Authors: Michael Lind
Joule, James Prescott, 190
J. P. Morgan and Co., 286
J. P. Morgan and Company, 219, 220, 232, 239–240, 286, 438
JP Morgan Chase, 434, 447
J. S. Morgan & Co., 219
Kafka, Franz, 169
Kahn, Otto, 265
Kaiser, Henry J., 316, 318–319
Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, 312
Kaiser Permanente, 318–319
Kaiser Steel, 317
Kalecki, Michal, 386
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 8, 128, 129–130
Kapur, Ajay, 443
Kaye, Danny, 325
Keefe, Mary, 322
Kemmler, William, 197
Kendall, Amos, 115
Kennan, George, 331
Kennedy, Edward, 391
Kennedy, John F., 346, 370, 375
Kennedy, Joseph, 285
Keynes, John Maynard, 12, 273, 278–279, 291–292, 302, 307, 448, 470
Keynesian economics, 378
Keystone Bridge and Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, 162
Kildall, Gary, 417
Kilgore, Harley, 402
King, Martin Luther Jr., 324, 357
King, William, 143
Kissinger, Henry, 376
Kleine, George, 251
Kleiner, Eugene, 418
Kleiner Perkins, 418
Knights of Labor, 171–172
Knox, Philander, 227
Knudsen, William, 298–299
Koenig, Friedrich, 164
Korea Oil Corporation (KOCO), 374
Kroc, Ray, 342
Kruesi, John, 193, 194
Krugman, Paul, 272
Ku Klux Klan, 183
Kuznets, Simon, 311
labor theory of value, 79
labor unions
class warfare and, 172–173
decline of, 441, 470
deregulation’s effect on, 364, 382
Fordism and, 260–261
Hay’s portrayal of, 180
immigration and, 170–172
NIRA and recognition of, 295
post–World War II benefits and, 353–354
Roosevelt and, 297–299
stakeholder capitalism and, 352–353
World War I, 244
World War II, 320–321
Laemmle, Karl, 252
Lafayette, marquis de, 2, 54
La Follette, Robert, 182
Lamont, Thomas, 264, 302
Lamoreaux, Naomi, 217
land-grant colleges, government support and, 149–150, 192, 203–204
Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 204
Laski, Harold J., 290
Latinos, 324, 357–358, 359, 478–479
Lavassor, Émile, 200
Lawrence, Ernest, 403
Lay, Ken, 384
Lazarus, Emma, 168–169
Lease, Mary Ellen, 179
Lebergott, Stanley, 260
Lee, Roswell, 97
Legal Tender Act (1862), 141
Lehman Brothers, 12, 446, 447
Lend-Lease Act, 309
L’Enfant, Pierre, 2
Lenoir, Jean-Étienne, 199
Letter Concerning Toleration
(Locke), 23
Levittown, 340
Lewis, John L., 297–298, 302, 321
Leyden jar, 190
(von Mises), 288–289
Liberty League, 301
Liberty Ships, 318
Libraries of the Future
(Licklider), 419–420
Licklider, J. C., 412–413, 419–420
magazine, 399
lightbulbs, 194–195, 259
Lilienthal, David, 285, 338
Limits to Growth, The
(Club of Rome), 379
Lincoln, Abraham, 74, 82, 121, 128, 130, 482
American Colonization Society, 57
banking reform and, 141–142
Homestead Act and, 149
Illinois infrastructure and, 118
national banking system and, 9
political economy of, 139–144
railroads and, 152, 155
technological innovation and, 135–137
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 139, 140
Lindbergh, Charles, 311
Lindsay, Vachel, 181
Lippmann, Walter, 275
liquidationists, Great Depression and, 278–279, 291
List, Friedrich, 104, 224
Livingston, Robert, 61, 87–89, 92
Lloyd George, David, 224
Locke, John, 23
Loeb, John Jacob, 321–322
London, Jack, 182
Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), 429
Looking Backward
(Bellamy), 179
Louisiana, 124
Louvre Accord, 389
Lowell, Francis Cabot, 85–86
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), 338
Lowery, Grosvenor, 194
Lucas, Robert, 446
Lucent, 437
, 239
MacDonald, Thomas Harris, 340
Macintosh, Charles, 201
MacLeod, Niall, 443
Macomb, William, 41
Madison, James
American Colonization Society, 57
Bank of the United States, 47, 114
Erie Canal, 53–54
Hamilton and, 42
protective tariffs, 45
War of Independence debts, 33
Malaysia, 429
Malcolmson, Alexander, 247
maldistribution of income
in early twentieth century, 262–266
in early twenty-first century, 440–444
Great Depression and, 273–275
policy proposals for Next American Economy, 469–471
Mallet, John W., 134
Malthus, Thomas, 78–79
