Bad Boy Christmas: Box Set (8 page)

Read Bad Boy Christmas: Box Set Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Bad Boy Christmas: Box Set
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“You taste so good, sweetheart,” he said in his deep, husky voice.

In tune with her thoughts he got to his feet and moved in front of her so that his crotch was directly before her eyes. “Remove my jeans and underwear.”

Reaching up, she unfastened each button until she revealed his black briefs and his enticing bulge. In a hurry to capture her prize, she pushed his jeans to his feet. He kicked them aside. She took a deep breath, and gripping the edges of his underwear, she pulled it down, freeing his cock. And what a fine cock it was. She’d worship this work of art with no hesitation whatsoever. In a rush, she shoved his briefs down to his feet, and he stepped out of it.

“Nice.” She nuzzled the dark curls above his cock, drinking in his intoxicating male scent as she wrapped her fingers around his length. A good nine inches—she’d bet her last pair of edibles on that.

Her tongue darted out and she licked his cock. He sucked in his breath and caught her head between his hands. “Not yet. You’re going to bathe me first.” Then, he gently pulled Kate to her feet, tugging down one cup of her red lace bra. One breast popped out, revealing its treasure. “Perfect.” He fondled the nipple with his thumb. “Damn perfect.”

She moaned at the sensual feel of his callused hand stroking her breast, and in one deft movement he undid the front clasp of her bra.

“Hell, yes.” Nick pushed her bra from her shoulders, his gaze focused on her breasts. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

Her gaze dropped to his big cock, thick and rigid as ever. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. “Sit.” He guided her to the rock he’d been sitting on earlier. “I’m going to strip you naked.”

Butterflies scattered through her belly as she eased onto the smooth boulder. Its surface felt cool and smooth beneath her bare ass, but her core was definitely hot and throbbing.

He knelt between her knees, pushing her thighs apart so that her legs were splayed wide. “You smell so good, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to taste all of you.” She widened her thighs, feeling entirely wanton.

“These are so sexy.” Nick’s warm hand brushed her bare flesh as he carefully unfastened one garter. “I almost hate to take them off.”

He peeled the stocking down her thigh, brushing his fingers along the inside of her knee. Kate moaned as he moved further down, his slow and sensual touches driving her crazy. He left the stocking bunched up at her ankle, then moved his hands to the clasps on her other leg. When he’d pushed the stocking down to her ankle he pressed his face firmly between her thighs and audibly inhaled.

“I love your perfume. Honeysuckle and woman.” With a nod of approval, he reached for the waistband of her garter and underwear. “Lift up,” he instructed as he pulled them down over her hips. She complied, closing her thighs to help him slide the garments down her legs, knees, and each stiletto-clad foot.

When he finished he pressed his hands against the inside of her knees, pushing her thighs as wide as she could go. He rocked back on his heels as his gaze rested on her swollen lips. He continued looking, at her naked breasts, her belly and stopping at her fully exposed clit. “Trimmed.” He reached out, running a finger through the strip of light brown curls on her mound. “Nice.”

She trembled, wanting him to taste her. Instead, he backed up and grabbed one of her feet. For a man with such big hands, he unbuckled the delicate strap of her Choo stiletto with amazing speed. He removed the heel, and then the other one, along with the stockings he’d left around her ankles.

“Come on.” He brought her to her feet in the cool grass, his arms around her, her nipples brushing his chest. “I’ve got work for you now.”

“Work?” She leaned into him, her body still trembling.

With a sexy grin, he stroked a strand of hair from her face. “You’re going to bathe me.” Before she could respond, he scooped her up in his arms and held her against his muscled chest. She clung to him as he turned and carried her toward the pool, stepped into the water, and slowly waded in.

While bracing herself for the chill, he let her down into the waist-deep pool. Surprisingly, it was the perfect temperature, so deliciously refreshing. Then, he moved to the side of the pool, and reached beneath a small rocky overhang she hadn’t noticed earlier.

Moments later he called out, “Over here.”

She was surprised at how much she enjoyed the game, and how excited it made her. “Yes, Master.”

He waited as she approached him. When she reached his side he said, “Just a sec,” and dove under the water and then resurfaced, flinging his wet hair out of his eyes and splattering her at the same time.

Kate wiped the water from her face. “What would you have me do now?”

