Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1) (38 page)

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Authors: Wanitta Praks

Tags: #contemporaryromance, #romanticcomedy, #babypregnancy, #babyromance, #chicklitromance, #humorromance, #multibillionaireromance, #multimillionaireromance, #playboyspinster, #pregnancyromance

BOOK: Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1)
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I gazed around the restaurant. Surprisingly,
it wasn’t as full as I’d anticipated. Looking at the menu gave
every indication as to how expensive and well established this
place was.

The waitress came back, and I ordered my
favorite spaghetti bolognese dish, accompanied with a glass of
pinot noir. Just when the meal was put in front of me and I was
about to indulge, I sensed someone staring at me. I looked up and a
man with blond hair and a bent nose smiled back at me.

“May I sit?”

I was about to say,
No, I want to be
, when he took my silence as an invitation. Maybe I should
have taken my tablet with me as a distraction, making me less
approachable. I really didn’t want any company tonight.

“Here on holiday?” he asked in his
Australian twang.

“On a business trip,” I replied coldly.

“How crazy. You have a kiwi accent. Are you
from New Zealand?”

“Yes, I am.” Again, I gave him the cold
vibe, but he clearly wasn’t registering the warning.

“So you’ve been to Larnach Castle,

Of course I’ve been to Larnach
I wanted to yell at him. Larnach Castle was the only
standing castle in the whole of New Zealand.

“How about Queenstown? Have you bungee
jumped? The last time I went there with my ex-girlfriend, she
screamed all the way down. It was hilarious.”

“I don’t find that funny at all.” I put down
my fork, my innate sense of justice kicking in. “How can you laugh
at someone who’s scared? What if I dump you in a pool full of
crocodiles? See if you’re scared and piss your pants?”

The man held a blank look, unsure of what to
make of my comment. Then he burst out laughing, a full belly laugh
that showed off his chubby tummy.

By this stage, I was already fed up with
him, and a conversation from three years ago flitted back through
my mind.
“A beautiful and delicate girl like you should always
have someone to protect her.”

Mr. Baritone-voice. I wondered where he went
to after that night.

“I’ve already organized everything. All you
have to do is put forward the presentation.”

I froze. My heart increased in beat. Every
fiber within my body sizzled alive.

That voice coming from behind me, it sounded
so deep, such a rich baritone, reminding me of Mr.

He was talking on the phone, I suspected. I
couldn’t quite hear properly since Mr. Potbelly yapped nonstop.


That got Mr. Belly-roll to shut up for a
minute while I listened that baritone voice continue to speak.

“Father has set the meeting. It will be held
at ten in the morning. Can you wake up in time?”

Why was that voice tormenting me? I must
have been deeply affected, for I could never forget that voice.

“Okay. That’s all. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Take care.”

Take care.
That was Mr.

I swirled around in my seat, quick enough to
only catch a glimpse of inky black hair just as the man took off. I
hurried out of my chair, ignoring Mr. Jelly Belly, who moaned like
a child when I made a dash to follow Mr. Baritone-voice.

I need to see his face to confirm my
Please tell me this isn’t my imagination
. I swore
if it were him, I’d make sure to get his name and phone number this

I caught sight of the man with black hair
again as he walked into the main hallway. But there were so many
people going in every direction that I couldn’t get close to him.
Suddenly, he was swallowed up by the crowd. I gritted my teeth and
weaved through. But he was already gone. When I thought I’d lost
him again, he reappeared before my eyes, stepping onto the

“Hey!” I rushed up to the lift, waving my
hand about, hoping he would see me.

But he didn’t. And that damn elevator closed
its doors right in my face.

After standing there staring at the
stainless steel for what seemed like ages, I blinked and laughed at

Oh God, I must be crazy.
After three
years, I was still affected by that scorching touch on my ankle,
those stormy eyes, those kissable lips, and that rich voice. I was
acting like a stalker searching for my prey.



It was bright and early and the sun was
already beating mercilessly down upon me when I arrived at Devereux
Holdings promptly before the 10:00 a.m. meeting. Immediately upon
arrival, an elderly gentleman of about Papa’s age rushed towards
me, his arms extended wide.

