B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (222 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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In 2420, the human race and Sontarans signed a non-aggression pact.
In the 2420s, the deserts of Earth were reclaimed and the city New Atlantis was built in the Pacific. The population of Earth was sixty billion at this time.

The sixth Doctor and Frobisher visited Peri on Krontep and caught up with her family. Following that visit, her son Corynus was killed in a hunting accident. Yrcanos died suddenly, and his and Peri’s grandsons - Artios and Euthys - unaccountably fell out over the succession. Peri rode off, vowing not to return until the war had ended. Krontep was devastated by civil war between Artios and Euthys. Yrcanthia, their mother, was killed in crossfire, and this provoked the generals to rebel against both brothers and stake them out in the desert. Farlig was appointed regent to Peri’s granddaughter Actis.

c 2429 - “The Age of Chaos”

The sixth Doctor arrived on Krontep to celebrate Actis’ sixteenth birthday, and learned of the turbulence of the last decade. At Actis’ insistence, they went to the Antarctic to meet Frobisher. The Doctor and Frobisher set off on a perilous journey to the distant land of Brachion, in hope of finding what had gone wrong with the planet, and discovered a mysterious dome. The Doctor identified it as a Thought Aligned Random Displacement Energiser Negative Activated (TARDENA), and learned that it was being operated by a Nahrung, a member of an old race that fed on suffering - it was this madness that had consumed the planet. Deep underground in the Hall of Atonement, the lair of a sect of mad monks, the travellers went on to meet Euthys and Artios, and were reunited with Actis. They escaped thanks to the mysterious Ranith.

Comparing notes, the Doctor deduced that the regent Farlig had used Nahrung technology to set the brothers against each other. The Nahrung possessed Farlig, and both were killed. As the Doctor and Frobisher left, the Doctor revealled that Ranith was secretly Peri herself.

2430 - “Dogs of Doom”

The savage Werelox were werewolf-like aliens who could convert humans into their kind with a single bite or slash of their claws, and they attacked the more than thirty colonies of the New Earth system.

The TARDIS landed on the
: an astro-freighter, operated by Joe Bean and Babe Roth, that was working the system. As the fourth Doctor and Sharon introduced themselves, the Werelox attacked the ship and their leader, Brill, clawed the Doctor. He became a Werelok and retreated to the TARDIS, taking it out of time. Three months later, he had cured himself, and returned to the
mere minutes after he left. The Doctor hypnotised Brill and realised the Werelox were the Daleks’ servants. The Daleks were using neutron fire to sterilise planets and planned to colonise them. The Doctor headed to the Dalek ship with Brill and K9.

Meanwhile, Joe Bean and his partner Babe planned to ram the Dalek ship in the
. The Doctor discovered that the Daleks were distilling emotions from alien monsters to make themselves more efficient killing machines, and that unless something was done, the New Earth system would become a huge Dalek breeding ground. K9 released the alien monsters, which attacked the Daleks. Additionally, the Doctor used equipment in the Daleks’ Room of Many Centuries - a laboratory where the Daleks were building a time transporter - to timelock the Dalek battlecruiser, removing the threat just as the
was about to ram it.

The Tyrenians had been developed as human super-soldiers with canine attributes, genetically engineered by Gustav Tyren. When the military pulled its funding for the project, the Tyrenians stole a ship and founded a colony on Axista Four. They set up satellite defences and then entered suspended animation using symbiotes.

Around 2430, the human colony ship
Big Bang
departed into space. The seventh Doctor, in preparing colonist Kirann Ransome to help one of his previous selves, was the last person to visit her before she entered stasis.

The defence grid on Axista Four shot down the
Big Bang
, and it crashed to the planet. Kirann remained trapped in stasis while the survivors founded a colony based on her text,
Back to Basics
, and strove for a low-technology approach that modelled society on the Wild West. They were unaware of the Tyrenians’ presence.

= In 2436, an alternative Earth that was ruled by Nazis who had won the Second World War, and later gone on to galactic conquest, was destroyed.

? 2440 - Survival of the Fittest

Among the worlds of the galactic plane, the Geo-Police were a fascist group of “justice officers” who would cordon off various worlds to protect their resources.

The seventh Doctor and Klein arrived on a planet located high above the galactic plane, with a good view of the Milky Way. The insectoid Vrill who lived there were threatened by a team of humans seeking to acquire and sell the prized nutrient gels the Vrill used in their reproductive process. The humans used a nerve agent - the Spear of Destiny 2Tri-C81 - to kill the Vrill queen, their Authority. The Doctor saved enough gel to guarantee the Vrill’s survival, but Klein - plotting to rewrite history in favour of the German Reich - stole the TARDIS, stranding him...

The Doctor was transplanted into the alternate reality Klein created in 2044, and retrieved his Ship.

The lost planet of Delfus Orestes, formerly designated Cappa Nine Seven, was re-named KS-159. The Delfans of Delfus Clytaemnestra had built the Oracle of the Lost - a sentient statue that could make predictions of the future based upon universal models - on Delfus Orestes, and it resided there even after its creators had passed.

Enormous spaceport terminals were created as hyperspace travel enabled humanity to spread further into the universe. The small planet New Memphis was close to a hyperspace nexus point, and so became a hub of intergalactic travel, its Elvis the King Spaceport servicing traffic from a hundred different star systems.

