Back to You (19 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #contemporary

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Tell me, when do you plan
on catching the cheaters in the act?” Sarah asks as we’re sifting
through racks of clothes at Charlotte Russe. I browse a few
blouses, holding onto them so I can try them on in the fitting
room. “Oh, today actually.” She raises her eye brow at me. “Stop
it! You and mom drive me crazy with that. I swear I must be the
only one who can’t do it.” She laughs at me.

Sorry, I forgot you
weren’t blessed with the ability to master The Rock look.” I smile
wide. I always had a crush on Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. I watched
every wrestling match he participated in. I was sad when he quit
wrestling to be in movies, though I loved those too. I bought every
movie he was in. Lucas makes fun of my obsession but I don’t care.
He’s totally sexy.

Earth to Abby, come in
Abby.” I hear Sarah’s voice invade my hot fantasy. I sneer at her.
“Oh I’m sorry, was I intruding on your sexual Lucas fantasies?” She

Actually I was
fantasizing about The Rock but thanks for asking, and
interrupting.” She laughs and nudges my shoulder.

Does Lucas know you have
sexy thoughts of someone else?” I nod and laugh. “Yeah, he laughs
at me for obsessing over him.”

He’s just jealous he
doesn’t look that good.” I slap her at that comment.

Hey, Lucas is pretty damn
sexy. Leave him alone. Okay, I have a few of these I want to try
on. I’ll be right back.” I walk away and find a sale’s

Excuse me; can I get a
fitting room please?” I ask a tall red head. She turns around and
smile at me, then grabs the key off the counter and I follow her to
the dressing room. “If you need anything, call me I will be happy
to help.”

Thanks, I think I’m
fine.” I walk into the room and close the door. I put my purse down
and hang up the blouses on the hook and look at myself in the
mirror. I notice that the bags under my eyes are mostly gone,
showing I’ve gotten more sleep lately. I feel like I have, a little
at least. I pull off my shirt and start trying on clothes, one by

Abby!” I hear Sarah
yelling from outside the fitting room. “I’m in here bonehead.” She
knocks on my door and I consider not saying anything, making her
search for me since all of the doors are locked. But I decide
against it and behave myself instead. Then I hear my phone buzz. I
fish for my phone in my purse and pull it out to see who is texting

Hey, just want to
apologize for being a dick the other day.”
It’s Brady finally speaking to me again. I snort out loud and
mumble to myself. “What did you say?” Sarah asks me from outside
the door.

Nothing, I’m talking to
myself.” I text him back.

Which time?”
I text back


“ I’m being serious Brady”“

Look we’ll talk soon. I
I put my phone back in my

Are you trying on clothes

Yes but I doubt I’m
buying anything.”

After deciding not to buy anything, we both
walk out. “Where to next sis?” Sarah asks with her arm looped
through mine. I look at her, grin plastered on my face.












Chapter 19


“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with
you, ya know for support?” Sarah asks me while we are sitting in my
car in front of Brady’s house. I look out my window to his front
door, wondering if someone is going to come out any moment.

I shake my head and look back at her. “No,
your coming here with me is support enough. Now I’ve got to do this
on my own. You just drive around the neighborhood for a little
while and I’ll call you when I’m done.” I take off my seat belt and
she does the same. “So what are you going to do if it’s true?” I
shrug as a response. I get out of my car and she crawls over the
center console and gets in the driver’s seat. I walk over to the
passenger side and stick my head in the open window.

Listen to me, stay around
here. You can’t afford to get in trouble.” Sarah tilts her head and
purses her lips together. “Come on Abby, I know this. I won’t be
far. I’m almost sixteen anyway.”

Almost means squat when
it involves the law. The law requires an adult in the car with you
at all times, when you drive. Just stay close by and I’ll text you
in a bit.” I wave bye to her and she drives off. I stand there for
a minute looking after her, well actually down the road since she’s
already gone at this point. I turn and walk slowly up the walkway.
I think about what Sarah asked me in the car. I’m not sure exactly
what I’d say or do if she was in there. I mean, what can I? I’m not
any better than them. I sit down on the step leading up to the
front door. I look out at the houses and trees, trying to collect
my nerve. My phone beeps. I pull it out of my purse and look at the

Good luck babe, you got
I drop my head down, a little
peeved. Sarah must have told Lucas what I was doing. Damn her and
her mouth.

Um, thanks. I’m going to
kill Sarah!”
I reply.

Relax, she just wanted me
to know. She’s looking out for you.”

She’s still

Okay, well I told her
you’d be mad at her for running her mouth.”
I smile. Lucas can always make me see the brighter side of
things. And I can always count on him to make me laugh, especially
during a difficult time.

I love you, gotta go now.
Text you later.”

Okay, love you

I put my phone away and stand up.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to
answer. I know I can just go to the window and probably peak in and
see what’s going on in there. But I decide against it. Just as I’m
about to knock a second time, the door swings inward. His mother
stands, gives me a big smile when she realizes it’s me. “Abby, what
a nice surprise! I haven’t seen you in awhile.” She gestures for me
to come in and pulls me into an embrace. It’s a little awkward but
I just go with it anyway. “Hey Mrs. Wilson.” She waves her hand and
says “Please call me by my name. It makes me feel old when you call
me that.”

Sorry Lisa, it’s a
habit.” I close the door behind me and turn back to Brady’s mother.
She’s a sweet lady and always supportive of Brady and me. I could
talk to her easily but for some reason, I couldn’t really look at
her now. I know she would be upset if she knew I had cheated on her
son. My hands start sweating and I shove them in the pockets of my

Would you like something
to drink?”
. “No thank you, I’m good.” She walks away from the kitchen
then and says “I’ll go tell Brady you’re here.” I shake my head,
almost giving myself whip lash and whisper

No, please let me go in.
I wanted to surprise him. Please.” He’ll be surprised alright. She
waves her hand as if to say “sure go ahead” so I quietly thank her
and head up the stairs to his room.

