BAD APPLE: The Complete Series (Parts 1-5) (9 page)

BOOK: BAD APPLE: The Complete Series (Parts 1-5)
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Chapter Three


              I’ve officially lost my mind and I have six people to blame for it. Eight, if I include myself and Mama Novac, who has taken to calling me three times a day for the last three weeks after Leo told her what his asshole brother did.

Now I’m either sneaking around at the bakery or double-locking my doors to escape her. Not that I don’t love the little dynamo, God knows I do, but she’s relentless.

So relentless I almost broke my neck one night when I got into bed, truly exhausted and ready to pass out cold, only to hear a tapping at the window. When I opened my eyes and saw that sweet little wrinkled face grinning at me, I screamed so loud I tasted blood. And then I fell off the bed, which prompted my maniac cat to make another go for me.

And why the hell does it feel like Mike Tyson had a round or two with my boobs?

“Ohh, battle stations, ladies. Riri is on the rag and ready to tag a bitch,” Liza yells the minute I stomp out of the kitchen and straight toward the coffeepot, my cheeks burning when a few male customers cough and chuckle beneath their breaths, casting me hesitant looks.

Looks that have my nerves screaming for an outlet.

I haven’t allowed myself to react at all since I walked out of that closet and Misha let me walk away. Part of me broke a little more when he just sat there and watched me go.

I’m ashamed to admit that I had silly visions of him chasing after me and begging me to stay.

I consoled myself with thoughts of him turning up at my apartment and telling me that the kiss wasn’t what I really saw.

When that didn’t happen that night, or the next several, I’d finally gotten the message and eaten seven cupcakes and a can of cream.

              “Stop staring at me and get your freaking stuff before I ban you all and fire these assholes,” I threaten, burning my tongue on a sip of coffee just as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum come strolling in, Vadim throwing Nik a hot look before those eyes land on me.

This has been my life for three weeks.

If it’s not them telling me or showing me pictures of Mr. Pathetic—he looks terrible—it’s the man, himself, sending me flowers and gifts, calling me a hundred times a day and leaving voice mails that I’ve saved but haven’t had the heart to listen to yet.

Why are men so utterly brainless that they think a bunch of weeds will make everything better? And, incidentally, I have allergies that make me swell like a balloon.

              “Hey, little sister, you feeling okay today?” Vadi asks, almost making me chuckle at the fearful look he can’t fully hide.

I know what I’m like when I’m in a bad mood, and it resembles something evil and terrifying.

Suddenly, I feel my face crumple a second before a wail leaves my mouth. I cry for the risk I took and the loss I suffered, for my father’s coldness and the way he keeps slamming the phone down on every call. I cry for my brothers who refuse to answer my messages and the way Feliks had his doorman chase me away like a dog yesterday when I lost patience and tried to go see him at home.

Most of all, I cry because I haven’t gotten my period like I was supposed to, and I know what it means.

“S’not fair,” I moan as Vadi starts cursing and backing away. “All I wanted to feel were cramps, ya know. Just one measly little cramp!” I yell, almost losing it when Leo’s eyes go wide and they both start looking around, backing away slowly as if a bomb’s about to detonate and rip them a new one.

This would be funny if my aching breasts didn’t choose that exact moment to give off another twinge and my stomach didn’t heave a little.

I don’t know how this has happened. I take my pill every single day at exactly the same time, not a minute later

Maybe it’s the stress and the half a tub of cream cheese you ate this morning.

Please, Jesus, let that be it, because I swear to the heavens and even the dark fires of Hades that if I’m brewing a little blond Russian right now, someone will answer for it.

“Oh honey, come here, let Mama Nik make it all feel better,” I hear as I’m engulfed in her strong arms.

She smells of jasmine and fabric softener as I fall into her and cry, giggling hysterically when the bell rings and the sound of beating feet reaches my ears.

Tat snorts and I feel Nik’s body quaking as Liza barks a laugh and lays a comforting hand over my shoulder.

“Men are such weaklings. Give them a hormonal woman and they run like they’re on fire.”

I find my humor restored somewhat and start laughing hard, my entire body shaking with mirth and the sobs I just can’t seem to hold back any longer.

“It’s…I didn’t…that’s the problem,” I wail again, cringing at the spectacle I’m causing as regulars continue to file in, watching me with a concern and discomfort that would make me laugh if not for the death threats Tat keeps handing out if anyone so much as says a word to me right now.

“Honey, I know that everything that’s happened so far has been a hard and fast lesson. Believe me, I fully understand wanting to kick Misha’s balls so hard his dentist will meet them, but you have got to stop hiding and face him eventually. This bottling-your-emotions-up strategy is not working,” Liza croons.

