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Authors: Roxann Delaney

Bachelor Cowboy (18 page)

BOOK: Bachelor Cowboy
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She looked up at him, her blue eyes darkened with a passion he’d never forget. “But what will you do?”

With a grin, he rocked her in his arms. “Well, there’s the rodeo stock company Tanner and I are starting up.” Her look of surprise pulled a chuckle from him. “And we have someone special in mind to do our accounting.” He pulled her closer, loving the feel of her. “And when we’re not working—and that will be a lot of the time—I’ll be busy loving you and filling the house with babies.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “If that’s what you want.”

Kate’s smile nearly knocked him over. She nodded. “One at a time, though.” Her smile dimmed, and her lips drew down in a stubborn frown. “But we’ll argue.”

“And make up,” he said, ducking his head to nibble her neck. “And argue and make up, and—We’ll never be bored. And you’ll never let me get a word in because you’ll be—”


He pulled back to look at her, wondering what else she could think of to keep them apart. “What?”

“Just kiss me.”

He barely noticed the cheers from the crowd that had gathered again as he granted her request. She would
never be tamed, never be like anyone else, but that was one of the reasons why he loved her. She was all he would ever need.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4672-4


Copyright © 2010 by Roxann Farmer.

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BOOK: Bachelor Cowboy
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