Baby, You're the Best (27 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

BOOK: Baby, You're the Best
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Mary B. Morrison
The suggested questions that follow are included to enhance your group’s reading of this book.
Discussion Questions
Children who have never met their mother or father, how do you think this impacts their values and character?
How do you believe your childhood shaped your present state of mind as it relates to your relationship(s)?
What’s your comfort level with sex? What is your favorite sex scene in this book and why?
Which characters have got game, who’s playing games, and why?
The original title of this book was
Single Moms
. Do you know that seventy percent of African-American women are single moms? Are you aware that more than fifty percent of African-American marriages end in divorce? And fifty percent of African-American women never marry? Based on statistics, what do you think is the main factor contributing to the breakdown in communication in the African-American community?
Which characters are in search of love? Someone to love and love them back? Give examples based on the characters’ actions.
Should Alexis have bothered finding out who her father was? Was she prepared?
We may all agree that Alexis is not the caretaker of anyone’s heart. In fact, she derives satisfaction in dominating others but accepts no responsibility for her actions. Can you give examples of people who do the same or similar?
Is sex a weapon? Can sexual ties bond individuals to the point they feel like they want to die if it ends? Have you ever suffered depression as a result of a breakup or divorce? How did you find the strength to overcome?
Is love an in-the-moment connection? How can a person sex one person today, then a different person the same or next day and waver between the two?
Do you believe monogamy is natural? Why do people cheat? Have you cheated on someone you love?
Women dating younger men. Do you have a preference? How old was the youngest person you’ve dated? Based on your dating experiences, what’s the difference in maturity between a younger man and an older guy?
Is a younger person better at sex? Why? Or why not?
Should the daughters share their relationship problems with their mother? What advice do you think Blake would give each one?
Accidental incest. A daughter getting impregnated by her mother’s ex-boyfriend. Do you think it happens in real life? Who’s to blame when this does happen?
Mary B. Morrison’s
If I Can’t Have You
If I Can’t Have You
What really makes a man plunge headlong into obsession? And what does he do once he’s past the point of no return? Find out in this seductive, mesmerizing tale of “love” gone dangerously wrong.
I’d Rather Be With You
With Madison’s marriage on the rocks, Loretta couldn’t resist looking after Chicago’s interests and reigniting his passion for life. But now Madison wants to take back what’s no longer hers....
If You Don’t Know Me
The scandalous story of two women, a sizzling wager, and the fallout that’s turned lives upside down. Now, with the only man they’ve ever wanted at stake, who will go one step too far to claim him?
Available wherever books and ebooks are sold.
DAFINA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2015 by Mary B. Morrison
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
Library of Congress Card Catalogue Number: 2015937821
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ISBN: 978-1-6177-3069-6
ISBN-10: 1-61773-068-8
First Kensington Hardcover Edition: August 2015
eISBN-13: 978-1-61773-069-6
eISBN-10: 1-61773-069-6
Kensington Electronic Edition: August 2015

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