managerial capitalism, 349–351
Manhattan Project, 396–397, 402–404
Manufacturers’ Aircraft Association, 205
manufacturing, policy proposals for Next American Economy, 463–465
Marconi, Guglielmo, 206–207
Marine Mammals of the North-Western Coast of North America, The
(Scammon), 77
Marquette National Bank v. First Omaha Service Company
, 385
Marshall, George, 332
Marshall, John, 88
Marshall, Laurence K., 415
Marshall Plan, 332, 369
Martineau, Harriet, 54
Martin Marietta, 320
Marx, Karl, 79, 105
Maryland Chronicle
, 56–57
Boston Tea Party, 21–22
textile manufacturing, 127
War of Independence debts, 29–30, 35
whaling industry, 76–77
mass production, 248, 318
mass transit, 208–209, 342, 466
“Mathematical Theory of Communication, A” (Shanon), 408
Mattei, Enrico, 335
Mauchly, John W., 408, 413
Maxwell, James Clerk, 190
Maybach, Wilhelm, 199
Mayer, Louis B., 252
Maysville Road, 110–111
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 240, 243
McCormick, Cyrus, 87, 97
McCormick Harvesting Company, 171–172
McCormick’s reaper, 87, 97, 121
McCraw, Thomas K., 221
McDonald, Dick and Maurice, 342
McDonald’s, 342, 437
McFadden Act, 355
McGovern, George, 391
McHenry, William, 2
McKenney, William, 73
McKinley, William, 146, 149, 172, 180–183, 263
McKinley Tariff, 146
McLean, Malcolm Purcell, 424
McNary-Watres Act (1930), 206
McReynolds, Jack, 297
Means, Gardiner C., 213–214, 350
meat packaging, 160
Meat vs. Rice: American Manhood Against Asiatic Coolieism. Which Shall Survive?
(Gompers), 171
Medicaid, 377, 475, 476, 477
Medicare, 441, 475, 476–477
Mellen, Charles S., 221
Mellon, Andrew, 231, 278–279
Melville, Hermann, 76
memex, of V. Bush, 399–400, 419
Cold War and, 331–332, 368–376, 456–457
England’s, and effect on colonies, 22–26, 33, 37
Hamilton’s developmental economics, 12–13
Jefferson’s producerism and, 15–17
mergers, in Second Industrial Revolution, 213–233
Merrill Lynch, 434, 446, 447
Mexican Revolution, 238
Mexico, 377
Meyer, Eugene, 277
Michoud, Antoine, 319
Microsoft, 417, 427
Microwave Communications Inc. (MCI), 382
Middle class, rebuilding strategies for Next American Economy, 471–475
Middle East oil, 335–336
Middle West Utility Corporation, 250
alliance with South, 126–127
modernization of, before Civil War, 120–122
migration, within United States, 124, 176, 260
defense spending and, 391
manufacturing capacity and national security, 463–464
Milken, Michael, 436, 450
Mill, J. S., 78
Miller, J. Howard, 321
Miller, Lebbeus B., 97
Millis, Harry, 260
Milward, Alan, 327–328
minié ball, 136
Minié, Claude-Étienne, 136
minimum wage, 343, 361, 364
declining value of, 441, 470
Mississippi, 124
Missouri Compromise, 129–130
Mitchell, Andrew, 39
Mitchell, Samuel Latham, 69
MITRE Corporation, 412
Mittasch, Alwin, 202
(Melville), 76
Model T Ford, 246–249
Modern Corporation and Private Property, The
(Berle and Means), 213–214, 350
Modern Times
(film), 261
Mokyr, Joel, 191
Moley, Raymond, 288
Molly Maguires, 165
money market accounts, 385–386
money trust, 231–232
Monroe, James, 54, 73
Monroe, Rose Will, 322
Montgomery, Royal, 260
Montgomery Ward, 253
Moody, John, 217
Moore, Gordon, 414
Morgan, Amelia “Memie” Sturges, 219–220
Morgan, Frances Tracy, 220
Morgan, Jack Jr., 220
Morgan, John Pierpont, 9, 161, 193, 216–217, 225–227, 232, 250, 286
Edison Electric and, 195–196, 197, 249
“Morganization” and, 219–221
Pujo Committee, 231
US financial crises and, 221–222
Morgan, Joseph, 219
Morgan, J. P. “Jack,” 264
Morgan, Junius, 219
“Morganization,” 218–221
Morgan Stanley, 286
Morgenthau, Henry, 301, 331–332
Morrill, Justin, 146
Morrill land-grant colleges, 149, 192, 203
Morrill Tariff, 145
Morris, Gouverneur, 27, 53, 71
Morris, Robert, 26–29, 31, 35, 37, 63
Morse, Samuel F. B., 93–94, 159
mortgage interest tax deduction, 442
Mossadegh, Mohammad, 335
motion-picture industry, 251–252
Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), 251–252
motor power.