“My dear.” He enveloped me against his large
stature. “You must be Kimberly. My, my, look at how much you’ve
grown. Geoff used to send pictures of you from when you were a
little girl all the way through to college. And now look at you,
all grown up and ready to take on Henderson Corporation and our
joint venture.”

“Not yet. I still need experience,” I said,
smiling warmly at him.

“Don’t sell yourself short. Geoff must have
seen something in you to put you in this position.”

“I’m his daughter.” I laughed, liking Beau
in that instant.

“Tsk!” Beau rubbed my head affectionately
like Papa used to when I did a good job. “Daughter or not, he
believes in you.”

I only nodded, smiling again.

“Now, speaking of Geoff. How is he?”

“Papa’s doing great. He sends his

“I miss that man. I have to invite him to my
upcoming birthday party.”

“He would love that.”

“Come.” Beau led me inside.

Along the way, many people greeted us. I was
introduced as the new temporary intern that would be helping out at
the company. No one would know my true identity, except for close
parties. This was to help prevent shoulder-rubbing of employees who
wanted to climb the ladder faster through me.

“I have to introduce you to my sons. They’ll
be working on this project too. I thought it’d be a good idea that
you next-generation kids work together.” Beau laughed out loud.

I joined in his laughter. But our happy mood
didn’t last long. Entering the meeting room where the presentation
was to take place, we found all the staff looking at each other
warily, as if something were the matter.

Beau’s facial expression changed immediately
as soon as he looked at the projector. Nothing was set up.

“What is going on? Why is the presentation
not set up?”

“The projector broke down. We don’t know
what happened. As soon as we came to set up thirty minutes ago, it
wouldn’t turn on. We’re replacing it with a new one now. It’s
coming in five minutes. I’m sorry, sir,” one of the staff

“Kimberly, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting
this.” Beau apologized, turning to me.

Time is money in business. And to think I’d
come here and nothing was prepared, this was sloppy work. Someone
should have checked the projector more than half an hour before the
presentation. But there was no point in dwelling on it now. I let
the matter slide. “Don’t worry, Beau. I’m happy to wait.”

I sat down and took out my tablet, reading
A Demon’s Wrath
, by Alexia Praks while the staff fussed
around with the new projector.

Somewhere in the background, I could hear
Beau talking in a frustrated tone to one of the staff. “Where is
that boy? He’s supposed to be here.”

“I’m here.” A male’s voice spoke. “Sorry,
Dad, I came as fast as I could.”

“Come here. I want you to meet the
representative of the Henderson Corporation. Kimberly Henderson,
the heir of Henderson Corporation. Kimberly dear.”

When Beau called my name, I looked up and
saw the young man standing next to him. He was of medium height
with sandy-blond hair and crystal-blue eyes. He looked no more than
twenty-five when he smiled at me.

“Kimberly dear, this is my son Joshua.”

“Miss Henderson.” The man standing in front
of me thrust out his hand, his eyes lighting as soon as he saw

“Mr. Devereux,” I greeted, smiling back at

“Mr. Devereux is my father. Please call me

Josh held my palm a little too long to be
considered a professional handshake between business partners. I
shook his hand, and he playfully caressed it while his father was
looking away. I shook my hand free.

Josh was a natural flirt.

I returned his playful flirtation with a
businesslike look. “Maybe you’re ready for the presentation

Beau looked uncomfortable when he turned
back. He pushed his son off to organize the presentation. Ten
minutes later, with the arrival of the other members of the board,
along with more introductions, the presentation went underway.

The whole room was enclosed in darkness
then. Only the light streaming from the projector could be

I had to admit, even though Josh was a
natural flirt, he really did know his stuff. Papa would be
impressed with all the information and facts he researched. In
fact, I was so absorbed in the presentation that by the time it had
finished, I was already anticipating calling Papa to move forward
with the deal.

When the presentation came to an end, Beau
invited me this coming weekend out to his home on the outskirts of
Brisbane, where he resided with his wife.