I tip toe, quietly as a mouse, and then
freeze. I can I hear voices. This is not happening. I finally reach
the top of the stairs and my heart starts racing.

Suddenly, my phone beeps; I quickly find it
and turn it off, without seeing who the text is from. I make a
right, then follow the hall to Brady’s room and notice the door is
closed. Of course it’s closed, why am I not surprised? I stand in
front of it and my hands are sweating. Am I going to finally
confront them and get everything out there? Or, am I going to be a
coward and run away? I guess we’ll find out soon enough, if I
actually make a move. My feet are planted firmly in place and I
can’t quite get them to move. I take a deep breath and open the
door. At first, I don’t see anything. I just see his dresser, desk
and his TV, playing some movie I can’t quite make out.

Then, as I open the door
wider, his bed comes into view and that’s when I see them. Brady
and Brooke, together in his bed. Vile rises up in the back of my
throat, but I force it down hastily. I pause; staring at them
snuggled up in the blankets. I feel sick. I’m not sure which is
worse, seeing them all tangled up, or the betrayal. I feel angry
that they both did this to me, but worse, that they hid it.
Finally, Brooke spots me and stiffens. She must say something to
Brady because right away he glances at me, eyes wide in a mixture
of shock and horror.

I quickly slam the door and run down the
stairs, tears are blurring my vision. “Abby? What’s wrong sweetie?”
I hear Brady’s mother ask, as I run past her forgetting to
acknowledge her. I thrust open the door and close it behind me,
running down the walk way. I reach into my purse to find my phone
and text Sarah.

Abby, please wait.” Brady
says suddenly in front of me. I don’t listen to him but keep
fiddling with my phone until it turns on.

Please, we need to talk.”
He tries again. This time I look up at him, anger on my face. I
know I should relent, but I’m stubborn and I’m not ready to face
the fact that I’m guilty too. I just want to be angry for a little
while, before giving up and facing the truth. I look back at my
phone and send a text to Sarah telling her to pick me

I have nothing to say to
you Brady. I’m just glad I know the truth now.” He steps closer to
me and grabs my hand but I pull away just as quickly.

Don’t. Just. Don’t.

It wasn’t supposed to
happen. I didn’t want it to happen Abby. It just did. I’m so
sorry.” Right then Sarah pulls up to the curb and I push past

Please talk to me. Tell
me what you’re thinking.” I stop and turn around to face

You don’t want to know
what I’m thinking.” I say as I get in the car, and Sarah drives

Driving down the highway, we are both quiet.
Sarah looks at me every once in awhile and I just stare out the
window. I should be happy, or at least relieved since it would give
me a reason to end things with Brady, once and for all. Then
finally, Lucas and I can be a couple. But it only makes me sad
instead. What was I hoping for? I’m not really sure, but I know
this is not the reaction I wanted to have. I lean over and turn on
the radio, hoping it will drown out my thoughts. I flip through
station after station. When that doesn’t help, I turn it off and
push myself back into my seat.

Wanna talk about it?”
Sarah asks me finally.

I just don’t get it. I
thought that if I finally saw them with my own eyes it would be a
relief. Instead, it’s a kick to the gut!” I say dramatically as I
lay my seat back.

Well face it Abby, it
still hurts to see the truth. I think part of you was hoping that
they weren’t really sneaking around behind your back with each
other. It would still piss anyone off, especially if it’s your best
friend and your boyfriend.”

Thanks, I feel much
better.” I say sarcastically. Sarah laughs until she sees my

Sorry, just being real
here. I think you feel worse because you know in your heart that
you’re guilty too. And you have every right to feel guilty, but
honestly I didn’t see you making it past graduation. So, what
better time to break up than now, that way you can go to prom with

He hasn’t asked me yet.”
I say quietly.

Oh please Abby, he will.
Especially now that you and Brady are history. And yes, there is a
God!” She yells, proudly. I playfully punch her shoulder. She grabs
it dramatically and says, “Ouch that really hurt!”

Sarah shut up! You’re so
mean.” But I can’t help and laugh along with her. It’s times like
these that I’m grateful for a sister like Sarah. She may be younger
than me but she’s wise beyond her years. And she knows how to make
me laugh.

Are you hungry?” She asks
me after she stops laughing at herself. I nod, realizing I actually
am hungry. “Yes.”

Where are we going?” I
ask as I notice she turns around and goes the opposite

You’ll see.” She has a
mischievous grin on her lips and I can’t help but wonder what she’s
up to. I realize where we’re going once we pull up in front of
Lucas’s house. Sarah honks her horn twice. “Sarah, what are we
doing here?”

Picking your boyfriend
up, duh!” She answers and I glare at her, still unsure of her plan.
Lucas comes out of his front door and walks out to my car with a
big grin on his face. It is a beautiful sight to see, so I smile
back as he opens the back door and slides in.

Howdy, ho ladies.” He
says, and he winks at me. I feel a blush creep on my

So what’s going on?” I
ask him with a curious grin.

Well, we’re all hungry so
I thought we should all grab a bite to eat. I mean since everyone
knows about you and Lucas, well at least the important people do I
figure it’s safe to go out and have a proper meal together.” She
smiles and I can’t help but feel grateful for her sneaky plan. I
sit back in my seat and feel Lucas’s hand caress my right side. I
shiver from his touch. He uses his thumbs to slowly caress in a
circular motion one way, then pauses and does it the other way.
It’s all I can do to just sit and behave, without feeling the urge
to pounce on him in my back seat.

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