“Yeah, I mean we all know you’re a crier, and we love that about you because it makes the rest of us look somewhat normal, but you’ve been floating around here either half dead inside or going a mile a minute to get things done. You need to stop and think a little here. And you’re scaring me.”

“It’s not that, Nik. I mean, sure, I am really angry and hurt and stuff, but…it’s just that my family still won’t see me, I have an appointment with that woman who found my birth mother’s records, and…I didn’t my period when I was supposed to.”

My words have the house silent and I can practically feel their eyes stretching as the truth sinks in.

Before complete pandemonium breaks out.

Then I have three squealing, totally incomprehensible maniacs attacking me with hugs and kisses before Tat grabs my shoulders and starts shaking the hell out of me.

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier? There’s so much to do! Okay, people, make your choices and make them quickly. I’d suggest getting as much as you can carry ‘cause we’re closing early for the day.”

The grumbling starts immediately and I see a few of the regulars grabbing their phones as they start calling their buddies, letting them know that shit is going down.

It’s only about nine now and lunchtime isn’t far away. If the doors are closed on that crowd, something I haven’t done since I opened them, there could be riots.

It takes no less than twenty minutes before the entire shop is full and I see people frantically searching the display cases, trying to cut the line, acting like animals as Nik stands at the door to refuse entry to other patrons.

By the time the blood bath is over, the place is empty and the fur of us are exhausted.

“Okay, first order of business. Drugstore, doctor, and then a shit ton of coma-inducing donuts. Don’t argue,” Nik growls as they pull me into the kitchen, just as I hear the doors rattle.

I’m on the verge of going out there and waving whoever it is away when I hear Liza choke out a giggle and push me back. The doors rattle again, harder, and then I hear that distinctive Russian drawl cursing a blue streak.

“Irina, angel! Open the doors. What has happened to make you cry? Are you okay? If your brothers have harmed you again I will beat them to death.”

The girls all gasp before turning to me. Then I’m forced to lay it all out for them, and I watch Tatiana’s eyes narrow dangerously.

“It was an accident, Tat. He didn’t mean—”


“God help me,” I mutter when the doors rattle so hard, I’d be nervous if not for the fact that he had a door installed that would survive a tornado.

“I’ll make his miserable life even more of a misery. How dare he just walk away like that! And how dare you keep all of this to yourself? We’re supposed to be sisters, Ri.”

“I know, Tat, and I appreciate you guys, a lot. I just don’t want to talk about them at the moment. I have more on my plate right now than I can handle.”

              Like the fact that I could be a mother soon.

Chapter Four


It’s the moment of truth, I think as the three crones I love so dearly lean over my shoulder, Nik’s hands holding on to the first test with a death grip as we hold our breaths.

Then I know the results. I fall to my knees and start filling Nik’s apartment with high-pitched wails.

I’m pregnant, and I’m horrified.

Nothing will be the same after this. I may be financially stable and able to have a child, but I am in no way ready for any of this. I’m in the process of thinking about calling my attorney to start divorce proceedings, my family hates me, and I’m about to find out why a mother who carried me and birthed me left me on the church steps like a piece of garbage.

How can I be a mom when I have no one to guide me?

“Oh goodness, I am so excited. I’m going to buy the little demon some baby Nikes and one of those mini baseball caps and…”

They help me up and basically carry me to the sofa, a bright green monstrosity that is so at odds with Nik’s personality, my eyes cross with confusion whenever I see the darn thing.

I’m in shock right now and have to stifle a scream when the door starts rattling and the pounding of fists echoes through the little space.


The man is like a steamroller, trampling and stomping over everyone and everything in his path. You’d think my rejections and outright refusal to so much as breathe the same air as him would have stopped him from pursuing me. Instead, he’s even more determined.

Damned interfering brothers of his must have rushed right to him and told him about my sob fest, which I now laughingly have to admit must have been upsetting.

“Don’t make a sound and he’ll go away,” I hiss at the gaping trio, narrowing my eyes at their amusement when I hear the click of the lock and watch in horror as the door swings open, revealing an unkempt Misha and the two hyenas behind him.

“This is straight-up awkward. And really cute at the same time.”

“Shut up, Liza!”

The fact that he just picked a lock doesn’t surprise me. Hell, nothing about this man does, except the regret shimmering in the depths of those blue eyes.

“I think you should give us a moment, ladies. Please.”

“No, just—”


Just like that the softness is gone as he gives them a look and his tone changes, going hard and authoritative. Unsurprisingly, Tat takes up her mantle of protector and glares at him, sniffing loudly as Eliza and Nik throw looks at Leo and Vadim.

“You’re an asshole who doesn’t deserve a minute of her time.”

“You’re a no-good cheating toad who doesn’t understand the meaning of your vows.”

