Back to Madeline Island (24 page)

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Authors: Jay Gilbertson

BOOK: Back to Madeline Island
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“Eve, darling, so many baby boomers, like yourself, had things happen that perhaps
in their best interest, but life sometimes
give us a second chance.”

“Second chances.” I slump back and think. “Maybe that will be my specialty.”

Just then we hear a honking, and seconds later, the headlights of the duck are bouncing down the hill. It splashes into the lake and pulls right up next to us at the end of the dock.

“Girls,” Sam drawls out from the driver's seat, “you gunna sit out here all night? Or do you wanna come with us”—she motions toward Lilly, Howard and Johnny—“and find a nice little island in need of a big ol' bonfire? Hmm?”

“I suppose,” Ruby says with a glint in her eye. “If you insist.”

“Have you got—” Before I can finish, Howard holds up a wine bottle. “Count us in!”


We head off into the night among laughter and moonlight, looking back to Madeline Island. I smile—it's gunna be one hell of a summer…


Big hugs to my amazing family and the Prairie Farm community that literally feeds my soul. Paradise on the prairie.

Kudos galore to my wonderful agent, Alison Bond. While exchanging garden musings and New York versus Wisconsin weather reports, her belief in my work is pure sunshine.

Hats off to my editor, Audrey LaFehr, and the talented crew of Kensington Books. Let's do it again!

So many of my clients will recognize bits and pieces of their lives, and I thank you for sharing such gifts with me. Huge hug to Laura Westlund. That goes for all the book clubs I've been invited to—you women know how to party!

One summer, not too long ago, my dear friend Mary received a phone call here at the farm that got her a screamin'! It was the daughter she'd only just found after thirty years of wondering. Thank you for allowing your story to be woven into mine.

How can I ever thank my
tractorless inhouse editor, webmaster, booking agent, chauffeur, public speaking coach and best friend—Ken.


Now do as Ruby says:
Get cracking!

A Chat with Jay Gilbertson


have had the pleasure of doing a lot of book events and thought I'd share some of the more commonly asked questions and several comments, too.

At readings, folks have asked me about the little cabin in the back of Eve and Ruby's place briefly mentioned in the first book. It seems that people really like a little mystery. So in the second installment I shared more about it and threw in some magic with the “healing ribbon,” because I think we all need a dose of the unexplained now and again.

Many people are curious how I go about writing. I don't plan too much ahead when I sit down to see what the girls are up to. After editing the last couple of pages, I dig in. Sometimes I may have a goal or event or maybe even a place I want to end up at, but how the story gets there is the fun stuff. If nothing comes to mind, I get up from my computer and head off to maybe chop some wood or feed the chickens. But I'm always thinking about what might happen next.

I had a wonderful experience at a reading/signing event in California recently. Seven, twelve-year-old Girl Scouts were seated in the front row, taking a step toward earning their Book Publishing merit badge by listening to an author and then asking a question. One young gal—all nervous and beet red in the face—asked, “Mister Jay Gilbertson, what do you come up with first…the plot or the conflict?” What a great question! After stalling a minute by cracking a joke, I told her that for me, the plot unfolds just like life does and oftentimes crap (I used the word
—they're twelve!) happens along the way—and that's conflict.

Many gals want Eve to stay single, but one reader sure thought she should be
getting some!
I promptly replied, “how do you know she's not?” I really don't enjoy reading sex scenes, so I seriously doubt I'll write any either. Yawn! Besides, being a good Norwegian, you just don't talk about that stuff—much. I'm a lot more drawn to all the issues
sex. That's the real crux of so many disputes and complex conflicts.

As I mentioned in my acknowledgments, my friend Mary went about the daunting task of locating her daughter that she had given up at the young age of seventeen. Most of Eve and Helen's story is just that—story. But the emotion, the fear and all those years of wondering and finally (GASP!), the meeting—I used as inspiration to give a ring of truth to several of the scenes in this novel. The sweet, heartwarming tale of the yellow sweater
a true one.

I'm happy to report that by the time you've read this Mary will have attended
daughter's wedding as well. I just love happy beginnings.

Keep those e-mails coming. I love to hear your thoughts, stories and all those secrets, too. Check out more about the girls (and guys) of Madeline Island at my web site:



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
850 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Copyright © 2006 by Jay Gilbertson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

Kensington and the K logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

ISBN: 978-0-7582-6657-6

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