B008GMVYA4 EBOK (38 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ann Drake

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Andy tightened his grip on Madison’s arm in anger, taking
some of his frustration out on her. Madison winced and shot him a remorseful

It was clear that the bond of family and unconditional love
that siblings have did not exist in the Vampire world. Andy stared at Alex with
just as much hate that Trace and Gabby did.

Alex shifted nervously, his eyes darted to each of the vampires

Gabby took a step towards him, her beautiful bright green
eyes staring in an attempt to intimidate him.

Alex’s shoulders relaxed and he straighten up; his eyes
hopelessly fell to the floor. He stood for a moment his face ashamed and
defeated, his bottom lip withering in sorrow. He took a deep breath and began
to walk towards the door his eyes still fixed on the ground. Gabby threw an
excitable smile at Trace, exposing her white razor sharp teeth. Her fiery
bright, green, eyes reflected the dim light that spilled out from the cracked
in the double glass doors. She strode after Alex almost a bounce in her step.
Her petite, curvy, body moving with her hips from side to side. Her stiletto’s
clicking on the concrete as she walked.

Alex pushed open the glass door and slipped inside, followed
quickly by Gabby.

Madison tried to peer around Trace to catch a glimpse of the
inside headquarters of The Coven, but Trace’s wide body blocked her view.

“Keep her quiet, I don’t want her drawing attention to us. If
she screams, kill her” Trace ordered Andy.

Madison glanced at Trace, his eyes caught hers and they made
eye contact for a moment. His blood coloured eyes pierced into her skin, this
instantly made Madison’s blood run cold.

“The girl remains under our protection until your part of
the agreement is fulfilled” one of the hooded boys said.

Trace held her gaze, his face was cold but there was a spark
of amusement on his expression from the hooded boy’s statement. Trace broke his
gaze from Madison’s by shutting his eyes, when he reopened his eyes the colour
of his iris had returned to their normal colour of dark brown. He refocused his
eyes onto Madison’s face, studying her expression and reading her fear.

“We’re see…” Trace muttered, turning away from Madison.

Madison took a deep, her heart pounded against her chest,
beads of sweat formed at her hair line and along the top of her lip - her face
was now damp and clammy. She prayed that Brendan would turn up and rescue her
before she stepped a foot inside The Coven. The Coven was unknown territory and
Madison had no idea of what to expect. The end was approaching – she was sure
of it. There was a part of her that was terrified about what was going to
happen, but another part of her was relieved that the end was drawing near. She
felt immense guilt for what had happened to Stephanie and for the pain
Stephanie’s Mother would feel at the loss of her daughter.

Madison loved Brendan dearly and there would be no one else
in this life or the next that could take his place in her heart – he was her
one and only. She cherished every moment she had spent with him and any more
moments after this would be a blessing. Although she felt her life was coming
to her end, she knew what she had to do - protect Brendan with her last breath.
Madison felt no fear at the prospect of death and she only felt fear of what
would occur up until that point and who else might lose their life in her mess.
The thought that she might soon be reunited with her Mum and all this pain
would soon stop, provided Madison with a little piece of comfort, but the guilt
and sorrow that hung over her from the loss of Stephanie was too heavy for her
to feel any release.

“Let’s go!” Trace said heading towards the glass doors.

Madison felt the panic rise in her stomach and her heart
bounced around in her chest – she was pretty sure if the Vampire’s didn’t kill
her she would almost definitely die of an early heart attack. Her hands clammy
and her face drenched with beads of sweat and her hair clinging to her brow and
the back of her neck, she trembled at the prospect of going inside the door
before her.

Andy tried to nudge Madison forwards but she refused digging
her heels in and shaking her head. He nudged her again, this time slightly more
forceful but she shuffled forwards before quickly moving backwards to her
original spot.

Andy sighed in frustration and pulled her towards his body,
grabbing her left upper arm so he had both arms restrained. He held Madison so
her back was pressed again his front and her arms tightly restrained against
his chest. She struggled, thrashing her body from side to side trying to
release his hold. Madison screamed in desperation – hoping that Brendan was
nearby and he might hear her cries.

