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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The story is here placed a century after it was broadcast, around the same time as the other Cyberman incursion seen in
The Moonbase
. In the last episode of
The War Games
, Zoe is returned to her native time.

] “The Forgotten”

Fear of the Daleks.
Wendy Padbury was 58 when this was recorded, a possible indicator of Zoe’s age.

] Dating
The Moonbase
(4.6) - Hobson tells the Doctor they are in “2070”, and Polly later repeats this. On screen, the small crew of the moonbase includes Englishmen, Frenchmen and Danes. The production file for the story listed the other nationalities represented at the moonbase: Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians, Germans and Nigerians.

Original Sin

The Tomb of the Cybermen, Attack of the Cybermen.

Sword of Orion


After the destruction of their vast advance force (
The Invasion
), their homeworld of Mondas (
The Tenth Planet
) and most of the surviving Cyber warships (
Silver Nemesis
), the Cybermen must have been severely weakened. They gradually regrouped and attempted to attack Earth at least twice in the twenty-first century (
The Wheel in Space, The Moonbase
). These attempts failed, and the Cybermen faced extinction (according to the Controller in
The Tomb of the Cybermen
). So they left the solar system and conquered Telos. (The Doctor says in
Attack of the Cybermen
that “if Mondas hadn’t been destroyed, the Cybermen would never have come here [to Telos]”, which contradicts an unbroadcast line from
The Moonbase
where a Cyberman states, “We were the first space travellers from Mondas. We left before it was destroyed. We came from the planet Telos.”) The Cybermen subjugated the native Cryons, used Cryon technology to build their “tombs” (
Attack of the Cybermen
) and experimented with new weapons before entering suspended animation. In the late twenty-fifth century, the Cybermen revive (
The Tomb of the Cybermen
), but are refrozen. Telos is destroyed soon after in an asteroid strike (the
audio series), but a new breed of Cybermen is forged to menace the galaxy (
Cyberman 2
, evidently leading into The Cyber War).

St Anthony’s Fire

Lords of the Storm

] Dating “The Forgotten” (IDW
mini-series #2) - No date is given. The level of technology seems reminiscent of Zoe’s time.

] “Sixty years” after

] Dating
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
(EDA #52) - It is “one hundred years” (p9) after “1974” (p3).

(p188), with similar technology in

] “Twenty years” before
Snowglobe 7

] Dating
(BF #20) - The date is given.

A Death in the Family

] “Four hundred years” before
The Game.

] Dating
Warriors of the Deep
(21.1) - The Doctor tells Tegan that the year is “about 2084”. The televised story doesn’t specify which bloc the Seabase belongs to, and only the novelisation specifies the blocs as “East and West”. Even that leaves the geopolitics far from clear. The most obvious division in 1984 would have been between a capitalist West and communist East, but nowadays that seems unlikely. Lt. Preston doesn’t seem surprised that the TARDIS is “not from this planet”, and no-one seems shocked that the Silurians are intelligent nonhumans. This might suggest that contact has been made with a number of alien races by this time.

The Return of the Earth Reptiles

Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Ambassadors of Death
The Sea Devils
, the Doctor thinks that the Brigadier has killed all the Silurians at Wenley Moor. However, they may simply be entombed, and one Silurian - Ichtar - seems to survive the first story into
Warriors of the Deep

Based on discrepancies between the events of
Doctor Who and the Silurians
, the descriptions of the Doctor’s last encounter with the species in
Warriors of the Deep
, and the fact that the Doctor recognises Icthar, the Myrka and the Silurian submersible,
The Discontinuity Guide
postulated that there is an unrecorded adventure featuring the Doctor and the Silurians set between the two stories. The novel
The Scales of Injustice
, set in the UNIT era and published the year after
The Discontinuity Guide
, addresses most of these issues in an attempt to fill the gap.

Cold Blood entails a Silurian colony that

s slated to revive and try to negotiate an accord with humanity around 3020, but we aren

t shown the outcome of that effort.
Silurians are referred to in a number of New and Missing Adventures set in the future (
Love and War
The Crystal Bucephalus
to name three). They seem particularly peaceful towards humans in Benny’s native time.

The Dying Days
(p115). This is mankind’s first diplomatic contact with alien races, as opposed to being invaded by them. See also “When Does the General Public Accept the Existence of Aliens?”

No Future

] It arrived “thirty years” after
The Waters of Mars
. Travelling at lightspeed, it would take a little over four years to reach Proxima Centauri, so it must have been launched in 2085.

] Dating “Black Destiny” (
#235-237) - The date is given. The United Nations World Health Organisation is still operating, as are nuclear power stations. Peace must have broken out since
Warriors of the Deep

] “A hundred years or so” after
The Nightmare Fair
. This isn’t the Doctor’s best suggestion, as “a hundred years” after that story would be around 2086, at the start of the Thousand-Day War.

, with additional details of Paris’ obliteration provided in
Benny: Beige Planet Mars
. The Mona Lisa that perishes is presumably the one with “This is a Fake” scrawled on it in felt-tip, per
City of Death


Fear Itself
(PDA, p176-177).



(p79). In
The Curse of Peladon,
we learn that the Martians and Arcturans are “old enemies”.



] Dating
The Story of Martha:
“Breathing Space” (NSA #28b) - The year is given.

Fear Itself


] “Thirty years” after
The Waters of Mars

] Dating
Paper Cuts
(BF #125) - The Doctor twice says that it’s been “sixty years” since he visited Draconia and aided with the space plague, but the Queen Mother - who vividly remembers meeting the Doctor when she was only 12, and would presumably be in a better position to know - claims it’s actually been “fifty years”. The story leaves open-ended how Draconia resolves the struggle between the fifteen emperors, but however it happens, the Draconians have a new empire and just one emperor by
Frontier in Space

Benny: The Vampire Curse:
“Possum Kingdom”.

] Roughly five hundred years before
Benny: The Gods of the Underworld

] This happens long enough before
Benny: The Kingdom of the Blind
that the Halvans’ descendents don’t remember their own history.

] “Seventeen years” before
The Memory Cheats

] Dating “Ground Zero” (
#238-242) - The date is given in a caption. The destruction of the TARDIS console would seem to lead to its new design in
Doctor Who - The Movie
, although oddly it’s the old TV console introduced in
The Five Doctors
that’s destroyed, not the version seen in the later seventh Doctor strips.

Ace’s Fate

The seventh Doctor and Ace walk off together in
, but the next time we see the seventh Doctor - in
The Movie
- he’s travelling alone. Thus, there have been a number of accounts of Ace’s fate.

The New Adventures saw her grow to become a young woman, then in
Set Piece
she acquires her own time machine and left the Doctor, and the last time we see her is in
where she’s still an independent time traveller. In “Ground Zero”, a teenaged Ace sacrifices her life to save the Doctor’s - and the Doctor is wearing the costume he did in
The Movie
, suggesting it’s shortly before he regenerates. In (the possibly apocryphal)
Death Comes to Time
, an older Ace is training to become a Time Lord, and witnesses the seventh Doctor’s death. In
Prime Time
, we see the Doctor exhume Ace’s teenage body - although in
Loving the Alien
, we learn the dead Ace (the one we saw with the Doctor on TV) was replaced by one from an alternate timeline. The four Big Finish audios adapted from suggested stories for the unmade Season 27 (
Thin Ice
Crime of the Century
Earth Aid
) don’t have Ace leave the TARDIS as the production team at the time initially planned; instead, she continues travelling with the Doctor and Raine Creevy. In due course, Big Finish may also tell “Ace’s last story”.

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