Circa 2450, Earth instigated a time-travel project on Vilencia Sixteen that went horribly wrong and destroyed half the planet. The Stella Stora Sigma Schutz-Staffel SturmSoldaten (SSSSSSS), a neo-Nazi organisation, used bits of this technology to weave their philosophies into the timelines of many worlds.

c 2450 - Scaredy Cat

Fathrea - the fourth world orbiting its sun - had known peace for centuries, and colonists from there settled in another system on the planet Endarra. The biological agent Saravin had been developed for warfare, and a passing Ventriki ship tested the weapon’s effects on the Endarra colony. The eighth Doctor, investigating events that would occur four million years in the future, refrained from interfering for fear of disrupting history. C’rizz gave the colonists an antidote from the TARDIS medial facility, but this wasn’t enough to save them. Within three months, the colonists had perished. One small girl, Galayana, had a natural immunity and survived a few weeks longer, then perished herself.

Endarra was newly formed, and the trauma of the colonists’ deaths remained in its morphogenetic field. Galayana’s memories and aspect were also preserved.

? 2450 - The Underwater War

The purple water planet Hydron was home to the Schoal: fish people whose eggs carried an immense electrical charge. One egg could power a starship for a week. The Schoal attacked the Earth vessel
Marine Adventurer
when it tried to steal the Schoal’s eggs, but two survivors - including a man named Fleming - escaped back to Earth. Two years later, the eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory defused tensions when the Company sent the
Cosmic Rover
to scour Hydron for minerals. Fleming tried and failed to capture thousands of eggs, sell them and retire to Catrigan Nova and its whirlpools of gold. With peace restored, the Doctor and his friends decided to visit the Tower of London.

General Moret fought in the Telepathic Uprising of ‘54.
Spacefleet used psi drugs to enhance human psychokinesis.
The Doctor met a Legion in the twenty-fifth century.
A Dalek War broke out in 2459.
Forests in Madagascar and Portugal were made into cropland to such a degree, the sentient lemurs there dispersed throughout the galaxy in search of a new home. They formed the Order of Lost Lemuroidea.
Comes the Trickster released the HvLIP
All The Way From Heaven
in 2465.

Down Among the Dead Men
, Bernice Summerfield’s study of archaeology (particularly that of the Martians) was published.

2472 (Tuesday, 3rd March, to Wednesday, 4th March) - Colony in Space

Earth was overpopulated, with one hundred billion people living like “battery hens” in communal living units. 300-storey floating islands were built, housing five hundred million people. There was “no room to move, polluted air, not a blade of grass left on the planet and a government that locks you up if you think for yourself”.

IMC scoured the galaxy for duralinium, to build ever more living units. From Earth Control, their headquarters, a fleet of survey vessels ruthlessly strip-mined worlds and killed anyone that stood in their way. Discipline on IMC ships and planets relied heavily on the death penalty: piracy, mutiny and even trespass were all capital offences. Earth Government turned a blind eye to these abuses, although an Adjudicator was assigned to each Galactic Sector to judge disputes in interplanetary law.

Despite the conditions on Earth, few were prepared to leave the homeworld for a bleak life on a colony planet. Some groups of eccentrics bought their own ship and tried to settle on a new world, but most people preferred a life on Earth, where the government may have been harsh, but at least they were able to feed their citizens.

Colonists on Uxarieus - a world that supported birds, insects and basic plant life, and which had an atmosphere similar to that of Earth before the invention of the motor car - found themselves in competition with IMC for control of the planet. The colonists arrived first, surveyed the planet and set up their habitation domes. They discovered that Uxarieus was inhabited by a small subterranean city of telepathic Primitives. Two colonists were killed when they tried to enter the city, but an understanding was reached - in return for food, the Primitives provided menial labour. The colonists proceeded with their plans, but it proved difficult to grow crops as they withered for no reason that the colonists could ascertain.

Just over a year after they arrived, giant lizards attacked some of the outermost domes and some colonists were killed. Many colonists were prepared to leave, but their spacecraft was obsolete, and would almost certainly be unable to reach another world.

IMC arrived in Survey Ship 4-3, under the command of Captain Dent, and angered the colonists by staking a claim on the world. When they discovered that IMC had been using optical trickery to project images of the lizards, and a Mark III servo-robot to kill the colonists, many turned to arms.

Colonists and IMC men were killed in a series of gun battles. The Master posed as an Adjudicator and ruled in IMC’s favour, but he was more interested in the Primitives’ secrets. The IMC team attempted to murder the colonists by forcing them to leave in their obsolete rocket. They were defeated and a real Adjudicator was brought in.

It was discovered that the Primitive city was home to an ancient superweapon, which had been leaking and poisoning the soil. The third Doctor and Jo, working on behalf of the Time Lords, convinced the guardian of this device to destroy to weapon - and the city - rather than let it fall into the Master’s hands.

Humanity at this time still used imperial measurements, projectile weapons and wheeled transport (“space buggies”). Ships were powered by nuclear motors, and communicated with Earth via “warp” radio and videolink. The language of Earth was English; the currency was the pound. IMC had advanced scanning equipment for mineral surveys and medical diagnoses. Colonists bought old ships to transport them to their colony planets.

In the twenty-fifth century, Earth colonised Solos, a planet with rich deposits of thaesium. The beautiful planet was ravaged and its people enslaved.
The seventh Doctor, Benny, Roz and Chris went to Navarro to rest after their adventure in Little Caldwell.
Mrs Ransandrianasolo was born. She was a telepath, as her mother was given psi drugs.

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