Second Industrial Revolution
Moulton, Stephen, 201
Moyers, Bill, 359
MS-DOS, 417
multinational corporations, 427–428
Mun, Thomas, 22
Murphy, R. Taggart, 389
Murphy, Thomas, 352
Murphy, William H., 247
Murray, Philip, 302
Mussolini, Benito, 288–289
Napoleon Bonaparte, 107
NASA, 319–320, 406
Nathan, Robert, 311
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA), 205, 406
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 205, 206
National Association of Manufacturers, 245, 261
National Banking Act (1863), 116
National Biscuit (Nabisco), 217, 220
National Cash Register (NCR), 410
National City Bank, 219, 231, 232
National Civic Federation, 227
National Credit Corporation, 276–277
National Currency Acts (1863 and 1864), 142
National Defense Mediation Board (NDMB), 320
National Defense Resource Committee (NDRC), 401, 403, 408
National Grain Corporation, 276
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 10, 287–296
“virtual,” after World War II, 345–347, 361
National Institutes of Health, 192
National Labor Relations Act (1935), 353
National Labor Union, 171
National Recovery Administration (NRA), 16, 279, 361
National Road, 46, 110–111
National Science Foundation (NSF), 192, 402, 420
national security, manufacturing base and, 463–464
National Telegraph and Telephone Company (NTT), in Japan, 373
National War Labor Board, 244
National Youth Administration (NYA), 304
natural gas, 201
Navigation Acts, England, 24
Navigation Acts, United States, 52
NBC, 207, 348
Nelson, Donald, 310
Nelson, Theodore H., 419
neoclassical economics.
producerism, of Jefferson
neoliberalism, 11–12, 362, 375, 376, 380, 391, 441
Neutrality Acts, 308
“New Colossus, The” (Lazarus), 168–169
Newcomen, Thomas, 84
New Competition, The
(Eddy), 258
New Deal, 10, 11
attempt to balance budget and recession of 1937–1938, 300–303
deficit spending, relief programs, and recession of 1928–1933, 285–300
leadership of, 283–285
successes and failures of, 303–306
New Deal, dismantling of, 363–391
Cold War and trade concessions to allies, 368–376
deregulation and its effects, 380–391
growth of conservative, supply-side movement, 376–380
inflation in 1970s, 367–368
managing for finance, not production, 365–367
New Freedom, 10, 225, 228–231, 233
“new individualism,” 277
New Jersey
corporate law in, 216–217
Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory, 193–194
protectionism and, 145
New Nationalism, 9–10, 225–228, 230, 233
New Orleans
, 88
New York
Erie Railway Company, 158
Hudson River valley landowners and tenants, 60–62
New York Central Railroad, 220
New York Daily Tribune
, 67
New York Gazette
, 34
New York Herald
, 168
New York Journal
, 164
New York Press
, 164
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 42, 435, 438
New York Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA), 287
New York Times
, 142, 195, 407
New York World
, 158, 164
New Zealand, 146, 290
NeXt, 417
Next American Economy, 451–482
case for skilled immigration, 478–481
financial policy proposed, 467–469