“It would be like a family reunion,” Josh
said, butting into our conversation. “Plus, I’m sure you would like
my mother.”

Beau scrunched up his face at the mention of
his wife. But it was only for a second before his big grin appeared

“It is rather a long drive. I will have John
escort you there,” Beau added.

“I’ll accompany you.” Josh beamed, edging
towards me. “It’s a long drive. Three hours. You’ll get bored
looking out at our monotonous Australian scenery. Having a friend
to talk to along the way would help make the time move faster,
don’t you think, Kimberly?”

“I do enjoy a quiet journey, Josh.”

“I still think it’s better if I accompany

“Perhaps it is a good idea,” Beau added.

In the end, I couldn’t refuse Beau’s
suggestion, so I agreed to John picking me up with Josh

Back at the hotel, as soon as I stepped foot
over the threshold, my phone rang.

“How was the meeting? Did you see Beau? And
how was the presentation?”

“Papa, your daughter has been away twenty
hours, and the first thing you ask is about the meeting? You don’t
love me anymore?” I playfully teased him.

“Kimmy-berry, I’m sorry, honey. Let’s start
again. How’s everything, my sweet?”

“Beau was very nice. I saw his son Josh. He
was the one who presented the proposal.”

“And what did you think?”

“About the presentation?”

“No, Josh.”

Something clicked inside me. “Papa, are you
trying to set me up?”


“No, Papa. I’m here to learn the ropes, not
get hitched.”

Papa didn’t say anything.

“Papa, are you still there?” I asked when
the silence was too long to bear.

“Yes, Kimmy-berry. Papa is here,” he said in
his haggard tone.

I knew he must have been upset with the turn
of our conversation, but I would never have thought he would scheme
to get me hitched. For the life of me, I couldn’t imagine myself
getting married until I found the one that made my skin burn with
just one touch. And that person was here, in Australia. How could I
give in to Papa when my heart yearned for that man?

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.
Devereux has invited me to visit his home tomorrow. I’m really
tired, so I’m going to rest a bit.”

“You do that, then.”

Papa sounded so sad that I had to console
him. “Papa, I was really impressed with their presentation. Maybe
there’s a chance our families will get to work together,” I managed
to squeeze out.

Papa laughed. “That’s my girl. I’m looking
forward to hearing your report.”




The drive to the Devereuxs’ household was a
boring and trying one. Josh wouldn’t stop leaning into me, talking
in his animated tone. Constantly, he would narrate about his high
school days, university life, and his life now. Everything, it
seemed, was about him.

“That’s the place where I first learned to
drive a car.” He pointed to a narrow path lined on either side with
eucalyptus trees. “I crashed my car into that tree there.”

His fingers brushed against my shoulder,
lingering there for a bit too long. I rolled my shoulder to shake
off his touch. But that was only the beginning. Every word, every
animated action, he would make every attempt to touch me,
disguising it as innocent gestures.

“Josh, you’re a very touchy person, aren’t
you?” I had to ask.

A snarky smile appeared on his face. “That’s
my way of expressing myself.” Suddenly, the playfulness was gone,
replaced with a deep, raw hunger within those blue eyes. And then,
only for my ears so John wouldn’t hear, he whispered, “Are you a
touchy person too, Kimberly?” His hand came to rest upon my exposed
thigh, his eyes staring into the depths of my green irises.

I was caught off guard. I didn’t expect Josh
to act this way. A chill ran down my spine. “Only with the ones I
to touch.” I tore his hand off my thigh.

Once again, he laughed, lifting the tension
in the air. After that, the conversation returned to normal.

Eventually, John stopped the car. I was
greeted at the door by Beau’s big bear hug, followed by his wife
Fiona, dressed like a trophy housewife, a role that could never
befit me. We exchanged a few pleasantries, all the while Josh
standing near me, his arm gently pressing the small of my back. I
was irked with his behavior, but because we were in front of his
parents, I didn’t want to embarrass him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a
silent onlooker in the background, a man with inky black hair
standing by the grand staircase. My heart recognized him as it
drummed rhythmically, making my ears ring.

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