He eased onto the underwater bench built beneath the overhang and indicated the bottle of shampoo behind him. “Wash my hair.”

After Kate squirted a generous amount of coconut-scented shampoo onto one hand, she set the bottle down and smoothed the shampoo onto Nick’s hair. “Yeah, that’s it.” He gave a sigh of satisfaction as she soaped his head and massaged his scalp. It’d been a long night fighting that blaze and he was short on sleep. But something about her gave him a sense of renewed vitality.

When she finished washing his hair he rinsed the shampoo out and instructed her to scrub his body. She squeezed mango soap onto a loofa sponge, working the lather over his body.

“This smells wonderful. You have great hands.” He raked his gaze over her body. “Among other things.”

“You work out regularly, don’t you?” She rubbed the sponge over his back.

“Just about every day.” He shrugged his powerful shoulders. “There’s a weight room at the firehouse. And of course there’s a great workout facility here at TLC.”

Kate moved in front of him, standing between his thighs. With an expression of concentration on her face, she scrubbed his shoulders. “Stand up.” He cocked one eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes. “Stand up, please, Master.”

“That attitude’s gonna cost you.” Nick eased to his feet until he was towering over her. “Just as soon as you finish the job.”

She nibbled on her lower lip as she rubbed the sponge across his chest and down his flat stomach. When she reached his cock she paid special attention to it, scrubbing around the wiry curls, then easing her hand up and down his shaft. “You’re so big,” she murmured. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

Lust surged through Nick. He grabbed her around the waist, lifted her up, and tossed her into the pool. Surprise spiraled through Kate as she flew through the air—a second later she was underwater.

She rose up, sputtering and flung her hair out of her eyes with one hand. “Bastard.”

Nick’s grin was wide and unrepentant. “That’ll cost you.” He dove into the water and resurfaced beside her. “You’re racking up quite the score.”

“Ooh—” Kate cried out as he lifted her up again, her slick skin pressed tight to his. She laughed, clinging to him, half afraid he was going to toss her. Instead, he set her down on the stone bench.

“Your turn.” Nick reached for the shampoo and began lathering her hair.

“That feels so good,” she murmured as he shampooed her hair. When he finished massaging her scalp, he worked his magic down her neck and to her shoulders, further relaxing her.

After he rinsed out her hair, he instructed her to stand and soaped her body with slow, sensual strokes of the loofa. “Your skin is so soft,” he murmured, touching and tantalizing her with each brush of his hand and the sponge.

Her nipples felt raw, every nerve ending in her body intensely aware of him. “You enjoy driving me crazy, don’t you?”

Nick laughed as he reached around her. “You also have the sexiest ass.” He rubbed the sponge over her butt in slow circles, then brought it around to wash between her thighs, barely scraping the sensitive lips of her pussy.

“You’re good at this.” She clung to his shoulder, trembling as he bathed her. “A girl could definitely be spoiled by having someone like you around.”

“I’d enjoy spoiling you, sweetheart.”

After bathing her, he reached into the hidden alcove and brought out a brush. He forced her to sit, and with slow, confident strokes, brushed out her wet hair. She’d never felt so intimate with anyone. A man had never bathed her or combed her hair, and she found the sensation exquisite. A girl could definitely fall in love with a man like Nick. She wondered what it would be like to have someone such as him in her life? And she let out a faint sigh.

“What’s that sigh about?” Nick asked, interrupting her thoughts.

Kate’s cheeks heated. “Nothing.”

“No secrets.” He caught her chin with his hand. “Got that?”

She nodded, and he released her. “I was just thinking how nice it is having you brush my hair.”

He gave her that sexy smile of his. “Very nice.”

An overwhelming sensation overtook her—even though she’d probably never see him again…she had to know more about him. “So, how did you come to work at TLC?”

With a shrug, Nick said, “I work here to help my sister with the co-pay on her medical bills. At twenty percent, they’re pretty steep for a kidney transplant.”

Again, he surprised Kate. He was a man who saved lives fighting fires, and had helped save his sister’s life by taking on another job. “Is she all right?”

“Susan’s a fighter.” He gave a proud brother grin. “Made it through the surgery like a champ, and everything’s going great now.”

“That’s awesome.” She hesitated, then asked, “When you’re finished with the bills, are you going to stay?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Nick winked. “Beautiful women, lots of sex”.