Andy quickly placed his right hand over Madison’s mouth,
stopping her scream mid flow. His other arm spread across her chest stopping
her from escaping.

“Shut up!” He spat in her ear, squeezing her chest cutting
off the oxygen.

Madison whimpered as a loud crack sounded from her chest,
tears spilled out over her cheeks down onto Andy’s arm – he had broken one of
her ribs.

He forced her towards the entrance of The Coven. Trace and
the two hooded boys had already entered the building while Andy and Madison
struggled outside. His hand tightened around her mouth and his other arm
wrapped around firmly against her chest. Andy kicked the door of The Coven open
and pushed Madison through.

They entered a large, empty reception area.  The room
was huge and elegant – like the entrance of a Marrot or Hilton Hotel. In the
centre of the room was a circle of dark blue corner sofa’s surrounding a glass
coffee table with a few magazines in the centre.

At the end of the room a beautifully painted sunset above a
calm sea stretched along the wall – quite an ironic thing to be in a Coven of
Vampires. The reds, oranges and yellows which bleed together gave the
appearance of a hot summer’s day, reminding Madison of the many summer’s she
and Stephanie had spent together on the beach in Brighton. The different shades
of gray and white made the sea look like a thousand diamonds sown across a blue
brink; it was magical, almost drawing you in.

White marble with specks of yellow covered the floor of the
entire room. On the left was a dark brown receptionist’s desk with a small flat
screen computer screen and keyboard sat behind it, on the left wall was two
large golden elevators doors.

Andy didn’t hesitate, he quickly ushered Madison towards a
corridor on the left.  She shifted uncomfortably in his grip, her rib
aching from underneath his grip. Brown doors dotted along the corridor which
led into multiple different offices and rooms. The corridor was darker then the
reception area, Madison’s strained to see through the dim light. Her boots slid
on the marble floor, Andy gripped her more tightly, preventing her from falling
out of his grasp.

When they reached the end of the corridor it veered off to
the right, muffled voices travelled along the corridor towards them. Madison
and Andy had fallen behind and up until now The Coven appeared disserted. Andy
stopped before the corner veered off, He lent against the end of the right
wall, squeezing Madison tightly to stop her from moving or causing any noise.
Slowly he pocked his head around the corner, just enough so he could see what
the cause of the muffled voices might be. He jolted his head back against the
wall quickly, preventing himself from being seen.

“Shit!” he whispered, panicked.

Madison froze. Whoever was on the other side of the corridor
had spooked Andy, which meant that she too should be scared for her life.

Andy rested his head against the wall, his whole body shook
against Madison. He fingers pitched the skin on her shoulder, causing her to
screw her face up in pain. She stared helplessly towards the empty space on the
wall opposite; her mind whirling with the idea of breaking free from Andy’s
restrain. Tears dried on her face making her skin feel tight and sticky. Beads
of sweat trickled off her forehead and followed the pattern of the dried tears
down her cheeks.

Her breathing was quick and wheezy from the lack of oxygen
she was getting from Andy’s hand which still covered her mouth.

The muffled voices carried on for a few seconds then there
was a soft click as a door closed.  Andy slowly poked his head around the
corner again, he searched the corridor, but there was no sign of movement now.

Slowly he relaxed, his grip loosening on Madison, allowing
her to take in a deep breath of air. He pulled Madison around the corner with
him, his hand still covering her mouth, his other hand now moved downwards to
her midriff.

The corridor was longer than the one before, it stretched
along the whole length of the back of The Coven – a never ending corridor
almost. About half way down on the left hand side of the corridor door was one
golden elevator door. Andy pushed her down the corridor towards it. She tripped
a few times as Andy trod on her heels.

He gripped her stomach tight, stopping her from falling
forward. As they passed one of the offices to the left, the door clicked open.
They both froze on the spot, their bodies twisted and their eyes now focused on
the open door. Madison caught her breath as she waited for a new threat to
emerge from the open office. Andy’s cold chest tightened again Madison’s spine,
his finger dug into the flesh on her stomach in anticipation. 