              “She’s way too good for your cheating ass and we all know it. I can’t believe I wanted to help you win her back, you shit eater.”

That last statement has me grinning and I watch his eyes narrow a second before the goon squad marches forward and leans in to whisper into the women’s ears.

Suddenly, I’m left alone with him, drowning in the sight of his handsome face and his dishevelled hair. Strangely at peace for the first time in weeks.

Longing aches within my burning chest. Once, just weeks ago, I woke to see his face beside mine on the pillow, his arm slung over me, his hand cradling my ass, and I thought I had finally found something worth needing.

              “What do you want already? Can’t you take a hint? I. Do. Not. Want. You. You’re a sleazy liar and I don’t have to have you in my life if I don’t want you.”

My words are like acid, and I see him flinch before he steels his spine and stalks forward, his jaw ticking with emotion as he comes over me, hemming me in with hands planted on the sofa back.

“I have made a dire error, one I will rectify immediately, Irina, but never, ever look at me and tell such lies. I have warned you of lying to me, wife. I do not like it. Now let us be clear on one thing. You are coming home today. Mama is beside herself with worry and Papa is talking about disowning me for losing you so quickly.”

Like I give a shit. One of Mama’s rambling phone calls revealed that Mr. Asshat is in the dog box and banned from family dinners on Sunday. I like that. I like knowing that I am not the only one suffering for his actions.

“No, I am going home, to my apartment, and calling my lawyer in the morning to start filing those divorce papers.”

“You think I will allow this, my angel?”

I shove him away and surge to my feet, rounding on him with every scrap of anger that’s been building inside me since I found out that my knight is nothing more than a beat-up dragon intent on burning me.

“And you think I’d just meekly let everything go, just forget what you did because you will it so? Get a clue, Misha. I walked in on you kissing another woman, who incidentally is tattooed all over your back with two dates beneath it that led me to believe she was dead. Imagine my surprise when I not only realized she’s alive, but that she’s been invited to lick your tonsils clean. Oh and forgive me for taking exception to that little episode, seeing as I just so happen to be married to you,” I hiss, getting as far away from him and that damn seductive scent of his as possible.

Misha’s face goes hard and I watch him slide a hand through his already messy hair in frustration at the distance I’m putting between us.

“Angel, you do not understand.”

“You’re right, I don’t. I don’t understand why you pursued me so determinedly in the first place when you had no intentions of being my husband, and I certainly don’t understand how you can be upset with me when you did this! I gave you a chance to explain, I went so far as to give you time to tell me why and how you ended up shoving your tongue in her throat, and all I got was silence. A silence I am smart enough to have assumed was due to your lack of reasoning. You have no excuse for it, and while a part of me keeps saying, ‘Oh, it was just one tiny kiss,’ I keep thinking of what you would have done if it had been me sucking some other man’s lips off his face.”

That hits him where it counts and I feel satisfaction when he tenses and goes pale.

“No other will ever touch you, Irina,” he says through gritted teeth, those eyes intense at just the thought of another man taking what he considers his.

I’m being spiteful when I move closer—so close that I feel his heat seep into my skin.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Novac. I’ll do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want to. You’re no longer anything to me. Not husband, not lover, not friend.”

              “You think it will be so easy to walk away from me, from what we have?”

“And what’s that? I married a man I don’t know, a man who would rather fuck me blind in the hopes of shutting me up than share himself with me.”

“Your language, Irina!”

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” I yell, sneering unattractively. “I wanted to be your friend because I knew we had no hope of anything more than friendly banter and a surface relationship. That’s who you are, Misha. You don’t share yourself, but all the while you take everything I have to give and demand more. And I would have been okay with that. I would have waited till you could love me back and give me more, but you…you’re a liar and a cheat. You cheated me of my pride and made me feel like less, and you let that floozy you were inhaling make me feel that way.”

His fists are clenched and that fallen-angel face of his tenses, shutting down and hiding all emotion so quickly that my throat thickens with the need to cry. Even now, as I spill my guts, the man is incapable of anything more than making demands and closing himself off.

“I made a mistake, one I regret—”

“One you regret only because I walked in and caught you?”

“It was just a stupid kiss!”

If he could just accept that it was so much more, I could maybe forgive him. Hell, I know I could, but just the fact that the man is so cold and intent on keeping himself closed off from me is the second nail in his coffin.

              “And that’s where you are wrong. It was a woman who’s more to you than a fling. A woman who takes up half of your body. Both of you were reconnecting and re-forging a bond you have never bothered to give me. I don’t know why you wanted me, what you got from it, or where you thought this would go, but I will tell you this, Misha Novac. I will never allow another man to rule me. My father and brothers did it my whole life, only I could handle that because the sweet idiots loved me. You don’t, and I won’t spend my life being played by the likes of you.”






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