was startled to see a familiar face. The man lying there in the hay was no monster at all, but Lord Rousseau from the chateau near where she’d grownup in France.

What was he doing in New Orleans? What had happened to him to bring him to such a horrible condition?

As a girl, Caroline had been taken with the young man, but he’d barely noticed a poor village girl who was rumored to be the daughter of a witch, at least not at first. Then he did notice her, but soon disappeared. Eventually she had immigrated to the Americas, but over the years she’d never forgotten him. Now here he was, a vampire.

At the moment, he was dazed and not moving. Caroline took the opportunity to go to Luis. When she kneeled next to his pale body, she knew he was gone. The creature had already drained his blood before she could stop him.

Caroline glanced over at the vampire who was beginning to move. When he had recovered enough to sit up, he looked at her and she saw recognition enter his eyes.

Caroline said nothing. She continued to watch him, wary that he should make any sudden movements.
He got to his feet and held out a hand to her. Still she didn’t move, making no attempt to take the offered hand.
“I’m sorry Caroline. I would not have attacked you … if I’d been in my right mind.”
“You are a creature of evil,” she spit out her words.
“Alas you are right, but I won’t hurt you Caroline,” he smiled darkly.
But he had hurt her, much worse than if he’d taken her life that night.
Sarah came back to the present. She could hear the impatience in her aunt’s voice as she repeated her question.
“Are you prepared to begin your life anew?”
“Yes,” Sarah answered.
“Rise up from the darkness of yesterday and become one with us.”

Sarah rose to her feet and stood still, as two of the female members of the coven untied her robe, and let it slip from her body. She stood before the altar, naked for all to see. This was not something new for the coven, but it made her feel uncomfortable.

Someone was removing the blindfold, and when Sarah opened her eyes, the bright light of the fire sent pain through her head.

“You are born again into the grace of the god and goddess. Receive their protection.” Jeanie’s voice echoed through the dark forest.

Someone was now placing a white robe over her body. The changing of the robes symbolized her emergence from darkness to light.

Aunt Jeanie stepped from the altar, and carried a small golden dish of burning incense to where Sarah stood. She covered her niece with the purifying smoke of the incense, and when she was done, she stepped back to the altar. The rites of initiation were concluded.

Now they would feast and celebrate throughout the night. Sarah waited patiently for the moment she could get Jeanie alone.


* * * *


The vision of the firelight dancing on the smooth skin of her firm breasts, nearly sent him into a frenzy of hunger. It took all his willpower to keep himself hidden. He could not take his eyes off of her, but at the same time, he felt rage that others were gazing upon her naked flesh.

Darrien knew he should leave and never return, but how could he let her face the fury of Omar alone. He would watch her until the time was right to leave, but he could not let himself get too near her. If he were to make love to her, he would never be able to let her go. In the end, his love would only cause her more suffering.

He closed his eyes so that he would be able to hold his desire at bay. The urge to swoop down and take her away was so great, that he trembled with the effort it took to resist.




Chapter Seven


It was near dawn by the time Sarah and Jeanie returned home. Despite the fact that they were both tired, Sarah wasn’t going to bed until she had a chance to talk with her aunt. Jeanie must have already known that sleep wasn’t an option yet, because she headed for the kitchen instead of her bedroom.

“Do you want some tea while we talk,” Jeanie asked.

Nodding her head, Sarah followed her aunt into the kitchen. Jeanie went about making them both a cup of tea. She waited until Jeanie was done serving them before broaching the questions that she had been dying to ask.

Before Sarah could say anything, Jeanie sat down and turned angry eyes on her. “Did you think I would not notice the bite marks on you?” she asked.

Sarah reddened as she realized how many people had gotten a glimpse of the wounds Darrien had left on her. “To tell you the truth, I didn’t think about it at all.”

“That is quite clear,” Jeanie snapped at her. “What has he done to you? Have you become his feeder?”
Sarah shook her head. “No … things just got out of hand, but it hasn’t gone all the way.”
“Good, because you need to think about it real hard before you let it go any further,” Jeanie told her.
“That vampire, Darrien. He said that my father wasn’t dead. That he was a vampire.” Sarah changed the subject.

Jeanie’s eyes were downcast. “He is telling the truth. I met your father only once. But I can tell you that he was everything that you might think a vampire to be, especially persuasive. Your mother was crazy in love with him.”

“What happened to him?”

“He went away. They had a disagreement and he left. She wanted him to change her, but he refused. Told her that you needed a mother.”

“So what happened to my mother then?” Sarah asked, afraid that she already knew the answer.
“She went looking for him.” Jeanie placed her hand over Sarah’s.
“Well what do you think happened to her?”
“I think that she was either killed, or turned by another vampire.”

“Why would she do that? She promised to come back for me!” Sarah narrowed her eyes, unable to believe that her mother would really abandon her.

“I know sweetheart. I just don’t have the answers.” Jeanie squeezed Sarah’s hand.

“I should try and find her.”

Jeanie shook her head. “I’m sure that if she could have returned, she would have. If you go looking for her, you could be facing the same dangers. I know it isn’t something she would want you to do.”

“There’s something else. Darrien said that he knew me before … when I was someone else. He said that I was Caroline Fabre.”

Jeanie inhaled sharply, and for a brief moment, she stared at Sarah as if she were a stranger. Then she waved her hand, dismissing Darrien’s words. “I know that you are different Sarah. I’ve always known that, but what are the chances that you are the reincarnated soul of Caroline?”

Sarah opened her mouth to tell her aunt about the vision she’d had in the circle, but changed her mind.

It had been so real!

Yes, it had been real, but was that vision simply a figment of her imagination, brought on by Darrien’s suggestion that she was Caroline?

Jeanie patted her hand once more and then got up from her chair and left the room. Soon she returned holding a large wooden box. It was her magic box. The same box that Sarah had been so curious about as a child. Finally, she was going to see what Aunt Jeanie kept in that box.

Jeanie set it on the table and lifted the heavy lid. It was positioned in a way that Sarah could not actually see what was inside, but her aunt was pulling something out. In her hand, she held a dagger made of clear crystal.

“This dagger has been in the family for generations. It is a powerful tool that will help to protect its owner from evil. Now is the time that you should have it.” Jeanie explained, placing the dagger in Sarah’s hand.

Sarah studied the dagger. Its beauty was stunning. She was in awe at how prisms of color sparkled through the crystal when she held it up to the light. “How do you use it?” Sarah asked.

“Any spell that you work will be twice as powerful, as long as you use this dagger when casting.”
“Thank you,” Sarah smiled. “It is a gift I will always treasure.”
“It can do something else too,” Jeanie told her with a wink.

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