The door opened wider and muffled voices sounded in the
corridor once again. Her eyes widened in fear and she held her breath as the
voices came into focus.

Suddenly another quieter click of a door opening sounded and
both Andy and Madison were both pulled sideways through the doorway. The
pressure on Madison’s shoulder and stomach was instantly released and she felt
lightness as she fell through the air once again. Her left arm broke her fall
as she impacted with the thick carpet of an office floor. The carpet burnt her
elbow causing a tingling sensation. Andy was also pulled sideways, but instead
of being thrown on the floor, he was whirled around so he was stood to the
right of Madison just inside the office door.

Trace clutched Andy’s shirt, the same fiery anger burning
brightly in his eyes and his posture ridged towards Andy - almost threatening.

Andy stared helplessly at Trace, fear equally burning
brightly in his eyes. His hands were raised slightly in a surrendering manner
and his posture cowling away from Trace.

Alex silently closed the door before the voices moved out
into the corridor. Vampires are experts at moving unnoticed, invisible
creatures of the night that there is no hiding from.

Madison remained led on the carpet, her body curled up and
her mind spinning from the motion.

The office was pitch black, the only figures she could make
out were Andy’s, Trace, Alex and Gabby’s silhouettes. The two boys were almost
invisible in the thick darkness, their dark clothes hiding them almost

Gabby towered over Madison and her green eyes cutting the
darkness like a knife. Their eyes made contact, she held her gaze – threatening
Madison with her eyes. She knew that if Madison chose to scream at that precise
moment, she would give the game away. Each of the Vampires looked from one
another, not saying a word, but their facial expressions said a thousand.

Either way Madison knew she was going to die tonight, the
only reason she chose not to scream now was in hope that the Vampires might let
their guard down sooner or later. Madison knew Brendan would come for and she
just had to bide her time until then.

Another click sounded in the corridor and the voices
disappeared into another office room.

“Where have you been?” Trace snapped clenching his fist
around Andy’s shirt and pulling him closer.

“It was Madison; she was causing me some problems!” Andy
said in defense, his voice low.

Trace’s eyes flickered over towards Madison and her eyes
widened as they flickered from Gabby to Trace. Her body trembled causing her
hands to violently shake; sweat trickled down the sides of her face onto the
black t-shirt Fred had given her back at The Lodge. There was something about
Trace’s expression that made Madison instantly nervous and fearful. She watched
in suspension for the repercussions of her actions earlier.

Trace’s fingers relaxed, allowing Andy’s shirt to slowly
fall away from his grip. Andy eyes now directed to Madison, relief flooding
onto his face.

Trace held her stare, his hands falling to his side as he
turned in her direction.

“I’ll kill her!” Gabby sneered, her body rocking eagerly.

“Not yet! When we have the scroll! We can’t get it without
the help of the Black Orchid. You made the deal Gabby; you have to live with
the conditions of it!” Trace said his eyes still focused on Madison.

“If I knew getting a stupid old scroll was going to be this
much trouble, I would have never bothered” Gabby said frustrated.

“Well, why the hell did you then? You obviously thought
risking your place within The Coven and our places was worth it, just to bleed
this pathetic human dry?!” Trace spat, his voice angry and excusing.

Gabby stared at Trace, a spark of hurt and guilt in her
eyes. Her mouth hung open in shock and she was unsure how to reply to Trace’s
honest but hurtful words. She straightened her jaw and closed her mouth
regaining her composure.

“You wouldn’t understand...” she muttered, her eyes lowered
to the floor.

“No, I guess you’re right. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to
love someone that doesn’t love you back!” Trace said sarcastically. However,
his eyes were soft and truthful even though his words were bitter and
sarcastic. He stared at Gabby his face calm, almost innocent. Gabby held
Trace’s gaze, but she frowned at him in confusion.

Hiding the true meaning of his statement – Trace’s
expression quickly flickered back to anger.

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