Kate’s face felt even hotter. “Oh.”

“Seriously,” he said as he tossed the brush back into the alcove, “I like making women happy.” He drew her up to her feet and pressed her wet, naked body against his. “I love making a woman’s fantasies come true.”

Her body trembled at the feel of him against her. She studied his flat nipples as she said, “You’re very good at this.”

“I take pride in my work.”

When her gaze shot up to his, he gave a soft laugh. “It’s a good feeling to know that I’ve made a woman feel satisfied.”

She smiled. “Not to mention all the sex.”

“Especially all the sex.” Nick brushed his lips over her forehead and she shivered.

The sound of a lion’s roar echoed throughout the jungle, and Kate gave a surprised yelp. Nick grinned and jerked his thumb toward the direction they’d come in from, the door now obscured from where they were at in the pool. “Dinner’s about to be served.”

Kate held her hand to her pounding heart. “I’m naked!”

“That’s our signal that food’s on the way. But we still have a little time.” As he strode from the pool, she watched the rivulets of water running down his muscled ass. The flex of his muscle, the power in his walk… He was so incredibly sexy, and all male.

He reached behind the stone alcove withdrawing green fluffy towels, and beckoned to her with one finger. “Come on out, sweetheart.”

She climbed out of the pool and onto the grass, her body flushed with awareness as his eyes focused on her, watching every movement she made. When she reached him, he handed her the towel and murmured, “It’s a shame to cover that heavenly body.”

She hid her embarrassment by concentrating on drying her face. He toweled off, then tossed it aside. “I’ll be right back.”

A sigh of sheer lust escaped her as he vanished into the foliage. She was going to have to thank Cheryl when the night with her jungle god ended. Too bad she couldn’t just take him home and keep him.

When Nick reappeared from behind a palm tree, her eyebrows shot up. He’d slipped on one of her favorite holiday designs: a gold and red thong, an edible creation called “Holiday Delight” that tasted like candy canes.

Oh, my. Her mouth watered as he approached, her gaze fixed on the way the thong cradled his erect cock. Good thing she’d included an extra-large size in her suitcase.

The corner of his mouth curved into a smile as her eyes met his. “They look good on you,” she said.

This time a panther cry echoed through the jungle. “Dinner’s here.” He handed her a boutique bag and gestured to the alcove. “Change behind there while room service sets up.”

She watched him stride for the door, then quickly slipped into the secluded area and swallowed hard. She pulled out the feminine version of “Holiday Delight” a miniscule green and gold thong that also tasted like candy canes. Her edibles were exceedingly well made and intended for light play before being eaten. They had the texture and feel of vinyl, but were melt-in-your-mouth delicious.

She bit the inside of her lip as she pulled the thong into place. From out of the bag Kate withdrew the peignoir Nick had picked out for her and slipped it on. “Stardust” was one of her favorites, a frothy confection made of a sheer gold fabric that glittered with every movement she made.

A sumptuous meal spread out on a blanket beneath a pair of palm trees appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The most incredible smells met her nose—charcoal grilled shrimp and freshly baked bread, and her stomach grumbled.

When he came from beside her, she turned to see his smile. “I’d say we’d better get some food into you.” His gaze traveled up and down her length and he took her hand. “Mmmm. Personally, I’m looking forward to dessert.”

Her stomach flip-flopped as he led her to the blanket that was filled with platters of grilled salmon, skewers of jumbo shrimp, as well as countless varieties of cheese, and dozens of seafood samples on dainty gold forks.

He smiled as he settled on the blanket beside her and selected a piece of Havarti on a lacy-edged cracker, and brought it to her lips. “Open up.”

Nick focused intently on Kate as she complied. His cock was already hard, but watching her take small bites of the cheese gave him the mental image of her tasting the edible underwear he had on. When she ate the last bite, her tongue darted out and licked his finger, and he swore his cock was going to burst out of his thong.

A crumb landed on her chin. He leaned forward, lapping at it with his tongue. “Delicious,” he murmured.

The meal continued with them feeding one another until they were both so hot, he was sure their edible undies were going to melt before they got the chance to try them out. After they ate Josef’s sensational chocolate-dipped cherries and raspberries for dessert, Nick stood and ordered Kate to get on her knees before him. He was getting a kick playing at being her Master.

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